The First Evolution

Chapter 2, Xue Mei Niang Bomb

Under normal circumstances, it is like a hilly giant's low-class civilization in front of the advantages of higher civilization, it is only possible to be crushed!

Unless it occupies an absolute advantage in quantity, it will lead to the previous D group directly to be defeated in a short time.

But the problem is that these damn hilly giants should go to the red clouds .......

At this time, there was a question in the heart, and it started to pretend in the front of the front. At the same time, it began to lay the firepower. It is indeed a defensive position, which is high, and the terrain is relatively narrow. The top can only accommodate two hilhouses. The giant is paid in parallel.

Tarren has shot his hand:

"GOGOGO, young people, you only have ten minutes and even shorter time to place the position, I advise you to be in this case, because this is likely to be your life!"

Fang Lin Yan three people were also left at this time, they did not compete for any favorable position.

Because the three people think of it, I am afraid that there is a contractor's involvement. The rescue team will be seized so fast, so there is no doubt that now they have a low-key, and they will be hostile for those hostiles. The greater the harm of contractors.

After about 78 minutes, I saw the evacuated D group member, but the eleven people left behind, there were only four people left, two of them were already blood staining armor. Need to be supported.

Fanglin Rock and vulture have taken the lead in rushing out and meets two wounded and asked:

"How did your defense are broken?"

One of the people who lived happened to Fanglin Rock, Ali, he is the vice captain of the D group, at this time, there is a bloody, but it is quite agile and powerful, it should be affected.

Ali saw that Fanglin Yan, a splendor spit out a blood sputum, biting his teeth:

"The damn, the hill giants are too embarrassed!"

Fang Lin Yan listened to it, almost hated his neck, let him finish, how these guys have a law!

As a result, the wounded by the vulture is sad:

"The guy of the penguin is wrong! He missed one thing!"

Penguin is the outer number of these soldiers to Bai Ruid, the reason is that Bai Ruode usually likes to wear a tuxedo, and some deliberately want to make a gentleman's style and a big man's manner, but his mercenary identity is incompatible, as funny penguin.

Obviously, this wounded is also a big material, and his grievance is also visible, otherwise it will not call the nickname of the team's second figure in front of so many people.

And this wounded didn't sell Guan Chi, soon the answer was out:

"Attacking us, not only the old hilly hilly, because all the hilly giants need to go to the Red Plus Taiwan to function, there are some hilly trolls that have been robbed to successfully pregnant, they will choose to stay! "

His sentence suddenly opened the answer, yes, the hilly giant captured the Ning Shenhua in the Red Plut, and was to increase the females of females.

However, there is a very small number of hilly giants that have enough pregnant females in their nest - usually more than two, then they will be honest, and they are responsible for food. They guarded these females on one side, prohibiting them to make things harmful to the fetus.

Although these guys are definitely a few, they are absolutely can't say, and they are in conjunction with those dead bags and old hilly hi people, there is no doubt is a big trouble.

After all, once the flock has a leading lion, then the combat power that has broke out is not small!

What's more, Fanglin Rock is facing or a hill giant and a bag of wolves?

At this time, the ground is slightly shocked, and the hiking hill giant has pushed a few walls, and the flame is observed, and then the big step is pursued.

There is no doubt that they will continue to baptize the rain, just in front of the adult hilly giant has taken a huge stone shield to block in front of the body, this, greatly reduce the killing of bullets .

However, the pain also makes them violent, then Fanglinyan knows how the D group falls ...

Several hilly giants have grasped the bag wolves under the feet, and the fierce is aligned here. If there is no bag, then you will grab the side of the stone.

These bags were very smooth when they were thrown out, and they will take the initiative to pursue the body in the half empty. From the hilly giant's hand, it is usually to fight against the defense position, which is also mixed with a small size of the head. Suddenly there is a good The machine gun was bent.

More decent, these will be grateful after the bags of the bags of the weapons. Although most of them are in the landing, pain will make them more fierce.

"I rely on! These damn guys are so good!"

"Head! Come again! ... Flash!"

"Pounds! Pounds! Pounds ...! ...!"

"This dead wolf actually spit on me, ah, my eyes."


If it is more powerful, body type, the bag is really more than some of the rotten wolf, but it still has a unique ability, that is, like alpaca / cobra, there is a short distance of remote attack.

The bag of wolves can spray themselves to anywhere within three meters, and the precision is very high.

After spraying by the nausea of ​​this stuff, people will have a burning burn feeling, but if they don't splash into the eyes, it is just the injury of the flesh, only once they fall, lose a week or more, the weight is directly Ogh.

Although every bag can only spurt one or two in a short time, there is no number of these guys!

As the number of bag wolves on the position is more and more, the situation began to develop rapidly, and the three people in Fanglin have passed with Coyuke, but the bag of the bags around Kelock is too small. It was made into brain shakes near, so it didn't have a chance to show its "talent".

The defensive work of herbs is destroyed by the hilly giant throw, after all, in addition to the bag, there are stone.

This hilly giant's offensive is fierce comparable to the stone car. Many team members after hiding in the wood bun are also mixed with wood. The scene is like a bowling, and the inner people are hidden. Hold the head to escape, and make a group.

Seeing that the human beings in the entire position have become a pot of porridge. The hilly huge people who have the hose will lift the giant sticks in their hands.

However, this time I left the defense, it is not the public, but at least the elite of the rescue team, just in the hilly giant, Tarren suddenly shouted:

"After three seconds, release the tearful bomb, the firepower! Ready to use the solar thorn."

Soon, the gray-white fog of tearnel play is spread on the position. In the case of preparing, human beings can still have it in this mist, but for the bag, such an environment is directly for them. The olfactory system caused a ton of injury.

Almost all the bag wolves have sobbing pain in a short time, followed by highlights next to the highlights, the two glare rays shine, just like a sunlight of 10,000 times.

In the next second, the head sprint two hilly giants of the front side is directly gasified!

The pangar body without a head can still rush out of seven or eight meters, then lose the balance, and the body is twitched on the rock wall, the body twitched!

This is the horror destructive power of the sun in the Tarrenkou, of course, the price is expensive to limit the cause of this stuff.

And the official is also strictly controlled by this weapon, unless the military can use this weapon with legal and reasonable use of this weapon, once it caught, it will be severely punished.

Even if this is the case, the stuff in Tarlen's high price is also a castrated version, only maintains shooting accuracy within 30 meters, and every time you attack, you will have a long time to charge.

With the fire of the sun, the rest of several dispersion fire points began to spray out of the tongue.

The whistling bullets were pushed out, and the death of the companion did not scare the remaining three hilly giants. They opened their legs, and they were bullied, and the tough outer skin and the strong muscle tissue were provided. Powerful protectiveness, you can't get a fatal role in these giants.

Fight, a hilly giant jumped high, and when fell, rude rude legs, full of explosive legs, to put on the ground, one of the unlucky eggs under the bottom is like being treated with tomatoes, surrounded There were also many shocking red liquids that were splashing on the rock wall.

Next, while roaring in the hilly giant mouth, he rushed into the periphery on the side of the wolf to teeth, and the things to see the event along the way are a mess, and even the wolf is not letting. Just hit the people.

The hilly giant rushing into the position is a terrible nightmare. They raise the wolf tooth in their hands, and they will open the bow in a row, along with the dramatic foot kicking, almost no People are the enemy of their one.

In this case, in this case, it was forced to retreat and even had many people who didn't have time to dodge. They were directly killed or flying, and the situation was chaos a pot of porridge in an instant.

It is even a warrior to avoid, and the giant that is killed red, even the voice can not be sent, and they are screwed by the giants, and then take their heads down to lose their mouths. The shape is fierce,

In the face of these breakthroughs, the warrior, the warrior present is also blushing, and it has been excited to have a tenacious fighting spirit. They raise the guns and replaced the enemy that is close to the nail. Freental shot.

From the left and right brackets, the rain is crazy, and the tipping is on the naked body of the giant, and the blood flowers are opened, and the giant is roaring, and the east is down.

At this time, Fanglin Rock three people also found that there was no contractor in the battle, and they now and the rescue team is the relationship between the lips and the cold, and it is difficult to clean up.

Therefore, Fanglin Rock and the people next to him greeted, and the high-tech wave knife next to him rushed over. This stuff said that it is a knife. In fact, it is more like "Texas Killing" as the chainsaw, one Pulling the "".

In the face of a relatively cumbersome hilly, and the other side has no bag, the Baby of Fanglin Rock Gundam LV10 has played a strong role. He rolled and avoided the fierce stepping of this guy.

The movement and rate of the hill giant is simply playback of slow motion in his eyes.

However, in the eyes of the rest, Fanglin Rock's movements are very thrilling, almost completely on luck to avoid the hilly giant's step.

Looking at the huge foot of the odor is almost posted with his ridge, almost everyone sucks a cold breath. To know, this hilly giant's big toe, there is also a stick of blood and white The scalp of turbid liquid!

As the saying goes, the dragons are not in the middle, and the consequences are serious, and this hilly giant is not in the middle, and it also pays a heavy cost.

Because after avoiding this hit, Fanglin Rock directly jumped up, and then aligned the high-tech wave knife in his hand!

The principle of high-frequency weapons is a cold weapon that is heated by high frequency vibrating particles, allowing objects from particles and molecular weights.

Name as long as it is a basic particle consisting of things that cannot be opened. (Advertising slogan)

Just because it is huge, it is quite cumbersome. The overall weight is almost more than 50 kilograms, so it can be used as a knife, and there are not many people who use it, or you have to use deep transformation of the body.

Fanglin Yan himself jumped up half a meter. His heroes were almost about two meters, so this is actually more than three meters high!

Although the hill giant is highly amazing, the position of the crotch will not leave the ground three meters ..... So Fang Lin Ran's consequences, it is to hear the horrible scratches that came above, and then feel above rain.

Of course, it is blood mixed with the rest of the liquid, followed by this hilly giant lost the balance, then grabbed the crotch, and then rolled down on the ground! Take your head on the stone.

Soon, it is a breath that it is a breath, which can only convulsive on the ground.

After Fanglinyan's strongest hilly giant, the remaining two old-age hilly giants is far less than this adult. At this time, the human team began to account for an overwhelming absolute advantage, and the rough wolf tooth stick is not a firearm. Righteous opponent ...

After the messy guns lasted for a while, the two cigarettes were also pouring the soft smoke that braved dense.

Everyone in the field saw this scene, all of which had long, there is a feeling of the loss of rest after robbery.

At this point, a person who can move to Fanglin Rock, some of which have hit him, some and he hit him, and he respects:

"Good, wrench, I really didn't think you can actually be single."


"That's cool! I swear, I have seen the coolest action, no one."

"Your fearless is worth learning."

"I owe you a feeling, no you have killed the big guy, the people in the scene have to die."


It has always been a little smile in this Fanglin Rock, which is usually extended to the fists and hit them, and responds.

In this team, it is not a bad thing in this team, and the leadership is a considerable help for the next action.

At this time, Tarren also came over and patted the shoulders of Fanglin Rock:

"That is very cool, after the operation, I will apply for a bonus!"

Then Tarren began to pat your palm and shouted:

"Move it, the young people, fix our bunkers and work, but they will bear those terrible attacks in the next period of time, and these attacks will fall on your handsome or crotch."

"The hill giant's visual is general, but their sense of smell is very good, so our time is very limited!"

Tarren's words immediately made people move, in the previous battle, the left-behind team was obvious, seriously injured five people, death three people, after all, the japo and giant attacks are rumored.

Not only that, the two of the serious injuries are already in a state of being, but they are relying on strong intentions to stay.

Fortunately, I have a psychological preparation, I know that it is to change money, so morale is still possible.

The next probably two minutes, and another old hilly giant rushed over, but for teams that have been familiar with their attack models, such impact is far less than enough, can only be taken to send Vegetable.

As far as the current situation, the team that occupied the land, at least can defend the three hills giants, but the next estimate is no longer fighting, but the hilly giant of the two bats came, then it is true. It is a dish.

The next will soon arrived at the 50 minutes of the provisions of Kenne, and everyone was relieved at this time. Once you are not right, the two bombs can also at least compete for ten minutes.

After another 10 minutes later, everyone has begun to whisper, and the heart is almost all in the actions of Kenny's people.

Tarren also missed someone to float, immediately showed:

"Let's do your own things! Don't think about it, we have almost intercept all the enemies of the left behind, and there is no problem in the head."

And after the Tarlen said, I suddenly heard a loud noise in the distance, the ground was slightly shocked, and even the construction of the long-lost in the next year was directly collapsed.

Then there is a gust of white mushroom clouds that have emerged from one kilometer, and the mushroom cloud is a unique orange red, which seems to have a few unique beauty.

I saw this explosion, and the veterans showed it:

"Is this a kind of snow Mei Niang?"

Snow Mei Niang is another kind of high-explosive bomb that is called: the whole nitrogen anti-substance bomb, because the mushroom cloud appeared after detonation and a popular trend dessert: Xue Mei Niang is similar.

In fact, the power of this thing is very amazing, and the biggest feature of the snow Mei Niang bomb is that power can be very accurate.

The enemy in its explosion will suffer a horrible blow, but the energy leaked in the explosion is less pitiful.

Among the publicity advertisements, after destroying a truck with a snow Mei Niang bomb, a human body model wearing a windbreaker from the truck is still safe! Such control is really amazing.

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