At that time, Fanglin Rock saw the information of the Snow Mei Niang bomb, I was somewhat interested in this thing. I found it after I found out that the source of her killing is very different from ordinary bombs.

The killing of ordinary bombs is stem from expansion, explosion! The killing of Snow Mei Niang has been reversed, and its power is mainly caused by anti-substances, which is similar to that of a micro temporary black hole.

Therefore, its killing radius and power are the biggest at the beginning, and the subsequent mushroom clouds are already an end.

Of course, Snow Mei Niang is a unique excitement because of its specialty ------ only one arms can produce it ------ therefore the price is extremely expensive.

A snow Mei Niang, you can buy a twenty-seated sun, it can be seen that Kenny is really a blood book.

After seeing the snow Mei Niang detonated, Tarren's face has changed, first screaming a few times, and found that it is unable to contact it with the order:

"Hey, Lev! Yes, you, you stay here, once those dogs are coming, you are responsible for detonating the two big fireworks to make them cool."

"Don't bargain with me, Lev, you can take a remote control to stay in 300, press the detonator, walk, you will not fall in your 0o."

"Okay, I will give you an extra bonus. Look, Flei is very meaningful to stay with you, you will not be lonely."


After getting the left-behind people, Tarren is very simply:

"All people collect, can also move with me, let's go to see what needs to help!"

Obviously, Tarren's mobilization is deep, so soon, a group of people ran quickly in the past.

It can be seen that Kenny and Bai Ruide have a very fast, and even the "burning red dining knife cuts butter" is described, almost no resistance is almost seen along the way, only one fragment is broken. The original wooden door was blown directly.

However, someone suddenly lost his voice:

"Look there!"

With the guidance of this person, I immediately saw a slope outside the five hundred meters away, and the hilly hilly giant rushed out!

It is important to know that this feature is not a disability for the hilly giant, but a strong sign, this is a unrelated elite creature.

However, if you look closely, this monster is also bruised, and it should be the end of the strong.

And this monster also made a thick stone stick, giving a man's fierce chase.

"That is Medell!" Ali shocked.

At this time, Madell, which is climbed, has been three steps and two steps.

The one-eyed hiking giant is fierce roaring, and it is rushing over, and the big rod to raise the hands and sweep it!

Obviously, Medell's skills cannot be compared with Fanglin Rock, and when the rough and original great rods come over, they have a horrible horror in the air.

Medell's ability to force, but he is still brought to the calf with a rugged bar. Suddenly, there is a balance between the entire body, and the blame is a heavy fall.

At this time, Medell only felt numbness on the right side of the whole right, and after the turn of the sky, the head hit the rock next to it, followed by a black, and lost their consciousness.

To be honest, Madell's luck is very good. The strike that is strong and sinking is not directly hit on his body. Just interrupted his right leg, but then the one-eyed hill giant reached out. The slap is trample, but it seems that he is also difficult to escape.

Ok, at this time, a series of guns sounded, and the shot was a one-eyed hijue giant's eyes. Such an attack made it angry roaring, only reached out to block, and the instinct closed.

However, in the moment of the gun, a black burly appeared from the broken wall next to it, and then jumped directly, it was Kenny!

He holds a high-tech-turn ax, turned over the air, and the shoulders of this one-eyed hijue giant were separated.

At this time, the giant is still in the state of eye-catching. It doesn't think of the human "small bug" in his eyes can actually launch a raid, so there is no prevention!

This is very heavy, and the weight exceeds one hundred kilograms, and only Kenny is a guy who has been severely mechanically transformed from himself to himself.

A horrible red light,

Single-eyed giant screams,

This is a big hurt in Kenny. The sharp ax is hit by a sharp ax. The high-Zhou Woshop ax has to the position of the lower abdomen from the shoulder. The bloody blood is evaporated by the high temperature ax in the moment. White smoke tumbles.

The terrible wound, the dark red blood suddenly turned around, the broken miserable bone slag, the skin thick yellow white fat clearly, the inclusted visceral is also in the role of gravity.

The giant's anti-death counterattack and slap in the palm of the palm, then it took a few times, step down, the mouth began to take a lot of blood, and finally fell on the ground, the next few wooden boards His huge tape is given to the shape.

It can be seen that the gloss of this guy began to fade quickly, it is obvious that the death has come on its body.

When the giant fell into a dead state, Kenny, who was flying, swayed his head, pushed the stone, the sprulgue buried on his body, and the agricultural standing, obviously there is nothing big.

Seeing this scene, Fanglinyi pupils minimally contracted, he has always seen these people of the rescue team with the mentality of "weak".

But after Kenny's ax, he found that he really underestimates this guy! The guy's attack power, the defense is not weak than the contractor, and there is still a unique powerful attribute of "Tough" "transformation", and it will increase the health of thousands of health.

If you strictly say, he is not good, there is a single power of the Wolf King -------- Of course, it is not a wolf around the ghost.

At this time, there were more than a dozen men who were armed to teeth from the rear, it was Kenny's system: steel knights, but seeing their Huang's look, not like active chasing, more like being people Like the ass.

Soon, the mystery was revealed, another fat hilly giant appeared, it is the most striking thing to have a top right old head, and the decorations on his neck are a series of heads, these The head is new, fresh is still blood, and the old has become a Sensen white bone.

Only by this guy is a strong, its head is qualified to become a pendant on necklace.

The hand holds a very strange double-headabole in his hand, and the one end of this stick is inlaid. It looks like a stick, but the other end is tied to a big stone. The contour and shape are like a war hammer.

Yes, this is the unique combat mode of the double hilly hilly, Maguar Double repair, and a brain is powerful, you can use the Staff to show the magic, give the enemy.

Once the enemy is near, it is also possible to strengthen its own bloodthirsty, and the statute of the statute is a war hammer, and it can rely on the enemy in front of the strong body and the amazing monster.

And the double giant's shoulders also took a few bloody bodies, the scenery and hunters walked out of the forest, the deer louched on the shoulders or the rabbit.

"Ah,!" "The double hilly giant roared in the fierce loudly.

With his call, a long fierce bag wolf also appeared on his side, and the head of these bags was obviously a big bigger than ordinary. And some bag wolf tails have also changed, and the ends have a black bone spline!

This variant bag is obviously unlike a common bag of wolf, and when the double giant is afraid, from time to time, look at the body of the main shoulder, and the greed is not going.

And it will also cross the companion, squatting low, for the soy, squeezing to the feet of the giant goes to the blood on the body.

Obviously, this guy is a bag of wolves, which is also unclosed elite creatures!

It is no wonder that Kenny is obviously elite, but it is like a wolf, it is like a funeral dog.

Fortunately, on the double giant and elite bag, the wolf looks like this for Kenny, I don't dare to force too close. According to Fanglin Rock guess, it should be that the "Xue Mei Niang" has been very large. relationship.

In addition, the bodies of the convulsions also played a lot of deterrence.

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