The First Evolution

Chapter 41 Ruien

After listening to this prompt, the three were not idiot, then it was very obvious, this powerful hidden milestone will inevitably be related to the blood of this.

At this time, Waden took a black thing from the body and handed over, faintly:

"This is the Witch's Wi Witch's Pharmacy, since you feel that the grass medicine bag is easy to use, you will definitely like it, because it can produce a substantial increase in the effect of the herbal bag."

This kind of thing is definitely giving the highest vulture, by him to identify the true and false. As a result, the vulture will immediately brow more than a few seconds, it seems to be a little disappointing.

Goat immediately in the team channel:

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Vulture shakes the head:

"No, just after I identification, I got prompts, saying that this time I have collected enough samples, you can get a deep identification of the herbal bag and this Wuxian device to get more information."

"However, the intelligence got will make me feel some discomfort."

After finishing the vultures, I shared the information. After seeing this information, the two of Fanglin Rock and the goat were shocked.

It turned out that Wataden was given to their herbal bags, which was actually made of gastric sacs made in special methods.

And this Wushu is a dry heart that is refined with witchcraft. It is no wonder that Fang Ran is always whimsical, and it is very strange, the result is as strange. Those !

Not only that, the owner of this heart is still a big priest of the former half-horse, it is very powerful witchcraft, and in this heart, still contains weak witchlight!

Then, Waden, showed the method of increasing: After putting the grass pill bag and the Witch's arm, then soaked in the fresh blood, you can see the Witch's Witch's Witch's Witchley began to beat it. , Absorb the essence of the blood.

Then, the blood vessels on the heart also started to spread, elongated, and finally wrapped in the herbal bag, injected the absorbed blood essence into it. In this case, the drug in the herb bag will be "blood", More powerful growth.

Looking at Wattaden's demonstration, there are some fur in the hearts, and I feel that this is a bit difficult to inquiry.

But when you are in the crucial, it is very likely to return 1 point of life is the boundaries of life and death. If you use this disgusting method to strengthen the drug, even let people go directly in the herbs Just bite a big mouth with the Wushu, can only say the word "true fragrance".

At this time, the goat is in the team channel:

"This guy did not tell the truth, or it is accurate, what should be hidden."

"In Jordan, I have said that Wadden guy is still a little famous in the half-horse tribe, with a golden blood, and is still a famous shaman, a member of the parliament, and is respected by the people."

"And the half-horse horse is very respectful, even after death, the body is still considered to be unable to destructive, and it is considered that the destruction of the body is the big disrespect against God. However, Wataden can take this at this time. Things, there must be a lot of hidden hidden in this back. "

Three people communicate in the team's channel, others can't see, Wataden seems impatient, faintly:

"These secrets I have said, even most of the priests and the elders don't know, can reveal to you, it is enough to show my sincerity, let alone, will you give you a matching Witch? "

"I may wish to tell you, the head of the stone hammer Kishas is not there, you are willing to trade, don't want to trade, don't want ..."

However, Waden's words have not been finished, directly by Fanglin Ran with practical actions, Waden directly saw two things to fly over, Wataden is very simply caught, I found that Two heads of the stone hammer of the stone hammer.

In the moment, Waden didn't say anything, and the three people saw it, then nodded, and the hoof flew.

Until Waden is completely disappeared in the darkness, the goat is a bit awkward:

"Is this here? It actually does not explain the follow-up task?"

Fang Lin Yan stared at the place where Wataden left, this slowdown:

"In fact, it has already explained the follow-up task. Now the behavior is just Jiang Taihuo fishing, one is willing to play a wish, horn is in our hands, it is not difficult to find him."

After the vultures listened to Fanglin Rock, suddenly suddenly:

"The head is also said, this guy is very insidious! It is obvious that the hidden milestone: the key props of glory is the blood of Gaia."

"This old thing is so detailed, it is also very clear, and even if it is critical, it will be to seduce us."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Yes, and the blood look of Gaia is still not ready, and it is necessary to make refining according to the formula. According to Waden's statement, you have to get the blood of Gaia, or you can kill his brothers Brandhaden , Either make a material to find him refine ------ these two things do not do not open it. "

"As long as we move against the blood of Gaia, then it will inevitably blow this corner to find it!"

I heard the analysis of Fanglin Rock, both vultures and goats were somewhat awkward, and the goat couldn't help but jealous:

"Rely, this old thing is really disil, it will not take it at a little loss."

Fanglin Rock said softly:

"I can't eat hot tofu, we don't have to worry, the town is quiet. We turn to think about it, and the blood of Gaia is just a title. If we miss it, there is nothing to punish, just miss one opportunity."

"However, Wataden missed this opportunity to kill Brand Hartton. He estimated that this life will be unfortunately, because it is a great opportunity to get out of the current wandering, reconnect the chief position! So, first Cool it is cold, let's calmrate! "

Fanglin Rock has always been extremely accurate, and the analysis is also the head. No matter the goat is still very admired, so it will put this thing on the side.

Next, goat gave the Klock to got a large piece of "saccharin ice cubes", which is more than this is a water source of red cloud platform to make it so, let it be beautiful after a sweet ice, this is the test Rocke guilty.

Next, the three people intended to meet the requirements of the Lion Wang Xiu Ma, after all, if they have been hungry, it is sure that the mood will not be too good.

What's more, this guy is not a person, but it seems that the temper is not good, and the shower will drop the closeness of the lion king.

Fang Lin Ran wants to think, I found that there is too far away from the ship's freight space. When I can't get it, I am going to be exhausted, I am forced to return to my world, that return Before it's the old man, it's not fun!

After all, the relationship between the two sides has become a cooperation rather than call!

So, it is the right thing that Ogry Malia can get the right.

Yes, Fanglin Rock is doing, that is, the full-terrain car that is destroyed by the Ogrima collection point. This car is in person with a person who has been checked. It is ruined that the transmission system, the engine and related functional system are roughly For intact, we must repair this thing, then let the continuous supply of electricity can say that the technical content is low.

For Lion Wang Xu Ma, it is equivalent to the high energy of the big fish at home, but it comes here, drink some pizza, although the calorie is very low, but the basic survival is maintained in a short time no problem.

Three people said, immediately rushed over there, and the lion Wang Xiu Ma took the energy block of the unit, it returned to 30%.

If it does not enter the battle state, the energy consumption is actually very low, so it is very simply straight to the back of the three people, and enter the fixed speed cruise rush mode. It is probably only one hour. Ogryma.

At this time, Ogry Ma was shocked, and then received the bad news from being attacked by the half-horse, so the remaining limited power was going to the Red Plus Taiwan to prepare revenge, which can be said to be unusual.

Fang Lin Yan came to the full-top-topical car that was destroyed. Looking at it carefully. I found that my judgment is really right, pull out Nikuli's toolbox, and it has its own tools to start repair.

Soon, Fanglin Rock will researchers the relevant energy system, and the result is found that this car also has 87% of the energy reserves, and then uses the electric energy converter that comes with the vehicle directly, it will pass a cable. Give the repairman.

The way to absorb electrical energy is very advanced, and can directly absorb, similar to wireless charging technology, as long as it is 50 meters in the range, the energy source is constantly adopting an output electricity.

Fanglin Rock observed that the speed of "raw energy" of the drug absorbed electric energy is not fast, and only 87% of electricity remains in the wreck of the vehicle, it is enough to suck it to the dawn.

After the dawn, the functional system of the vehicle can use the sun to make a charging, conservatively, at least two days here.

At this time, Movie came over and looked at the energy system and converter. Suddenly transformed, turned into a mechanical warrior of a lion head, followed by it. It took advantage of this all-top wreck. The big step is going up toward the mountain peak.

This is a hilloperative, even if there is a mountain peak, it is not high. It is two or three hundred meters. After going to the top of the mountain peak, the repair of the Mach is re-turned into the shape of the black lion, and there is a star in the sky. The light of the moon is quiet overlooking the earth, drought, and barren land.

Its figure seems to be with mountain peaks, occasionally swing, only behind the tail.

This pride figure gives the feeling of two words,


A lonely of deep marrow.

At this time, the toothpick bird mood stubged into the body of Machi, giving it a bristle, quietly accompanying it to see it, this seems to have acquaintance.

It is estimated that the hearts of the heart are also involved in the unforgettable past, and those who are calm and monotonous.

After a few seconds, the repairs were smashed, and the mourning screamed, she flew back, and fell in the shoulders of Fanglin Rock, and sent him to the information:

"Machi said that as long as you encounter trouble, you will rush here, as long as it is close to the area within three kilometers, it can get a promise in time."

Fanglin Rock did not expect that Machi actually remember his commitment to his own, nodded:

"Ok, no problem."

Musical Tao:

"Well, Ok, I will keep promise to follow your side, provide information for you, you can start now."


The temporary campstructed from the rescue team are actually not far, especially the three people in Fanglin Rock data, and the situation is almost just an hour.

As a result, there were two all-top-topical cars parked there after the camp. At the same time, the bonfire bears, after seeing this scene, Fanglin Ryna has a movement, is it a large team?

As a result, Fanglin rock went to see, and found that Kenny took his own embarrassment of the steel knight on the camp, Kenny did not see his expression because of his expression, but seeing his expression. The atmosphere is very enthusiastic.

After seeing the three people returned by Fanglin Rock, there were many people who took the initiative to greeted him, especially the Mi Ho none, but there was no blame Lin Yan three people to go first, but very enthusiastic, praise them. It is beautiful, and when you look at it, you can get a lot of money.

After he greeted, Fanglin Yan pulled Mili to the side, curious:

"What is going on, I see that the camp is like a New Year, the morale is large."

Mi Lo:

"We successfully received the rescue signal from Ryan! It has now been determined."

"Ha?" Fang Linqi heard this news, suddenly ate a big surprise, hurriedly asked: "What is going on?"

Mi Lo:

"I don't know much about the specific situation, but listening Titren said, it seems that Ryan himself has a hover, but because the interference on this planet is too big, it is interrupted, and it is not sent to the strong place. Signal. "

"Now that our latest news here is that Ryan is originally imprisoned in Ogryma, and later was transferred to the red clouds. ------ so we were in Ogry The raid of Ma is empty. "

When Mi was talking, the rest of the more people also gathered over and looked at these things he said, so come over to explore the truth.

"The result last night, the half-horse horses raided the hilly giants in a camp on the side of the Red Puna, I was very suspicious that we went to pick up the place."

"As a result, the reason why the half-horse and the price raid is because the hilly giant has taken a very important person, so you must save it."

"And Ryan is a prisoner of the hilly giant, and after the half-horse attacking the camp, it is also taken away by the sloppies that is used as a half-horse horse."

"When he was deprecated, because the location would not stop the transformation, the interference signal will be weak, and the help of his body will successfully send a contributing message when the interference signal is weak."

After he heard these, Fanglin Rock also suddenly took this to the dragon to the pulse. He suddenly thought of a critical thing, immediately:

"The receiver receiving the assistance information should be a lot?"

Mi Lo:

"A lot, more than ten, this key thing is only a table tennis size, which is free of Golden Lord. I didn't take it, but the core people in the rescue team were almost one, even Ali was equipped with one "

Fang Lin Yan smiled:

"That's best, yesterday, your gain should be good."

Mili revealed a smile:

"OK, okay, almost everyone who said out, has caught up the battle, almost no empty."

Fanglin Rock said:

"It is no wonder that everyone is happy, or more or less have got a forth, then the goal of rescue has turned."

Mi Loud said:

"That's more than turning, we have gained half-talents over the Magram tribe, learned about some key intelligence. The tribe of Kyrgyz half hierarchical is usually resident in us, and there is a survival between each other. The resource is scarce, so each tribe is spread very open. "

"So, after Ruien is brought back to the tribe, we have to face, is a tribute to the entire Kyrgyz half-horse horse, not to mention the Magram tribe's half-man horses also promise, saying as much as possible, In this way, the pressure we have to face is much smaller than the hilly giant. "

After I heard Mi Hil, the goat also nodded:

"This is really a big turn."

Fang Lin Yan hooked a circle later:

"Tarlen? Why didn't you see others?"

Mi Lo:

"Now, this is the responsibility of Ali. Before Tarren saw Kenny's big comment, I talked with him for a long time. The two seem to have a dispute. Tarren was sent to the front station to reconnaissance."

At this time, Kenny's eyes were also betting here, and then Shen Zong:

"Take time and rest, now we are waiting for the news from the front, you may start at any time! After you go back, I invite you to ride the girl in the bar!"

When I heard Kenny, a man was dissatisfied directly, and then he didn't have two hours.

At this time, Ali pulled the collection whistle, because now there is only the remaining three full-top-topic cars, limited capacity, so Kenny has made a request:

The trophy of the person who went out to fish in the past could not bring the trolley, unified in a cave here, and the collective is sealed.

Many people still have a complaint, but Kenny has been with the team for so many years, what is the matter? In the face of all people, the hole is destroyed, and then all the bus will be delivered, and then rescue Ryan.

This will basically have a gossip, because the blowup of the hole is definitely can't be opened in a short period of time, and everyone is fighting side by side, and the wealth of the same is of course guaranteed. Naturally, I will not be afraid that someone will run away.

The whole topographic car advances full speed, and after three hours, there is still a surprise:

"There is a signal!"

Then I saw this person took out a tablet, and I could see the top of the red dot, it was obviously that the signals on Ryan have been successfully positioned!

In addition to him, several people have also taken the tracker!

Not only that, Fanglin Rock three also received a prompt:

"Please note that you have been close to the rescue goal: 10 kilometers of Ruian, please pay attention to protect it."

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