The First Evolution

Chapter 42, Ruien

Ten kilometers of distances can be said to be turned away for a full-speed top-up vehicle.

It can be seen very quickly, and a river appeared in front.

Yes, this is a flowing river on the Gobi Beach, and the half-horse tribe is called the Jar Tenghe or the Revolution.

Jar Teng was in half a horse language, refers to the meaning of "string of pearls", which refers to a number of oasis in its basin, and cultivated half a horse race.

And the meaning of the Revolution is "the wild horses that have no borders", which means that it flows to the flood season, and it is unpredictable.

This river is a typical inland river. The ordinary river is finally in the sea, and the more the amount of water is getting stronger.

The inland river is very different. When the water is the most powerful, the peak is reached in the middle section and several tributical convergence. The water volume of the downstream is getting smaller and smaller. Finally, completely disappear in the arid desert Gobi Beach ... ....

There will be plants in places, and the plants are more lush, so there is a huge half-horse camp.

The masters of this camp said that there is still a source between Fanglin Rock, but strictly say it, it should be a desime.

Because Fanglin Rock whose three sneaked away, it was the half-horse priest by this place: Virogo's domesticated.

In yesterday night, Virogo guys can say that it is a struggle when attacking the hilly giant's temporary camp.

Although there is no ghost, it is also amazing, but also defeat the slaves of the hilly giant, but also hits the hilly giant's wounded from the side.

So after the Half River Emirates, Branden Harden, who has saved himself to save, and then very generous promise, this time the tribody took the lead in the Triba of Verogo!

The relationship between Verogogo and the ghost scutes is not the relationship between ordinary owners and pets. There is even mysterious contract between the two, and the death of the ghost, even the life of Veros has lost five years.

It can be said that there is such a big matter between the father and son.

So I can understand that Virogo has heard the mood after the death of the ghost, that can be said to be a painful.

And he is very clear that the death of the ghost and the absence of human beings have a secret relationship, so this time Virogo does not hesitate to abandon a lot of money, and will directly pick the human beings in the trophy.

Its purpose is also very simple, that is, use these human beings to bay ghosts, revenge for it!

It is also the tribute of Verogo, this robbery, at this time, most of the warriors in the tribe are still waiting for the reward outside Brand Harden, so the power in the tribe is not in full. One-third of it.

Under normal circumstances, the blood billet will appeal in the template, and it is for the sake of eating.

However, now even the kyrgyz tribal's little fart knows that the hilly giant that has just been done is, most of them will want to revenge.

So this time the Kyrgyz tribal controlled blood-billed crowd went to the Red Plus Taiwan, once the hilly giant is too dynamic, then immediately prepare the rectification.

The half-horse horse is a typical nomad, usually don't play a shot, and the relocation is completely accustomed to them.

And the hill giant is awkward, how do you run four legs? As long as it is not face-to-face, once the half-horse family, once the body is frank, the other party is absolutely caught up.

Therefore, Virogo's tribute is not expected. There is a group of human beings to raid from another direction, and in an amazing high-speed, it is simply unspeakable, and it is the essence of three words. After all finished, I haven't played.

At this time, Kenny has been very simply arranged:

"No. 1 car has taken from the front, after the 2nd car, get off the car after the car, the car is controlled by the roof machine gun, the vehicle is patrolling, there is an overview of escape!"

His arrangement doesn't seem to have a problem, and it seems that there is a problem, Kenny has not given people to the time, two all-top-top strokes rushed to the front door of the camp!

Although there are a few wolves alert, roaring loudly, but they were directly hit by the wheels, and then they were fired by the roof machine gun.

Then, a mercenary of the teeth is directly settled in the camp.

At this time, the mercenaries are directly protocol, belonging to the active party, and at this time they have already played with half a horse, gain enough combat information, knowing that the weakness of the half-horse is shocking, the key position is personal and The connection between the horses, so don't be too fast.

Moreover, this tribute is at this time, the remaining warrior is talented to the hill giant war last night. Today, the captive is coming back. At this time, I slept the fragrant .... So, when I arrived at Veros, this tribe The casualties have reached a tragic 40%.

After Virogo appeared, he just killed two enemies with a flash arrow spell, but I didn't know that Kenny made a very insidious targeted plan as soon as possible!

They made a misstant, and a captured male half-horse actually escaped the enemy's surrounding, and issued a harsh scream, gratified to Virogogo, and the favorite Ji Mu, Verogo.

The flexible horse hip, the raised horse, round embossed hoof, thick lips, fat, and the sexy white hair, the sexy white hair, has brought the endless enjoyment of Veroso.

Seeing that the enemy is very urgent and ruined to pursue, Virogo is a big joy, and rush to issue three or four witchcraft cover, and then wait until the little mad horse is full of gimmicks, it is in his arms, and keeps comforting.

I saw this scene, Kennene did not express his nod, and Ali, who was around him, immediately smiled and pressed a button, only listening to "Boom", this male half-horse behind a small backpack I immediately issued a sound of "".

At this time, Virogo found that he didn't know when it didn't even have a small backpack! And with half-horse, it is also the technology level and the eye, and it is definitely not to know how to hide the murder in this backpack.

In the next second, the location of Verogo produced a dramatic explosion! At this time, Kenny has already hide in advance in advance.

The backpack is in the backpack is a newest Quark Rock burst!

It's just a moment, the dazzling white light and the horrible shock sweep the audience, not only this, the entire camp sounded a harsh horror scream.

This sound is like a cruel madness, like a devastating desperate, the eardrum is in a pain,

Taking Virogogo is a round, the area within 50 meters of the square has created a boiling water, a straight ray straight rushing sky, and then formed a foot in a high altitude of up to a few kilometers, there are more than ten square kilometers. Funun cloud!

After ten minutes of foot, the area of ​​the explosion shrouded smoke, and it was seen that there was a large pit in diameter more than 50 meters!

It was originally located in the big pit, and it was directly smashed in the previous explosion. Then the air in the entire region has been thrown in the high altitude through the half-air high-speed wind roll passage. That terrible giant funnel cloud!

Such an amazing explosive and horrible killing power, directly put the people around Verogo and their guards!

This is the final brand of the rescue team: the whole name is called Quark Rock burst, it is more powerful than the Snow Mei Niang bomb, should be an upgraded version.

In the military, it is a sequence of experimental weapons, and is not officially launched. More importantly, it belongs to the version that is very expensive and needs to get it.

I don't know how Kenny gets hands. Anyway, it is impossible to be his self-caught, because this quark cloud burst the bomb price, at least five or six times that is equivalent to this.

Of course, after this, the remaining semi-horses fame is completely defeated.

Fear stems from unknown, in front of the attack of such terrorism

Therefore, it is the big order of the tribe, half a horse! These guys have completely lost their battle ideas, and they have taken the road and escape. They only have a few minutes. In this semi-rumor camp, only the people who suddenly break into the human beings. Of course, there are also captives that were caught back.

"OH, MYGOD ....."

Suddenly, the double-eyed Mi Lo is called out.

Then he seems to be a mad bull, his eyes are red straight to Kenny, and he seized his neck.

"Why! Why don't you inform me, I have all the top before, they are all explosive to the volume !!"

Kenny is indifferent:

"This is the war, MiY, I am very grateful to your people's sacrifice."

At this time, there is a cheer, and there is an exciting strange call and whistle, and then Wen Shi is waiting for a unwaken man who is joyful and jealous!

"We found Ryan !!"

"Oh, hust, this man does not look good, it has been unconscious, but the vital signs are still very stable."

"I just checked, there is no big problem, in addition to slight dehydration and some trauma, everything is normal."

"Fortune has made a fortune! Wow hahaha, this time I went back to sell the ore and sample yesterday, Jack didn't say anything, he will promise me to marry!"

"It's a wonderful day!"


Not only this, I have been separated for half a minute, I have seen several people who have been helped, one of them suddenly excited, and the sound is somewhat oxide:


After Kenny saw him, it was also moving, step forward, and grabbed his shoulders, excited:

"Old man, you are still alive!"

It turned out that this survivor of this live is actually Kenny's old brother: Deya!

This guy has always been pessimistic about the rescue action, so I left the Silver Waste Mining Order at the time, then the rescue team has contacted the Nalazi camp, saying that it is soon to pick up .

After the two sides were born, the results quickly received the news from the Narazi camp, saying that they had been captured when they were rushing, and they had already been captured, they did not find any survivors.

After heard of this news at the time, the people in Kenny and the team were still sad.

It looks now that it is obvious that the Silver's abandonment camp is captured by Virogo.

The reason is very simple, Virogogo's carefully cultivated ghosts were killed, and his purpose is to revenge! And Verogo's revenge is very cruel. He is not ordered to die directly, but every person is at least for three days to kill.

Not only that, because there are many wounded people in the abandoned Silver Mining Camp, Virogogo wants these damn humans to pay enough costs before death, so he will start unfamiliary torture from the restoration. (Because I am afraid that the time is too late, the wounded that I didn't get the treatment first died.)

These imperial torture is actually very cruel. For example, every hour of taking stone blocks, a finger / Yugong pill, etc., and even seeing that you will kill, you will treat them, the purpose is to extend them s pain.

So these days are tortured to death, the health of the Deya Curtains can have left a life, it is worth mentioning, because the same reason, De La Association, Tak, Morris, along with Machir also lives together.

But look at the companion one by one by mourning to death, and knowing that he will inevitably repeat the same mistakes, such psychological stress is more than being sentenced, it is not much more.

Just in Karakov, a man is still a very strong man, and now the hair is white, like a small old man.

It was thrown at one side when he was fighting, and Milton, who was grieved.

Zhou Shuren once said that everyone's grief is not connected.

The sadness of Mier's hand is exhausted, and the remaining people can do with the same feelings. They think of their brains are rich in a rich bonus and how to spend a day after going back.

It is also stocked in the field, which is the three people in Fanglin Rock. At this time, the goat saw the dust and settled, and I spit out a sigh of relief, in the team channel:

"The difficulty of SS is alive, we didn't touch any problems from the head to the end, saying that the truth is far less than the world."

To be honest, there is still a bit reason. Among the world, the bloody Mary they encountered by Fanglin Rock has the strength of the group, not to mention the earthquake behind. If the other party is in the full state, Fanglin Rock is not enough.

When I heard the goat, the vulture nodded and said that only Fang Lin Yan squinted his eyes, not.

However, after the goat finished this sentence, Kenny went around for four weeks, then went to the stretcher next to it, low-headed Ryan, and suddenly said:

"Confirmed it?"

A steel knight next to it stands out, and the sound of snoring:

"I have just used face recognition, what is displayed above,% may be my own, but biological gene identification has no way to do it, because of the lack of samples."

Kenny faintly said:

"Don't be so troublesome."

When he said this sentence, he has already raised his hands, holding a fist, saving effort, and smashing ........! !

Then, in the public, I was squatting on Ruien's throat! ! !

Kenny's body has been severely transformed. This right arm is a unclosed armored robot arm, which is a veritable iron box.

The stunned Ryan body is very weak, even if it is a fist in the throat, it is also a fatal trauma.

What's more? Is it a terrorist punch for the transformation of Kenny?

The poor Ruian throat is directly flattened, spurting a lot of blood in the mouth, and the eyes are white and the body is dramatic.

The steep shocking, both goats and vultures are both big mouth, and only feel that the mind is blank.

I immediately said that several people were angry and said, Mi Her finished Kenny:

"what are you going to do?"

However, he just finished, and a standing steel knight behind him pulled out the high Zhou Waha ax in the waist, one down!

Mi Lo directly slammed into the crotch from the top of the head, and the eyebrows cracked a red line, and the whole person was vertically smashed into two. The internal organs were flowing out, and the scene can be said to be bloody.

Not only that, the people found that the steel knight under Kenny had already stood a position. As long as there is an interest, all the people have directly under the hand, and the members of the expedition were killed in this moment. ! !

At this time, Deya is completely shocked, trembling:

"Kenny, are you crazy? What do you want to do! How can you kill Ruian?"

"How can you kill him !!!"

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