The First Evolution

Chapter 1 Tap the Target

Fanglin Rock has experienced the power of the moonlight, but also felt the scarcity of energy block.

This time he was lucky, and met the cultivation of his hometown, so he barely mixed it.

But next Fanglin Rock will definitely not think that his luck can be better. So, it is imperative to get this fact that it is impeir, otherwise, it means that this ability is abandoned!

This is obviously that Fanglin Rock is unacceptable.

After some discussion, the three began to work together, and the goat was selected, let him exchange with Space, see if it is some time to stay in real world.

At the same time, the goat awakens a lot of general spots and potential points. Fanglinyan and vultures can only give him a need. If you leave an emergency, the log of the giant is also handed over to him, or Sell ​​or excit the task.

Vulture contacts the way to remove the nightmare.

The most important thing is to engage in energy blocks.

After a good time, the whole team is now very clear, after a sufficient energy block, the team's strength must be less than 30%!

Fanglin Rock now has to start responsible, he has mastered the relevant energy conversion technology.

The current core demand is to transform the energy conversion into a reality from the drawing, so at this time, you can do it, you want to make some of some of the core parts.

After a busy, the news is a vulture. Everyone only needs to pay eight thousand general points, and they can clear the blood.

Of course, there is also a way to make money, that is, whenever a one-time shuttle, this curse will be weakened once, according to the professional saying, only need to shuttle two or three times, naturally eliminate it.

Vulture and goat decided to give eight thousand general points to break the sailor extent, Fang Lin Ran wants to think, decide to put on hold for a while, go to the Athena goddess to think about the way, after all, the gods should be more compared to this aspect, and At the time Athena's blessing The power is also restrained.

Next, an unfortunate news is that the "transfer" of the Mcsp is seems to have some problems, and it is necessary to delay for a while, and it is definitely not to come to the original plan.

Fortunately, Fanglin Rock also has a demand that enters, so this bad news will not make them caught off.

Finally, the goat is also rushing back. The news he brought back is not too wonderful, it is not too bad, that is, it is feasible to postpone the access space, but it means one thing, they Will completely miss the brightest world of gold branch task .......

And then they only have the only choice, that is the gold main line of the Noah S number!

This world can say that it is already the last train in this stage, and the Fanglin Rocks are not willing to go, will be mandatory.

Among the world, ordinary contractors are already the same as the underlying soldiers, and the battle between the seedlings is the main melody.

For the legendary team, the gold main line mission world is also unprecedented!

I heard the goat, I said so much, I can't help but ask:

"Which world is it going to experience?"

Two words of the goat dignified:


After hearing these two words, Fanglin Rock's face suddenly changed, this is two words with magic.

As long as it is Chinese, no one will be strange to these two words.

Students heard these two words and thought of the Langliang book voice of the reciting the text "Broken Broken Arrow".

The literati's ink heard these two words, and the heart is in the heart of "Tongjakun Spring Lock 2 Qiao" wind flow.

Middle-aged Uncle heard these two words, immediately began to echoing the tone of "Rolling Yangtze River".

However, more people heard the two words, estimated the first impression is the burdron fire that will completely ignite the whole sky! !

This fire, burned the name of Zhuge Liang, burning Zhou Yu's Xiongzi, burning Guo Jia's early past, and burned the historical general of the three countries!


Now, it is also a key time to the team to make a decision.

If you go to the Westward Journey to the gold branch mission world, then the difficulty will reduce the first, and Fanglin Rock has paved the home court.

However, the energy block is likely to be induscribable in such a short period of time, and the moon is equivalent to malfunction, Max cannot return to the team in time.

If you want to go to Chibi, this gold main line task world, the difficulty will improve, everything starts from the beginning, but there are many benefits.

Fanglin Rock looked at vulture and goats:

"How do you see?"

Some of the easeous goats have been very simply published:

"I mean, etc."

The vultures are shocked:

"Ha? Are you turning? Waiting for one, etc., but go to the gold main line task!"

Goat is seriously said:

"I have just been officially confirmed, I! It is about to get rid of this dead dog's blood!"

Speaking here, the goat is finally can't stand, hahaha laughs:

"After the bastard, I didn't kneel down after my hand, I didn't kneel down my father! I directly squeezed him, and finally got the evil spirits for my evolution! So just give me I can change my time! "

"I can be sure, this time I am successful, it will never be inferior to the strength of your transvestive dancers!"

Fang Linqi heard about this, and suddenly he was happy:

"This is really a good news, my friend! Yes, I am curious, will you be promoted to the blood?"


"Does the dog head have a meager Dragon? Is this not recognized?"

Fang Linyan shakes his head:

"As far as it is, this possibility is really a big, because the contractor's physical strength wants to withstand the dragon blood."


"It's true that I rely on the core of the giant, I successfully changed to a blood stove, now I am injecting it in the mean, it is the blood of a bottom fire lizard, I will carry it in the body, you can Experience the advantages of the blood veins of the fire lizard. "

"Next, I will trigger a blood trial mission in the next world. According to this task, I decided to finally determine the blood, even if the blood trial mission failed, there will be the blood drawn of the ground fire lizard."

Fang Linyan nodded and took the next Baise:

"Since this is the case, then I mean is still waiting for it, I now think that the danger of the world's world is mainly from the rest of the contractor, this, there is a big meat shield in Max, our safety Sex also improves a lot. "

Vulture shrugs:

"Well, since you all said, even I voted against the ticket, I passed, then I didn't say, I went to the training ground."

Fanglin Rock lifted down to the goat:

"You are responsible for applying for us to get rid of the world, I am going to return to the real world, you know, get the energy converter is a big project."

Goat nodded:

"OK, I know, but the head, you have to know that we have delayed a lot of time when we go to upgrade team tasks before, according to my inferior, even the most optimful you can only stay in the real world a week. "

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"One week is slightly tight, but you know, the goddess is still quite big in my world, and if she helps, there should be no more problems."


"So good time, wait for your good news."


Soon, Fanglin Rock returned to the real world, this time he returned, it was found that there was a three-day time in the real world.

Fortunately, the goddess is already in this situation, and the big priest is still very clear to know that there is a great existence behind him, so it will not chase the bottom.

After returning to the room, Fang Lin Yan is about to call, he heard someone knocking outside, and found that Herone Yifenna will be opened in the door.

"I have a good news to tell you."

Fanglin Yusong has a gas:

"Just, I have something to find you, this is very important, I hope to do it in the first time."

Yvinna has never seen all Tintan to speak with such a serious tone, listening to it in the future:

"Okay, you will say your thing first, I will advance in my permissions, and the rest will also report to the big priest."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I need a lot of electric energy supply now, almost 900,000 kilowatts, and suppliers don't ask for electric energy."

Ivrina This time I am interested in shed dressed female secretary, immediately:

"Okay, no problem, I will coordinate, and give relevant answers after an hour."

Fanglin Rock is connected:

"I need two experts from electrification, and is reliable to ensure that this is not blocked."

Ivrina is very simply:

"I get this thing in half an hour."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Okay, then I will form a list to send it to you, I need to buy these things in the fastest time, then come over."

Ivesen said:

"Yes, after the list is sent to my hand, I will arrange it directly."

"Right, if you can, can tell me the ultimate goal of doing these things, because the big priests may ask this side, I as a manager who dominated this project, I know your ultimate goal, too You can better serve you, or check out. "

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Of course, there is no problem, um ....... we use the energy now, nothing more than the following, electric energy, nuclear energy, gasoline, natural gas, solar, steam, etc.?"

Ivesen said:

"No, you also missed a source of energy, which is an ability, including magic, art, and so on."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Yes, this is this. In my new scientific research information, the energy we use now is called primary, or the original energy."

"And in this scientific data, there is also a introduction to refining machinery. This thing can extract the original energy we use now, make it a primary energy!"

"Well, you can understand that it is good to refine the crude oil into aviation diesel. The key is that a very strong businessman I know is now very demanding. If we can provide him for him in a short time. If the primary energy is, then there are many good goods in his hand. "

Yvesnna nodded and seriously:

"Learn, I will see the big priest, and then arrange people."

Said that she stood up, the wind is ready to turn, and this time Fanglin Yan is curious:

"Yes, what happened to me, what do you want to tell me?"

Ivesen said:

"Oh, there is about Clicios and Shan Nianfu."

Fang Lin Yan stunned, only recalled this name, it was the two giant trees that he brought back, some surprised:

"What happened?"

Ivesen said:

"Before you leave, they suddenly increased, crazy, drunk, and more than two hundred kilograms of milk, almost half-ton, even the Pan Shenwater we all absorb three ounces, then drill In the ground, I entered the dormant development period. "

The Pan Shenwei, which is said by Ivesen is the secret recipe of the sacred olive tree. It is also the secret that has been passed out in ancient times. In the secret drug, it has been mixed into the exquisite belief, which has a very powerful performance of plants.

Previously, the kind of world tree that had genetic defects was to rely on this Pan Shenwei's magical ability to successfully evolve, and now thrive.

It is said that Ivrina took a handheld computer and let Fanglin Rock look at its specific situation.

Fanglin Yan also showed a lot of shocking afterwards. At this time, the two guys have broken soso, almost a metric of one meter, but the diameter is at least two meters.

From the part of the ground, its shape is like a short version of the agave, the outer skin is similar to the mix of onions and bamboo shoots. In the growth process, there will be something similar to the onion skin and bamboo shoots. Falling, presenting ink green, if the leaves of aloe vera have a little hypertrophy.

Once these two guys are also brought out from space, and they are quite close to themselves. After Fang Lin Ran arranged a job, she went to see, and found that they did fall into sleep, but the vitality in the body is still booming. ,

Ivrina then said at this time:

"We have used the holy olive trees cultivated by Pan Shenu, and after this time they see these buds, they will collect them."

"Our priest Pan Yizhen knows the experts in this area, and the results have been found. Although their bud shells have natural power, they have neither medicinal value, and they will be diarrhea."

"However, in this morning, I loved the priests found that these bud shells are the best alternatives of gold dill grass, which can be used to form good perfume, this perfume has supernatural power, can attract the opposite sex Attention, but the effect of a particularly firm person will be less. "

When I heard Yifenna, Fanglin Rock did not think about it:

"Is it amazing?"

Ivesen said:

"Yes, according to our test, this kind of perfume is almost the effect of one-third of the second-order artistic charm."

I heard Evinna said that Fang Lin Yan suddenly paid this, and the said:

"Is it so strong?"

Anything of anything is actually linked to the effect of the art, it is sufficient to pay more attention to it is still a second-order style? Fanglin Rock is roughly in the heart, and I found that the power of this perfume is described in dataization, almost equivalent to the charm plus 6 points.

What does it mean?

The charm of a 18-year-old adult in normal state is 5.

Wearing a decent dress, please make a hairstyle make a hairstyle, then wear a watch / or the same epidemic qualification for the green water ghost, the charm value can be almost +5, reaching 10 points.

That is to say, this bottle of perfume is almost more than the cost-up, 10,000 yuan, the increase in charm, it is necessary to increase the charm!

The key is to have a high ladies in those glamor values, stars, etc., have been in the clothes, dress up, and talking this, how much a bottle of perfume is, it is broken through the bottleneck.

Ivesin added:

"More importantly, it still has an effect, after sprinkling, can achieve the effect of the most powerful value in a short period of time."

This is actually not understanding, everyone's state is undulating, beautiful sleep, uncomfortable in the morning, then washing your face and dresses, then you will definitely be bright, the charm value is the highest.

It is definitely more than a long time, no more than a meal, no more than a meal, and the glamor is much higher.

This perfume actually has two effects. Once the energy is eager to take it, it is afraid that it is necessary to grab the head!

Fanglin Rock is more than Yifinna, and how big is the future of Ricks and Shan Ningfu, then the raw materials of this perfume will never be lack.

Most of the priests of Athena are women, so I know more about women's needs. In this kind of specialty, there is a very good effect on developers and gathering wealth.

After Ivrina played a few calls, she also started echo, Fang Linyan saw her idle, and took out the Ning god flowers brought out, asked her that there was any way to plant this stuff?

When I was looking for the god flower at the time, I left this idea inside, so I got out of the mud with the root of the dirt.

Ivrina's eyes are first-class, and after seeing the Ning Shenhua coming out of Fanglin Rock, it is very focused on the view, and then said:

"There is a magical energy in the inside of this plant, although it is weak, but I can feel its existence."

She took out a silver bell from his arms and swayed two times, so soon, another female priest came in, she is the Pan Yizhen priest mentioned by Ivese, and Pan God's dew is also her. Conduct.

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