The First Evolution

Chapter 2 is resurrected from God

OM, the fastest update initial evolution latest chapter! At this point, with the gradual recovery of the goddess, its Lord States also began to slowly launched, re-recovered.

Both the God of God who entered the sleeping of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred One member.

Previously, Fanglin Rock and the big priest chatted with the process of God, usually looking for a ten-year girl with innate diseases, such as cerebral palsy, brain development.

This kind of child usually is very intelligent, it is not a big burden for the family, and some poor families will even abandon it, and the goddess will give high economic compensation. Voluntary.

The goddess will then hold a ritual under the Holy olive tree, let it fuse with the gods.

When the fusion, the leaves of the Holy olive tree have dropped, and the package is wrapped in two, the picture is very beautiful, and after the gods got the leading power of the body, the body absorbed the energy of the holy olive tree, and it will fall into seven days. Sleep. .

Among these seven days, the body of the whole girl will change the same change, and the growth is the same as the madness.

At this time, the awareness of the murder is the owner, and the girl's awareness will exist in the way, this child usually has a big problem, and the god will meet the requirements of the deputy person in the departure. Let it remain in a happy state.

And this kind of child with innate diseases is usually a teenage, waiting until his birth is coming, natural smoke is disappeared.

At that time, Fanglin Yan listened to the big priest to say so, I also felt that the big priest was not a deliberate camouflage. This kind of victory is usually very bloody, but after understanding, it is true that it is really not the case.

Because even is a sense of mad, it is a very difficult thing to occupy a body and transform it.

This is like painting, it is definitely a white paper is best painted, if not blank, then the above is, the better, the better.

In this way, the most suitable or God will directly occupy the newborn baby, but in this way, the baby's body is not well developed, and it is unable to withstand the fusion ceremony under the Holy olive tree.

It is necessary to wait until the age of seven or eight, so that it can quickly grow, the goddess is now in a lot of affairs, only to come to the eve of the eve, and of course no time to wait for seven or eight years.

Therefore, this brain has a congenital disease, and the girl who is very conscious, is actually the best choice.

At this time, the Pan Yu priest is responsible for dealing with the Kingdom's agricultural minister, and there is also a deep accomplishment in plants. It is much stronger than Ivesinna than Ivinna.

She won the Ning Shenhua and he smelled, and then took a little leaf and tasted it, immediately said:

"This plant is very magical, there is a strange vitality, and if you take it directly, you will have a great help to women, so that the next generation of gestation is stronger."

"Not only that, I know that several prescriptions can be used as a primary medicine, such as tough medicines, trolls, treatment agents, etc."

Fang Lin Yan listened to the future, and immediately let the Pan Wei priest explained in detail, and found that the tough agents can increase the maximum value limit of 80 points in an hour, which is already very useful.

And the blood of the troll rests by 2 points every 5 seconds every 5 seconds. This effect seems that it is unpredictable, but it is a biggest advantage in the consumption. As long as the battle is more than ten minutes, it is equivalent to You can get an additional 240 ordered to recover.

Then Fanglin Rock wants more important things, and immediately expect the way:

"I don't know if you can't succeed, I will plant Ning Shenhua? Let it live here?"

Pan Yizhen's priest is very simply replied:

"No, its body has a mysterious breath, the world has no aura that can resonate."

But she also left a tail, and she went to:

"To successfully plant it on the earth, unless Defei rebirth, or Adenis is increasing."

Fang Lin Yan heard her, after I was frowned, Dem Boren was a goddess of agriculture, cereals and harvest in Greek mythology, is one of the two main gods of Olympia! Its ranking is even just a high than Athena.

To make her resurrection, it is not an easy thing, and even if you do this, there is no way to let her do things for yourself.

However, Adenis looks like it is much better, this guy's god is the god of spring plants.

Its Shenli does not say that compared with the two main gods of Olympia, even the gods Di Russia, the revenge women's god, Ni Yes, strong magic, and the golden apple tree, the hundred giants, the winter, etc. Not as good.

It is the most appropriate, equivalent to a part of the thinnest and most marginalized part of the god, is also limited, but it is only limited to the satisfaction of his own personal duty.

Next, Fanglin Rock has inquired this guy's related story. It is really sad. His label is beautiful and sinful, because his birth is the illegitimate beauty of Cyniras, Cyniras and his own daughter.

The history book praised him to say: Jun to spend a general, beautiful five senses, so that everyone is in the world, there is no color in front of him; but he is not interested in love, just like hunting between the mountains.

His sadness was treated as a plaything, and he was competed for the two strong gods of the gods, Afdi and the past. Finally, it was also involved in the grievance between the gods.

This is a god of unstoppion and desires, even if it is rebirth, it is also easy to control it?

And his little duty is also perfect with Fanglin Rock, the spring represents grows, everything germinates, the god of plants is covered with Ning Shenhua, and there are two giant trees, and you can still say it. Got some plants to make him cultivate planting.

One thought and this, Fanglin Rock is very decisive:

"Where is the big priest, I want to see her?"

Of course, it is a one-week appointment that is going to see the big priest at least one week.

The big priest should be that the entertainment work is too busy. When you see Fanglin Rock, you can at will, and the two meet in the rear garden, the big priests come out to take a walk, and the active hands and feet.

Although I have seen the big priest a few times, when I see her again, Fang Lin Yan couldn't help but be amazed, this is not because of her dressed, but because of her temperament.

How did the previous big priests are more majestic, it seems to walk in everything, but now her body, has begun to have a kind of temperament, even if she makes her ordinary person's clothes, walking In all beings, it can also be identified in the first time.

That kind of , is too quiet, the temperament is not the mortal.

At this time, the big priest saw Shoulin Rock's own expression, of course, I know the idea in his heart, slight smile:

"Do you think I have changed some changes?"

Fanglin Rock is amazed:

"Yes, before this, I have already thought that you have seen the highest precious women I have seen, I didn't expect to be more upstairs."

The big priest has a smile, and the light is turned:

"This is because the goddess of God is recovering, but according to our inference, this high-speed development will soon be stagnant."

Fanglin Rock is no breezy, slightly sinking:

"The high-speed development period is because you are recovering lost land, and it is definitely a half-mean than the area that has been covered by the goddess."

"Well, stagnation should be, so on the field of faith and the rest of the gods right away?"

Big sacrifices:

"Yes, and some intelligences we have learned now. Although your world's native gods have been difficult to do large-scale distinctive things, but if it is focused on creating a strong warrior, or can do it. Some of these soldiers are known as the monsters, some are known as the Crusaders, some are known as the bitterness, and they do have powerful power. "

"But the good news is that this warrior who believes in faith is very powerful in the place that can receive faith, but once the power will fall, the strength will fall quickly."

Fang Lin Yan Shen said:

"Is it like a Saxi Safe?"

Big sacrifices:

"Different, the Weaving Society belongs to the Oriental God, and the power of the gods is different."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"So our current security force is still too weak, and it's rapidly expanding in the strength of the goddess, and there will be severe conflicts in a day or later."

Big sacrifices:

"Yes, we are preparing."

Fang Lin Yan wants to think about it:

"Right, I am looking for you this time, I want to ask, can God now resurrected from God?"

The big priest is odd:

"Adenis? Why do you think of it to renew him?"

To be honest, the big priest is can't see Ad Nice, because for this situation, this kind of unopened, there is no desire, only a colorful guy is almost a little bit.

This is like the Cultural Revolution, there are oil salt sauce vinegar Chai Mi tea in the store ..... LV, Prada, fragrant tits, all are not.

Because the demand in most people at that time is to have a full saying, when the stomach is hungry, the luxury goods have nothing to use.

However, after the introduction of Fanglin Rock ....... Especially the detailed explanation of the role of Adonis's plants, the big priest is still a bit.

Because even if there is no summary of the needs of Tinyan, Adenis is still understanding the positive significance of the two world trees.

Clean guys is likely to become a war huge trees, which has been regarded as a strong force in the future, and Shan Nangfu is a foundation that is treated in the future.

She closed her eyes and sold for a while, then said:

"At that time, the age of the gods, Adenis left, so it was difficult to make it difficult to recover, good in the God of Goddess, there is a sense of gods, he can easily replace Adenis Duty. "

Fanglin Ranki said:

"Who is that?"

Big sacrifices:

"It is the sun god Apollo from God Jastos, he is the god of the hyacinth, um, it is also the solar god Apollo partner ....... Well, Yes, the most intimate in the same sex "

"The sun god Apollo first entered the eternal sleep, he seems to have expected what it is, it feels that his future is not optimistic, but the goddess of the staff, but there is still a line of life."

"So, Apollo gave the goddess to God, the goddess of the gods, and the seeds were buried in the God of Goddess."

"It turned out to be a base."

Fanglin Rank has a chin to think about it. Suddenly think this is really better than Adenis? It is very cautious:

"Do you think he can replace Adenis's ancestors?"

Big sacrifices:

"At this time, the gods witnessed, Jastos is also the god of plants. With the help of Goddess, it is certainly very simple to get Adenis's duty."

"And Adenis itself is a lazy and likes a leisure guy. It is not very angry about anything. Instead, Yasinos is full of vitality and enthusiasm. I believe that he is renovating him, it is more than Ado. Nice guy is getting more beautiful. "

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Well, then what else does he still do?"

Big sacrifices:

"As before, the soul of the devil and flesh, the better, the better," "

"Yes, there is still a very important point, Jastos inherits the god of spring and plants, so it will cause the world's resonance, if there is a sacred spirit in the rest of the gods, The other party will know. "

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Okay, this will not be wakeful with the goddess, is you induced by the Yitian's letter of mind? Have such a guy dare to run, I will definitely help you kill him!"

Since it is expected to find a batch of cultivation, Ning Shenhua is expected, Fanglin Rock will take all five plants all, and one plant is taken, and the other four strains are leaving.

At this point, he has begun to take advantage of Shen Shenhua, directly on the fertilizer, the farmhold additive, and then directly on the ton of wholesale to the space .......


Soon, under the strong intervention of the goddess church, Fanglin Rock's demand was quickly met.

After four hours, it is accurately, it should be three pm, and the hydropower station called "Pi'anno" is ready. As long as Fanglin Rock has a demand, it can provide him with a continuous energy supply for him. Iruse, and there will be no official to find trouble.

17:: Two electrical experts have been sent by helicopters, they obviously have been taken away from the road, after coming here, I will go to Wenlin Rock to give them a job.

At the same time, the private laboratories hereinated by Fanglin Rock are also clear, and there is a way to raise the soldiers for thousands of days. The workers who have been recruited have been overtime, and the parts needed in the production of Fanglin Rock.

Twenty-one point: This full name is: the multi-volume particle beta energy polymer high energy converter mechanical, has begun to formally put into assembly, its structure is simple and incredible, actually only thirty parts! Therefore, it is quite rapid to assembly.

Of course, in order to facilitate the name, Fanglin Rock gave it a quotuary, called Gormiler.

At 22:00 in the evening: "The Gate Jevrev" converter failed in the test machine.

Twenty-three points in the evening: "The Game Jie Lev" converter fails the second test machine.

Thirty minutes at the morning: "Game Trev" converter test machine is officially successful!

After the test machine is successful, Fanglin Rock immediately went to a factory building outside the 30 kilometers away, because only there is high pressure transmission cable access.

The goddess is now the house of Hartgvitas, and there is no need for industrial high-voltage transmission cable access. Of course, the relevant lines are now in the examination and approval.

After coming to the factory, Fang Linyan is still quite embarrassing.

After all, the next world is the world of gold main line. If you can't make enough energy blocks to support the consumption of the moonlight, then the entire team is estimated to be in danger.

Not only that, Fanglin Rock is in the mysterious Eden Island that has seen that energy converter, which is also a power conversion energy block, and the converter that the bloody umbrella tissue is significantly more complicated. It is not a level from the body. of.

Don't say that the energy converter is also likely to get the guidance of mechanical wisdom of the sound wave.

So it is no wonder that Fanglin Rock has no great confidence.

After closing your eyes, I recalled the relevant knowledge of the perfusion in my mind. Fanglin Rock once again checked the machinery, determined that there was no problem, and I took a breath after I took a breath.

Suddenly, a unique sounded, but it would not feel noisy, but the feeling of people is a coordinated resonance, very pleasing.

This is like a man who likes the car is a roar of the car in the motor cylinder, and there is also a long-standing horse whip.

The engineers in the scene were exchanged, in fact, although they participated in the construction of this machine, the things done were in hand, the three core parts of the energy converter, all are Fanglinyan man created of.

If you take your computer, it is equivalent to Fanglin Rock to provide CPU, motherboard, graphics card part, they do is a very low technical content of the chassis, water-cooled, fan, power supply and other technologies.

Because of this, Fanglin Rock is not afraid of them to disclose and let them participate directly in this project.

At this time, Fanglin Rock rose down and carefully looked at the reading above the dashboard. After the above number was stable, he immediately said:

"Let the side began to transport electric energy, according to the original plan, first enter the power consumption of one-fifth full power."

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