The First Evolution

Chapter 3 intimate contact

Fanglin Ran's "General Engineer" order, next to it immediately, someone started to execute his orders, shouting:

"Prepare work, first enter one-fifth power !!!"

Soon, a lot of powerful electricity began to inject it, it looked that there was no pressure in the "Game Jie Lev" converter, it was very easy to work, even the whole laboratory was very quiet, only slight and rhyme. sound.

Fanglin Rock at this time, I pressed a few times next to the password, and then entered the closed chamber next to it.

It can be seen that this can be said to be empty. There is only one look like a translucent sealed box hanging in half empty, and there is a ray that has a ray formed a slow shining.

Gradually, there is a little light red liquid from above, and some metal gloss is used.

Soon, the speed of this liquid falls to become frequent, soon accumulating a thin layer in the bottom of the box.

Fang Lin Yan reached out and touched it, and found that the finger head touched this, there was no feeling, and it was simply no different from the air.

So he is gratifying, there is no feeling is the correct feeling, the energy accumulated in the energy block is in a seemingly liquid / solid state, in fact, there is a virtual form.

Even the pink is not true, this is because the human visual organ is too ranked -------- Yes, this is the original words on the user manual.

Human eyes can only recognize the red green blue three original color, the so-called colorful color, all of which are all collapsed.

However, in fact, the color of this world is far more than this, such as the most typical tail squid, this guy has a unique ability to detect the power of the circularly polarized light, so you can see the ultraviolet and infrared rays, and even identify the original color of the original. Sixteen.

Therefore, the real color of the energy block is definitely not the pink of the Kawaii.

After seeing the conversion process, he nodded in Fang Lin Ran, then went out, very simply below:

"Tell the power station there, everything is normal, full power output."

At this time, the rest of the engineers immediately dialed the phone, Fang Lin Lu guarded this, after watching all normal, then entered the workshop next to it, and then started to make another core part.

He calculated in his heart, and he took 10 hours of kungfu to make a related core component, then he came in from the gold main line mission, the factory will enter the process of mass production energy blocks. At least ten converters can operate at the same time, and the energy block produced every day is not 100!

And an energy block even is a sale to space, and it is also 8000 universal points!

One thought and this, Fanglin Rock only felt that the golden light in front of him, and the hair is getting rich in front of him.

However, when his engraved knife is ready to align the parts of the part, it is found that this knife can't fall! There is an invisible power to hold the blade.

Not only that, but the eyes of Fanglin Rock have gained tips:

"Character ZB419, what is the process of processing of P-BN core parts, processing drawings from the adventure world."

"The technology of this part is not the current world, so it will be protected by time and space rules, and P-BN core parts will have personal unique properties, you will only have a unique P-BN core part."

After seeing this prompt, Fang Lin Yan suddenly stayed, this moment, the beautiful illusions are like soap bubbles in the sun, and it is over.

What happiest is getting rich, what is the golden light, what is the night, recalling, is like a faded dream.

Long sigh, Fang Lin Yan quickly resumed reason, and then packed the things in front of the things.

But thinking about it is normal, Fanglin Rock only has the ability to manually manufacture P-BN core parts, but the design principle of this part, he is an unless, completely passed through the moonlight into his own brain.

This prompt means that you only know how to make, don't understand design, so you have to interfere with your behavior.

If you can design a dragon, then you will be complete.

I think so, I am constrained, I'm still tone.

Next, Fanglin Yan calm down, reliably observes the production status of energy blocks, and finds that it will take the initiative to slide out from the mold after it is completed, and then accumulates the next piece.

This feeling is like water in the box, automatically molds, and then automatically slides out of the box without any processing.

At this time, Fanglin Rock calculated a time, suddenly the eyes were bright, this speed is quite good!

Now only 53 minutes, I will get a energy block directly! And in the first ten minutes, or one-fifth power is working!

If you have all the best power, you can create a piece of four hundred minutes (6.6 hours) to make ten, omg, and 60 hours!

"..... Life is peak ... Jin Guang shines ... get rich!"

Fang Lin Yan's eyes, couldn't help but began to have similar keywords.

But he immediately shook his head, because now he has realized that the space is not a charity, it will not leave such a big empty to give himself a diamond.

Sure enough, I didn't have a 10 minute, I heard the engineer of the previous duty:

"Hey! BOSS, I think you have to come over and see, I don't deal with this problem."

Fanglin Yan is closing to the gods, listening to three steps after three steps and rushing in two steps, then seeing the above display on the display:

"This machine has continued to work for an hour, will enter the overload state, please stop in ten minutes, then press the blue button to perform system maintenance."

Seeing this prompt, Fang Lin Yan sighed, finally understood that the world is in ancient, people's heart ... can only point the shuttle button silently, followed by system maintenance.

After collecting three energy blocks, Fanglin Rock found that it was probably due to the different machining machines, and the purity of the energy block manufactured is different.

The minimum energy block has only 1.2 units of the flux particle β energy polymer, but most of the energy blocks, but there are 1.8 units of flux particle beta energy polymer.

At this time, he also took the law of this converter, and he did it directly to the hand of the goddess.

The ten people sent by Ivrinna did not understand machinery, but they were unrelated, they were there, unless they were all killed and then read their soul, otherwise, others don't I want to get some secrets.

At this time, Fang Lin Yan will sleep directly, but I will sleep directly, but I forgot this thing to curse Kishas ...

As a result, I just fell asleep, I went to the days before I returned to the space. After the late lung cancer, it was almost the heart of the heart and the spleen and nephrological plus, so that life is not as good as death, it is not wanting to be born, but the street is loud, but This is also bullied by the evil people.

Such a dream can certainly can't make people feel happy, Fanglin Rock only slept for two hours, they will be awakened by the nightmare!

After the big mouth, after a few times, I found that the encounters in the nightmare, very clear, the cold sweat on the back of the ridges, and even wet it.

Not only that, Fanglin Rock has a strong premonition, that is, if you lie down at this time, you will do the same nightmare, and even if you can't even continue to do it!

In this case, Fanglin Rock is definitely very uncomfortable, first played a phone call to ask if there is no problem with the energy block, we will go directly to the big priest Trija.

Fanglin Rock's sleep is night and night, sleeping, sleeping, so when he went to the big priest, I found that she was led by her goddess to lead the believers. Pray.

The goddess of the goddess is solemn, and the sound of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

Especially when prayer is climax, there is a rainy rain from the sky. It is the blessing and baptism of the goddess. This is the body and soul of the believer, and many believers are even here. When you tears, you will not stop.

The prayer ceremony was taken for ten minutes, then the end, most of the believers still worshiped below, and there was a resignation in his mouth, and I didn't want to leave for a long time.

At this time, a maid has been aligned with Fanglin Rock, then low voice:

"The knight grows, the big priest is waiting for you."

Fang Linyan nodded, led by the maid to the next meeting room, and then quickly saw the big priest came in and smiled:

"I heard that the factories on your side have been officially operated? This is really good news."

Fang Linyan nodded, then wrinkled his brow:

"I have encountered a trouble, I didn't take it as a thing. Now I still seem to be a headache, so I have something to see if the goddess is there."

Tereget Turkiya smiled:

"The goddess is inevitable, you talk."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"You know, I have the ability to pass through, so soon as I have a group of giants, I have encountered a group of giants ------- Yes, the monster similar to the childhood of TM, among which A leader has a curse to me before being killed. "

"At first, this curse I didn't think there was anything, but now it still brought me some trouble."

The big priest is gentle:

"Curse this thing" I have been touched very early, you can't fell lightly, there are many gods died on the curse, such as Adenis you wanted to be resurrected, died of the curse of hunting gods, such as Yasgen Toss It is a curse that died in the god of the West. "

"But what is the premise that it feels trouble, it is often in a unhealthy way. If the subject is already in the curse, it is very simple to crack it."

"Just like Yasinos, if he knows that he is cursed, tell Apollo in time, Apollo can remove his curse in a few breathing."

When I heard the big priest, Fanglin Yudong was a mouthful:

"It seems that my luck is still not bad, I am a curse, let me have a nightmare when I am sleep, dreaming of those who are crazy ------- I just experienced it. It's really damn, the whole person's mood is bad, and even starts resisting sleep instinct. "

The big sacrifices have nodded:

"It turned out to be such a curse, I know, we have solved similar curse before, not what big problem."

After that, the big priest gently pulled the golden bell next to it. Soon there were two female priests came in, and they gave birth to the guild.

The big priest told them a few words. Fang Lin Yan is not a goat, and there is no understanding of the big priest. It should be the language of Ancient Hebrew. These two female priests will go out again, see what is going to prepare? .

Next, the big priest has laughed at Fanglin Rock:

"You should haven't rested for a long time, then you will sleep here now."

Fang Lin Yan did not sleep enough. At this time, he felt exhaustion, and the next day, the sofa next to him was closed, and he wanted to sleep.

The result didn't know why, after a closed eyes, the mind seems to be turned on, before the film is not blind in front of the night, it is very simply sitting after a few minutes, very irritated:

"Sorry, I can't do it, I will be dead, I can't get calm down after I close my eyes, and I have a snights in my mind."

After listening to the big priest, nodded slightly, then gentle said:

"Well, I know."

Then the big priest came to his side, lifted the head of Fanglin Rock, and then did not scrap the pillow on his own thigh, then reached out the long finger gently massage his head. He revealed a charming smile against him:

"You now close your eyes and sleep, I am around you, everything is no problem."

When Fang Linyi, I felt that the feeling of the head came quite comfortable, the warm is very, and the nose is still a hard to describe, it is a fragrance that is heated by the body temperature, mixing hormones and Sweet sweet breath.

In this case, he did not feel any interference after closing his eyes, and some were just tired and calm, so the next move will enter the dream, and even a uniform snoring.

Unlike Fanglin Rock, the big priest Tri Toron, who is half-in arms, is frowned, which seems to be a bit painful and tasty, but it is shining in the eyes, but a hunter is looking for prey footprints. Excited light.

At this time, the two female priests came in, and the hands were placed in the hands of the very ordinary tray.

One of the trays is placed in a mirror, and one of the other mirrors is a needle.

This needle is not like a sewing needle, but a beautiful metal cartridge, which will slowly rotate, and sharp needles extend from the front end.

The metal tube is also made of gold, with a complicated beautiful pattern, it looks a popular water and wave in the fifth century, the metal tube's handle is a golden snake, scales. , Full of eyes, lifelike, and vivid.

The female priest came to the front of Tel Toriya. One of them wanted to pick up the mirror next to it. At this time, there was a strange thing, and the mirror of the slap in this case actually can't take it, as if carrying an amazing the weight of.

The big priest looked at her and faintly:

"This mirror is not you can use now. Today is Ai Mer in a worth of it? Call her."

This female priest hurriedly screamed:


Soon, Ai Mie came in, she is a woman with linen, the lips are thick, and the five senses look very hard, so it is not a beautiful person, but her body, but there is Very strong affinity.

After you see her, I will not be self-reliant, my sister, the salesman who is gentle and smiling, and there is a well-known school sister ... she does not have a brightness, but it is In the ordinary life, you can feel comfortable with you anytime, anywhere.

After she got it, she watched the big priest Tri Toro Niya, and then the eyes stayed on the mirror, and the eyes suddenly revealed the color:

"The real mirror, the needle of Cupid ........ I haven't seen it for two thousand years. What happened, what happened, our knight is troublesome?"

The big priest nodded:

"It is a curse, I have never seen the type."

"The other party gives me a very brutal, original, bloody, crazy! It belongs to the evil spirits of the original worship, there is no possibility of communication at all."

Then the big priest also added:

"The most troublesome, or this curse is not fatal, but looks at torture."

Ai Mi said:

"Okay, I know."

After that, she put her hands on the "true mirror", but it could be found carefully, and their hands were almost two or three centimeters.

After a while, Ai Miner slowly lifted his hand, and suddenly I found that "true mirror" also lifted with her hands.

Picking up the real mirror prerequisites, it is no mirror that both hands can't touch. Is this very magical?

Such a requirement, it sounds like "I love you on my sister's mouth, but you can't take your pants" is not reliable.

This is also the truth that the real mirror cannot be used by the two female priests before, although they are pious, but strength and experience are still lacking.

As the real mirror position adjustment, Fanglin Rock and the big priest appear on the mirror.

Suddenly, there have been a blood red fog, and the air has passed vicious whispering. It sounds very uncomfortable. Not only that, but a pungent bloody taste is also spreading.


And everyone say two things,

First, the Spring Festival is constant, but my dad is just finished, how many new Spring Festivals may be less, how many updates may be less, should you write how much, hmm, apologize for everyone, and then worship! Happy New Year, the financial resources are rolling.

Second, recently, I am a book, I am chasing, I feel that I am writing very compliant with my appetite, called Helanza leader, the author is updated very slow, and I don't know you, but it is delicate, and I am I really like it.

Probably I think about the story of the Temple of the Temple of Temple.

The advantage is that the generation is strong, the disadvantage is that the niche is the update.

the above.

Love your small volume.

Of course, if there is a monthly ticket, you love it!

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