The First Evolution

Chapter 10 Zhao Jia Brothers

It can be seen from the two empty wine letters on the ground. This guy is already a drink for a while, and the things that are going to drink is very much.

A pile of fried soybeans,

A few pieces of spatant garlic,

The most extravagant should be a half-saucer to bake cooked little fish.

However, the most difficult thing is that these guys have been drunk, saying that the mouth is flying ------ On the earth, there is two empty bottle beer, which has already begun, has begun to drive the bus to the bus. The stage of the little sister butt "Glorious deeds" ----- But still not willing to give up to the arm, the waist is not willing to leave!

This is really exciting, let people feel that Liu Bei is still a hand, and the crouch is seven years. It actually can make such a soldier, it is no wonder that the sky can be flying in the sky, three points.

At this time, Fang Linqi can't help but contact the goat:

"I now rushed in saving you seems to be a bit difficult, you can really have a lot of care outside, but also the formal army of the garment armor!"

"This ghost world is very good, it belongs to you to kill very cool, but others cut you also the same kind. If you don't cooperate, I rank it will be divided into body!"

Goats have some stunning:

"No, in addition to the people, our ghosts, only a few bundles of straws ------ The bastard is used to rub the butt, I have used it to find such a big holiday. Do you have any people who guard? Is there any important person in the people? "

Fang Lin Yan hesitated him:

"How big is your warehouse room?"

Goat immediately:

"30 square meters."

Fang Lin Yan quickly converted, it was 5 meters x6 meters, and he couldn't close the warehouse, but he can roughly see the relevant situation, immediately to the goat:

"I probably know, it should be that this Korean family is too rich, their warehouse is at least three or four hundred square meters, and your temporary cell is just one of the rooms in the warehouse."

"The rest of the warehouse should be the benefits of this time Liu Beijun from it, so it has attracted these deals."

The goat did not reply to the first time, after ten seconds, suddenly surprised:

"I have been moving, I finally can't stand it, I stand it out to do something. It is estimated that some people have urged him to mix!"

After another seven or eight seconds, the warehouse came to the "bang", and there is a scream.

The timely war of goats will follow up:

"I rely on, this person is so strong, it is not good to make a gunulent! An ax will be a guard of the warehouse door with the warehouse door! And let's talk, if someone drags the legs, he will kill! Head, you say I want it. Exposure identity. "

Fang Linyan is eye-moving, whispered:

"This is the world of gold, I advise you to live, low-key low strokes must be low-key."

When the two dialogued, the soldiers who had a drink have been observed that they have passed the past, and when this is a guy, it actually runs more, such a quality is really People can see the scalp.

Soon, the sergeant using the ax rushed out and hit this with this helper.

This guy looks very small, but the arm is very strong, and the right hand will carry a single-handed ax, but the left hand does not go to the road, holding a fire rope! Such shape is not common in ancient China in ancient Chinese society, and it is a bit of the style of the Caribbean pirate.

The ax male saw the enemy roaring, and there was no meaning to avoid the meaning of the front, the left hand was directly bombarded.

Although the current knife shield is immediately guarding the body with a shield, it can be done in the next second.

At this time, the ax is suddenly a feet, and the knife shield in the ground is actually "", and then tatched a gray brown stalagmites, stabbed it, and suddenly on the spot. Account.

This shot is a cold in the heart of Fanglin Rock, because he asks such a trick, it will not hide.

Because this thorn, the body of the knife shield was obviously stiff, apparently estimated that this stone breevemide was stipped, and it attached to a dizzy effect. If you don't die, the ax man can make up an ax.

Fanglin Ran's heart, this guy can be true + firewriter + magic three-series simultaneously, and in normal circumstances, most of the golden oils are mostly samples, and the door is typical!

Because this is necessary to go to the three very different roads, it is very amazing, and the power is very amazing, and the resources are very amazing.

However, once it is molded, it means that it is very difficult, because the enemy wants to pay three kinds of uncomfortable, but it works closely with the way.

After killing this knife shield, Fanglin Rock deliberately pays attention to the anx man's expression, and found that after him, the brows are all, revealing the expression of surprises.

Obviously, the ax male did not expect this enemy so crisp, but the reward is abnormal.

Therefore, the ax male did not say that it was rushing up, and an ax was on another knife shield.

This knife shield is obviously a humanity, and it is still a good relationship with it before, it should be worried about the life and death of the guy who is worn by the stalagmite cave. As a result, it can only barely dodge the ax.

As a result, this rushing dodge obviously did not have any eggs. The difference is that the neck was smashed by the entire ax and was smashed by half the ax ..... suddenly simply dead.

Obviously, the ax male has also fallen into a small child's mowing, hahaha is laughing. After I saw his back, I actually appeared a stone giant's illusion, and then I had a touch of your head, and it should be an exhibited a certain skill.

Then, the remaining knife shield soldiers were discovered, the earth became muddy, their feet actually fell directly into the ground ten centimeters, as if they were in the swamp!

In this case, suddenly it was frightened, one of the people immediately screamed:

"Spell is spell!"

This is the skill of the ax: the grace of the stone giant, which reduces the enemy movement in the range to 40%, and has a certain probability to make it certain, it is difficult to act.

However, in the past, the storytell saw the skills used by the contractor. If it belongs to the category they can't understand, it will automatically switch into the way they can understand, such as shooting as a archery.

So, this is a blade of Liu Beijun, it will be panicked, and it will be a spell ------ this can be an end of the Eastern Han Dynasty with Zuo Ci, Nanhua Elderly!

In this case, the ax male looks opposite not only directly decelerated, but also in the middle of the year, at least two or thirty, so he is more happy, and rushing up a shield and kills a knife shield.

Seeing this scene, Fanglin Rock has added a sentence next to it: continuous killing X4.

At this time, the ax man is obviously refused to let it go, continue to kill the special kill, not only that, even the contractors who have been detained after being detained are also rushing out.

When I saw the competitors, the ax men were obviously not happy to give each other.

In his eyes, the giant's grace of the stone giant it is like a big net, which has been completely trapped in front of these rewards and becomes a prey.

The contractor who rushed up rushed as long as she shot, it was equivalent to robbery in his prey, and moved his own ban.

But now the ax male does not want to turn his face with this silver small shield contractor. This is a world that is difficult for gold main line. "Before, you will maximize the benefits!

He suddenly became an ax, and then went out of a half-month-shaped disease. At the same time, the ax is also an amazing blood red ray, which makes the scope of the score is quite amazing.

Under this , all the enemies of the upper ten-ranking angle of the ax male, they were all pulled by him, and they were in front of them, and they were still fell in a second!

Black hole!

This ax is very powerful, but the effect is not doubtful!

Then, the ax male is actually throwing his own fire. At this time, the burning line behind the fire rope gun is quickly burning!

When this fire is in the middle of the enemy, the fire is bombarded! !

This is another skill of the ax male:

Death! !

The huge explosive force and the fragments flying everywhere produced huge killing, and all the knife shields were cleaned.

The ax male gunuper looked at the sudden and outstanding reputation and war, and suddenly soared to X9 continuous killing! I have been laughing directly, I don't have the same, this is the whole knife shield actually dropped two white keys, as well as a book that shines blue rays.

Look carefully, this book is written in this book: three words of the knife.

Don't tell, whether it is a key or a book, it is unable to see.

I saw this scene, and the ax male player suddenly was excited, and I took the two keys.

However, after this book broke out, there was five or six meters from him, so the ax male needs two steps to income in the bag.

However, this time Fanglin Rock has already found that the big movement of the ax male has triggered the attention of the people next to the watch tower. This guy suddenly blows the bamboo flute hanging on the neck! The sharp harsh sound is immediately transmitted, and the tie people's eardrum is hurt.

Fanglin Rock, who is stealing, can't help but frown.

Then, the archers played together in the whistle, and the hand of the bow and the whole bow, and the side of this side came.

And after this arrow is shot, the archer is still like a strings, and the finger is hook, actually is a shot of the bead arrow, a bow of three years! !

Although the ax male gunuper is arrogant, it is absolutely unqing, and it is closely noticeable to the surrounding environment.

He saw the arrow on the post, immediately turned away, and did not expect the first arrow to shoot it next to him, and then bombarded, and burst out the blue smoke of the monarch. Amabered male contributes.

The same is the same as the two arrows that came back, and the light blue smog is actually spread rapidly after the explosion, and all of this large space is covered.


This stuff is formed by the special formula transferred in Xiangxi Wuxi, the main ingredients have the feces of the beasts, the mountains, and the drug modulation of fire.

Although this smoke can not form any injury, it is very sharp, it can confuse the direction of the enemy in it, so that it seems to be lost everywhere, and the enemy is in which half of them will be lost.

At the same time, the friendly army will not be affected by this fog,

Unless it is the relevant occupation of the main sensory, it is difficult to get the fog in the right direction in a short period of time.

Although the ax male hunter is very powerful, his three-cultural behavior has undoubtedly makes its potential points and general spots are very tight, even the foundation attribute points should also be blocked, and it is not possible to have a tip. It is a high sensation.

In this case, even if he is a seeder, there is no way, it can only be hit by a headless flies.

At the same time, the bow on the watchtower is not idle, and the bow is strapping the contractor of the handheld silver shield.

The unlucky contractor looks like a remote attack means. After a shot is completely chicken, after an arrow, the face has made a white, and only the wound hides the dead angle next to it.

After more than ten seconds, the fog was gradually dissipated, but the distance has been introduced in the distance, which immediately saw that the high-strong man of the two black iron tower is already rushed to the battlefield.

These two menished, although they were autumn deep, but they also opened their clothes, revealing a tendon meat, pinching fists with casserole size.

One of the guys looks very familiar. It is Zhao Xiong, which is encountered before Fanglin Rock, and another is similar to him, but the head is more taller, it is his brother Zhao hammer.

Not only that, these two guys have a short fat, this short fat looks more like a regular army, with a stabbed iron helmet, the shoulder is also a clear iron thorn, and the wolf teeth in hand hammer.

Fanglin Rock lost the past investigation, and the results can only be scanned from its name: iron needle! The identity is elite.

When Zhao Xion came to this side, I saw the knife shield of the ground, and immediately got anx, and immediately rapidly slamming the ax.

I saw Zhao Xiong's behavior, and his brother Zhao hammer was only slightly alleged, and he stepped with your brother.

The ax male hunter has just been taken off from dissipated fascinating fog, but has already found a strong enemy has already rushed to the front!

Not only that, there is a big man behind!

Ordinary contractors may panic, but he is a Bellee career, the body is very rich, and the combat experience is very rich, and immediately rubbed, and immediately shines on a layer of gray-white rays, and its skin is even changed. It became the color of granite.

This is also the ax male gun hunter to charge before, and the capital is the capital, it is an auxiliary magic, called the body stone, has been raised to LV7!

After being bored with this nick magic, its base defense can increase almost 30 points.

The additional effects of LV4 are 15% of physical injury on the basis of increasing defense.

The extra special effects of LV7 is that as long as the biser is on the floor, then the stone shield that is automatically surrounded by the side, any injury caused by the courage will be taken first by the stone shield.

The health of the stone shield is the LV level X10 of the body stone, the defense power = the physical point of the caster, does not affected by the reduction in PVP law.

When the stone shield is destroyed, it will be reborn after a minute.

Relying on the strength of the body stone lv7, the ax male hunter has become more difficult, escaped, and the auto-surround stone shield is called him.

Just, when he just blessed the stone skin, Zhao Xiong had been running on the body, and the muscles of the thick right arm were tight, and then the ax male hit it.

After eating this hit, the ax man was only one meter from the knife and the station, but he was directly hit, and the "" has hit the back of the wall, and the eyes are directly taken. I didn't slow the air for a long time, caught in a dizzy situation, and the knife and stumps have been very far away.

But this is not an end, it is a beginning, because my brother Zhao hammer is already a "" fierce strike!

The ax male hunter has not come back at all, and the brother is rushing to the front of the brother, and the big giant hand of Pu fans will pick up his neckline, then it is a note.!

This refurbishment is shocked, and several loose tiles on the side of the house are directly slipping, and the flush is broken on the ground!

After the ax male gunulent fell, from the mouth of the mouth, "" spurted a lot of blood, but also can't move on the ground .......

But this is not ending, with the tacit understanding of the two brothers still continue to send, the younger brother Zhao Xiang has slowed down from the stiffness of that hit, he jumped high, then in half empty The knee, the ax male gunulent hunter is squatting.

I saw this knee, the ax male gunulent, like the previous bending man, can only be decisively bite and stop damage, hand over the tuition fees for my previous , I have used it. Bottom card.

His whole person's body broke out a huge waves, pushed the people around him, and even the Zhao Xiong, who was exhibited in half, was blown more than half a meter.

I grabbed this opportunity, and the ax male stood up, his body shines with red rays, entered the state of hegemony, life recovery speed / moving speed also soared 100%.

At this time he certainly won't stay in love, it was very unwilling to read the "Sweet Bare Policy", and then turned to escape.


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