The First Evolution

Chapter 11 Fishing

In the face of the temptation of the drop props, the ax miye has no reluctance to give up.

There is no doubt that he makes a wise choice, because this tyrant is only ten seconds in this manual state, and if you want to take the knife, you have to have a hard pass from Zhao's two brothers!

Even if you can get this stuff, the main body status is also wasted a lot, then you have to face the enemy's joint attack!

There is no doubt that the ax male escaped Zhao's two brothers, and then he did not say the call.

As Zhao's two brothers were introduced, the contractor who had a silver small shield immediately lit up, rushed out from the masking office, and the bow on the watchtock took two arrows, all used by him. Silver small shield is easy to open.

Obviously, this guy has hidden strength, and the goal of him at this time is to finger the knife and strategy! I want to get the book and then escape.

However, the idea of ​​this guy is good, but the reality is very cruel. After relying on enough near distance, this knife strategy is not moving, and it cannot be incorporated by its income, and this contractor has also received a brutal tips. :

"The ownership of this item is not as you, you have to wait until the end of the protection time can be incorporated in the bag."

"Current protection time: 12 seconds."

In the face of such a tips, the contractor found that Zhao's two brothers did not return signs, and they were very simply winding to the side of the archers.

This plan is already very clear, that is, seizing the opportunity to drag 12 seconds, take the knife and decisions.

But after the guy retired, it was hard to flash the arrow, and suddenly shocked, the whole person fell to the front, while black in front of his eyes, it was a few seconds. What wet thing flows down ...

After he woke up, I found that it was a single-hand wolf tooth hammer!

This is very simple, which is a fist size with a tattoo ball with a wooden handle, but it has caused a good harm, and there is two negative effects that have dizzy and bleeding.

After this contractor just returned to God, I found a huge meat ball actually aligned with myself hit it, and it was already close at hand.

It is that the existence of a very low barbal iron needle suddenly has difficulty!

When he was attracted by the gods of the silver shield contractor, he was attracted by the god of the arrow. He first throws the wolf tooth hammer in his hand. It blessed and dizzy for three seconds.

Then he went over to the body, like a small tank, which collided with this unlucky contractor.

Previously, the impact of Zhao Xiong Zhao hammer gave people the feel like a tank, a pressure-made collision like a bulldozer.

At this time, the iron needle is in this way, it is necessary to hurt people with the spikes on the shoulders, perhaps not so amazing in the moment, but like a stone that is flying at a high speed, it can also make people's eyes and swollen It is difficult to suffer!

Because the whole is dizzy for three seconds, the Silver Shield contractor is not coming to defense, and it is directly hit by the iron needle.

Under this hit, he fell out in the opposite direction while and iron needles, but the Silver Shield contractor was hit by the chest, and there were several blood caves, and the blood is going to do everything.

What is even more, the Silver Shield contractor has been hit from the center of the yard from the dead angle, entered the attack range of the archer stayed, so he just stabilizes the shape and wants to climb, but the lookout tower The god hand is obviously in combination with iron needles.

He has already wanted to go, replaced with the wolf tooth arrows created by the fine iron, and it also applied to the venom. Direct bow and arrow, one arrow wore this unlucky guy's throat!

A terrible red number raised from his head.

276 (crit)!

Not only that, but the guy has been hung by a poisonous state in addition to the bleeding state!

Plus him in front of the iron needle, a hammer + a hit a lot of health, so it directly triggered team skills, "" is directly passed.

Obviously, this archer is not willing, immediately starting to show up and hope to give this damn intrusion enemy to make up the final hit.

Just at this time, a blood red lightning drops from the sky, and the slap in the top of the archer, so that he suddenly entered the dizziness of 1.5 seconds.

When the archer recovered from dizzy, the three of the pearls were aligned with him, and the "bombing" was blown on the bracket of the simple lookout tower!

Suddenly, this fragile wood bracket directly "click", the struts of the whole lookout tower are also a "" sound that is a toothic acid, which is slowly awkward, and the archers above can only jump in the wolf.

There is no doubt that this is a good show that Goat and Fanglin Rock cooperated.

Without Fanglin Rock to help dizzy bowers, the goat only wants to sing, can't flew away, and I will send him a man.

Don't doubt, the difficulty of the Gold Mainline ensures that the arrows of this arrow shot will be able to interrupt his campaign as long as you hit.

After a blow, the block between Fanglin Rock and the goat, only the iron needle is elite!

At this time, Fang Lin Yan took a sigh of relief, very simply rushed to the iron needle, and this short fat man was feared, and a wolf to the waist is aligned with Fanglin Rock. !

Fang Lin Yan does not avoid it, the wolf toe hammer from his body, and slammed on the column next to it.

This is the passive skill of Fanglin Rock, and it is folded.

The iron needle is used to aiming at the enemy's head, perhaps so that it is convenient to make habits, but this is the habit of can't count bad habits, but by Fang Linyan captured, directly using it.

In the next second, the iron needle was forced by Fanglin Rock to the face, directly launched the Huichun: Even the Japanese words!

The amazing boxing shadow was in an instant, and the iron needle appeared in this moment as if it was in the wind! The whole person was twitching. After he just woke up, he was bombarded by the goat. on.

Such an attack, let this guy feel a strong crisis, and then the iron needle actually made an unexpected Sao:

He actually led his hand into the beast pocket, and then took out a fist size, and he actually took a black ball of Mr. Mars. It is ready to be aligned with Fanglin Rock?

How do this stuff look like a firearm?

When the iron needle is about to shot, Fanglin Rock is watching, and the illusion of olive trees behind him behind. I drank it:


It is he showed a second-order appearance: words!

As a result, the iron needle tried, and immediately stayed. After all, it is just a elite, and I have dizzy for a second.

Caught this opportunity, Fanglin Rock relies on the basics of his LV10, and grabbed the wrist of the iron needle, and then forced this stuff to return to his arms, and he will open it!

"Boom", this unfortunate guy is fried by his own weapon, and the paralysis is on the ground, and it directly lost his life. A black smoke did directly rose, and it also dropped a black quality. Key.

At this time, the goat was surprised:

"I rely on, this guy is another elite, how is the health of life?"

"Wow, he directly added 100 points Cao Ying reputation, 15 o'clock!"

Fanglin Rock is very simply said:

"I have told you that this world's miscellaneous enemy should be very crisp, but the attack is also very high. If you feel that they are doing it, so you have seen the two fools before you saw it. ? "

He said, one side, gave the goat, lost a set of civilian clothes:

"Hurry and replace it, don't let people think that we are Cao Cao in the first time."

Goat shrugged:

"OK, OK, I know."

At this time, Fanglin Rock has directly taken the black key of the iron needle, of course, the "knife strategy" next to it will not let go, and then take the goat in a hurry.

Because of the less than a lookout tower, the extensive grouper attracted the opponent's attention, so the actions of the two can be said to be quite smooth.

Fanglinyan even had a small yard that triggered a temporary incident before reading it. The Han Tan has fallen into the bloody, and the two children don't know how to go.

However, when the army's battle report will write a "child gold", that is, in this chaotic world, the child, the woman's status is consistent with gold, silver, cloth, and , will not be When adults look, but a wealth that can be dominated.

So the two children may not be killed, the most likely lower, is sold to people to be a slave.

Seeing this scene, Fang Lin Yan did not feel regret, annoyed, there is no angry feeling, because of the chaos, life is very nature.

However, there are two sentences, but suddenly in his mind:

There is no shot of the road to repair the bridge, and the murder will set the fire belt!

This is the most realistic portrayal of chaos!

The two were very careful, but when they rushed out of the house, they were discovered by several Zhuang Ding, and suddenly called it.

But this kind of Zhuang Ding's screaming in the village of a pot of porridge does not play any effect,

After Fanglin Rock is broken, let goats go quickly, then put together a stone threatening to pour a Zhuang Ding, and the remaining people immediately slow down the pace of catching, and looked at the two successfully escaped.

I saw this scene, and the goat is a curious question:

"Why don't we do it?"

Fanglin Rock said softly:

"According to my observation, it is not difficult to kill the rings on these guys, but the problem is that once the person killed, it will lead to a stronger reinforcement."

"When I left, I saw a curved man killed four Zhuang Ding, and the result was a big loss on the hunter supported."

"That kindsman will kill all the knife shields in a short time, and it will provoke the two brothers of Zhaojia."

"So, I think unless they are all killed, otherwise, or if it is low, we don't do it, once you start, then you will get a big ticket!"

After listening to the analysis of Fanglin Rock, the goat also couldn't mention any objection. After all, Fanglin Yan had more information than him, and the goat's occupation decided that he was behind doing an output fort.

At this time, the two were re-visited into a house, and then unexpectedly found that there was still an old man in this, at this time, I went up to the goat.

It is possible to be based on the charm of the goat. Of course, Fanglin Rock feels more likely to be based on the silver ingot you took. This is called Qin Uncle or knows that there is no words.

It turned out that it is called Shangxi Village, and there is a downhrough village next to Wuxi ------ Fanglin Rock and the goat feel that Mcis and vultures should be there.

Before two days ago, Liu Beijun suddenly ordered it, said that Cao Ring is about to be south, in a tribute, killing people, in order to save a party safe, so they are willing to protect everyone to the Jiangling.

Such orders are easy, but this era information is not circulated, most of the farmers have not been able to pass in the county in this life.

And after the war of Guandu, Cao Cao also converged a lot in the north, so the people didn't think that the object of paying taxes, the resistance is very strong, who is willing to go to the hometown?

At this time, a man who sang white face was debut, mainly, based on Liu Bei's new tribute, this helping the guys heard the accent that did not understand the local residents, and smashed the people.

Then people singing red face will stood out to persuade the large households in the village, saying that it is a soldier, I only know the executive military order, then I will go, then I have to kill.

At the same time, I also went to buy the red pool in the village, let them take the lead, let's go, say that if they are willing to give money to the food.

In this way, I walked some people in the village, and then grabbed a few of the leader.

At this time, the bloody knife rack was in the neck, the surrounding folks were either gone, or they have been scared, and in this case, they still dare to fade before the Korean house. Cao Wei fine, then copy the family.

There is a water to clear, there is no fish, which is of course, most of them are cheaper, of course, Liu Beiyi has also got a lot of benefits from China.

Therefore, as the words they saw in Fanglin Rock, when Liu Beijun was withdrawn, it was definitely not in the autumn, not to rely on "Renyi" name to call more than 100,000 people, that is, the use of the means and robbed .

Of course, Cao Caojun is also a tiger wolf. After these poised poor people fall behind them, they will be smashed into the marrow, and some people are being sold to Jingzhou, and squeezed to Jingzhou. The last drop value.

This Qin Uncle can stay because he has been poor, no children, and still dyed malfane, there are people who are disappointing, and others don't dare to approach him, and they are also pity him, so let him die here.

I understand that after the consequences, Fanglin Rock and goats are liaison with vultures, and then prepare the key to the iron needle fall, and the properties of the knife strategy.

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