The First Evolution

Chapter 18 Legend Quality Props Reproduction

However, although he was arrested, this guy's character was very reluctant, and there were no movements they had, and they started to break out, and they were tired, and they used the eyes of the poison. I didn't send it.

I know that I'm looking at him, it is estimated that it is not used by him.

Just, this reaction at this time has long been in the pre-judgment of Fanglin Rock. He has had a countermeasure in his heart, and it is straightforward:

"Liu thief's chasing soldiers should come soon, let's take him with him, wait until it is safe, and then clean up."

The five people distinguished the direction, so that Mes didn't speak, along with the trail walked towards the mountains, Fang Lin Yan began to mention some Yi He Wei, took the initiative to find the goat:

"Hey, there is almost a period of time, do you want to be home?"

Goats have entered the world for two hours, I want to say this, I have a big priest with a pre-bulging, and it is really a big priest. If you think about three autumns, it should be.

However, these goats can only think about it in their hearts, and they will definitely say:

"Still thinking."

Fanglinyan sighed sighs:

"I also think about it, I have been coughing when my father goes out, nor does it know how much it is."

"Hey, if you don't have a budget of Xiaobi in the middle of the family, it is still a dividend, and I will not be coming to do this."

Since Fanglin Rock said so, as a qualified boy, the goat immediately urged asked:

"Oh? How did the uncle have been documented?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"The father was in the past, so it was submitted as a Silver library, did not expect this to be a trap set down, for short months, they have hooked from the silver library to steal silver two Two, this deficit is directly harming the family because of corruption, and it is also responsible for making up this deficit. "


"In the silver library, it is bound to prevent Yan, how can it be stolen?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"According to regulation, enter the silver bank to carry the silver two small, must be stripped, a man does not hang, before leaving the silver library, you must be inspected, and you can jump three times before you can leave. It is very complete, but it is still Drilling the empty space. "

Speaking here, Fang Lin Yan sighed:

"I later listened to it. I only knew that the small position of the handling of the silver library was often hit. This gang is in the junior period. I started to exercise after exercise. In the first time, I used a semi-truncated chopsticks into anus. Do not stop. "

"Then add two chopsticks, three chopsticks until it can be jumped from the chopsticks truncated from the middle."

"These traitors use this kind of magazine, stealing two hundred and two silver in a short period of time and successfully married, getting my family's way!"

Fanglin Rock said that he was so good that the rest of the people were comforted -------- Of course, this is a surface phenomenon. In fact, the team channel is already you said that I am very hot.

Goat: Head, your stories are very powerful!

Max: I almost thought it was true.

Fanglin Rock: It is true, but it seems to be seen from a historical material. After that, it is still a bit bleak in his later years. It often has a red manure, and the back door is born.

Kresbo: Your story is deliberately talking about?

Fanglin Rock: Yes, this guy is inevitably has a big secret, if this secret is the words, then there is no way.

But if it is in kind, he has been caught by Liu Bei, and it should have been searched many times. Since it has not been searched, then a big probability is hidden in his body.

However, considering that this world has spells, since Liu Bei's professional prison is not searched, we go to search him to estimate that the chance is not high.

So, I deliberately tell a story to scam him, if this family is really a ghost, then I will first ferment for a while, naturally a way to make him old and old prototype, of course, you have to timely With me .....

So a man got almost ten minutes later, the vulture suddenly looked back, and some vigilant:

"It seems that some people are not right, it seems that someone is tracking us."

Then the vultures quickly bowed to the back, quickly disappearing behind a huge rock behind a shock line.

But after a few seconds, there is a scream.

After hearing this scream, the rest of the people couldn't stand firm, goats and Cresbo frowned immediately:

"Let's take a look! The situation seems to be a bit wrong."

The two rushed out immediately.

In the face of this sudden situation, Fanglin Rock faced a look at the water and immediately looked at Messe:

"Interrupt his legs."

When Mes, Mes, who had a long walk in the way, and heard his words:


Fang Linyan coldly said:

"I doubt that the people of Liu thieves have been chasing it. We now have a heart thinking about him? Directly interrupt his legs! See where he can escape?"

When I listened to Fanglin Rock, I knew it worse. Sure enough, he heard a crisp sound of "", and then felt that there was a pain in the right leg, and it was his toughness. I can't help but make a miserable call!

After the Mes, I didn't say that I interrupted a legal leg, I will thrown him next to him, while acute:

"We still have to support it, see where this scorpion can escape!"

After that, the two of Mes and Fanglin Rock were also quickly rushed, and then disappeared in the jungle, leaving only a broken legs, the rest of the legs, next to the ground.

After the right leg was interrupted, it was thrown out, and it took the injury. This almost didn't let him feel directly painful. It took a moment to slow down, I only feel There is a black in front of you, all of them are sweating in the forehead.

At this time, Zhang said that he really first slammed the wolf, and he entered the tiger points!

What is even more, the beasts in this tiger point seem to be treacherous than those in the wolf nest.

Previously, the dialogue of this person, Zhang Zhang seems to be full of ear, in fact, every word listened to, and even feel the back of the ridge.

Yes, when the other party said that the method of the oil slip smashing silver, the continued heartbeat has accelerated ten times, because he did not have to hide in the back door, but his collection It is really a pulse.

It was very scared when I was awarded that if I clicked by it, I thought of my own body from those who steal silver. How can it be good?

To be honest, you are not afraid of death, because he has the belief of death, but he is fear now, but it is not a magic of the task of the journey, then he is a sinner!

At this time, I have been quiet. Only the call of the distance is coming over, clearly audible, but it is very clear, no matter which party, the final end is fine.

These people who fight, all are the tiger wolves who eat people do not spit their bones!

Of course, people's memory is selective, and when they are in grief, they have forgotten their clothes. The wheat cakes just have to kill a innocent coward. .

Since the Zhang, since it is all in terms of the rodopsis, it is a striking person to be strong, then we will trample in his will and dignity.

After a fight in the heart, Zhang Zhang continued to breathe a sigh of relief, before the "human hidden silver" said by Fang Ran repeatedly echoed in his ear, which made his heart uncomfortable!

So I once confirmed that no one around, even the birds next to the birds didn't seem to look at the crow, so I just got very simply unconsciously unconsciously released the button.

It can be seen that on the chest, there is a flesh and blurred wound, and it seems that it is in a knife.

He biting his teeth and reached out to the wound inside. It looked unusually painful. The face was twisted, but the action of the finger was getting bigger and bigger. Finally, I finally went out of him. Beads.

This bead was originally black, but after being moved after a few seconds, it gradually exhibited water blue.

Although it is cut out from the flesh and blood blurred wound, it still has a beautiful micro-light, and a little blood is not contaminated.

The look of this beads can be said to be full of piety, the mouth is still muttering, it should be an urgent point of mind, do not blame the meaning.

Then he hesitated, starting to have a spell, then blowing out a breath, spraying this bead.

After this breath, the beads are getting more and more flowers, and the water is sparkling, as if it is carefully maintained, and the perspective is wilting, and it is ten years old.

It turned out that the beads were normal, they needed to be essential, once leaving people, they will suffer damage.

Therefore, this bite "Ganlin", which is justified, is specially bored on it, let it leave the human body ten or a half months.

Of course, the cost of this tone is also caused to make the energy, and even damage life.

When you look down on this bead, then wrap it with the leaves, bite your teeth, then look at the root clearance next to the root clearance, in the way, it is also a layer of soil. Falling leaves, let them see nature.

After Zhang Xi thought, I also scored a diagonal cross with a stone on the top of the tree. In this case, I have a confirmation.

After carefully identifying someone, he said that he scored it was still unclear, so I wanted to make up, but when he picked up the stone and wanted to perform the idea, he suddenly sounded a voice:

"You are really good, just have been interrupted, there is still a thought to enjoy this neck tree?"

After this sound sounded, Zhang Zhang did not jump, but I forgot my legs, suddenly met the wound, and I went to the ground half of the sky, and I was looking back. I found it. It is a vulture.

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At this moment, he can say that it is amazing, which is terrified that his small movement is discovered.

Of course, the movement of the continued heart is also broken, your TM is a ghost? How is the voice of walking?

It was said that this time did not find that this guy did not seem to pay attention to the tree, so he was slightly pine and hurriedly biting the truth of the trip:

"Do you say that there is a chasing troops?"

At this time, the grass next to it moved, but Fang Lin Yan also drilled out and stared at Zhang:

"Just apron, you will kill it, do you have any secrets in your body, actually provoke Liu Yixiao?"

Zhang Zhang immediately closed.

Fang Linyan's mouth is a cold laugh, quietly makes a color to vultures, and the vulture immediately walked next to the tree, up and down, the upper and down:

"When I came back, I saw this guy and I have been staring here, I don't know if I want to leave a mark.

I heard that the vulture said that there were a lot of comfort, but I saw Fanglin Rock, but I also hopped in the neck. At this time, his heart happened again. What should I do if I have seen a flaw?

So I can only bite my teeth:

"Liu thief is looking for me, because the folk rumors, saying that there is a treasure, and I am caught by them, so I was caught."

I heard the words "treasure", and some people in Fanglin Rock have exchanged their eyes. I know that this is still useful, and it is dug a clue! However, it is also necessary to prevent this guy who is possible, so this kind of thing is of course went to the goat.

Think about it is still a knowledgeable, but the people in this era have not received relevant special training. How can I get the travel of such a professional salesman, but I just turn off a few questions, I will ask for a cold sweat. Straightforward.

Not only that, Fanglin Rock and vultures have intentionally, from time to time, they will make up next to the neck tree. They are still calm on the surface. In fact, I have been upset, in this case, where is it?

So, soon, the continuation is like a squeezed toothpaste, and it is very reluctant to tell him what he knows.

It turned out that in these days, the mountains near the mountains will have a vast, thundering electric flash, loud sound, there is a bird group to gather in the morning, there is a nursery rhyme to come out, saying that there is a treasure to come out, So the movement of the heart, I feel that this seems really a treasure, so I will come to investigate.

Just after him, I misunderstood it was caught by Liu Beijun, and I saw the identity of this gorker as a probe of Cao Jun, so it was striking.

Next, the goat has been forced to ask, and the non-decisive points have been asked to collapse. In the end, it reluctantly told the truth of the treasure. According to his speculation, at night, it is not Huang Shigong, it is a tissue.

"Huang Shi Gong?" Heard this name, Fang Lin Ran, suddenly thought of the experience in the world of dinosaur.

To be honest, the woman in Oimi is finally sacrificed, destroying the final vitality of the earthquake, otherwise, the final deer is not known.

At that time, the one-time propan of calling thunderbolts came out, Huangshigong! At this time, suddenly I heard its drops from the continuous mouth, it really didn't help but heart.

As for "Zhang Rozari", although I don't know what it is, since I can be columbby with Huangshigong, then the effect and power will be sorry.

Seeing that Zhang Zhang also scams again, Fanglin Ran is looking at it:

"Well, this time I believe you, let's go."

The surface is very indifferent, but the heart has been relieved, let Misis will catch himself.

However, after being taken more than a dozen meters by Max, he suddenly felt something wrong, because the rest did not follow it? And the rear also came to a strange whisper!

When I stepped up, I couldn't help but look back. I suddenly had a black, I only felt that the whole world will collapse!

It turned out that the remaining one of the bastards were actually gathered next to the neck tree, and the goat that smiled at this time suddenly sent a cheer:

"I found it!"

Then, he took a group of things, it was the mysterious bead wrapped in the leaves!

Seeing this scene, I just felt that my heart was broken directly. There seems to have a raging anger in the chest, and I spurt a blood from the mouth "", and then I passed directly.

However, since the key thing is already found, who is TM also tuned to make this guy's mood?

Goats unsuccessful leaves, of course, I found a light blue bead, everyone who looked at each other, I didn't know what this is in the end, and the vulture lost a detection. I found that the final information was very rare, but he Still sharing the specific information.

(fragmentation) (Legend).

Description: It is very rare props, produced from the East China Sea, if it is repaired, the time will be able to re-return the artifact.

How to use: After immersing it into the water, a day night, take water to drink, can strengthen the body, treat the disease, the old injury, can not bring out the world.

When I saw the quality of this, the rest of the people were calm, and Cresbo has taken a breath and shocks.

"Legend !! Although this place is broken, it is actually a legendary quality !!"

The vulture looked at him, and his mouth took a smile:

"Isn't it a legend? Care, my friend."

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