The First Evolution

Chapter 19 Fighting Liu Feng

In the face of such emergencies, Fanglin Rock was shocked at this time, but it was no longer worried, the arm was lifted, and it was already shot a blood red lightning, and once again put the whistle to the child.

However, in the face of the two powerful enemies, they came with their efforts to fight, Max's heroic jumping was in cooling, and Fanglin Rock is not able to block each other.

Just at this time, in front of these two cavalry, there was a sudden showing a dark red blood.

This bloody area is very large, at least five or ten square meters, seeing the sale of the evil, the dark red viscous liquid is now slowly, occasionally an out of a big bubble, and also exudes a silk white gas .

The liquid in the bloody tountain presents an irregular flow of flow, as if it is boiling, everywhere is a chaotic flow, even on the water, it will form a grimace of vicious laugh, and then quickly disappear.

When these two cavalry discovered the bloodstat, it was only three or five meters away. When the horse rapidly pentium, the distance between such a point is not to be adjusted, otherwise, the words are broken. It is light.

This is also the essence of the cavalry charge: looting like a fire, ahead!

So, even the front is the Kyamoyama Fire Sea, these two cavers can only bite to teeth into it.

After entering the bloodstut, you can see that there is approol for a deep depth, but the horse's Mercedes-Benz speed is obviously slowed down. Not only that, you can see the four legs of the horse to step into the blood of the blood. I have got a lot of fatty fresh blood leeches, in greedy sucking essence.

Every few seconds, the blood in the blood pool will make a one arm in the moment, and the part of the horse leg exposed, although these hand helped, it is broken, but it is also greatly delayed. The speed of advancement.

I saw this scene, Max is immediately big, no matter who is the army, I will have a shield rushing up, and the "" will be together with the current ride, it will intercept it directly. .

Fanglin Rock is also like a law. At this time, the enemy in the blood in the blind pool is definitely desirable to get rid of the blood of the blood, then obviously, the enemy wants to do, you can't let him wish him, it also welcomes it. Go up.

However, when Fanglin Rock is about to collide with the front of the contest, his back has passed a flashy whisper, so in Fang Lin Ran quickly judged that this warmer is not rushing by himself. Come!

Then I saw a horse with a bloody rays, on the face of this cavalry!

This hammer Fanglin Rock is also like once, because this place is almost in the Westward Tour world, it is moving on his face, and the heart suddenly moves:

"It turned out to be this guy? It seems that the one of the previous steps is still useful."

After the champion of the charge, the hammer was immediately flying, and the horse's war is still rushing.

But the cavalry cavalry, with the back of the soldiers, the war of the world's war trip, there is a ride, then it is just a training-trained animal, the opponent is already constantly threatened, and it can avoid it. open.

At this time, the goat is also covered with a wound, and the mouth has a mouthful, it seems that although it suffers from hitting, there is no big problem.

It turned out that this guy's vigilance would be much higher. From the whistle, it will feel that the other party should be locked, so it will come directly to strengthen the spring, anyway, his skill CD time is only two An hour, there is no problem.

With the temporary life bond acquisition, that spear seems to be dangerous. In fact, it is far more than dangerous, so the goat swallowed a bottle of treatment water, and he can endure it again.

At this time, I got a new reunion, and the help of the vultures rushed back, Fang Linyan was much more calm, and the five cavalry killed it clean.

Not only that, the vultures have seen hundreds of meters away. The two cars are still struggling in the river, just to catch it, but just killed a person, he saw the five cavalry in the distance, they directly Retreat back.

When the vulture goes to kill, Fanglin Ryna has a wound with the Messe, eat something, and seize the time to restore physical strength, and snap it with the new helper.

The new reinforcement is not someone else, it is before and Fanglin Rock, they have played many of the honored Kresbo.

When this guy initially, the guy was in the world, and the rest of the people were still blocked by Fanglin Rock, and it had a festival.

However, inside the Starcraft, he worked with Fanglin Rock to kill the starry violation, and went to a lot of benefits.

Of course, Fanglin Rock also looked out that he was not equal to another realistic person in the team. At the same time, the strength of Kresbo himself is too strong, causing the team captain to be a little jealous of him, so deliberately use Yangnis to balance him.

Therefore, Fanglin Rock uses this, and specially in the middle of the middle and deliberately packed some of the relationship between the two.

At this time, when Cresbo is in a dangerous area such as the world's world, it is still a single flight, most of which has a certain relationship with the promotion of Fanglin Rock.

However, Fanglin Yan did not know that allowed Cresbo to accept vultures invitation, but the root cause of the temporary group, but because of the interstellar world, Fanglin Rock actually did dialogue with hunting kings!

Cresbo was invited to do the intermediary, and the relationship between the opponent Lin Yan and the hunting king was quite understanding.

So, of course, I will know that the legendary team won the first, and directly transferred to the mouth-water dancers directly, and the heart is already extravailed.

In fact, in his strength, it is not a result of no colhead hunter team, but Cresbo also has its own consideration.

After entering the gunuper team, the world's difficulty experience is based on the identity of the seed hunter, so the difficulty will increase, and the strength of the other party does not let him worn orally.

Instead, Fanglin Rock seems to be ordinary contractors, which makes Cresbo faintly.

Because he is very clear, even if he looks away, the leader of the hunter of the hunter will not look at it, let go of the body and a small contractor.

Therefore, after the chart in Xiaxi Village, in the face of the invitation of vultures, the surface of Kresbo said that it is necessary to consider it, but it has already been heartbroken. When the vulture said that things were urgent, he rushed, directly I am busy.

At this time, the third wave of cavalry has been slow, and it is too late to have too much time. Fanglin Yan has lost an invitation to let Cresbo temporarily join the team.

This invitation mode is quite free, and the invited person can quit at any time, and after the world is over, the invitation will also invalid, and the Cresbo will automatically take the lead.

After joining the team, Kresbo first took a shock, because his full property suddenly added 4 points, which can be a very critical 4 o'clock.

For him, even if the main attribute strength and spirit are more than 10%, and for the basic attributes of the short board, such as agile, perception, etc., the addition or even more than 15%, this is very It is considerable.

When he saw the remaining two team skills: the bloody battle flag and the invisible, even if the two skills are completely the killing of the team! If you use it well, you don't want to have a few people don't be too easy. It can be said to be devastated to the enemy's morale.

At this time, with the enemy's approach, the five people have taken the remaining four knife shields directly to the mountains next to it, but they are not retracted, they stand at the mountain road.

In this way, the arrival of the cavalry is clear, and the enemy does not directly drill into the ganglou, but on the slope of the slope, the horse can go up, and directly give up obviously.

However, once it is really a horses, the speed will inevitably reduce a lot after rushing, and the impactful cavalry threat is reduced!

Not only that, but the two consecutive waves have been pursued, but the end is nine deaths, and the group of people is also a small bisquier.

In this case, the whistle for the first choice is neither offense, and does not retreat, but let a person go back to help, with the remaining three parts stare at Fanglin Rock.

This kind of choice is of course not wrong, and it can be said that it is very good to have two-sided nature, and there is a guarantee for the boss, and the security of yourself and the department is also guaranteed.

It's just this veteran choice, but it is completely in the pre-judgment of Fanglin Rock, because this is one of the most likely to make the most likely!

Therefore, wait until the cavalry sent to seek help, Fanglin Rock immediately wrapped up a big problem for this whistle.

He directly let the vulture will be in a coma, let the other party clearly clear, and then shouted at the outside:

"You have these non-mizers, people you have to catch this! Since you don't dare to attack, then Grandpa will go first."

"Hey, I changed my hand, I didn't even have the front of the front battle, I haven't worn, I have been hanging down the head of the head."

The first sentence of Fanglin Rock is to force the palace. The second sentence is a threat to the image, suggesting that if they leave themselves, not coming to the battle.

Then Tang Rock decisively ordered, with a dry person directly, disappeared in their vision.

When the cavalry couldn't see their figure, Fanglin Ran decided to find a place to ambush, and smiled and smiled.

"This gathering will definitely keep up, at least they have to follow our trace. Otherwise, I invited the Army, I can't give any explanation, this can really take a head! "

At this time, Cresbo listened to Fanglin Rock next to Fanglin Rock, and it was also very self-stunned. This guy feels that this guy is really slightly to the extreme, and it is no wonder that the hound king also pays very much attention to him.

After Cresbo, after the bonus of Cresbo, Fanglin Rock has a lot of tone. After all, Cresbo's functionality and Fanglin Rock are similar, belonging to the kind of hand, rushing to the front, you can stop, you need to kill enemies Output, even there is remote attack mean.

It is said that this is a long, Fanglin Rock, the strength of this side, has a large truncation, and the cavalry who runs to explore their traces is only four people, and they have returned to the mountains, go to the mountain road, and play the advantage of cavalry. The results of the next ambush battle can be imagined.

Four cavalry is of course, there is no running, even people have been taking the horse.

In this way, Fanglin Rock has killed 13 cavalry, got a lot of reputation and battle.

Not only that, the thirteen cavalry drops, and five can be exchanged for the ear. The name is the ear of the horse. Although the quality is white, there is also a lot of battle in exchange.

Fanglin Rock is also a bit wonderful, which is clearly cavalry. Why can't I fall down the ear of the horse? Is this not as good as the horse?

But think carefully, in this chaotic world, life is like mud, especially in the south, there is no war, it is necessary to run thousands of miles from the north, and the cavalry is used or the horse is not an ordinary horses.

So a matching horse, in Jingzhou, the price is very high, almost 30,000 yuan to 40,000 yuan!

On the market, the most comparable young and strong reluctance is almost two thousand money, a horse's price, even equivalent to fifteen to 20 to young, so thinking about it, really thinks there is a bit reason.

It is worth mentioning that it is definitely much better than the ordinary Zhuang Ding, and a cavalry can contribute 150 Cao Jun's reputation and 30 points!

In the battle of the team for the battlefield, the reputation after the cavalry is to get a full reward, which is that everyone's Cao Jun's reputation can add 150 points.

However, the way the battle is not the case, but will weigh the team of 30 o'clock X1.5 times first, then the six people are divided, probably everyone can get around 8 o'clock.

Fang Lin Yan did not feel it, but Cresbo looked at his battle is really a collection.

After he and Yangnis turned his face, he also found that the team's boss was very taboo. The words were crowded with themselves, so they left the team.

Of course, Cresbo is also scheduled to work, and after joining a new "Galaxy" team, it is full of big brother, but it is completely exploited after it is in the future.

Do not say everything, there is a danger of hard warfare, there is no one when you eat meat.

Just now, in the middle of Xiaxi Village, he took a few knife shields in front of him. The support that I should get would be late, I have used him to take a satellite.

After the anger of Cresbo, he knew that this group of grandser did not disappear in order to maintain a lifting kill, so he gave him more than a minute! This is really hot, which also leads to the determination and determination of Cresbo.

And even this is the case, before Cresbo has also been achieved from 20% of the battle (because the team is mostly in the team).

However, it is here for ten minutes. The district is less than ten minutes. The battle and prestige have exceeded the previous sum, and most of the dangerous and stress have been borne by Mc. and Fanglin Rock. At the end, Kresbo is still divided. Only fight the horse, how does this not let him feel emotion?

Next, Fang Ran fifteen has been placed afterwards, and it returns to the mountain road to look forward to the mountain, but soon, I found that Liu Beijun has no longer executing the tactic tactics, this time appeared in their vision Inside, it is actually a cavalry team with more than 30 people.

Not only that, this cavalry team already has a teenager in the tie, the weapon used is not a long gun, but a long knife, and the horse's fighting horse is also significantly higher than the rest of the people. Much more.

Its left saddle bag is inserted with a flat banner, and the word "Liu" is written. The right shanbia is also inserted with a flat banner, and a "Zhao" word is written!

Ancient China, usually in the right, so officials will be recorded on the history book, saying that he moved to a certain place.

For example, Han Yu has two very famous poems: Yunheng Qinling, why, the snow is in front, this poem is called: left move to Blue Steel Sun Xiang.

According to the rules at this time, the word "Liu" on the left side should mean that this teenager's own last name, the "Zhao" word on the right of the right flag is that it is affiliated to Zhao's generals, this is before Fanglinyan Just analyze, it should be Zhao Yun.

The general of Liu Bei's hand can hit the horse, make the long knife, the age is not big, and the surname Liu ........ These key elements are mixed together, and Fanglin Rock began to seek relevant information in my mind.

At this time, the vulture lost a detection past, and the result was no doubt. ? ?

Fortunately, when he is not a person, it is still in Fanglin Rock, and Cresbo has already shed:

"I recommend withdraw, don't lose due to small."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Oh? Do you recognize this teenage?"


"I also carefully studied the history of China, I wanted to go, I could go, I can talk to the upper number, I should be the righteousness of Liu Bei, Liu Feng!"

Some things can be unveiled at a layer of paper, and by Cresbo, Fanglin Rock also felt very likely.

There is no birthday in the history book, but Liu Bei is a lot of people who want to think of the sons. They can't find a thirty-year-old beard, and Liu Da's ear is a good, Guan Yu Zhang Fei. Do you still meet him?

From the logic of change, Liu Feng's age is definitely a juvenile Lang, which is gone at the age.


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