"Do you want to receive a reward for this task?"

"If you choose to receive it, you will get relevant rewards, and even if you return Noah space, you will not be punished."

"But you will not be able to accept the next stage of the main line task, and can only continue to stay in this world for free 24 hours! Free stay time will be, it will enforce the price of 20,000 universal points per hour. ! "

"If you choose not to receive rewards, the reward will be distributed to the completion of the next phase of the main line task, if you fail after the next phase of the main line task, you will fail, then you will be eliminated, you can't get any rewards "

"When you insist on the end of the third phase, you will get the gold main line task!"

"Please make a choice carefully ------ You have enough time to consider this matter, just need to give a reply within 48 hours within 48 hours."

These tips playing on the retina are too much, so everyone is exciting and nervous, and then they have started communication after reading:

"What! What is we are the third place?"

"Wow! This is really good news!"

"The first place, the second guy is really metamorphosis! To be honest, I think we have already metapyrically, the two team guys have completed more time than us. !How did they do that?"

"... In fact, how did they do, I also know one or two."

"What? Goat, do you really know?"

"In fact, the reason is very simple. The truth is very simple. The two helpers have entered this world before, and they have already made a certain basis! I don't know how they do this, but in theory, there is this possible."

"I go!!"

"It's really likely."

"This is indeed reasonable explanation."


After a man discussed it, Kresbo suddenly said:

"Yes, how do you choose? We have no doubt that you will get a step? So now I decide not to receive the reward, or drag to the last moment to receive the reward? If dragged to the last moment, then we are No more than 20 hours? "

Fang Lin Yan Shen said:

"At the beginning, I also considered this, but I saw the last tip, but I feel that it is not strong."


"Which sentence prompt? Please choose carefully?"

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Little is also good! When is it safe to make a good time to remind contractors to be cautious?"

"Not only that, the second reason, is also a more important reason, that is, the problem of the world laws that I mentioned before, this is a cruel three countries, this is a terrible chaos of the Han people die!"

"In such a world, it will not make decisions. If you have a decision, you will not be too good, the most typical example is Yuan Shao! People who can make things, decisions and comprehension."

"So, I think it is still a little better, this is the world of gold, and any detail should be carefully controlled, and it is absolutely can't fall."

This time, Fanglin Rock is obviously not convincing. After all, there are more than twenty hours of the advantages and very attractive ....... I feel that Max and goats can start Arguing, Kresbo and vulture said neutral.

Fortunately, Fang Lin Ran only hesitated, and very simply used action to prove his resolute, he is very simply choosing the option: Do not receive a reward.

Then, the word is actually popped up. If it is a patient's patient, it is too much to play at this time, but Fanglin Rock is very decisive to choose, and his retina will pop up in His Tip:

"Main line task second step: honor is activated."

"Contractors ZB419, please get an important plot props before 11:59 in the morning of September 7, 2008: Taxestroke."

"If you can complete the main line task and do not receive a phased reward, then you can finally get the gold main line task."

"Main line task second step: the information in the honor is the lock information, you can't communicate the details of this in the outside world, others will receive relevant warnings."

"At the same time, prohibiting contractors from using any way to try to pass this task, otherwise, will face serious punishment."


After seeing this tip, Fang Lin Yan quietly sighed in his heart and knew that he was gambling.

He did not tell other people inside the team before the mission of activating the second step. At this time, we can only ask them to ask for more than a blessing.

In fact, in the guess before Fanglin Rock, it is a great probability that the next steps will have a lot of probability that the prestige of a forces is enhanced to reverence.

I believe many people in the team, or if it is accurate, many contractors think so. However, they will apparently underestimate the level of metamorphosis of the world of gold.

"Self-seeking Du Fu." Fang Lin Yan sighed in his heart.

Then he started to query the important story props: the information of the taxes and cities, the relevant information of this stuff is still quite detailed.

There is a sentence called: Under the genus, the king of the king, the soil, the king of the king, the land of the world, is the land of the king.

Therefore, when the monarch prize is rewarding, the most affordable, the most affordable is to reward the land and the population.

At this time, the practice is to reward the sea, and the taxi Mouch is engraved on the proof of the woodline. It means that this land and the population above are all your private property, you can replace the monarch. Right to them.

More importantly, this thing is still permanently and can be passed to the children.

Because after this thing is rewarded, it is hard to collect, so the monarch is quite cautious when rewarding the courtesy food, and with a lot of subjective feelings.

The famous military division Guo Jia: After death, Cao Boss felt his achievements and pursued 800 food to him.

Wei Guo's , 200 foods.

Another example is Xiahou, Cao Boss's heart and abdomen, and the troops will be loyal to follow, and finally the food is 2500.

However, Zhang Wei, which came forward, is a typical typical battle, but has got 4300 households, of course, this is also related to Zhang Wei.

Because the food is not a one-time given, but today, there is a big work today, the 50 household food, and tomorrow will give a wonderful wife, and the 80 households are rewarded ...

It is also a conditional, at least one hundred food, and the inside history of Cao Cao will send taxes.

Of course, it can be inferred that the taxes and pauses that get a hundred households will definitely be the most basic completion conditions.

If you want to get a high-missment, the number of affirmation is determined, the better, but if you count, now you can only get one or two times in September 7, now you can get one or two The time is reward.

Guo Jia is so deeply of Cao Boss to trust, and the lives are lost, and finally, Cao Bo has pushed 800 households in one time ...

Xia Houzhen and Cao Cao's relationship, but also Jun Yichen, and also relatives, in the micro-end, followed by the beginning of the entrepreneurship, in order to Cao Cao's career, the body's important round organs were exploded! Such a hard work, the food saved is 2500.

So if you want to get high evaluation, the difficulty is great, you can imagine it.


Looking at Fanglin Rock suddenly sneaked. When he didn't say it, the rest of the people were very curious, and the goat couldn't help but said:

"Head, what's wrong with you? Do you think I just said right?"

At this time, although Fanglin Yan still has a heart to mention a teammate, it is clear that the red line that is clearly warned, but it is not dare to touch, and then shrug the shoulder:

"No, I just received a warning of space, and I must perform sealing instructions for some things."

Then Fanglin Rock made a movement in the mouth of the mouth:

"Anyone involves sensitive problems, I have to keep silent, otherwise, I will have a big trouble."

The rest of the people said that Fanglin Rock said, immediately surprised, followed by Cresbo Zhang Zhang, but no one can see what he is saying, followed by him, said:

"Oh, I am dead, I am actually warned!"

Fanglin Yan shrugged:

"Yes, so ... we change a topic, if you have no reason, you will not be great to get out of this world."

When I heard Fanglin Rock, the goat eye bead turned, and then his face began to show the color of the horror, it took a long time to full face:

"Dear, I am sorry, I am also performing a seal, so if I suddenly silently, then please understand."

Following the goat, it rasted his eyebrows, and said a word for Mces, but this sentence is silent, next second, you will see a blood red prompt in front of him:

"The selected people are alleged to violate the ban, so they permanently deduct the general point of 20,000 points, the highest attribute point! If it is again violated, the world's gold main line is repeated, deprive all the benefits in the world."

Seeing this prompt, the goat opened his mouth, and his face turned directly into pig liver. It looked straight to swear, but finally sighed, shake his head, and closed his eyes.

There is a bloody example of the goat in front, the rest of the people are not a fool, almost know how to choose, and finally see the contents of the task, and they also have the reminder of this main line task too much. If you can't believe it.

If it is really for more than 20 hours of "free time activities", deliberately dragging the second step of the main line to the last restriction time, then it is quite more than 20 hours more than the rest of the person. Preparation time, this is really lost in the starting line.

In this case, since the goal of the next phase is clear, a man is of course going back to Shangxi Village first!

On the way back to Yuexi Village, a man opened smoothly on the bloody key to Differently dropped before, and regretted the water.

However, this is also normal. To know, Fanglin Rock has received a legendary task prop. This is almost the outbreak of character.

Unless it is open, it is impossible to do every key to explode the artifact, and then go to the peak of life.

Although there is no more value money, but there is a lot of money, but there are quite a lot of supplies, drugs, and food.

After the end of the escort, Fanglin Rock had their drug food supplementation enough to consume almost a large half. After completing the two keys, they re-added to the state of 90%.

In addition, it also sailed more than 20,000 general points. After five people, there was no stock.

After returning to Shangxi Village, five people of course are the mainstay of the army. They can't tell. They at this time is to rushing on the "Xuchang Word Voucher". This is the limited exchange, and this is definitely not A few people are in a bug.

So, as long as you can buy it with two hundred points, then you will earn!

Fang Lin Yan knows that the team that completed the first step task will not miss this good opportunity to make a fortune, don't worry about the problem of nothing enough, the other party is only selling, the agent can earn a lot of money --- --- However, they have to give others a soup to others.

As a result, when they arrived, they suddenly became green. The 30 places that were originally limited to purchase are now only 4, and the retina is displayed:

Xuchang coupons (430).

Don't let me say, a man is directly rushing, and finally, it is actually found in the process of buying it before they will buy it!

As a result, Cresbo grabbed one, the goat grabbed one, and the vulture grabbed one.

At this time, I saw that the guy of Cresbo's guy was still quite high, and actually took the initiative to hand it over to Fanglinyan.

It is said that you can get so much war, and even the third place in the first phase of the main line is a team's credit, so this thing is also the captain to assign it.

He said this, the two of the goats and vultures are also old and old.

In the face of the three people, Fanglin Rock is a little crying, but I want to think that this is also a good thing, indicating that my authority is in the team or has been established.

He thought about it, first gave a Xuchang quality coupon to Mes, the reason is that Max is MT, which requires the first to rush to damage, so resource tilt is a must.

However, Mason is needed to come out of 200 o'clock to give vultures, because the direct trade will be taxified by space, so vulture is specified related props, Max helps vultures.

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