The First Evolution

Chapter 33 of the laighted eraser

Then Fanglin Yan also gave the second Xuchang coupon to the goat because the goats were carrying out the blood transformation, and the resources were needed, and they were also punished by the space once, and they gave him back to a blood.

The third Xuchang coupon is also given Cresbo, the reason is two points: First, he has not officially entered the team, so this harvest is him.

The second is that Kresbo is out of the team, and there is a certain loss, and it is also necessary to make up a supplement.

The goat is going to start the old bank of the salesman. Xuchang quality coupons are in short supply, Cresbo and Masters are not good at selling people, so three Xuchang coupons are If you sell, you will definitely maximize the benefits.

The rest of the people are active in the safety zone of the patrol team in Shangxi Village, and can listen to the matters and intelligence related to the sea.

As a result, a man was separated, and the fish belly appeared in the sky, the clouds began to be reddish by Xia Guang ...

Fanglinyan and others are also busy, but when the red sun rises from the horizon, there is a clear tip of all the space warriors in the world pops up:

"The end of the Eastern Han Dynasty is divided into three countries, the bonfire is not too ......."

"Cao Cao wants Jingzhou, the army south, heard Liu Bei to bring 100,000 people to retreat, send five thousand essence to pursue Liu Bei, which is more known as" the world "tiger leopard ride!"

"This battle is the opening of the battle of the battle of Chibi."

"At this time, the tiger leopard has been deputched, and it will follow the Liu Beijun in the Yangtze Sakan in three hours. At that time, the Changtongpo battlefield will open!"

"Tip: In the battlefield, the danger will be doubled, if there is no accident, it is best not to get away from the brigade separate action, of course, there are more opportunities."

"Tip: Changpichang battlefield is a level I battlefield, will have a subsequent II battlefield with the extension of the battle!"


There is no doubt that this sudden tip is like a bomb, which detonates the circle of almost all space warriors! !

The two games of the battlefield seem to have the word infinite magic. It seems that people are solemn, and more dangerous situations, of course, also means the most abundant return!

At this time, it is also almost twenty hours. It is like Fanglinyan, and the team is even frank. If it does not rely on the power of data, it is tired, and the rest of the space soldiers are most.

So, at this time, only those members who are about to reach the respected team are still busy, the rest of the people have chosen to hurry to rest, Fanglin Rock, their team is the same, just find a private house, then eat it. After a meal, I started to call your sleep.

At this time, the value of Ruberts and the repaired Austrian embers is reflected, with their existence, there is no need to separate a person in the team, avoid some people may come to the sneak attack (although the probability is small ).

After this short-time trim, a man was washed first, then the goat had already rushed a large pot of fragrant milk coffee, and the hot coffee made people quickly got a spirit.

After drinking this cup of coffee, I didn't have long. I heard the drumming sound of "" outside, and then there was a commander and four shouts:

Recommend an app, comparable to the old version of the book artifact, can change the source book full \ \ \ \ \\!

"General promotion, drumping point will !!"

And there are no hidden horses behind this, the drums are not asked, and it is considered a violation of the military order!

The army is prohibited, and the laws in the military have committed. This kind of thing is that it is much smaller.

If the coach wants to borrow the question, then there is reason to have a reason, and it is necessary to be dragged down, and the buttocks will kill the power.

Of course, if your background is hard, this is big, then the coach will gently erase this matter.

Obviously, this is a precursor for the opening of the Changtongpo battlefield. At this time, a man is gathering, starting in Hanfu ------- This time I will wait for the news.

However, at this time, the goat suddenly said in the team:

"The people of the black hole are coming, the group of people on the left is that their characteristics are obvious, surrounded by a red scarf."

Fang Lin Yan turned around and suddenly surprised:

"Hey, they are a lot of people."

Yes, the idea of ​​the elite team of Fanglin Rock is different. This is the same as that of this black hole team Linlin has more than twenty people. This kind of team mode Fanglin Rock has heard of the team, that is, it is divided into the team. Different classes come.

The resources that the team core members get the best,

Team elites are second,

Ordinary team members start a certain exploitation,

The bottom is a member of the trainee, and they have been very cruel exploitation.

However, there is also a loss, because the core will give them a safe guarantee, such as bringing the main line task, take some achievements, the title, and the like.

For example, some people have the fate of this gold main line task world that must be eliminated, followed by a large team, but can enjoy the honor of the first place.

More importantly, this day is not indefinite, but there is a hunt, there is a special person in the team, as long as the general point / equipment / potential point of the trainee team will reach a certain threshold, Top upward.

Of course, there is a risk that it is easy to be ignored, that is, the doctrongs of the dead are directly cleared.

The core member of the Black Cave team is also a person who is not engraved in the following, so it is really high potential to promote the elite members of the promotion.

At that time, the goat said in this kind of team mode, once said that the biggest advantage of this model is to worry about it, directly change the internal regulations of the MLM organization, and should be very effective and reliable.

The old boss of the black hole is called cobalt steel, the name is very mouth.

If you listen to this name, you will feel that he is a Mc. Tough guy, but it is not the case, this guy looks harmless, white and fat, and smiles at any time.

His left right arm is said to be a brother is called by a wood. It is the MT in the team, and it is also a unruly median pillar.

If the wood and Fanglin Rock are similar, it belongs to the kind of MT that does not take ordinary road. This guy's absorption is very unique. You can make a "strong God shield" magic shield to absorb harm.

It is, that is, it can create three-sided strong gods in ten seconds, can block enemies and attacks in one way, but also reduce the enemy nearby, but not only this, it is difficult to destroy.

The disadvantage is of course a poor mobile, playing a good hand, but the motor war, the chasing war is difficult.

In response to the shortcomings of the like, cobalt steel is a powerful offensive skill. It is said that it takes a lot of cost, summoning a powerful war bear's right to attack!

Unlike ordinary summons, this warllar bear lasts for only three minutes, but it is a terrible power of legendary creatures.


After a general understanding of the strength of the black hole team, Fanglin Rock then discovered a amazing thing!

That is the captain of the black hole team, cobalt steel actually walked into the Korean house!

In this special moment, cobalt steel can only explain one thing, he can only explain one thing, he is already the middle and lower level of Cao Ying, or Zhang Wei's beloved !

No matter which hypothesis can explain why the black hole team can pull to the first stage task.

Such identity and humanity, most of which have good pavement in advance, to achieve this way, or it will enter this world in advance.

Of course, there is a possibility that relying on some items that can be changed against the sky, come to the world's high identity!

For example, Fanglin Rock has entered, it is just a big army, belongs to no roots, no one, no one, this kind of tears,

However, if you enter the world, the identity is a son who will be lost for many years. As long as the classic code: Remember the small wildflowers next to Daming Lake? It will be aware of the ancestors, and I will go to the road to get rich!

At this time, some teams have begun to connect privately, this kind of thing Lin Yan is handed over to long-sleeved goats.

After about ten minutes, the goat brought two good news. The first good news is of course shackles. Three Xuchang coupons have no doubt that there is no doubt, after all, this is very likely to be the last Three copies.

I haven't got on the bus yet, if I refuse to bleed, then I missed this village, I didn't have next store.

Look at the smile that Kresbo and Messe's face, you know that Xuchang quality coupons have been fully exceeded.

Not only that, the goat also brought a gift to Fanglin Rock:

This stuff is called "marking eraser", which is very simple, of course, can also add an extra additional addition to the extrageral of Basic Skills LV4, and re-selection opportunities.

However, the use restriction conditions are also more demanding, and the first is to use only the erase of the basic skills, the second is limited to the additional addition of the base skill LV4.

This should be considered that the contractor will make some low-level mistakes in the shortcomings, so they will arrange such props to complete the reset work with relatively small cost.

In the normal situation, he wanted to re-decorate the bonus of the Best Bar War LV4, then he reached his own Basic Battle to LV3, and then consumed universal points and potential points to LV4, this It is obviously impossible.

If you have this, it is necessary to make a lot of fast.

After Fang Lin Ran wants to think, it will be used in the foundation ITL LV4. The passive additive of this skill is:

The owner adds 5% in the hit rate when conducting a close fight.

At the beginning, this skill is still quite useful, but for now Fanglin Rock, there is no ovulation, he uses "Stunning Eraser", re-extracted a rare property:

"The owner has reached a considerable understanding of the near-body fight, so the damage received by the enemy is reduced by 10%."

At this time, when I was still there, a man also had a big purchase. After all, I would soon entered the battlefield. Although the battle is good, there is no use for the dead.

What's more, you don't misunderstand the tries, and you can redeem more props at this time, you can take more battle!

So Fanglin Yan is very simply consumed to be clean and clean.


Zhang Wei is obviously a person who pays attention to the efficiency. After the promotion will, there is no thoughts, soon, it will order the big army to open.

Most of the Cao Yutang's space soldiers are arranged in the identity of Cao Renzhao, but the name of the Junjun is an empty, so this time is that the battle is Dip into a Tian Junhou's name.

This means that after the army starts, the space warrior in this area will follow the Tian Junhou.

At this time, the grassroots military system in the Han Dynasty was: Department, Qu, Tun, Team, Shi.

Tian Junhou is actually a long song, full of wind, and look at the old.

The skin is black, the age is forty, usually silent, does not like to speak, there are five troops in the jurisdiction, and the tun is divided into big and small, and the big tun is a hundred people, Xiaoyu fifty people.

After the left singles were allocated, the Tian Junhou's hand has reached almost six hundred people.

However, Fanglin Yan noticed that the black hole team is to follow the Military army with Zhang Wei, apparently what they get more.

After about four or five miles, a troops ran from the front team.

Fanglin Ran looked up and found that it was the acquaintance: Sun Wei, he has now got rid of the identity of the door and became the commander of Liu.

However, this guy is installed, it is not like a way to know Fanglin Rock. When it is a circle, then it has come over, and he will refer to a few people.

"You come to help!"

Among these people, of course, Fanglin Rock and goats were included.

With the front of Sun Hao, I saw a big car in front of the front, and a horse was pressed and blurred. When a man was in Sun Wei's drink Go to help.

As a result, when I did half, Sun Wei jumped directly, pointing to Fanglin Rock and goat's face is a pain in the face:

"You! You! You are doing this? This simple little thing, you still have to be lazy?"

The key is that at this time, the goat has turned over white, and the mouth is directly said:

"You turn to me when you give me! Which eye saw me lazy?"

The two sides immediately quarreled, then Sun Hao's anger, directly called the patrol team, it was only pressed two people, and then walked together, saying that they would bring them to the military judge. Redmit! !

At this time, the remaining contractors have seen the eyes of the prostitutes, and they ridicule these two stupid vegetables in their hearts. I really don't know the sky, and I have no, I don't think this is good. The two kicked to the iron plate?

As a result, they didn't know that Sun Hao took Fanglin Rock, after halfway, then headed by the right side, and entered the woods next to it.

There is a carriage in this, and Sun Hao has passed the past, and he lifted the bar against Fanglin Rock, indicating the carriage.

After entering the carriage, he saw the car was transformed. The Liu Zhu was sitting in the case of a few awards.

I saw Fang Linyan and others came in. Liu Chen did not say much, open the door to see the mountain:

"Calling you, this is this new military newspaper, which is close to you, which is very important."

"You want to know something in the military news, you have to answer me a few questions."

Fang Lin Yan hesitated, then said:

"Specific points, a few questions?"

Liu School said:


Fanglin Rock Road:

"Two! I can guess what you have to ask, so you can guarantee that your things are true, and you can take evidence!"

Liu Caliben stared at the eyes of Fanglin Rock:

"Yes? You guessed what I want? Then you talk, I like to deal with the smart people. If you can answer, I will send you a small gift."

Fang Lin Yan laughed and said to Liu School:

"The question you most want to ask is that the specific situation of this is now, right?"

Liu Chen called on a sigh of relief, then took a bronze medal from next to him:

"Yes, this is really what I want to understand, then can you tell me?"

Fang Linyan took a bronze medal to see, I found that this is a bronze army, and the front is written with three big characters of "San Deal Order". There is also a tiger pattern next to it, turn over the back, and write eight big characters in the book: "The soldiers weapon, wide temperature."

There is also a line of small words next to "Holding this contest, and the ordinary soldiers will be saved."

Not only that, after he got this thing, the very fast retina is also a beginning to play out:

"Contractors ZB419, you have been appreciated by the story of the story of the same camp, gaining a piece of heaven, your Cao Caojun's internal identity is a long, you can get 50 soldiers."

"However, because you are not currently being configured, only when the story soldiers are chaotic, or if there is no organizational state, you can get their command."

"At the same time, the defenders can also increase your status and emphasis on the plot characters, you can enjoy a 10% discount on the military demarculion."

After playing this token, Fanglin Yan is facing Liu School:

"Zhang is now dead now."

After heard the news, Liu Chen heard the news, it appeared to know this news.

Fanglin Rock is connected:

"Of course, not our hand."

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