The First Evolution

Chapter 55, second kill

Not only that, but the Qingli sword is after the blood is bonded, one is? ? ? The attribute is present, and its name is called: Blood Festival.

After Fanglin Rock, he only learned that this soul in the original Qingjun sword is also a great governance, very greedy and bloodthirsty.

In order to mobilize the greed in the hearts, it is profit!

When it swallowed into a strong enough blood, it can make people limit the use of artifact! The word "blood sacrifice" appeared after the skills before the seal was sealed.

However, the blood sacrifice can only be activated once and can only specify a capability after activation.

Simply, Fanglin Rock can only be able to choose from from the Royal Sword / Qingyi's power / / / The remaining four items can only be in the seal state.

And the duration of the blood sacrifice is also very short, only one minute, it is equivalent to a consolation prize for Fanglin Rock:

You spend the huge price to get this artifact, and you can't bring it out. Ok, let you cool ... Of course, it is a castrated version.

If you don't work hard? OK, you have to add money ------ Oh, wrong, please continue to kill, of course, you have to be a strong blood!

After discovering the entire function, Fanglin Rock's lips showed a smile and self-speaking.

"Very good, very good! Hahahaha!"

Then he raised his hand, and suddenly he saw a paper crane. After a few turns of the top tray, it disappeared in an instant.


at the same time,

Cao Ying Zhongjun's big account, a thin-eyed man is sitting above, his face is extremely cold, can say that it is not angry, it is Cao Cao with 800,000 troops.

In his head, standing with a certain clear Taoist Taoist, this traoh eyes appeared to close, it seems that although it is in Cao Cao's middle army account, there is a leisurely taste.

However, in the era of the three countries, describing people's appearance is not good ...

This is like a little sister is neither beautiful and no more temperament, but we still want to pick up, just praise her very kind is a truth .....

At this time, Cao Cao looked at a cracking jade, and sighed:

"I really didn't expect it, Ziyun (Xia Hou En-character cloud) followed my whole eleventh year, how many sinister situations were over, but I didn't expect it to fall in Changshi.!"

This jade has a bloody blood of Xia Hou En, one of the same body, and has a famous experience. Once Xiahou, Yumei will crack.

And the next exquisite will go to the front of the hand:

"The prime minister! The tile bottle is inevitably broken, the general will die, I am waiting for the martial arts to win the corpse on the battlefield, always in the bed, good!"

"At the end, I will think that it is still to find the gods that Xia Hou's will carry it with him: Qingjian sword, this object is the treasure of the world's gas transport, can not be lost."

Cao Cao nodded slightly and looked at the head of the Taoist:

"Wen Qian is the statement of the country, this matter will ask Mr. Wulong."

The Lejin of the Gangzi will be a word Qian, apparently only his association is convenient from rational perspective to Xiahou En.

This Taoist stabbed arch, smiled and laughed:

"It's so, I said."

Lejin nodded:

"If Mr. Zuo is willing to shoot, then this matter is not lost."

The Taoist, who is headed in Cao, is one of the top five top real people in the Three Kingdoms. This person's word is Yuan, Mr. Wushang, is said to be a fairy after death, life is more than 60 years old, but Dongjin The famous Master Ge Hong's Master.

At Cao Cao's juvenile, he met with it, and the way to make it is quite unique.

It turned out that when Cao Cao had opened a piecey, Zuo Ci did not ask, Cao Cao deliberately wants him to be difficult, saying that it is a banquet, but there is a small squid in Wuji Songjiang.

The whole world is only the squid is a four! It is unique, and Cao Cao is in Luoyang at the time, so it is impossible to do it.

However, Zoi immediately revealed a hand, asked a copper disk to full water, then fishing in the plate, actually caught two Songjiang squid.

Since then, Zuo Ci has been trusted by Cao Cao, so he flew Huang Tengda, and Z. Ci did not have a high-profile, in this way of prosperity, it is very popular, and there is also a national teacher.

Since Cao Cao said, Zuo Ci looked at a four-week road:

"Take some wine, take the sand!"

"The blood is strong, the murderous gas is very strong, the poor road wants to go to the door outside the door, Shahe wine to send it!"

He asked himself, and immediately did it. Soon there was a soldier who clicked a wine, picking a white sand, directly followed by Zuo Ci came to the door.

It can be seen that Zuo Ci grabbed a few white sand and sprinkled out, the sand fluttered in the air and then dropped, and it was quickly formed a plastic figure in the ground.

Then, Zuo Ci directly pulled the wine altar, and the liquid inside the dried flowed out, and the previous sand is flowing, it is just the pattern of rivers.

After the left ci blows, the appearance of this ground is turned on.

At this time, this piece of sandbracket, Helhi Huayi is all in the location of the location, there is water in the mountains, there is wood, and even the Shazhou shape in the river in Xia Hou En is also exactly the same!

The last remaining wine in the wine trio, was drunk by Zuo Ci " ", and finally "" sprayed out.

As the saying goes: Draw dragon is broken!

Zuo Ci's mouth, also played a role similar to painting dragon, directly in the sand table, a huge fog, and even the Fanglin Rock, which is there, and next to Xia Hou Enchen is all simulated. Out.

At this time, Lejin also got the relevant information of Fanglinyan, hated:

"According to the line newspaper, General Xiahou is chasing Liu Beijun's residual enemy, and the Liu Beijun will meet Zhao Yunxiao, which is invincible!"

"But Zhao Yun is pursuit, hard work, good at the time of this name, said that the rock is repeated, help Xia Hou's generals, it should be the trust at this time, then find a great Time is difficult. "

Cao Cao nodded slightly. For him called "traitor", the benevolence of the enemies is not done (Key words: Lu Bo luxury), not to mention Fang Lin Ying Xian Xun's reincarnation trick, in his eyes Not worth mentioning.

He is concerned with the point, and all the upper people are the same, only the results! The process is not important!

"Where is the Qing Yan Sword?"

Zhei listened later:

"Ask for a big print."

Cao Cao nodded slightly, and the waiter solemnly took out his photocopy, and the hands were held.

Zuo Cixou once again spurted a bite of wine, the fog was slightly red, but he bite the tip of the tongue and mix his blood into it.

So this mouth is quickly floating, condensed, turned into a long-term long-term cyan little dragon, and volts above the Shazhou!

At this time, Zuo Ci is far away from the photo, and has a yellow ray shot out, and it is reflected in this cyan little dragon! Immediately see it and suddenly lived, and creeping in Sand.

After seeing this scene, Zuo Ci Road:

"The artifact is green, and it is a self-help, absorbing the big man to the dragon."

"And the prime minister is currently in charge of the politicalness, and the people, so as long as it is still in the land of my big Han, I can feel the gas machine, to be the old man to uniform, avoid it to bring the god away. "

After that, after this sentence, Zuo Chi stepped forward and came to the outside of the sand table.

As a result, when he went forward, it seems that some accidentally, the left foot met a mountain peak in the outer edge of the sand table.

The material of this mountain is just a sand, which is not strong, so the mountain is immediately collapsed.

This scene didn't feel so unfortunately, because the sand table is always a sand table, does not collapse a small sand heap?

But at this time, the left cry of the brow wrinkled. He suddenly found that he had a strange illusion shine in front of him! It seems that it is a strange symbol like a ∞, suddenly stopped, looking at the west.

After about three or five seconds, everyone suddenly heard a very harsh sound in the sky, like thunder, like a crack, and the eardrum was bold.

Because Cao Jun's terrain is high, the field of view is also open, and then I saw the direction of Zuo Ci, and I saw a swaying mountain peak shaking. It also crashed down. It is actually a landslide! !

Although from the distance, this mountain collapsed did not look at it, and it was awkward. However, Lenovo's previous causes, even if Cao Cao is also facing a stunned road:

"The mountain collapsed? But the mountain is collapsed on the sand table?"

Lejin immediately looked at the guards next to the guard, the guard turned and left, and waited for a while, she took a local village to come, let him see the sand table, and then with whispered a few words:

"If you return to the prime, this person is a local villager. He said that the sand table made by the left division is the situation near the old dragon, and the collapsed mountain is called three Fengshan. It is said to have someone. I have seen three phoenixs on this mountain. "

"From the sand table, the northwest of Lao Longzhu is three Fengshan! Consistent with the actual orientation."

At this point, everyone looks different from the eyes of Zuo Ci! Such a spell, it is really a power to move the sea, and it can make the hills. If the name of the left real person is different!

At this time, the rest of the people couldn't think that the left tricks left, and it was a landslide. Then a point poker on the sand table. The murderer that makes the wine makes it?

One thought and this, a man couldn't help but look forward to the eyes of the eyes of excitement.

However, at this time, I stated that I installed a big B. I should have a leaving, I stayed in the original place, my face is very dignified, my fingers are still talking about what ... Lejin is an acute child, hurriedly Previous step:

"Real! Thief seems to have an interest ... It is necessary to take the artifact."

Zuoi did not care about him. After a while, he suddenly sighed, and the Cao Cao deeply said:

"It is the poor road boast, Minggong please confirm."

Cao Cao said:

"What is the left division?"

Zuo Kid Road:

"This person seems to have a chaos in the world, it can disorder! It is really not concealed, and the repair of the poor road is far from the mountain, the hill of the mountain, the collapse of the mountain!"

"Such a vision is the heaven warning, and the sand table can only be arrested, and it is impossible to take human life, and its surgery will be self-explanatory after two hours."

Speaking of this, Zuo Ci sigh:

"After this, the poor road is broken, and now it is necessary to close it immediately. However, this sand table does not have to withdraw, every time a fragrant time, all the positions of this person will conduct tracking, self-evolving Terrain, prime minister can also send people in time. "

Cao Cao heard the first stone, and the heart also went to a stone. This kind of thing is more suspicious. I saw Zuoi raised his hand to put into the potential of the mountain. I suddenly hop in my heart. Such strength, but I can resist it!

Xu Wei is again fierce, and the tiger leopard rides again. In the face of the heavens and earth of the landslide, it can only be cultivated, and you can't you pass this life.

After listening to Zoi's explanation, Cao Cao has a lot of comfort, then immediately ordered:

"The command will go down, and people will follow the sand tables of the left division, directly to chase the square, and take back the Qingyan sword!

"Yes, the square is not a ride? And the reputation can also promote in the field, not only that, but also try to kill Xia Hou En, successful figure to the artifact, so it is still very means."

"Then the commander is called into the rest of the ride, so that they also participate in the hunt, this part of the trick of the other, should be very familiar."

After talking about it, Cao Cao can't help but press it according to his own horns. Has a "head wind" disease, at this time, the temple has begun to hurt, and it is nodded:

"Well, this is so disposedable."

After that, I turned it directly to go back to rest, and the rest of the people are of course dedication.


After an hour,

Fanglin Rock took the artifact, the sword was on the forest, suddenly, he frowned, immediately headed next to it! I immediately saw a black poison thorn next to the trees!

Even if the big tree is in this poisonous thorn, the trunk is also quickly black, just like being insects.

This poisonous stabily Lin Yan has already been teached, deeply tied in his right leg, and it is painful, and it is also included with a tracking mark, forced him to drink a bottle of precious Pharmaceutical.

Then, a enemy next to it seems to be in the woods.

The enemy's shape looks like a bat and human combination. It seems like a vampire ghost of it is a mistake, and it is ferric, and there is black hair up and down.

It's really a clever, after it hits Fanglin Rock, Fanglin Rock immediately got some relevant information.

This guy is actually the servant of Astrology Deng!

The servant, the servant, the servant of Deng, is very characteristic. It is good at night war, super combat power, but unfortunately, it is finally dead.

For this astrology teacher, Deng is unusual, because his resources in Costute can be a little a little, and this time this is the batter who is taking the Fanglin Rock, it is another servant he got.

This guy is a typical investigation, and the speed is quickly known, but there is no way to be alone like the guy of Keast, can only rely on the injection of the poisonous needle to disgusting people.

However, for Fanglin Rock at this time, it is really willing to meet the guy of Keasto rather than a bat! After all, it is not a night, and Keast does not play its own specialties.

After going forward to dozens of meters, Fanglin Ran flanged, he stayed before, and there were more three-handed poisonous needles.

To be honest, if it is not previous passive skills "refresh" to refresh, Fanglin Rock is estimated to be tied up, and at this time he counts time, the urgency in the heart is more embarrassed, deeply sucking a mouth:

"Very good, since you want to target me, let's die!"

After the determination is determined, Fang Lin Yan will climb up and continue to run, and he ran out of the twenty-ten steps, the fierce anti-hands holding the green sword, and then see the sword on the bloody light, it is already open Blood sacrifice! !

In the next second, Fanglin Rock watched the young sword, and immediately heard a dragon in the void! Then, from the sword, it took out five or six points to look extremely sharp cyan light, directly to the front.

Qingyan sword: Royal sword launched!

These cyan rays gathered in the half-air, formed a piece of things similar to the dragon scales, riding a irregular arc around the sky in the empty Middle East, and did not enter the head of the bat in an instant. , Then taking a lightweight, one transparent!

The batter was stiff, then sent a desperate scream, directly turned into ashes burned!

One hit kill! ! This hit is actually trocked directly to kill the effect!

In fact, Fanglin Rock also doesn't want to use the power of artifacts so early, but the consequences of staying skills will be very clear, that is, the last few people have no hands, not good, they are also killed.

Therefore, Fanglin Rock has used this trick, and he is also in the demonstration, telling the rest of the people, don't force me too tight, otherwise, can you have to hold the artifact!

After this, Deng, who is a few kilometers away, is stiff at the same place, then slowly overflows blood, and people around you have seen it.

But I saw a dramatic twitching on my muscles on his face and then slowly looked up his right hand.

It can be seen that a ring in which the ring is referred to quickly covers a layer of gray, and then issues "" sound, and finally constrained as a stone broken down! !

After a few seconds, Deng bite his dental road:

"It's so powerful !!! The guy can use the artifact, and I will kill my servant directly below!"

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