The First Evolution

Chapter 56 Golden Held Shells Thanks to the Main SHOWTIME Night Support

Deng's servant is very important to him, it is really dead, if it is broken, it is general! What is still in the world of gold main lines.

At this time, I turned a lot of regrets in the hearts of Deng.

He believes that this guy is very understanding, so it has always been controlled outside his attack, but he didn't expect or have been caught, the key is to kill! There is no chance to recover the wrong mistake.

After killing the batter, Fang Lin Yan suddenly felt a relaxed, and continued to escape from hundreds of meters, and suddenly, I found that I had a faint blue ray in my body, and it was more strong.

His mouth suddenly appeared a smile of faint tickness:

"Is it coming again?"

It immediately saw that the cyan light under the body of Fanglin Yan suddenly gathered, and then gathered in the artifact, and finally flew straight to the air. There is no disappearance.

There is this obvious reference to the existence, which directly leads to what people who can see it around a few kilometers.

This is the price of him holding artifact! It is also the negative state that Zuo Ci's will be brought, and every time you have to expose it, it attracts infinite challenges of people full of greed.

Fortunately, Fanglin Rock himself has running road weapons "and shame", and the route he travels is very strange.

If someone connects to the few points of being traced on the way, you can see that this is actually the shape of a wonderful "mouth" word on the map!

Simply, he is going to the south, then go east, when a man thinks he wants to escape Jiangdong, this is actually re-north, then turn again, go to the west!

In other words, Fanglin Rock escaped for a long time, and finally fled to the place where he kill Xia Hou En, the land near the Lao Longu!

This TM escape is a hammer! After half a day, I escaped back to the origin, escaped for a loneliness?

Of course, it is precisely because of this Sao of Fanglin Rock, causing a completely no one to predict his travel route!

This also leads to him that he has referred to now, but it can also flee the fundamental reason in the current chase.

However, this way is running, and Fanglin Rock is really not easy! It is almost exhausted from Cao Yingjun's demand, cavalry policy, fire thunder, buns, and plummet ...

Especially the sleeve is something, Fanglin Rock has a big price in the actual battle! The spike soldiers don't say that even the generals can also be hit hard.

Looking at the Qinglong in the half-empty, Fanglin Ran quickly tried far away, but the mountains have come quickly, footsteps, followed by a large group of soldiers!

It is not possible to say that all of these soldiers are sent to catch him.

Not only that, with the emergence of these soldiers, there are at least two thirty space warriors to show up, these space warriors don't have to say, they are all rewarded by Cao Cao. Of course, it may be a sword. Come.

After all, from Xia Hou En, the sword is a big thing, but from Fanglin Rock, he grabs the sword, but it is a famous righteous, but not to say that they think Fanglin Yan is better than Xiahou. too much.

In their eyes, Xia Hou En insisted on Zhao Yun's championship, which was taken by Fanglin Rock, and it succeeded.

After this, I immediately found out the whereabouts of Fanglin Rocks -------- The mountains who are being in more than two hundred meters are fear!

This is still after the nose is in the circle, the first time is so close to the prey, so I am more excited, wow, I'm called.

It is the formal army sent by Cao Cao to do a very chapter. After seeing Fanglinyan, immediately under the command of Cao Xiu, started to directly divide the soldiers to chase the interception, and avoid being smashed after being unexpected by Fanglin Ran.

However, this helper will see that Fang Lin Ran once again did an unexpected thing, he actually got into the rocky cave next to it.

This rock hole does not look large, the rest of the people have just been close, and he heard the explosion of the hole, and then a large number of mountains collapsed, directly sealing the hole, the big group of dust began The spread was quickly spread around.

When I saw this scene, Cao Xiu's body was stiff, but immediately waved, and his hand quickly brought two local guidance. They were local hunters. The nearby mountains can be said to be said, at this time It is pulled to the passenger guide.

The two people were afraid of Cao Xiu, and the eyes were full of fear.

After all, Cao Feng was in a moment, just because the other fell to the national third three, causing not chasing the person to violently jumping, and smashed him with a little tired of him!

Cao Xiu's collapse hole outside the ten meters:

"Do you know that there is a cave here?"

Two hunters are busy nodded:

"Of course, I know, adults!"

Cao Ling Road:

"What is this hole?"

Two hunters hurriedly:

"This place is called a blind hole, listening to the old man, I used to have a blind man in this, and then someone did a dream. I saw the land that I did this, so I came to burn incense, and the results were quite well."

Cao Hao is staring at them with sharp eyes:

"How deep this hole? In addition to collapse, is there a way to the outside world?"

The hunter strides to be afraid of rushing:

"This hole is shallow, only ten is a deep deep, go in to turn a bend! There is no other way out."

"Yeah, yeah, the person is either being rolled down, or it is dying!"

Cao Ling Road:

"Are you sure?"

Two hunters are busy nodded:

"Of course, it is of course."

"Adults don't know, there is a spring water in the blind man, very sweet, once I waited for thirst, I will drink water, rest."

"Small people live for more than 30 years old. When they started from childhood, they were brought to blinds, and they had a few hundred times in the number of times. Every stone in the inside is.

"Small people can guarantee the head of the people! What is the truth, I don't dare to fell!"

Cao Xiu nodded, lost a string of copper money, immediately ordered:

"Will this horizon! Toned me to come! Tiger Wei! Blocking martial law, shun the five hundred people to drive!"

Cao Zai's series of orders have been promulgated, really if the Thunder is general, every sentence is cut, and it is also possible that the rest of the person wants to eat fish!

At this time, although the grade is light, it is extremely decided! The subordinates are not compliant!

This is not surprising, Cao Shi is Cao Cao's nephew, deeply won the love, almost treat him with his son, even praise him, "I am a thousand miles".

Later, Cao Xiu became a big Sima, but the highest commander of Wei Guo, but also from Cao Yu, becomes the first of the four major people!

Well, this may not be intuitive. So, then it is a little .....

Third, the three major people, the three, the master of Sima Yi, the opening of the country, the only one who can do not fall in front of Zhuge Liang!

However, as Sima Yi, it was also pressed dead when Cao Xian lived.

However, Cao Xiu is strong, his thinking is still completely rested, Fanglin Rock fee does a "mouth" on the map, returning to the vicinity of the heart of Xia Hou,, is of course not for self-cultivation road!

When he rushed into the blind peak, he immediately made a referring to the beginning, and then went out in front, and the hands of the hands took himself behind him.

Although the landslide caused by the explosion is dramatic, there is no way to hurt him, but it is only to make some gray face.

After the explosion is stopped, the front of Fanglin Rock has appeared a person.

One should not appear in this world!

A dwarf in a leather jacket, the face is growing with a big alcohol, and I have a bite in my mouth.

Yes, this person is McNer.

Fanglinyan is in the StarCraft, I have bought a single child in the Capsule Technology Terminal, which is the transport list of McNer.

This looks at any time, the elf which is soaked in alcohol is actually quite reliable. Fang Linyan feels this power in the Westward Journey, with four strong hands to raid, almost kill themselves.

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Of course, it is also in that battle, you don't know yourself with Kresbo!

After this guy saw Fanglinyan, he suddenly blamed:

"Hey! How can you come now, I have waited for you fifty-one seconds!"

Fanglin Yan shrugged:

"I am not a person who likes late. In fact, I believe that you can also see it, I have encountered a big trouble."

McNeil is impatient:

"Okay, let's get on the bus."

Then he pressed the button, and there was a light shining when he suddenly turned.

It turns out that the excavator that seems to have a steam era, has stopped next to it, only a small portion is outside, and the door is open, and it can only be only available for only one person.

Fanglin Rock drilled directly, and McNeil also returned to the control room. After a burst of engine, the drilling machine disappeared directly in the darkness.

At this point, the things you have made before Fanglin Rock have a reasonable explanation.

It turned out that he was found that Zhao Yun left. After Xia Hou En took out the shape of the red button, he took out the summon of the red button and summoned the McNeill's cross.

Then Tangyan told him his own needs, McNern will evaluate it, see the bottom is not able to do it ------- There is no doubt that Fanglin Rock has not proposed excessive demand, so it is of course no problem.

Next, McNer is ready to prepare for an hour.

Fanglin Rock wrapped around, the purpose of delaying time came out, and there were three purposes.

First, it is necessary to give McNeil to win this hour of buffer exploration time.

Second, it is also to try to explore the bottom card of Xia Hou En, see if he hides the big trick.

Finally, in order to make your team members have more escape time, it is deliberately delayed for so long.

At this point, the overall situation has been set, so let the guys eat ash behind their ass! !


McNeil's excavator looks very retro original, sitting in the space in the future is also a small and small, also spreading a taste of alcohol and oil mix.

After Fanglin Yan entered the transportation cabin, even if it is still sitting, it needs to be biased. Otherwise, it will encounter the above mottled pipeline ------ well, this is really not blamed for this machine's ergonomic design too Poor, it is really the beginning of the design, it is designed to dwarf!

And the height of Fanglin Rock has been in the dwarf, which is already a female Zam Sun Moon, and O'Neill is the same. If you want to grow to him, you are just a tall dwarf, you are afraid that you will pick one!

However, when a drop of oil above, or when the remaining unknown liquid drops on Fangliny, he has been crazy.

When I was sitting down, the steel pipe below the hips made a smashing sound, and finally, when I was completely scattered, Fanglin Ran's patience finally reached the limit, and she stood up ...

Then he sent a miserable call, and the screams were mixed with "as", because hitting the head.

The elf of McNeil is also irritating in front of the cockpit:

"Hey! Your yellow skin, the heavens, your throws make the regulator alarm, the output power of the left steam engine drops by 17%."

Fangliny hooded her head, reached out to the top of the damaged pipeline, talent: metal tactile instantly launched, almost in an instant, this nearby mechanical structure made him happen.

To be honest, Fanglin Rare is not very well understood by the mechanical operation mode of this nearby. After all, the technology tree of this excavator is the route of steam technology.

But next to the tube broke a slit, "" leaks, the water tank on the right is directly leaking, and a big rust under the bottom right is clearly lacking the failure of maintenance, do not need anything Drawings and technical content.

This is like even those who are not a doctor, I saw the injured bleeding, and I would also take a towel to press and hold the wound. I want to stop the blood is a truth.

As for the technical content of these things, huh, huh, to be honest, the welding assembly process of this excavator new factory, and may not be able to catch up with Lin Yan at this time.

So Fanglin Rock is so fierce, it is easy to fix the fault, not only, but also to optimize the surrounding components.

The violent McNeil is originally to come to the Xing Xian, but he didn't eat pork, I saw the pig walking, I saw a few seconds of Fanglin Rock, I knew that this guy's level is not general, just The old man looked around.

After Fanglin Rock finished, McNer's surprise discovery has made some small faults, and even some important parameters have rebounded to the level of maintenance and maintenance!

This is really an unexpectedly, McNerne can be worried about the price of money! I didn't expect to pull a such guest, and I actually saved the maintenance fee.

The so-called people are very cool, very fast, McNeil launched the drilling machine to the maximum power and directly aligned the underground drill.

At this time, Fanglin Rock also made some places that were sitting comfortably, and then began to trumer the injury, and eat some food to recover, this is his rare rest time.

When Fanglin Rock bite his teeth After digging a sharp stripped arrow, he didn't have to have a bleeding, he heard the sound of the drilling machine began to be low, followed by McNi The spoken sound from the side of the megaphone came out of the megaphone:

"Dear passengers, our destination has arrived, welcome to McNeil's luxury head and other classes! I wish you a happy journey."


Fanglin Rock has a slough look at the three parallel steel pipes below the butthal.

This thing can be said that you can do more, and serve your seat, handrail, seat belt, etc. You can think of the features you can.

"First class?"

Fang Lin Ran looked up and looked at the top of the above, there was a lot of steam spraying, even if it was a intact roof, there was a spotted rust, it looked like a lotus plate that did not have a cleaned.

However, when his protests have not been exported, it feels that there is a flower in front of him. It is actually taken out of the drilling machine outside. It is good to be good in Fanglin Rock. Otherwise, there will be a buttocks. .

Then McNeil explore the head to the audience:

"Goodbye, my friend, in order to thank your maintenance, the software inside the call has been updated, but it can be repeatedly used. If you still have related needs, then remember to call me, of course, I remember to prepare my reward! I wish you good luck! "

Fang Lin Yan turned over and waved his hand. McNeill turned his drilling machine into a capsule and quickly disappeared in the air.

At this time, the whistle and cheers have been passed away:

"Too cool!"


"Artifacts, let me open the eye."


At this time, the people of the legendary team have already appeared in a no longer, and the Fanglin Rock runs over. It turned out that McNeil took Fanglin Rock in a short period of time!

It has been separated from the battlefield, returning to the vicinity of Shangxi Village, and is also where they buried the body.

This is the golden shell of Fanglin Rock! First of all, the enemy's attraction is concentrated in Xia Hou En killed there, and then he left, far away!

Even the enemy knows that he knows his drop, re-organizes people to catch him, at least to get enough buffer time.

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