The First Evolution

Chapter 58 Seapina's desire

To be honest, for Zhang Zhi and others, the value of the beads of the people is not bad than the artifact, and the artifact of the green sword is the same, it is also a thing that will be there.

After the sacrifice of the , it can cause a muni, immerse the beads in the water. This water can cure a hundred diseases and comfort, which is the foundation of the Taiping Road.

Fu Yan!

The artifact, the sword, looks only to kill the murder, but it is actually.

Even Xia Hou En didn't know, he can be used by Cao Cao to do this palm sword, not because of his loyalty, his origin, but because of his birthday!

It turned out that from the Western Hand, I have been to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. I set a position around the Han Di, called the waiting!

Simply, it is equivalent to the secretary of the emperor, and its power can be said to be a big scary, but there is no decision on anything, but there is a power!

The normal preparation of the servant is three.

Don't say that the secretary of the emperor is the secretary of the city, the county magistrate, the secretary, etc., you have to be a guest!

Because people can meet your future every day, it is not necessary to get a thing, but when it is critical, a sentence can break your business!

The person with the highest position in the servant, there is a very important responsibility, that is, the lord!

The negative is the famous snake sword: Gao Zuyutai's sword!

The responsibility of the lords is to have the sharpness of the world, with the servant of the emperor, kill all the fascinating, the demon evil, and suppress the national transport!

Therefore, Cao Cao has already had a self-reliant mind, and imitates the act of the Emperor of the Han Dynasty. Specially, it also sets a position with a liability in his side.

In addition to being faithful, this person must have complementarized with Cao Cao and Qingyu sword. Finally, after many selections, this is picked up Xia Hou En.

Cao Cao raised the sword with the dragon of the Han Dynasty, and wanted to make it a dragon.

At the same time, this sword also began to perform the function of the snake sword, suppress the world's air transport, so give a lot of power.

These Weiliang Fanglin Rocks are not used, but for the understanding of the refining, this sword is in hand, it is possible to block the sky, suppress the air, whether it is a killing, or the elihood, You can play a wonderful effect.

Therefore, these two things are actually very important, and also prepare for the big opening of Fanglin Rock et al., But I didn't expect the first condition mentioned by the other party, it is also likely to be the most important condition, actually Do you want to pay a taxi?

For gold and silver, this is understandable.

The golden silver can spend sales in the world, buy commercial goods.

The beauty can be used, you can send it, leave you can have a girl, lay the bed, serve yourself, put it away, you can accumulate Yinshe.

However, what is the use of taxes and woods? It is the representative of the seal, which is actually worthless of money!

The key is that you want to have this to play, first, you have to put it on a strong master.

Don't say that Cao Cao is a rival, at least it is also a princes with stable sites!

Today, it is nothing more than Sun Quan, Liu Wei and others, and the previous Liu Watch is also one of them.

Like you vote for Liu Bei, even if he puts the new field on his site, Jiangling's place to seal tens of thousands of households, and there is no egg! Because your seal is divided into minutes from Cao Cao.

You are now betrayed Cao Cao. It is difficult to listen to it. It is really a dog who is funeral. It doesn't even have the main public, what is the taxi?

After the mind turned so many thought, Zhang Zhi suddenly saw Xu Wei to play a eye to himself, immediately gave Fanglin Rock, and said that it is necessary to discuss.

After a man walked out of a few meters, Xu Wei fell to his hand, and it applied a method to isolate the sound, then he said:

"Fang Yan is a tourist, there is a chicken, and the heart is very deep, otherwise, it is impossible to kill Xia Hou En, get the artifact, Qingyan sword."

"So, when they commented this requirement, it is likely that we have already counted our relationship with there."

Zhang Zhi is shocked:

"This is not very might? I have a relationship with my uncle, there is only a few people in the sky, how can they understand?"

Xu Wei Road:

"If people don't know, unless you have a good! It is also possible. "

Zhang Zhi frowed:

"Is this? The niece is also said that once the trading is not the same, it will be robbed."

Xu Wei suddenly shaken his head:

"This is not, I have just received the news, saying that Zuo Ci, the old boy, I want to explore the whereabouts of the fairy sand table, but the result is not expected to suffer from the vision, Zuo Ci immediately returned to camp Clutch. "

"I have a corpse, and it is a stream of ghosts. Once you really encounter such things, it is also possible."

"Not only that, this helps can take the beads of the people, and the breath does not disclose, this can be non-small."

Zhang Zhi married a mouthful:

"It's evil, is it really only to meet their requirements?"

Liu Zhenjie is also arched at this time:

"Miss, the other party can kill Xia Hou En got the Qingjun sword, the heart is willing to be deep, since the dare to meet us, then there must be prepared, we can reach the wish after we do it."

"This time, even for the beads of the people, it is also worth it, let alone, can you still get this peerful sword?"

Zhang Zhimoo should take a head:

"Well, then if you want to satisfy their needs, you can only contact the father."


After a man discussed some, Zhang Zhi turned back to:

"All, how many taxes do you need?"

Fanglin Rock does not need to seek the observations of the rest of the person, very simply:

"The more, the better."

Zhang Zhi's face changed, sighed:

"This is your first request?"

Fang Lin Yan smiled slightly:

"Of course, I have two things that I have exchanged, it is also a unparalleled thing!"

Zhang Zhi's eyes were twitched:

"You have to give me some time, because you ask me before I haven't thought of it."

Fanglin Yan shrugged:

"I want to stay for a while, but now the Qingyan sword has been locked by Zuoci, I can only leave a time here."

Xu Zi will be very simply:

"Wonderful, there is an old man here, naturally you can confuse the sky, Zuo Yuan, even if you personally calculate, there is no one or two days."

Fang Lin Yan listened to Xu Zi's words, nodded:

"In this case, we can wait for it, but the heart of the anti-human is indispensable, I will wait next to it, I will stay in an open area, and you will come over, you will come over."

Zhang Zhidao:

"Self so."

So the next Fanglin Rock and others directly use the props from the Capsule Science and Technology Department: Udonk Rocket Capsule, and then summon it.

After a man went up, I suddenly started taking a shower, massage, relax, and treated my own injury, and took a rest.

To be honest, they have been almost more than 30 hours at this time, and they have slept for three or four hours, but they have experienced many fierce battles. At this time, they will not want to lay on a comfortable bed after getting on the bus. Moved.

At this time, Fang Lin Yan took the key to Xia Hou En to take it out:

"I can't do what I am doing alone. It is everyone's credit! So I have always left the key, see who you can open?"

Listening to Fanglin Rock said so, a man is excited!

Xia Hou En! Although the strength is not strong, it is also a general! Even before death, I have been killed by Zhao Yun, and the quality is inevitably decline. However, the quality of the key can be directly dark green, which is very strong.

In addition to Fanglin Rock, a dry person rushed to open the key, and strive to almost playing, and finally decided to guess the victory, gained by vulture, this is a heart, I want to get a set. .

After a green light shines, the box is slow, and a man is looking for it.

Then the answer will be successfully announced!

First of all, everyone is divided into five potential points, 20,000 universal points.

Then, there was a dazzling gold big money, there were four words: Da Shu as a thousand, after the explanation, with the mysterious power of Wu Guo coins, you can sell to the space exchange value.

After use, the next completed task evaluation can rise first.

It is worth mentioning that this gold big money is dark green.

Finally, it is a protective gear, called Xia Hou Enji, this stuff is the silver plot equipment, the main attribute is the defense force + 5 points, the health is +200 points, but the movement speed is reduced by 10%, attack speed Reduce 10%.

After use, you can purify all negative states on your body, cooling time 8 seconds.

After some discussion, Dashun was temporarily pended with thousands of things, placed in the goat, and Xia Hou En's carematic mirror was taken by McGis.

He is in front of the crust, this kind of blood-supported thing, as long as he talks, then the Max is preferred, this is also the default rule.

In the eyes of Zhang Zhi and others, Fanglin Rock is in the carriage of a very mysterious carriage, Xu Zi will wait for a while, amazing, feels a clever work.

Wu Jiayu speculates that Wenlin Rock and others are not ink home? It can actually make this very delicate utensils.


It is about to be almost a half hour, and I suddenly rushed down a gossk.

However, this Gongwag took directly to the ground, actually burned it, and even the shrub next to it was ignited, followed by the bear's bear, but immediately formed a portal. Son.

And he coming out from the fire portal is also very chic, it belongs to that of the 178th year old girl holding his face.

This son is wearing a chappy, the clothes are ice and blue, embroidered with elegant bamboo leaves.

The hair on the head is with a white jade. The only thing is very special, that is, the pair of pairs hanging in the waist, there is a very common black stone, with those beautiful jade Gege.

And this son's face with a kind smile, I saw Zhang Zhi and went to laugh:

"Little aunt."

Zhang Zhi nodded, this son turned to Fanglin Rock, they stayed in the RV:

"Are you staying inside?"

At this time, Fang Ran also missed the outside of the outside, and quickly came out, and he saw this Jinyi Gongzi, actually I found a weak voice from the ear, it sounded something like a big priest Toto Henia, just talking:

"... Black stone ... I want ... very important! Very important!"

Fangliny's pupil suddenly contracted.

It is very clear that since I uses Athena's art, I have to rely on Athena's blessing, then with the rapid growth of Athena's power, then it is certain that my actions may be paid attention.

However, in the adventure world, Athens tried to talk to his own, exchange, definitely to pay great costs, and this is the first time that Lin Yan puts a similar request! So in love, Fanglin Rock should also make this matter.

In this case, Fanglin Rock has a deep breath, then the face is smiling, and the son:

"I haven't taught it yet?"

Zhang Zhidao:

"This is my nephew Zhang Yuanmia, the taxi wood you want, it is going to be on his body."

Zhang Yuan Wei wrote his hand:

"Wu Dou Mi Dao is a big sacrifice, Zhang Yuanmai, I have seen the magnificent."

"Five Bucheng?" Fang Lin Yan listened to the future, there were still some fascinating, but subsequently submitted the tips from the reticulum, they made their five people were shocked.

"All contractors / seed hunters, currently have begun to contact the rest of the world ....... and have a big chance to join."

"The world is hidden in the camp (neutral camp) officially opened! Please contact the contractor / seed hunter you intend to find the opportunity to join."

Obviously, the space of this reminder is that the remaining people may have some stupid, but Fanglin Rock and others are very clear, this space reminder is what they trigger.

In other words, this five-bury rice has a big sacrifice, Zhang Yuanmai, is already a key figure hidden camp.

Here, the goat has already hesitized:

"You also surnamed Zhang? Is there a relationship with the big sage?"

Zhang Yuanmai is talented:

"According to the trial, the mother is a long-distance home for the great sage."

"Not only that, Daxian's teacher has taken Taiping to think, from the immortal in Ji Yixi, and my ancestor Zhang Dao Ling is in the creation of Tianshi, and is also too good, and the same door is also the same."

"At that time, when the big sage was led, the father was closed, otherwise it was also unveiled together."

Zhang Yuan, I answered this, and his identity suddenly came out! His father, I am afraid it is Zhang Lu!

Dave the Han Dynasty 30 years, the Western Han Dynasty, the grandchildren, Zhang Lu, Zhang Daoling, Tianshi! It is also the only policy forces in the Three Kingdoms!

At this time, Zhang Yuanwei in front of Fanglin Rock and others, is the eldest son of Zhang Lu, and it is considered to inherit his base business in the future! This also depends on their desire to artifact.

At the same time, if not Zhang Zhi and Zhang Yuan are self-explosive, then it is really hard to think of the Yellow Towel Army and Zhang Lu, there is still so many thousands of contacts.

However, when the Cao Caojun approached Hanzhong, Zhang Lu is as symbolic, and then it is directly surrendered to Cao Cao, and it has also passed the "Ning to Cao Gunu, not Liu Bei". saying.

Cao Jun smashed Zhang Lujun so smooth, not a day, it is likely to have a long time to persuade with the Huangjie in Cao Ying.

Cao Cao was originally to drop this side very well, let alone I found that the Huang Zhu fauna can send a big use to himself, so it is also normal for the existence of Zhang Zhi and others. It is normal.

Fang Lin Yan looked at Zhang Yuan smiled and smiled:

"It turned out to be five buckets to teach the big sacrifice, there is a loss, but also forgiveness."

Zhang Yuan also looked very well, a smile:

"I listen to the little aunt, the first condition of the five exchanges is the taxi wood."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Yes! And the more the account is, the better."

Zhang Yuan microphone point:

"This is not a matter, but my father's heart-owned scenarius is also a hard work. The currently seated minus is only two hundred and seventy households ..."

Fang Lin Yan listened to the frown:

"Two hundred and seventy households? That's there is no to talk!"

"You can think of it clearly. The geographical position of Hanzhong is unique. We will admit to Sichuan. Beibei can enter the semi-enterprises. Tens of thousands! "

"But this world, the treasure that can be used with Qingjun swords, Mun Nah is also a few pieces of goodness, and it is the monopoly, there is a master! If you want to get these two treasures at one time Opportunity, it is a millennium. "

Zhang Yuan sighed a mouthful:

"Your treasure is really good, but it is not ordinary people dare to have."

Fanglin Yan shrugged:

"That is not necessarily, the Lord of Wu Guo, Liu Wei, etc., all buyers with interested."

Zhang Zhi heard the two sides of the past, and hurriedly stood up and played the circle:

"Let's wait, you can first cook a pot of tea."

Then, the woman stood up and gave a gift, and the sleeve, and the tree next to it was actually bent from the bush. It formed a natural width chair.

Then I buried a seed on the ground. The seeds were buried, and the seeds grew up into a tea tree. Zhang Zhi took three tender green leaves, and then put it into the tea set.

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