The First Evolution

Chapter 59 Lip Gun

Then, Zhang Zhi used the nine sticks to slam the ground, suddenly there was a clear spring, she used the tea to be in the tea, then cook tea, please drink.

As a result, this tea is in an entrance, Fanglin Rock eyes have grown! This is not just because the taste of this tea is long and long, the fragrance is Yong ----- actually tastes a bitter! And there is a touch of stinking.

Ok, just get angry with Fanglin Rock, what is like a broken loud bile capsule, almost let him not directly spit out.

However, he immediately appeared in front of him, but suddenly let Fanglin Yan swallowed the tea.

"You drink the supernatant tea, your life value / MP value increased by 50 points, this effect is only taken after first take it!"

Looking at the half-cup disabled tea inside the cup, Fanglin Ran decisively gave the goat road next to:


Then don't have any face, and I'm very simply in Zhang Zhi:

"In the next few brothers, I don't want to be born in the same day. I only seek to die on the same day, and I have a blessing to enjoy the same day, so I will give two cups of tea."

The goat is laughing in the team's channel, and the result is a sorrowful tea who is disappointing. After a drink of Fanglin Rock, he suddenly drunk, and hurriedly in the team channel:

"This tea is not good at all, it is very hard, you don't come."

At the same time, it is loud to Zhang Zhidao:

"Xiangu is a pot of fairy tea!"

Zhang Zhi smiled slightly:

"Although this tea is just a country of the country, it is still rare, two cups have been hard, and it is barely to let the remaining three tastes."

Fanglin Rock turned over the eyes and said in the team:

"This thing is ineffective, and you will find alone."

Soon, the rest of the three people also drinked half a cup of Qingxian tea, and they were amazed.

With the sweetness of Zhang Zhi, Fanglin Rock and others did not speak, and the atmosphere in the field became harmonious. Plus the goat, this sales master said a few jokes. The distance is retracted immediately.

At this time, Fanglin Rock took the initiative:

"In fact, there is another idea. After waiting for the prime minister to confirm that the Qing Yan sword will not come back, I will give you the sword again, and you will not be sinned by my sin, then I will reward me?"

When the rest of the people listen to Fanglin Rock, I only feel that it is really too screaming. You don't be too bullying in TM!

Grab the artifact of Laozi, kill my heart, and finally give me something, and I have to give you a thick reward?

But I think carefully, Zhang embroidered the pro-child of Cao Cao, shot Cao Cao one arrow, even Cao Cao's love will kill, Zhang embroidery directly, Cao Cao still does not reuse it, and also marris each other.

Fang Linyan's harm caused by Cao Cao, certainly there is no Zhang embroidery, so if Cao Cao really wants to take back to the Qingyu sword, then there is such a possibility!

However, he said that Zhang Yuanwei and Zhang Zhi did not calm, Liu Zhu, couldn't help but said:

"How to pull Cao Ying, this, this, a few, you have any conditions in addition to the taxi Woodship, just say it!"

Fanglin Rock has passed with the goat ditch at this time, the goat stood up and pointed to Zhang Yuan mini's own road:

"These accessories on the big festival look real name, we look very much, it is better to give us it?"

Zhang Yuan We heard this requirement, it is also facing each other! Millions did not expect that Fanglinyan and others actually sword directly:

The first requirement is already incredible.

The second requirement is the difference between directly and the roadside thief? Seeing a passerby, so just want?

Next, the goat continued to open, " " said a lot of requirements, heard it is true!

This is the profession of goats. The negotiation is actually a very highly learned. Usually, whoever is quoted for a loss!

However, Fanglin Rocks are there a few things that are likely, such as taxes, such as Athena showed a strong desire to Zhang Yuan micro-body! So, you can only take the initiative to quote.

However, in the negotiation, let the other party touch the things that really want, it is also a big jealous.

Therefore, in many classic purchase skills, there will be some very strange examples.

For example, some people look at a piece of on the ancient playing stall, and the ambition must be, I am afraid that I will pick it up, I have seen this, I have a good time, so I will tell the boss directly:

, my home is out of stock, I have taken things on this stall .....

The boss listens, big business, reasonable, sold!

Buyers cover their true needs to hide their true needs.

Also, for example, someone sees a bouquet of feeding chicken in the country, this is an antique, there is a six digits, no, I have to buy it.

However, directly to ask people to say that it is necessary to buy this feeding, people will definitely have a suspicion, I think this is sick? Buy me a feeding chicken basin?

If you buy a family, people will definitely not sell!

Therefore, it is often used to use the scripomy:

This chicken is more money, big mother? My wife wore me a green hat, I have to give her to get the old hen to make up!

what? To 150, this is not enough, give you more than ten pieces, you have to feed it for a few days, your rice is also given me together?

At this time, the big lady in the countryside did not see it, and I felt that I was bright in front of my eyes. This silly kid chicken food basin is willing to give more ten dollars, sold!

Of course, there are some sellers who have a high feet will let you buy a chicken 150.

When you want to take the rice nicknium, tell you when you take the chicken food, you still have some tender, your grandmother, I will sell dozens of chickens by this chicken food, go elsewhere!

Now the goat doing things, it is also similar, let the other party can't figure out what you really want, really care.

After the other of the sales elites in the opposite side, he was able to make it straightforward by him.

They also have communication business before, I feel that most of these Ranger have never seen anything. It is nothing more than money, beauty, status, power. Where do you know that the requirements of the other party are actually Like the sky, it is basically challenging their imagination limits.

Soon, goats are in the middle of the team:

"Head, the pair of parents on the Zhang Yuan seems to be very difficult, the mouth is very tight, resolutely refuses to make a step, but the taxi wood should have to talk, how do we offer?"

Fang Lin Ran wants to think, directly to Zhang Yuan micro:

"Since this is the case, the tax pavilion must be 10,000 per person."

Zhang Yuan slightly listened to the changing road:

"How is this possible!"

The 10,000 households were indeed a very outline at the time. Because the ancient people have always said that a great man is also poetic cloud: the manus of the dung season!

This can be said to be very noble officials, such as the Han Dynasty, Weiqing and Ho Hao have got this position.

There is a clear record in the Warring States Policy, and the Qin State is said: there is Qi Wang Hou, Feng Wanjiao! This can be seen in the gold content of this.

Goats have not aggravated Fanglin Rock actually open the lion, but he can't remove his own table, and he is playing a round field next to it. Haha smiled:

"Our big brother means: food 10,000, the rest of the title,"

Zhang Yuan was still frowning after listening to:

"This is still not! The father is not possible to promise."

Fanglin Rock said at this time:

"Well, this thing we temporarily put on hold, can so the big sacrifice will introduce us for us? Why can't you use us?"

"To know, what we take it out is not all, it is the artifact! And two."

Zhang Yuan smashed his face:

"There is only one artifact!"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"The !

Zhang Yuanmou has been saying that it is true that he feels that he is really tired with Fanglin Rock. It is simply to play a hundred points of spirit. Otherwise, if you don't pay, you can't fall into a speech trap. I have a mute, it is very irritated!

If you can, he really wants to hang these people, and use the Tianshi's Ray, a few times.

But don't know why, there is always an ominous hunch in my heart, I always feel that there is no reason for these people, it will be a big disaster, otherwise I have already shot.

Bias Zhang Lu is strictly strict in the past, so that he must make the artifact, otherwise, Zhang Yuan will also choose to turn around.

Zhang Zhi also saw Zhang Yuanmai's irritability. She also didn't want to smash this transaction. I can only point to a piece of Bai Yupai between Zhang Yuan's micro-waist:

"If I remember is right, this white jade is the relic of Yuan Ma, who is left before, saying that it is to pass it to her grandson."

"So this kind of jade is expensive, but for the meaning of Yuan Wei, it is even more invaluable, it is not possible to take it out. If you look at it, I can use double price gold to replenish you."

Fanglin Rock is not available, pointing to another road:


Zhang Yuan was cold and cold:

"This is a literary thing that is sent over the unmarried wife!"

Fang Lin Yan shrugged:

"Well, this piece?"

When he said this sentence, he looks a bit casual, in fact, it is already pointing to the dark stone, which is the mysterious item of Goddess Athena expressed strong demand.

Zhang Yuan snorted to the road:

"This is the sacrament that I passed down in my Tianshi, but it is the cultivation of people in this door. It is only useful to the people of this door. Ordinary people do not have the body of this door, wear Just illusion, day and night nightmare, you will die directly! This thing is to give you! "

Fang Lin Yan sighed a breath, facing Zhang Zhi Road:

"Xiangu, if you go on like this, there is no way to talk. The things on the big sacrifice are the treasure. The feelings I have been exchanged."

"So, I am from you a tea, I see that you are doing you to the Qingjian sword, we will talk about the deal of this ,

For Zhang Zhi, it is true that it is true that it is directly related to Fanglin Rock.

However, Fang Linyi is very clear inside, although Zhang Zhi is willing to knock out himself by himself.

However, the rules of the adventure world must have a much harvest of how much risk contrast.

Obviously, under normal circumstances, the purpose of the martial arts of the ,,,,,

In fact, according to normal processes, Fanglinyi can't get this bead! If it is not a Fanglin Yan, you will have the cost of hand black, and even pay the price of the mission, it is impossible to enter your hand.

But it is so that the difficulty of getting this bead is only the value of the value of the legendary equipment.

In other words, Fang Linyan should also have a bit number, once the rewards get the borders, that is not fixed, let you find a good point.

Because of this, the two of Fanglin and Zhang Zhi talk to the two people. The two sides are also a step. I will make a step, it seems that I will reach an agreement!

At this point, I was toned at the Zhang Yuan, and I was very good, and the feeling that was blown next to it was not good.

At this time, he faced the goat, this is still with a laughter, cook a large pot of quick-soluble coffee coming out, and Zhang Yuan micro.

"Come, big sacrifice, this is the tea fruit of our home specialties, which will refresh the health, tonic, nourishing yin and aphrodisiac, taste, taste!"

Zhang Yuan was drinking a bite, slightly frowned, obviously not used to the first unique bitterness of coffee. However, the flue-out taste and sweeping are beginning to meet his taste, so simply have a cup.

After drinking two cups of coffee, Zhang Yuan wanted several times to re-pulling the topic to the sword, goats were playing haha, they will open the topic. They are quite uncomfortable in his heart. Opportunity, this kind of fire does not feel awkward.

Fanglin Rock has gone through the basement of Zhang Zhi, and after he just later Zhang Yuanmai, he went back to talk to him.

This time, the arrogant gas on Zhang Yuan mini was finally grinded. For Fanglin Rock, they only feel that the head is big, and many.

At this time, I realized that he really didn't lie, and the origin of the black stone of Fanglin Rock was not ordinary. According to the information that the Tianshi passed, it was likely to be described in the mountains. Beast: The poor is very related.

Therefore, his name is called: poor and thoroughness, and its effect is that Zhang Yuan will make the wearer 's bloody resentment and illusion.

This is a bad thing, but the Tianshi has a secret to cultivate "Hui Jian" method, which can easily get rid of resentment and illusion, and then get quenching.

Therefore, this poorer is also very robbing. If Zhang Yuan is a big sacrifice, the son of Zhang Lu is really no way to wear it in his own body.

I heard this saying, Fanglin Ran is bored half.: How can this gods get the gods Athena so memorable?

He checked the information. From the description, the appearance is a tiger with a pair of wings. I like to eat people. I got the Greek myths, and I will blame a grade with the cattle head. This There must be embarrassment.

So after a negotiation, Zhang Yuanwei could only pass the endless and Fanglin Rock. He came this time, and the total amount of top more, only five thousand households were.

In addition, there is no way to cover this side, otherwise, Cao Cao's old man knows that the Qing Yanjian finally falls into Zhang Lu's hand, and it is very possible to attack the attack.

"Five thousand households ....."

Fanglin Rock calculated in the heart, nodded, and then continued to let goats talk to him, want to take the white jade and poor landscape.

Because of the speculation of Fanglin Rock, this white jade has a faint light, it is not good to have a legend.

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