The First Evolution

Chapter 60 300,000 General Point Identification Fees


However, the goats have been talking for a long time, and they have found that Zhang Yuan is very valued for this poor! The words are actually used as a non-selling.

Goat thought, then put a request, saying that I want to see this place with my friends ....... This requires Zhang Yuan to do not care, saying that it is just right, just don't take it away.

So the goat is a vulture, preparing to use his investigation and derivative skills: golden eyes give a look.

As a result, the vulture went to the future, and it took this skill to stay in the original place, and then the face was the same as the ghost, and after a while, he was in the middle of the team:

"Head ... Head, I prompt this, I need 337132 point, 24 points, the potential point can you unlock the details."

After listening to the vulture, Fanglin Rock is also stayed:

"What! Are you sure? We check that Zhao Yun's information will only give ten million universal points! This ghost actually needs three times the price? Oh, there is no additional increase in the cost of 24 potential points!"

After the goat listened, it immediately simply said:

"Then there is no need to say, change it directly, this thing is definitely not a poor skeleton! This is a big leak, it is biased, you still use it!"

After Fang Lin Yan listened to the goat, he took a sigh of relief and decisive.


The goat continued to put it down and scored Zhang Yuan, and finally pulled Zhang Zhi in the transaction, and the tripartite discussed for a long time, finally reached a consistent:

Fanglinyan, they handed over the beads of the singer, the artifact, the sword, got the following items / privileges.

1. Five people in Fanglin Rock officially join the neutral camp: Five buckets teaching one. Receive tasks, exchange items, don't have to run to Hanzhong, just find Zhang Zhi.

After Zhang Zhi got the beads of the , in order to hide the eyes, avoid refining the beads of the Cheng Niji.

Fanglinyan and others in Cao Ying's battle, prestige will be folded back into five buckets after heavily.

2, Fanglin Rock, their five, each of which gave him the ,

For example, in Max has a piece of equipment, there is a property is +10 points, so after the arrogance is enhanced, it turns directly into +20 points directly.

However, some attributes can not be strengthened, and the has a clear tip.

And this addition may not general, or half permanent, that is, whenever you enter a new adventure world, you need to be able to charge a 5000 universal point.

3, Fanglin Rock is the most concerned "" Poor ", finally being done directly by Goat's soft blisters! However, Zhang Yuan is only a 4,000 households.

Simply put, the artifact of Qingyu sword has changed the poor and 4,000 households.

Not only that, but if you want to officially join the five-buffalom, you need to be a task similar to the "derived" to formally enter.

To be honest, an artifact is almost equal to the legendary equipment of the artifact, it is indeed a little loss.

However, considering that the pearl swords and ,

These two East and Western Lin Rocks did not have complete ownership, and the mysterious "poor lady" value is probably very amazing, and it is quite good to get such a result.

At this time, Zhang Yuan will ask Fanglin Yan, is the taxi Moki to make the specification of eight hundred people per person?

Fang Lin Yan listened to it, the heart suddenly moved:

"Listen to what you mean, can this stuff can be customized?"

Zhang Yuan micro road:

"Yeah, how can you assign it within, but to make a premise of taxeship wood, at least a single person cannot be less than one hundred."

Fanglin Yan calculates it in the heart, pointing at Kresbo and Mason:

"This way, you give them two taxes of eight hundred families."

Kresbo is a bit awkward, but he listens to Fanglin Rock to continue:

"The remaining two thousand four hundred families will be allocated."

Then Fanglin Rock pointed to himself and the goat:

"I and him, everyone only took two hundred taxes, the remaining two thousand households gave him all."

At this time, the rest of the people are shocked. It turns out that Fanglin Rock means that the vultures take two thousand households! The vultures are shocked:

"Head, this is not good?"

Fang Linyan shakes his head:

"I just went down, the main line task second step: honor's and grid, just get a hundred households!"

"And we are the world of gold main line tasks, then the task should have additional weighting rewards, so the two thousand taxes, basically, may make the vultures get SS evaluation!"

"In this case, in line with our Springs who will get the Qiao Qian Qian, he can get the stage of SSS, and then get the legend!"

When I heard Fanglin Rock, the vulture suddenly trembled:

"Really ... is it really ok?"

Fanglin Rock Road:


The vulture is obsessed with the legend of the legend, and it is full of enthusiastic, hunger, and of course!

He is willing to be the thief ship of Lin Yan, a big reason is not to be tempted by the legend?

At this time, I suddenly found the little sister who dreamed of, oh, no! Legend has actually tentacked, how can he not let him feel tide, excited.

Fang Lin Yan frowed:

"However, there is a very critical issue."

Masci immediately:

"What is wrong? If you are not grasped, then I can still have hundreds of households to him."

Kresbo also said:

"I didn't have any problems with him!"

Fang Linyan shakes his head:

"Not this, 2000 households, you should take SS to evaluate. If you can't get it, add you, you can't get it."

"I am worried about things, this is the second step in this main line: honor from strict sense, is a branch of a large serial task."

"It is a task chain or a ring task. After this block gets the SSS evaluation, it can meet the conditions to achieve relevant milestones."


"I think it should be counted! We are experiencing now, but the gold main line task world! It is reasonable to reach the SSS evaluation in such difficulties, the gold content will be higher!"

Fang Lin Yan nodded:

"I also think so, no matter how, you can gamble, 80% of the chance is not low, the vulture gets the legend of +1, it is a good thing to quickly upgrade to the team!"

"Hey, feed! Cresbo, Mes, don't look at me in this hungry eye, the legend is not a big cabbage, it is completely by the machine, I can not say it. Come!"

"Would you like you to find a goat to learn experience? His Budwut World is also awarded the legend !!"

For the way of this disaster of Fanglin Rock, the goat suddenly said that he was very innocent. The only experience is that his own money is very much! Success cannot be copied!

Looking at Fanglin Rock directly, Zhang Yuanwei and Zhang Zhi were also spit out of a long gas, because they never thought that a trading can actually be cumbersome.

The other party almost squeezes all their bottom lines, the only thing is fortunate, although it feels very bitter pain at this time, it is also in psychological expectations, and I also got what I want.

Zhang Zhi took the beads of the people, directly swallowed directly, seeing the goat, secretly knew that he would make this stuff into the kneades, and I don't know that the little sister can still swallow. I have to go through the clouds, and I will leave the intestine.

After Zhang Yuan's micro-sword, Zhang Yuan was directly pulling a few times, and then got to go straight to it, he heard the faint dragon .

After a few breathing, there were only thousands of Qingguang shot to the front, and the big trees in front of them were shot directly, and they immediately re-gathered these glaucomes. Put back the sword.

Zhang Yuanmai shook, continuously retreats a few steps, followed by two blood in the nostrils, obviously, its strength wants to be free to rush, the sword is difficult, but he looks not not angry, but the longitudinal length Laugh, happy to extreme!

At this time, Zhang Yuan mini will sweep the blame in his heart, so the gods are in hand, can't help but let him have the heart of the world!

Looking at the eyes of Fanglin Rock and others are also soft, and the heart is dark. Although the sinctine is savvy, it is too small to be too small. This time the transaction will make you got a big cheap.

Next, I didn't have to say, Zhang Yuanwei and Zhang Zhi two were very satisfied with the transaction, so they were also quite refreshing, and they did not do what they did to Fanglinyan.

Goats, they have begun to pay attention to the , . ........ ..

Zhang Yuan is also very good at this time, specially reminded, saying that this is very evil door, if there is no "Hui Jian", it is not good, it must be careful.

Fang Lin Yan nodded, sincerely said thank you.

However, after he took the "poor lady", he didn't feel any abnormal situation. After it will be taken, it will be thrown into the past.

This time, "poor lack" is attributed to him, and there is no happiness, and I have identified some intelligence.

It is found that this stuff is classified as unknown, and the introduction is: mysterious objects that may have a lot of potential! However, specific usage needs to be studied, and can be sold to the space for 50 points.

This makes Fanglin Rock a little wondering, 50 messenger is really horrible, but it doesn't want it to be as amazing?

Is this after your own hands in your hands? The full cavob is identified by the golden eye of the vulture, and the three thousand universal points of terror is needed.

After he called a few Athena in your heart, he could not respond, and then put it in the private space.

Soon, Zhang Yuan gave it a broken hand, left directly, this is because he has a green sword, there is no way to show the fire, now I have to hurry over the night, go back to Hanzhong.

Obviously, the tracking of Cao Cao's party will definitely go, it is equivalent to solving Fanglin Rock and others.

Taxeshu, this thing, because it is necessary to make temporary production, so he will wait for half an hour.

However, Zhang Yuanmai has left Zhang Lu's private printed, and the production is completed, please privately put it privately, Fanglin Rock, they directly find Zhang Zhi to take it.

Obviously, in view of the first phase of people who completed the task, they can get rewards, and they are publicized, Fanglin Rocks are also intended to compete for the first stage, so they followed Zhang Zhi.

Soon, they came to the side of the Yangtze River, and Jiang Shui Tao, the color of the river, and it looked at the heart of the heart.

After this, Zhang Zhi will fly out, and the beads of the singer will fly out, falling into the big river, can see the river, there is an early vortex, issued a "bombing" sound.

Take a closer look, the center of the vortex is the beads of the people, but Zhang Zhi is in the dark, and the left hand holds a strange index, and there is a resignation in the mouth!

At this time, I can see a strange illusory rune around the beads of the , directly enlarged.

When the beads of the , while absorbing the moisture from the surroundings, it is also as if the naughty child is, and the left roses, obviously wants to strive to seek freedom.

However, in a surrounding rune, it is directly rebounded, and can only continue to stay in the same place.

At this time, Fanglin Rock suddenly felt that the heart moved, a weak voice passed, it is like the sound of the big priest Teret Toro Nia:

"That piece ... I got it?"

Sound this sound is quite focusing, and it seems that the phone signal is not good.

Fanglin Rock wants to read the reply, but I found that the other party seems to receive my own information, and I am also anxious in my heart.

Ok, at this time, his chest is hot, the mysterious unlimited mark once again emerged, and the eyes of Fanglin Rock have said:

"There is an unknown secondary mysterious power tried to communicate with you, whether to consume 5000 universal points to connect, or directly open protection to completely isolate it?"

Fang Linyan is in the heart of the heart, but also a dead time, or decisively throws it in five thousand universal points, the result is really immediate, the big priest is slightly anxious to immediately become clear:

"How is your situation now? Is that the god get it? Hey? What kind of pressure disappears?"

Fanglin Rock immediately replied:

"Before we define your contact as illegal intrusion, we have been compressed, I have successfully communicated with the defense system, and of course I have paid some costs, so we can freely contact."

The big priest is immediately happy and urgent:

"Then it is better."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"What you want is not very good, but I have to pay a lot."

The big priest decisively:

"As long as you get this god, the big price is also worth it."

Fanglin Rock is curious:

"According to my survey, this place is a monster in the ancient Chinese myths, the top and the bullish squirt is a level."

[Read the book collar cash] Focus on the VX public number [book friend base camp] reading book can also receive cash!

The big priest is dignified:

"It's impossible, this piece of the gods contains a fascinating godge, and it is necessary to make up for the short board that I have never had in the whole day! With my god, it is perfect!"

Fanglin Rock said:

"Is there such an exaggeration? Is this a broken thing?"

After that, he no longer got the mouth, directly took the black stone from the private space, and held it in his hand.

At this moment, a unique unique will offered, after Fanglin Rock, Her Kong appeared in the white owl, olive tree, and a giant snake's illusion, followed by Xu Xu!

Originally, Zhang Zhi is also surprised to turn over and looked at it, and his heart is no wonder that you can break the name of the big name, actually cultivate very rare drop!

But the gods were turned into, which was very hurt by the people of the upper body, and it seems that this square rock repair is still not home. Just now, it should be an out-of control, it is estimated that it will not be a long time.

However, Zhang Zhi didn't know that the "poor lady" in the palm of Fang Linyi, has become a rapid melting of Athena, which has been continuously transferred.

Not only that, in front of Fanglin Rock, it began to have a scene of a scene!

First of all, he appeared in front of him, is a burly bicchrie man, a beautiful appearance, holding a shield left hand, holding a big ax in the right hand, hunting in the mountains! Killing countless!

At this time, there is a fierce tiger with a born wings, suddenly coming toward this person! On this man's arm directly cut out a flesh and blood blurred wound.

Obviously, this one beast is poor!

However, this man's counterattack is also very fast, and the anti-hand, I'm going down its tail, and this monster is screaming, and the Huang fled.

And this big man is a long laugh, directly put the tail P. into his mouth, and the hearty chews, looks extremely bloody!


Then, the picture is black, it is switched to another scene.

The red man is full of blood, which seems to be the end of the road, the big ax and shield held in the hands are dense, that is very tragic, can use the end of the way, the generals, the generals, the generals, the generals.

The opponent of this Chicchie man is a man who looks very noble, the latter Belt, wearing a yellow-yellow robes, making a long sword! / DIV

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