The First Evolution

Chapter 62 Hunting

Although the embers of maintenance is very difficult.

However, if you call Fanglin Rock again to choose again, he will make the Olympics to block, after all, so, the income is too great.

After a while, there was a slight snoring in the RV. It should be that the guy of the goat is asleep directly. After a while, Messe's snoring also rang, the two can perform a song in the dream. "Duo".

At this time, Cresbo was left from the ride, and then at the low channel of Fanglin Rock:

"Head ... Head, there is something to bother you."

Fang Lin Yan Shen, then lifted his eyes to him:

"It can make you show such a difficult attitude, is it a hunting king to let you speak?"

Kresbo went to smile when he suddenly turned his head:

"The head is really powerful. I have owed the old manager Alteba before, but since then, it is already completely light."

Fanglin Yan microphone said:

"Good! When you are in our legendary brigade, always do our best, born to death, no complaint, since this is the case, I will help you today."

Krespobmer is headed by:

"Thank you."

Fang Lin Yan said:

"How to contact Alteba?"

Kresbo low:

"Alteba said, just need to find a water, then crush this crystal, throw it into the water, you can contact him."

Then Kresbo handed over a crystal, and the color is black, only the center is a little scarlet, it looks very strange.

Fang Lin Yan frowed:

"How did he make this crystal to your hand?"

Crespo shrugged:

"I used to join the team of hunting kings before, I once told Alteba with this, and he could deliver some information, even if I permitted me."

After listening to the explanation of Kresbo, Fanglin Rock's expression is slightly relaxed, which is allowed to be spaced, which means it is difficult to be tracked.

He nodded and took this character, and then found a small puddle next to it, and crushed the crystal.

It is also a somewhat strange. The rapid dissolution of the crushed crystal entered the small water puddle, and its water quality actually changed to the same color as mercury, followed by the water in the small puddle, there was actually Alte Pakistan face.

The old guy as always smiled, as if it is not a bad mask, of course, the high-spirited feeling in the bones is also very distinctive.

"Good evening, Mr. Wrench, really taking the liberty to bother you in this way. But you can rest assured, our current conversation will not bring you a negative effect on you!"

"If you want to survive in the adventure world, many people don't have the lower limit, and I don't have to use it. However, I have a noble blood in my own body. We cherish your own reputation is better than life."

"Even if it is the enemy killed by the owner, you can curse him, you can hate him, but you can't blame him to act, don't believe!"

Fanglin Rock earnestly nodded:

"At least from the experience you have lived, the promise of the owner is impeccable."

Alteba nodhead, press the right hand on the chest, slightly ignorant:

"So, can we enter the topic? My owner is entrusted by people and wants to be a transaction with you."

Fanglin Rock is very simply said:

"The hunch of the hunter should actually guess. If the Qing Yan sword is still on me, I can't have any association with the outside world, and I will not talk to you here."

Alteba nodded, calmly said:

"So it has been handed out?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Yes, look at the hunting king, I used to be in the same camp, I can answer another question free."


"I used to be the same camp ... What to say this, the opening of the neutral camp is related to you."

Fang Lin Yan smiled.

Alteba suddenly said:

"Before an hour, Cao Ying was responsible for tracking the Zuo Ci disciples of Qingyu Sword suddenly spit blood, unconscious!"

"Cao Cao suddenly shocked, send people to find Zhuci, but did not expect the left cry of Zoi, but only left a post, write a sentence: Feng Yifeng Feng! He Deh ? "

Fang Linyan is in the heart, immediately querying the relevant database, finding this sentence that Confucius said.

Source "Analects. ", full sentence is: Feng Yifeng! He Dezhi's decline, the past is not possible, the person can catch it.

Obviously, Zuoi really wants to express, "The past is not sticky, the coming is especially chasing ..." this sentence.

Cao Cao is so smart, it is obvious that it will know later that this is what the left invalid tells him that the drop of the Qingjun sword has no way to track, or otherwise, please, or put your eyes in another aspect.

This is obviously the intelligence that Fanglin Rock needs to know, Cao Cao's attitude determines the level of attention to people in the camp, so he hesitated, then said:

"How does Cao Cao replied?"


"Cao Cao has canceled the chasing of Qingyujian, and he will do this may be because of the left cry of words, but greater reasons should be Zhao Yun."

Fang Lin Yan brows wrinkled, knowing Alteba intentionally, it is to let himself ask, but he really wants to know the follow-up, very simply:

"Oh? Talk?"

Alteba smiled slightly:

"Zhao Yun has a reinforcement, and Liu Beiyi's guys succeeded that the Jingzhou will lead to Zhang Yiliang, so that the army will attack Cao Cao Zhongjun, and shake Cao Yingmian."

"Take this opportunity, Zhao Yun successfully killed Cao Yingpo Li Di, and found treasures from his body! He added him in the middle and distance attack means, more like Tiger!"

"Not only that, because Deng Hibis's help, so from time to time, Liu Beijun will be close to the nearby, and then enter the neighboring unyielding state, successfully giving Zhao Yun to wrap the chance to rest."

Fang Lin Yan Shen gave a little later:

"The latest situation has been going to this step? Ok, if you want to ask, ask."

Alteba faintly said:

"In fact, you must also guess what I want to ask."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Well, I have to owe me a love, but now I don't have to use it -------- Qingyu sword has traded to Zhang Run, now the specific goal is on his eldest son Zhang Yuanmai, as for Zhang Yuanmiao's whereabouts, I don't know, or if you know, you will not say it. "

Alteba is very savvy, he started from the beginning, in fact, I would like to ask where Founder Lin Yanqing is going.

However, this is actually a very private information, and even the other Lin Yan is in the interests ------- To know, the criticism of the task props that the taxi Muchi is still not happy!

Once this news leaked out, Zhang Yuan was killed by the sword (although the chance was small), it will be problematic.

Because of this, Altebi deliberately tells Fang Ran some of his important information in the current needs!

The two people did not say any deals, but it was actually a tacit conaches.

When I heard Fanglin Rock, Alteba touched:

"Okay, there is enough information!"

Of course, if you don't know the strength of Zhang Yuanmai, Fanglin Rock even even even the news will not speak!

Fanglinyi quickly called Altebao:

"How now Zhao Yun is still in Changpo? That is not a gold branch mission: Savior Cao Ying is successfully completed?"


"No! Because you cross your feet, I took the green sword, and I should die in Xia Hou En, I'm going to live in Zhao Yun."

"So after the time node changes, all space soldiers who have accepted the mission of the gold branch will have a choice, that is, extend the restricted time of the monoisonment to six hours."

"As a result, Cao Cao or Liu Beiyi's space warrior did not have to agree."

Fanglin Ranki said:

"How can this be? Why did Cao Cao's contractor will agree, don't Zhao Yun delayed in the Changtou area for two hours two hours two hours? And Zhao Yun is on my body, at least wasting valuable 50 minutes? "


"Because we have received the exact news, Zhao Yun will receive the flying pigeon book of Liu Bei in one hour, let him return to reply!"

"If Zhao Yun under normal circumstances, we have confidence to delay him for fifteen minutes, sleep in the Changthang area, but ......."

Alteba has dropped some things behind "But", but Fanglin Rock instantly completed him in the heart:

"But at this time, Zhao Yun has a lot of Lu! Luku !!"

At this time, there was a bitter smile on Alteba face:

"But now, the extended time is obviously more favorable for Liu Bei, Zhao Yun and Lu's combination is too powerful! If we deal with bad words, if you can't get good Cao Ying, someone will fall in Zhao Yun's gun! "

Fang Lin Yan Shen gave a little later:

"In fact, I feel that the victor is hidden in Zhao Yun's supreme."

Alteba heard:


Fang Lin Yan hesitated him:

"If I said the magic, then the hunting king should owe me a human condition."


"One words are determined."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Since Zhao Yun also kills Li Dian, since he should have not met with Abu to meet now?"


"Yes it is."

Fanglin Yan stretched a picture:

"That's great ..... In fact, you have already gone into a misunderstanding, because now the urgency, it is never weakened by Zhao Yun's mechanism, but it is necessary to strengthen this!"

Altebi frown:

"What does it mean?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"If I remember is correct, the death of the Mrs. is because she is very clear, Zhao Yun can't escape if she fled with her with Al."

"However, at this time, Zhao Yun's is the gods such as Lu, there is no concern of horsepower, you can even let Zhao Yun have some troops. In this case, if the Lady can see the vitality, How can I despair how to jump well? "

"Zhao Yun has no weakness, then give him a come out! Living of the monk is his weakness!"

"So, what you have to do now is to let Zhao Yun can have a team! Can bring a fucking team, this is the meaning of understanding, the opposite, the opposite, the mainstay Deng, which is, you know your purpose, I can only swallow this bitter fruit! "

Alteba is silent, and it is only a way for a while:

"What you mean, I will convey to adults, if it is really effective, I recognize this person."

After Alteba finished, the water was awkward, and he recovered calm.


Twenty five minutes later,

Zhang Zhi's association, the Liu, a dozen people who have returned to this place, and it is very hard to see him all the way, and the night is rushing to fall and down is a mud.

After Liu Zhen, the taxi Mumi will pay the taxi to Fanglin Rock, and then take his hands in front of Zhang Zhi, put your hands in the chest, silently pray, see I have to come out that this belief of guys is really strong.

After the taxi wood, Fanglin Rock immediately got a clear reminder from space:

"Legendary team, you are currently all members of the key task props: tax pauses!"

"Do you want to submit this key props, after submit, you will enter the relevant main line task in the third phase!"

Fanglinyi and others have chosen submission, but also pay special attention, let the vultures are first submitted, and they have gained tips:

"Legendary team, all of you have submitted taxes."

"You have successfully reached the conditions for promoting the third phase of the main line task."

"You are in all the space warriors, is the first to submit the taxi Moki, so you will get extra rewards."

"You are promoting the speed of the prestige in this forces will increase!"

"You will get an additional attention to all generals, you will have a higher chance to get a higher hidden task, unique task, etc., of course, this also means bigger risk."

"Do you want to receive a reward for this task?"

"If you choose to receive it, you will get relevant rewards, and even if you return Noah space, you will not be punished."

"However, you will not be able to accept the next stage of the main line task, and can only continue to stay in this world for free stay for 48 hours! Free stay time will be in accordance with the price of 10,000 universal points per hour. ! "

"If you choose not to receive rewards, the reward will be distributed to the completion of the next phase of the main line task, if you fail after the next phase of the main line task, you will fail, then you will be eliminated, you can't get any rewards "

"When you insist on the end of the third phase, you will get the gold main line task!"


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