The First Evolution

Chapter 63, the enemy, Zhang Fei, enter the battlefield

After getting these tips, Fanglin Rock and others found that their relevant information was broadcast over and over again, and the legendary team made a real advertisement.

But at this time, for Fanglin Rock, it is a big style of the artifact. It is already a big head. This time is rewarded again, it is "dead pig is not afraid of boiling water". .

After seeing this prompt, the rest of the space warrior combined with the unlocked camp, naturally inferred the previous cause:

This legendary team seems to be a bit self-known. After getting the Qingyan sword, it is directly dedicated to the leader of the neutral camp.

In this way, this leader figure is of course "Long Yue Yue", income its neutral camp, and rewards the taxi.

Many people have not seen Followering Rocks, naturally, the legendary brigade is in the "lucky".

It is considered that most of them are the young swords that are got. Because in their understanding: This person is really cattle, will not spit it up!

This kind of low-forential Lin Yan is, it is not a bad thing.

The most embarrassing, after Fanglinyi chose accumulated rewards, he actually got a ruthless reminder of space:

"Contractors ZB419, you and your team members have not officially added one forces, so some of the relevant additions and rewards are still unable to issue."

"Not only that, before formally add another forces, you can't open the third step in the main line task."

After getting this tip, Fang Lin Yan suddenly thought about it. If you want to officially join the five-buryth education, it seems to be a task similar to "sketched"! So really, then, then began to urge everyone.

At this time, the vulture suddenly laughed out:

"Success, I succeeded !!"

Then, his body flashed, suddenly a lot of saying unknown, unclear dignity means, then seeing the vultures in the team channel: "You got a legendary information about 1 point."

Don't let me say, at this time, I watched the vulture in Max and Kresbo's envy!

The vulture is in a halving state at this time, directly grasping the goat, starting to have a junction:

"Hey, buddy, you let me first submit taxes, wood, I am a wise choice. If there is no additional bonus of this, I even have the evaluation of SS, it is necessary to have this good opportunity to lose the arm what."

Fang Lin Yan listened to it later:

"This is not that the evaluation of SSS is difficult, but the double SS evaluation is still too difficult, especially if our group resource helps you."

"Okay, let's go to Zhang Zhi to take a name to the name, otherwise, don't be hurt later!"

Then, a man went to Zhang Zhi, but he was stopped by the Liu Shaoyao outside the distance:

"Stand, now the sanctuary is working on repairing the sacred object, and the leisure and other people are not allowed."

Fanglin Yan shrugged:

"Don't be like this, old Liu, let's make a huge contribution to this education! For example, this sacred thing, we look at the face of the big sages, really symbolic, "

"If there is no one who has no Zhang Tianshi at the time, we gave the bead to the saint, and it was not to discuss. Why did you see it?"

"We are also old acquaintances, so do you see that you can't finish it? To tell your truth, before you come, we are here to protect the saints. Do you have any bad mind and wait until now?"

Liu Chen said in Fanglin Rock, and the mouth is twitching, thinking is like this, coughing:

"Don't let you pass, don't go to you, but the sanwoman is trying to refine the beads of the people with the soul of the soul. If it is successful, the treasure will refer to this treasure, but here In the process, it cannot be distressed by one minute. "

"Otherwise, if you lose your life, you will suffer from serious injury, you can't afford it."

Fang Lin Yan frowed:

"Is it so serious? Well? Then we will not pass, but before the sacred girl said, though we are already half a person, but what is the lack of rituals to do?"

"This matter is not completed one day, we can't be considered in the same way of Wukou, if you can do this, then you will not bother the sage."

Listening to Fanglin Rock said so, Liu Zhu is also loosened:

"I am the junction of this education, there is a right to host you from the sacrifice!"

"If the teacher wants to join, we need to meet three major conditions: attractors, practice, and finally the gong."

"I have already said it before, and I am doing your attractions, then this is no problem."

"As for the gong, it is necessary to pay five budum / or corresponding value when entering teaching. This should be no problem."

"Then you have to do it now, it is to say that it is necessary to do something for teaching."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"No problem, you said."

Liu School said:

"Well ... I want to think about it, there is! Do you still remember? He also teaches people."

"Before a time, he looted on the battlefield. He met a fierce of the army. He lost his life. Down. "

After listening to this, a few people in Fanglin Ran looked at it, and the face was a little quirky, and the goat tested:

"What is the mammoth he encountered? Is it surnamed Zhao?"

Liu Chen held his head:

"do not know."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Let the gun ride a white horse?"

Liu School said:

"Yes ......."

Fang Linyan took a breath:

"You will not let us give him a revenge! That is not going to change one !! I can't do this."

Liu School turned over the eyes:

"Of course not ..... but this time we fight, we defeated Liu Beijun, and the military Sima has a command, and people who have to play back a certain number of trophy."

"Heh, this is hot, and the army horse at this time has complained. Not long, I found an excuse, and the name of the military Sima's nephew made a meal, interrupted a leg!"

"The two conflicts are upgraded, so the grievances have been deep, and if they can't take back enough trophy, then it is sad."

Hearing here, Fanglin Rock and others are looking at it, and there is a gap:

"So our task is to help ?"

Liu School said:

"Yes, now the truth, Liu Beijun's residual soldiers started to escape through the night, looting their difficulties, but this is not too difficult, you only need to help almost five thousand The gold and silver treasure will be line. "

The goat is calculated, and immediately excited in the team channel:

"Five thousand ? We can get it now."

But listened to Liu School to continue:

"This figure is not too much, but it is also lost his own school after being hit by it, and I hope that you can find it back."

Fang Lin Yan stunned:

"This thing is a bit hard."

Liu Chen hesitatedly:

"In fact, it is not specially specialized for him, even if it is the school of Liu Beijun, his own is also distributed by Liu Tu, and the school of Jingzhou is impact, and it is necessary to follow this side. Regulation is made. "

Fang Lin Yan listened to the future and suddenly said:

"I understand, that is, even if we are just looking for a school to find it, you can add this, you can share it?"

Liu School said:

"Yes, it is this truth."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"So elsewhere can you choose? Do you have to help this guy?"

Liu School said:

"That is enough."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Yes, but let's go, I have two requirements."

Liu School said:

"you said."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Because of the things of Qing Yan Sword, we are still the enemy of Cao Jun, you have to give us something to hide the identity, otherwise it is too dangerous to fight the battlefield."

Liu School listened to the future, took out five cloaks under his hand:

"After you put on this cloak, you can disappear into auxiliary soldiers below Cao Ying. If someone asks, you said that Luoyang Xu Cianda is coming, so, you can pass unimpeded on the battlefield, but once After the military camp, it is easy to know. "

"Not only that, if you attack Cao Jun, unless you use the witness to kill, then the effect of this cloak declares."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Good! The second requirement, you have to take a piece of stupid thing to me, we can use the smell to track his insignificant walk, then send one person to the place where he is confined."

Liu Chen is very refreshing:

"This is no problem! In addition, now Cao Ying is also a little focused, mainly that the generals called Zhao Yun are extremely fierce, and the extraction of Zhang Fei also took the 18 riding swallows to kill, the situation became more confusing. You just need to get this thing before you are in the dawn. "

When I heard Liu's words, Fang Lin Ran was shocked:

"What? Zhang Fei actually rebuilt back? How can it be?"

Liu School said:

"According to the news delivered back in the teaching, it is also very clear that Jiangdong is very clear, so relying on the convenience of the shipping ship to transport a small number of elite cavalry."

"And Zhang Fei's character is also unimpeded! I heard that Zhao Zilong was saving A Daohe and Yu, in 800,000 Cao Junzhong, if there was no one, a battle is famous, it is already the most important battle of Liu Beijun. Will attach the name of the world of Lu Bu! "

"So, according to Zhang Fei, who is the Gujiang Sago, I will rush through the battlefield, Zhang Feijia on his own affection of 18 riding, and more than 100 elseous cavalry came from East Wu Yun, and then played. I caught a handleman in our army. "

"The key is that our army thought that Liu Beijun has been completely chaotic, and it is also to grab it all around. Therefore, Zhang Fei is also in the future, Zhang Yunjun is the first to be hit by it, and Zhang Wei is even cut off the arm, and Xu Huang is also attached Flying a spear is on the back, and the hemates are going. "

At this time, I learned from Liu University, I learned the current latest news. Fanglin Rock is also very shocking, can't help it:

"So Zhang Fei Town is the Changchun Bridge?"

Liu School said:

"According to the internal news of this education, it is related to Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun's retreat. Liu Beiwen certainly did not dare to pay attention, led the water army from the Jiangling, and Zhuge has already arranged a checked set, trying to Assist in defense. "

Liu Beijun tasted the sweetness of the battle, and was selected from the brought-off force brought by Guan Yu, sent a lot of elite mixed battles, and gave us a killing in the night and confusion. "

"However, Liu Beijun decided to wait until Tianming. Once there is a day, it will completely evacuate. After all, it will be too much than they defeated."

After a while, Fanglin Yan gained a little bit:

"Know it ....... I just didn't expect that we have exhausted from there, actually to return to the Changpico battlefield!"

When the five people were about to start, Zhang Zhi, who appeared to stand, said a few words, followed by a maid next to her, I ran and said:

"The sacred girl said, Square rock can be trustworthy, although it has not officially added this education, it should also give it to the courtesy, let alone they are about to be a matter of this education, so she will give five Huang Tianxi symbol."

After she finished, she watched her hand. I immediately saw five words that shine with light yellow rays. If the butterfly is generally aligned, the five people floated.

Fang Lin Ran reached a trick, and he saw that this is in the palm of his hand. He appeared in front of him:

"Contractors ZB419, you successfully started a yellow sky."

Props: Huang Tianzhu

Ingredients: Jiangxi Wanzhou paper, , ghost

Rareness: black

Using the prejudice: Get the recognition of the Taiping Monchi made this character.

Use: After a minute, instantly transfer the user to the descending node of the manufacturer record. (This Huang Tian's record is the river heart foggy island)

Note: It is necessary to use Huang Tianhui in a non-fighting state, and it cannot be attacked after entering into force. This character can only take effect in this world.


At this time, the goat is also reading this point of view, immediately said:

"Isn't this going back to the city roll? Legend of the mids of the dog!"

Fanglin Rock:


Goat is stunned:

"Is there no blood legend in your world? Well, it doesn't look! When I didn't say it!"

At this time, Fang Lin Ran thought about it:

"There is another thing you want to ask."

Liu School said:

"you said."

Fang Lin Yan took a channel from the arms:

"This letter is that I have left the old man who is in the battlefield, it should be his suicide note."

"This old man is actually a jade, who is very likes to be very popular, and wants to ask if Liu Chen can see what clues from this letter."

Liu Chen took this letter and turned over. After watching the case in the case, the sentence is like a puzzle: Bing Lujia Ding Jiu, slightly shakes his head:

"I can't see anything, but this old man's word is unique, maybe as a breakthrough point, wait for you to officially advancing, you can go to the Zhonggong in this time, he is the bookwork, everyone, you should I know this person. "

"Zhong Gong?"

Fang Lin Yan is suspected of:

Liu School said:

"Zhong Rong Zhong Yuan often doesn't know?"

Fang Linqi listened to the future, suddenly realized that this name may not know, but it is estimated that the book is estimated to be almost a household name.

Zhong Yu Zhongyuan is often the founder of the book, and the later generations are also called the "Zhong Wang" and call him with the book.

Such a cattle will join the five bucarism, but because of the sake of love, his son will become "sheep epileps", and repeatedly seek a famous doctor can't be cured. Finally, I can only seek ghosts and gods. Next.

As a result, the crowd is also cured by a controversy, and it is going to teach it.

And the doctrine of Five-Buchen is more gentle than the Taiping Road, so Cao Cao does not ban it from teaching on his own site ------- It is also an estimate of Zhang Lu to surrender Cao Cao, and the root cause of Zhang Tianshi. .

Liu Yao's words suddenly showed that Fang Lin Yan suddenly realized, and even claimed.

However, Liu School later is a deep way:

Zhong Gong was originally a bookwork, and this time he came to Jingzhou. It was also to temporarily appease Jingzhou's family a big family. He will go to Changan, and you can say it in the order of the servant! It is if the river is in the river. "

"If you are not named in this birth, then you must have a closed door."

Obviously, Liu, the meaning of Liu, is quite clear. Hurry and make a lot of brush, don't ponder those useless!


After forty minutes,

Fanglinyan has been renewed before the Long Shupo battlefield, with their middle-aged people who look at the rats.

This guy is the housekeeper, called Deng Laizhi, wearing a black felt hat, and his face with a sliding smile, this expression is like a mask, can keep keep it on his face.

After re-entered the Battlefield of the Changtongpo battlefield, the tips obtained by Fanglin Rock changed.

Unlike the previous long stroke, simply warn the risk of the battlefield, and they entered the army identity of Cao Cao, will be attacked by Liu Beijun, and the depth contact with Cao Caojun, Will be seen.

At this time, the sky has been late, but the entire Changchun's battlefield is distributed around the stars, and there is also this to shout.

Although Liu Beijun has a disadvantage, it is familiar with the topography. It is also a strong general, so it is very different from the way to the day, and the Cao Jun can say that there is a color.

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