The First Evolution

Chapter 72 is successfully solved

In the face of this sentence of goat, Wang Yi suddenly felt that the whole person was not good, it was the goat, but he turned around and continued to be wide:

"If we feel this, we don't agree, so I haven't promised, you can rest assured!"

Wang Yi hurriedly said:

"His high, is really grateful,"

Goat smiles:

"Of course, the hairdressing, we also have a very principle, you put a hundred hearts, okay, you are ready, we will get the sun, you will be prepared, you will be ready, we will pick it up. It's been busy after this list! I have to go to Yulian immediately. "

Wang Yi stunned, suddenly felt some unparalleled, there is a difficult to describe the cold rose from the back of the ridge, ask:

"Do you go to Youth?"


"Sun Zhang hires us to go to the Youth chapter to kill a woman and her son, the price is very high, and the guarantee is a poor woman who is caught by the husband, there is no risk."

"Such a small profit of the risks, we have never seen it for many years, then it is necessary to hurry!"

Wang Yi is separated, and the trembling said:

"What woman is called?"


"You ask so much, it seems to be called Zhang."

"You can't kill !! Can't go !!" Wang Yi snarled crazy, and the face of ghosts was distorted!

At this time, Wang Yi has already thought about it, and he took the goods in Yudhang County, he hookped a published mother. At that time, he just thought about playing.

I don't expect this woman to be in love with him, as long as you have your own relationship and leave, then follow him for your wife.

At that time, Wang Yi was heard, how far is it far.

Tian Erni in his own home is not the oil's light, eat him to die, otherwise, if he is in the current financial resources, you want to marry Xiao Yan and play, how can I get a wheel?

The result was three months later, Wang Yi's business partner gave him a letter. It is the words of this inn, saying that she is pregnant. Langzhong said that it is a son, now the side is trying to conceal as possible. The family, but she can do it for a long time, let him catch up as soon as possible.

Wang Yi is not very good, only when this woman said in the letter, I want to make money.

However, Tian Erni gave him a daughter, the son two words still let him move, touch the guy's cinnamon.

So Wang Yi thought about it, it took some money to pass, and the heart thought is that this woman is really true? Can't let the son who may have a loss?

As a result, when Wang Yi, when Wang Yi, Tian Erni gave birth to him, gave him a son.

So, there was a son's Wang Yi, I went to the brain. For him, the illegitimate child who may be lie is already not important.

However, Wang Yi did not expect it to make people! !

This illegitimate child, it is actually the only root of his old Wang family! !

However, Sun Zhang, who killed thousands of knives, actually to do this!

At this time, Wang Yi worked hard, and the goat did not loose again:

"Hello, the old king, we are told! The other side said the double price is forgiving, we refuse, the other party said that the big price to buy your life, we also refused!"

"But when Xu Zhenzhen said, your family is dead, you also say that the whole family is gone! So we took someone's list."

"You suddenly said more sons now, can't kill? Who can we blame, blame? I tell you, I have already collected deposits, I can't do anything."

The goat is so loudly of the language attack. It is really that Wang Yi has some dumbs, but heard the following sentence "can't do anything", suddenly felt him, almost pleasing Get up.

However, the goat still biting his teeth and refused to see the mouth. It is almost a tear of the urgency, but he is also a fascinating fascination. Suddenly:

"Well, you said, what conditions do you want to let their mother and child."

Goat immediately positively:

"Wang brother! Wang Boss! I don't meet with Zhang's mother, no hat, you say that we are mad, in order to be like you, we are collecting money! Take people money for people disaster disaster, We didn't say this! "

After Wang Yi listened to the goat, it was silent for a while, biting his teeth:

"Then take me to see Sun Zhang, I will talk to him!"

Wang Yihe and Sun Zai between the grievances, the entanglement of each other, it is really difficult.

When the two met, they were crazy to quarrel, but all passion and impulsive will finally decrease over time, and finally in a burst and convulsion.

So, after a while, Wang Yi is full of face, very unwilling to fall back, facing the mountains:

"Forget it, Sun Zhang doesn't want his dog to live, so do you have it?"

Goat smiled and said:

"Oh, is this? You have been so trustworthy, in case we let him put him now, he will kill Zhang's mother?"

This sentence apparently said that Wang Yi's pain, he screamed:

"He dare! He dared to do this, I have to eat his meat !!"

Fang Lin Yan listened to it, sighed a mouthful:

"You have to have this ability, don't use our help to revenge,?"

He said, it will take Sun Zan to bring Sun Zhang, and then it is:

"In fact, as a bystander, the grievances between you are very simple! The initial time, Wang Yi, you and the grievances between Sun La."

"Years and Wang Yi, you have no hat, no intention to grab the Tiannie to do a daughter, but you will die with Tian Ernini privately, and also grab the gold and silver treasure of Sun's family, this matter, you Irremer Sun. "

At this time, Wang Yi also looked at it. Fanglinyan used hand pressure:

"You listen to me,"

Then Fanglin Yan facing Sun Zhang Road:

"Next, you and Wang Yi, Tian Ernie, the grievances, you are not small, kill the fence, the wife to accounted for the birth of the birth. So, Sun Zhang you have revince, kill Wang Yi Hetian di Ni, this is no problem, it should be. "

"However, there is a master, after you kill the creditor, I also get started with Wang Yi's children, destroyed him, this is done! Do you have anything wrong with the three children? Talking to death, what haven? "

Sun Zhang Shen face:

"At that time, he couldn't accept the sex, it couldn't hesitate!

Fanglin Rock Road:

"That's now, the transit is moved, and it is flattened. Do you think that you have done your head?"

"Or let's change, after the future, Sun Zhang, your enemies are looking for home, kill you, and then let your children kill together, can you accept the heart and accept?"

Sun Zhang silently took a later:

"This is ... I am doing it."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"It's better, Sun Zhang, you have a vow to have your father's name. Commitment will do our best to protect Zhang and Wang Yi's children, let them grow up, we have a testimony next to them, let's take this Duan En grievances were resolved. "

"You kill Wang Yi three children, and he also has a son who can grow up to adult, let Wang Yi will not be in the gods, the ancestral blood is in stock! This kind of words, the front dust, grievances, a sampling. I will wait for the regular exploration of Zhang If your mouth is your heart, you have to take your life! "

For the proposal of Fanglin Rock, Wang Yi is a hundred consequences. He is very clear that people can't resurrect, and now the biggest hope is Zhang and his son to grow up.

However, in this chaotic world, the woman who has a raped child wants to live with the child, and there is a strong support behind it! ! ! Otherwise, there is a hurry, where there is anything, it is always possible to become a hungry.

And Wang Yi is very understanding Sun Zan, this consumer is committed to commitment, not to say that it is vowed to death! This can be said to be the heaviest vow at the time. Once export, it will definitely do everything.

At this time, in the fire, I saw the muscles on the face of Sun Zhang's face, obviously it was difficult to conclude.

At this time, Wang Yi is also a savvy businessman, biting his teeth, very simply kneeling to Sun Zhang in front of Sun Zhang:

"Sun brother! I am sorry for you, but our family's life is lost to you, our grievances should also be done! I just got the situation when I just arrived here. So before you killed it, it buried a lot of money on your body in advance! "

"These things are only the same as the rewards of these Ranger's big brother. I am willing to give you, buy their mother and child to grow up !!"

Perhaps it is the power of the gold and silver treasure, but maybe Sun Zan success revenge will be reflective, maybe it is calm down, he also thinks that Fanglin Rock is a little truthful, and sighs:

"Well, since then, you and I have a whole dismissal, I swear by my father Sun Xiao, will be kind to Zhang's mother and child, do everything to take care of this child to grow up!"

"Wang Yi you gave property, I took half of it, I will give half a gift from their mother and son. If there is a disappointment, my father's soul is not in Jiquan, I am a weigh, lightning strike! "

I don't have to say more, Wang Yi took a place where he went to him to bury the gold and silver soft treasure.

Obviously, Wang Yi is never hidden at this time! Because he is a dead man with these things, there is no ovulation.

At this time, I will hand over, if I have more, then my son is more than enough, and it is also a fertilizer.

Since Wang Yi did not hide, then it was clear that vultures got what they wanted: it is also one of the Arctic suits.

Its name is called: Northern Point!

However, it is normal to say that he is equivalent to installing a black level of equipment (wolf whistle) into a deep green set, and the risk of this experience is too small, and the rule of the risk world .

Therefore, the vultures are in the hands, in fact, a soul equipment, he wants to get the full version of the "Northern Point", you have to meet the resentment of the owner.

It is not difficult to do this in this soul equipment, and I have not mentioned what wonderful requirements. I am similar to the wishes before the death. It is to look at my family and give them a money!

The only difficulty to meet its resentment is that the vultures of their own native worlds and the null world staying in this resentment are not the same.

Therefore, vultures must pass through the past, this spending spend more, says there are a lot, not a small number, but winning is worrying!

Think about the soul that Fang Ran's soul is equipped with a black leather bag, it is really cost-effective, and his wish, even if it is, Fanglin Yan is going to do, and will definitely feel extremely headache!

At this time, Wang Yi's ghost is also beginning to become weak, because it is because it belongs to the soul, completely relying on the resentment of the whole house being detached.

At this time, Wang Yi failed to hate Sun Zhang's heart, but after a toss by Fanglinyan, this hate will first eliminate a short one.

In addition, he still rely on Sun Zhang to support his own legacy. If this is, the resentment is that it is limited.

Seeing that Wang Yi's figure is getting more and more light, it will disappear between this world, but there is a long-awaited, then there is a faint song:

South China to go to the West, it is always empty, and the sky is empty, and life is awkward.

The day is empty and empty, what do you have to come and go? Tian also also empty, and how many master people have changed.

Gold is empty, but also in the hands after death. Wife is also empty, Huangquan Road is not meeting!

Then, Xu Wei's shadow appeared in the distance of the distance, and then he stepped over, it seems to use shrinkage, it is close to!

When he walked to Wang Yi, he only had two or three seconds, then Xu Wei Wei Wei said:

"I didn't expect it, I don't have to use me, the resentment on your body has been resolved seven or eight eight."

Then Xu Yu looked at Sun Zhang next to it:

"And Sun Hua is still dead? !! You kill him, it is not a general weight, oh, this is really unexpectedly, you don't hate him? I really don't want to kill him. ? "

Wang Yi shook his head, sighed a mouthful:

"I hate him, but the matter has come here, killing him, my whole family can't live, so I really don't want to kill him."

Xu Yu is called, and he will not ask for people, but he saw his five points of his right hand and kept down. It took a moment to "oh".

"It turns out, there is no road to the sky! You are in the disaster of the door, but there is a line of life, no wonder! You know that the blood of the Wang family has not broken, the resentment is naturally dissipated, but it is saved me. The old man has a job. "

"Come on, your ancestors are old, helping old people a big man, I can't watch you into a lonely soul, so I am so annihilated in the world!"

After that, Xu Wei took out a gourd, and I took the ghost of Wang Yi to take it back, and then looked at the vulture:

"Your room is really good, but you can solve his body, and save my old man's hard work."

Xu Wei said this sentence, the vulture suddenly danced, and he should show his task this time.

The gold main line is difficult to, even if it is an ordinary mission, the reward is also very rich. The benefits of vultures have not been displayed, but team experience is also increased by LV5 (6/200).

This is still the experience of his own contribution!

I intuitively, if this task is a five-person shared, then this task can be the top of the legendary team again to the upgrade.

You know, this team is just raised to LV5!


After completing the task, Xu Wei took a big gourd to leave, and after half of it, he returned again:

"Hey, I heard that you have a little evil door, Zuo Yuan put the old kid, and your little little is not owed, or breaking you with you soon."

Xu Wei shook his head and said, then said:

"So, I heard that you seem to be confused because of something, you need to find Zhong Yuan often look, his temperament is quirky, it is also a rare to see him, not to say to him. Work. "

"You take something out, the old man is doubtful for you, and it is also your own condition."

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