The First Evolution

Chapter 73 Silk Peeling

Fang Linyan listens, knowing that Xu Wei said that it should be the mysterious old man's suicide.

This old estimate is also an unusual, and the jade carrying it on his body, and even the Xiong Xiong, which Cao Cao is also moving.

However, Xu Yizhen, a pair of eyes, can comment on the hero of the world, since he promised to help to see the suicide note, then the effect is not more than the clock, so Fanglin Rock will take it out immediately, and respect it will be delivered. Xu Wei's front.

Xu Wei opened the suicide note, and suddenly praised it:

"Good words! This is eight books!"

"Under the genus, you can write eight points to this extent, not Liang Wei is a genous!"

Fang Lin Yan took up and saw that the truth did not see this so-called "eight book". But I'm listening to the continuation:

"Eighth books are simple, it is the combination of two points, eight sub-belts!"

"People who are the most likely eight books are the prime minister! I will hang Liang Book in the account, or nail on the wall, always play, think that his words are better than his teacher (Teacher's official), Cao Gong The palace of the side is mostly Liang Wei. "

Hearing here, Fang Linyan suddenly realized that it was not a cocktock to write calligraphy, but his fans!

It is good to have something to do, and Lao Cao likes to be a wife. Of course, it will go find it. Lao Cao likes these eight books. If you must know more, you can do a common topic when you at least chat.

At the same time, Cao Cao likes the reason for the jade on this old head is also clear, he likes is not Yu, but engraved on the jade, use eight points to write the inscription! !

At this time, the goat has already checked the offline information from himself. The above shows that Liang Yu is not only a calligraphy, but it is also a good, high weight.

When the Hall of Han Dynasty was a collection of books, he served as a history of Liangzhou. After the world's chaos, I felt that the place in Jingzhou was a pure land in the chaos, so I ran Liu's treatment as a mission.

After Cao Cu Nanjing Jingzhou, as a fan of the fans is of course quite respect, treating it directly.

Then the old days have been very leisure, at least after Cao Wei is established, the major plaques in their palace are written by Liang Yu.

Fang Linyan frowned and sank for a while, Liang Wei appeared in Jingzhou time, the place is in line, but according to historical trajectory, he is still growing more than Cao Cao, how can he be in Changshuo (very likely) Dressed by a small maid?

Of course, after this group of people entered the world, it was the ability to disturb the power of the fate, but I didn't know what butterfly effect. I actually entered the high officials such as Liang Wei.

Xu Wei has doubled his fingers carefully:

"I have been carefully calculated. You have a time before the sunrise (found that the body is there), but this opportunity cannot exceed the food (7-9 o'clock in Chen), otherwise it becomes a bubble. "

Fang Linyan nodded, very respectful, thank you:

"Thank you, I have dial it."

Xu Wei smiled, big sleeve fluttering, carrying a gourd that is equipped with Wang Yi ghost:

"I will take a break, I can't pay this, I don't talk about it, just talk about the transaction!"

Fanglin Yan is in the heart of the belly, the rule of this old man is really much, and the speech is also the trip to four, clearly, please ask you to identify the letter, do we have to participate in the Cadillac riders..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

After Xu Wei left, Fanglin Rock saw Sun Zhang, and suddenly said:

"You still don't go?"

"Reassured, we said that you put you! This time we got the things we wanted to be very good, not you!"

At this point, Sun Zhang has a bit of a few ways to stop, after a few seconds, there is a struggle:

"A few ... Can you cut me with a knife? Or interrupt my leg."


Fanglinyan is waiting for a look, I really feel that some incredible, actually have this requirement?


"What is going on this, what is the mistake, what will be misunderstood, I am waiting for the money to do things, I am not the kind of fierce gangster, I have interrupted the legs of others without reason, or hacking a few knives, we It is absolutely not done. "

Sun Zhang sighed:

"I'm doing it, I just said, in fact, when I waited for a roast fire outside, I had received a military order, and I said that I would set out the departure!"

"Although there is no clear words to do, it should have a big move, because in addition to the command of the Jiangdong Milley, my brother is in the poem Liuying, and he will also start. "

The ejaclywell camp is the elite shooting camp established by Jiangdong, which is the archers who are guarded on the landing boat.

The soldiers sent by Sun Quan were elite, which was these hundred people brought by Lu Su. At this time, it is obviously a big action!

Sun Zan's demands also suddenly clearly clear -------- he did not get late, that is already a defiracy, must have a way to go.

However, all the ordinary soldiers of the same team were all killed. If he is safe and sound, it is afraid that most people will feel that there is a greasy!

Fang Lin Ran wants to think, suddenly, the eyes are bright, and the shoulders of Sun Zhang have smiled:

"I said something big, it is so small, it is not worth mentioning!"

"Again, you have this thing because of our brothers, then we will help you get this matters!"

After that, Fanglin Rock and others took the stunned Sun Zhang left directly to the distance.

where is this place? Changpichang Battlefield, Cao Jun's power was very big. Therefore, after how far, the vulture came to return to the whistle of Cao Jun, so a man hid.

After continuously avoiding the detection of the two-wave patrol, the third wave is a combination of two cavalry and two infantry. Fang Linyan is looking at it, and it will no longer dodge, and go directly.

This Cao Jun patrol team saw that someone appeared, of course, it was a serious alert. After that, after it seems to be a person, it is slightly relaxed, but it is still broken:


At this time, of course, Deng Laofa will respond.

Then I won't wait for the cavalry asking, Fang Lin Yan pushed the stunned Sun Zhang, the knife holder was on his neck, and the eyebrow dance said:

"When we patrol it, our luck is very good. I actually caught a stpric, this guy also fled!"

At this time, Sun Zhang only felt that his heart was cold. If you don't have it to go to Fanglinyan and others, you still have to get yourself.

As a result, Fanglin Rock also deliberately ignored Sun Zhang and scolded:

"Kill you again!"

And Fanglin Rock is very hard, Sun Zhang is directly smashed!

When he fell, he didn't know what happened. He spilled out a lot of copper money and silver. He was very good to see people, and even the golden jewelry, even if it was in the night, It is also burning.

After witnessing this scene, the goat is immediately "ah", and directly rushed to grab it. The vulture is not willing to fall behind!

The four people patrol have seen this situation, and they suddenly have him. In fact, this is a lot of doubts, but the wine is red, the wealth is moving. Even if it is the 21st century of technology, the information explosion, directly take the RMB as a bait The scam is also repeated!

Because of such a circle, it is a greedy, if it is calm down, if it is calm down, it can still be seen in the flaw, but in the bureau, the other is that the rest is rushing, and it is also difficult to hook. .

The next thing does not have to say, these four unsurveled unfamiliar eggs are smashed by Fanglinyan, if they cut their melons, kill a clean!

Deng Laizhi looked at the sleeves next to him, he neither helped, nor stopped, it was completely adhered to neutral attitude.

Sun Zhang next to it is also stunned, until Fang Linyan fiftes the waist of these four people, the bloody level has thrown to his face, this is like a dream to wake up:

"This ... What does this mean?"

Fanglin Yan has a smile:

"You now bring these four people, two fights back, can someone dare to say three four?"

Sun Zan understood that the emotional Fanglin Rock actually helped his boss!

I am discontinued by the military order, it is dead.

If a person is safe and sound, the remaining four are dead, it is obvious that the normal people have rushed to the mind, or it is "taking escape", or it is "greedy and fear of death" and other derivative words.

However, if you can take back the enemy's four heads, add two horse horses, such a Bright battle, naturally can suppress everything unhappy! Sun Zhang can only have envy, praise, and praise!

However, Sun Zan is still a stupid that Fanglin Rock will never do this for this kind of thing, and the teeth are bite:

"Dear, you have to kill the kill, but I want to be my internal response on my betray, it is impossible!"

After the goat listened, there was a different color, and suddenly haha ​​smiled:

"Internal or not, you think too much, I ask you, we have killed people in Cao Cao, do you think we are doing?"

Sun Zhang suddenly stayed.

Fanglin Rock but said:

"In fact, I don't want to marry you, I really want to use your mind, but I have never thought about you should do it, but our hometown is the old yellow by your people, we are I owe him a big man, I have to save it. "

When I heard Fanglin Rock, Sun Zan appeared some will be suspicious.

Goat demon:

"In fact, we can help you, don't want to have a lot of things, how to kill the heart, if you can tell us the location of the private room on the land, we will never drag the water, and save people directly, easy and convenient. "

"If you don't spit, the loyalty to you, in fact, we are also quite admiring, and will not be difficult for you, just to be wroned, you have to stay here for a while, these two horses and four levels, send Give you a gift for you. "

"But now, your main force has been removed, we went to the boat as if it didn't have the same mush, once it was broken, or I killed you, or you kill me, so, When killing a blood flow into the river, the corpse is not so beautiful, even for self-insurance, it is possible to burn several ships. "

After listening to the goat, Sun Zhang's face is very ugly, but I don't know what to say!

Fang Linyan and others looked at it. The goat took him to the remote side, took out a drug path:

"Sin, this grain is a drug, you will naturally wake up after a time, you don't have to worry about we lie to you, if you really want to lie to you, do you kill it directly?"

After that, the goat directly put the medicine in the past.

But Sun Zhang is a miles, biting the dental road:

"Wait a minute! Do you really just plan to save people?"

The lamb sighhed:

"Of course! The Taoist who just deal with us know? Xu Wei Xu Zhen people, the people who were captured and he had a boss relationship. If we fail, it is him."

Sun Zhang listened to the future, gang sighed:

"Well! I believe in you once, but you have to promise me, after the boat, I met a big body, there is a knife on the face, and I would like to be in hand, because this is my uncle, he Good to be boat, so it was taken on the logo. "

Goats listened later:

"Then you know more, what weapon is you like to use, and then wear any garnor, what aconity, lest the big water rushed to the dragon Temple."

I heard the goat said that Sun Zhang is in a stable, and the arrangement on the land is 151, and the road is coming.

In fact, Sun Zhang, this person fell in an unconscious, and the things he did were in the sale of information, betrayed colleagues and boss.

But the goat said, but let him break through the heart, I feel that I am saving people! If you don't cooperate, you should start more than dozens of people on the ship. Maybe you have to die for your worship.

If you strictly say it is strict, just pay a cost of captive.

Therefore, let Sun Zhang feel that what you are doing is not betrayal, but a redemption!

In this case, Sun Zhang, of course, is not uncomfortable, and Fanglin Rock has also received enough intelligence, and a very fast person retreats towards the property.

After waiting until the vicinity of the landlift, everyone found that the fireworks on the fireworks, a lot of sergeants were in the fish, and these sergeants looked at the collection, soon, they were rapidly left.

Obviously, this is the big movement that Sun Zhang said before.

When a man, certain will not go now, but after waiting for the rest of the person, it will reach it.

Sun Zhang wanted, in order to make things more real, simply cut a knife on his arm, then turned over the horse, and directly Mercedes the past.

Obviously, late nights have attracted the attention of the rest, of course, the whistle of the outer circumference will stop directly, but soon will let Sun Zhang go in.

At this time, Fanglin Rock can also see that the defensive defense above the landlift is abundant, and it should be true to be touched. They can even get rid of the whistle, and easily come to the waterfront.

Cresbo suddenly said at this time:

"What if this guy turns around us? When we go up, wait for the enemy to wait."

Fang Lin Yan smiled:

"The thing he losses is too much: the battle of the upcoming, before Wang Yi gave him the big wealth, we can also break what he is in order to solve his own peers! And not Good, there is an acquaintance because of him. "

"I have more people who have been asked with the goat. Sun Zhang may be the very trustworthy person, but it is not the kind of reading is silly, only the old ancient plates of the horn tip, so the chance of the sauce will not be big."

Crespocki Road:

"When did he kill the companion in order to survive?"

Fanglin Rock said softly:

"We shouted out like this, how many people you say, still don't believe in people?"

Cresbo is going to say more people, but if you think about it, if Sun Zhan is really selling yourself, then when he is the spring breeze, it is suddenly broken out of such a ugly, afraid Believe in ten eight nine .....

This is the evil in human nature, and in most cases, this kind of evil can be homed to eight words:

I can't see people better than myself, and I have heard it in the next person, I will be happy.

The most direct is to watch Weibo,

The same star, send a celebration Weibo, make a fortune, and the taste is estimated to be 100,000.

However, if this guy suddenly broke on Weibo, he said that he was frank with a seventeenth minute, but suddenly found that the two sides did not meet, then he broke up.

Just found that the phone was broken, so give her three thousand four hundred pieces to let her buy a mobile phone.

However, the masses in Chaoyang District misunderstood reported itself ..... The police uncle is really like this! !

Then, I guessed with the foot finger, this Weibo's click quantity is afraid that it is ten times more than the previous celebration Weibo, hundreds of times.

Therefore, Cresbo immediately found that the judgment of Fanglin Rock made a few mistakes, because he is often a unique way, judge the situation from humanity, no wonder unusual precision!

After a while, Fanglin Rock saw it in the second floor of the chart, first shook three times, then swayed three times, then swayed two times, this is before and Sun Zai, the better.

Before Fanglin Rock said that the wind was clear, it seems that everything is in his own calculation, but in fact, he is really careful when he is about to go to the ship.

Directly stopped the rest of the people's water, and then let the vultures sent their own shadows to reconnaissance, determined that Sun Zhang, this guy did not have a moth, set the fire, this, let a man are waiting. Go up.

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