The First Evolution

Chapter 80 is not a human beings

Of course, there is another thing that after continuing to pursue, Fanglin Rock also got rid of the embarrassment of continuing to mix in Cao Jun.

After all, the anti-figs headed by Fangli Ran, but the culprit of the generals of Xia Hou, once the identity of the legendary squad is broken, there is less than paying hard to Xia Hou En ... The matter is somewhat tricky.

Fanglin Rock has been chasing almost a few hundred meters, just seeing a large black thing on the wasteland next to him, still smelling the stinky, near the ten meters away, near care, It turned out to be a textured body.

The death attitude of this body is very strange, but it is directly curled up, and the hands of the hands are smashed into a piece. The whole person is like cooking in the pot. The facial faculty and the like are ambiguous, and it is as if it is like The ice is dissolved, and a small portion is melted.

With the distance between Fanglin Rock, the longer the distance, you can see more and more, very clear, the corpse is composed of such a corpse of this type.

At this time, the duration of the corpse is coming, so I have already begun to disintegrate, this is why it turned and fled.

Soon, the body of the corpse appeared in front of Fanglin Rock and others, compared to the previous mental flexibility, see if it is a footger, and the steps are difficult, and every step will sway for a long time to keep balance. The body surface is also a corpse.

After seeing this scene, Fanglin Rock directly went directly, and once again entered a dizzy! Then let the rest of the people don't hurry, and save more and add some sweets as much as possible.

Fang Linyan and others were chasing, this corpse was turned, and a blame was sent, and then the huge body seems to be inflated, and instantly expanded!

After witnessed this scene, people present are bigger, and now I know that this guy is estimated to play the one-burst.

So after I walked around, everyone of the legendary team directly rushed to the rock next to the rock to hide, and then let Mes have covered the top!

After a few seconds, a shocked loud loud sound came. Of course, there is still an unable to describe the sour and albudes, and the flesh and blood of the pollution is splashing everywhere. It is very good to do it in Fanglinyan. I have wear a gas mask.

After this body of this corpse, the square can be said to have suffered a catastrophe in a few hundred square meters, and it is polluted everywhere to borrow, and the flowers and trees are completely dead, and even insects, the birds, and the like are difficult, together Card.

The environment around this can only be described in the three days of power outage.

Even if wearing a gas mask can filter out the bad smell, but they are in this environment, their health is actually decline, but the falling speed is not slow, probably 10 seconds 5 o'clock.

In such a place, Fanglin Rocks them are of course not willing to stay, because she is only afraid of the gas mask, she can't stand hard ........

However, when they turned and left, Rubert suddenly pulled a few tops, looked back and looked back at Fanglin Rock, and then pulled a few times! Then continue to go forward!

Fang Lin Yan suddenly understood it, it was taking yourself that there is an interest in the underground, but it is not willing to fight the snake!

So Fanglin Rock immediately said the things found in Rubs in the team channel, and the vulture said:

"I just felt that this corpse is self-explosive, but the explosive explosion, the bomb explosion is often encountered, but the body explosion is really the first time, so I saw that it was so thoroughly thought it was normal, I didn't expect it inside. Also hidden in mystery! "

So a man is discussed, and a strict plan is made, but it is said that it is a long walking.


After about 20 minutes, you can see this completely dead, rotten area, and suddenly, the sound of "brushing" is suddenly transmitted, just like the dug cave.

Following a thin, the figure quietly ran out, and the position it took out is the core area of ​​the corpse self-explosion.

This is a bit like a person, but it is more like a corpus or zombie.

Its body is thin, it is difficult to describe, as if a living is dry body, the bones should have a hidden legs without blood color, which should have a muscular legs, and it is slim with a bamboo vault, and it does not see the silhouette of the muscles. Relaxing skin is pulled.

Not only that, the skin of this guy has many ulcers, and those ulced wounds are covered by dark red pus, the boundary of the wound is unclear, and there are still many disgusting ink green pus.

As long as people who have a little common sense can see that these wounds are not injured by blade, but a signs of a disease, similar to syphilis.

Not only that, this monster's cheek also took off a large piece of face. His left eye has therefore a muscular skew, causing can't keep it on a horizontal plane with the right eye, it seems that the trajectory is strange and horrible.

However, this monster's actions are extremely agile, almost a bending waist, and come directly to the edge of the battlefield, then pounce on a thing.

This stuff has a car tire size and looks like a half head of the corpse. This person-shaped monster began to bite the blood of the blood, when the bare scalp, the skull makes his teeth give mills Broken "giggling" sound.

Not only that, next it will take this broiler, and the stones next to it, make a dull and horror.

Soon, from the skull, he took out a polar insect, with a brown housing, like a round of rolling.

The ridge of the thyps is full of evil spirits, and the front end of the worm is large, and the insects are sequentially narrowed by cyclic, but is a nausea-ultrasound.

After the monster got this insect, immediately left the waist and quickly left, and the flour in the night!

Unfortunately, it is fast, but the perception of the outside world is very weak. I don't pay attention to the side of the trees, I have left a dark-bladed ferry.

Yes, this is the embers of Austria.

It has been eating Zhao Yun a shot before, Fang Lin Ran repaired some, can only be reluctant to fix, at this time it has lost its combat capabilities, and it is better to maintain the function of investigation.

The monster ran five or six kilometers away, and came to the edge of the battlefield to stop, and then quietly raided a Liu Bei army soldier who lost orders, bitbite, greedy, greedy.

Poor this unlucky soldier's throat can only issue "Gege" sound, but the legs are crazy, even in the ground, there is a big pit, but still can't get this miserable fate.

Thanks to such a delay, Fanglin Rock, vultures, etc. can be in time.

At this time, they had already breathed, and I can't wait to learn the dog in the summer, I spit it out of the tongue.

In order to be afraid that it ran again, Fanglinyan and other herbs were placed, and they did not wait in the back of Max, and they went around from around! Then still old rules, Fanglinyan is flashing directly to the enemy!

Next, the rest of the people, they will beat them directly.

There is a chaotic punch, and this guy has not been able to resist it. It is directly hit to the ground, only the air is not intuitive.

And at this time, the goat didn't swear:

"Everyone is careful! This guy is not a body, is a summoner."

"You watch fighting information, is the damage caused by the summoner of the Shengjun KB717!"

As a result, the mountain echo moved, and he saw the abdomen of this monster. It was followed by the chest of the ribs, and the bulk of the ribs, the bulging, the bulging, it seems that there is something to drill, and then actually "" sound Crackled off.

Saying this trick is really a technicia, it is really disgusting to finger, and a man immediately instincts to shine!

But when I took this explosion, I was dark like tar as a coalvous creature.

The monster first exposed a long quite like a head of octopus, and the soft head is inlaid. It has no nose lips, and the eyebrows will hang a few staggered tentacles. About two meters of appearance.

Then, in the absence of any warning, this weird alien foal jumped from the ground, like Thunder to start moving towards the goat.

Goats are self-reacting, and the defense against defense is immediately conscious.

However, the route of the octopus is faster, and it has jumped out of the "" "character, and the dodge jumping from the sip of the goat. Directly wrapped the winding flexible Toughness in his foot roots, bounce The force, climbed from the back of the thigh.

Kung Fu, this monster climbed to the back of the goat, then climbed to his shoulders and neck, and a tense began to penetrate the spine of the goat.

The goat is very horrified, and it is a mess with both hands. This agile creature has taken the opportunity to climb to his top, with that there are several tentable to die around his neck.

At the same time, this monster began to expand in the top of the goat, like a condom, usually to swallow his half a head. At this time, the goat looks like a tv, the kidnappers wearing the bank are generally funny, while the hands and feet began Mechanical twitching like puppets!

At this time, the goat seems to be in danger, it is definitely a drug, food, and returning to spring. In order to give him a life, Fanglin Ranlian has been directly used now.

After all, then the additional 50-point health limit is the upper limit. If you can't get it, you can decide the life and death of the goat.

At this time, the vultures have already regarded opportunities, directly clenched the "drive shaft" in his hand, directly stabbed a tentacle root, and launched a "translucent flying knife".

Suddenly under this thorns, this tentacle of this monster is directly broken, and it is still jumping on the ground.

However, the goat is not from the self-owned foot, kicking him in the abdomen of the vulture!

Not only this, but the people of everyone appeared in the minds of an urgent and corrupt sound:

"If you attack me again, I will kill him! Your companion is also accompanied by me!"

Fang Lin Yan stunned, I haven't returned to God, and the vultures have shared a fight tips:

"Your attack has caused 24 points of actual damage to the seed hunter KB717, and the limbs of the seed hunter KB717 entered the disabled model."

When I saw this tip, everyone suddenly realized that this is a monster that seems to be a shake octopus, and it is also a space warrior, and it is better than that Lin Yan, they have been promoted to the seedlings! !

Vulture is next to the team channel:

"I tried to investigate its race, although I didn't find it, according to the various characteristics of this guy, it should be the mid-to-heart!"

After all of this, Fanglin Rock and others have also returned to God. When they were fighting, they felt that the attack of the giant corpse and the rest of the friendly troops appeared obviously. The most basic cooperation, is completely unlike a team, it is more like a battle.

At this time, they understood it and changed to a legendary team. It is estimated that after knowing the true identity of the sergeant of the corpse, it will also be able to prevent it.

After all, this kind of race is born with this race with the ability to manipulate the rest of the people. It is difficult to let the human space warrior put down the alert and comprehensively cooperated?

It is most intuitive, after being caught by the magic, it can't do it on the ethnic ability to do a lot of merits, such as let the manipulated people "voluntarily" hand over the equipment, universal points. and many more.

However, at this time, the goat suddenly intermittently in the team channel:

"....... Halfly Holy Land ....... I feel my unusual!"

"They said my soul suffered pollution."

"Zumin in Maraton has begun to sing spells, want to help me out the current state ....... Soon there is a chance to help me delay."

Goat's tips come out, Fanglin Rock immediately said:

"Hey, don't worry, let's talk about it, let's talk about it, what do you want now? No problem! But please don't hurt our companions!"

"Right, I called the wrench, how to call you?"

When the magic is awkward, the drive came over:

"You are a wrench? The guy who was wanted before?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Ah ........ It should be me."

The heart of the magic is immediately transmitted.

"Call me Mr. Tom! Give me the artifact, then everyone returns to 50 meters, otherwise, your companions will die!"

After finishing it, it seems that in order to enhance his own words, it is even more embarrassing, and it will raise a series of dramatic coughs in the goat immediately.

Fang Linyan hurriedly reached out and deficient:

"Wait! Wait, the artifact is not on me, then the shield warrior behind! You have to wait."

The heart of the magic looks that it is about to talk, but suddenly I saw a distant illusion behind the goat!

This half-tier left hand highly held a red war flag, but the right hand is holding a double-edged ax, seeing the expression is very exciting, followed by this pair of axes. Go down!

This ax does not cause any substantive harm, but you can see that this is very fierce convulsions, and several tentacles are simply electric shock, and there is fierce spasm.

At this time, the goat's hand has appeared a few red fireballs, and the fierce is aligned with his head!

"Boom !!"

When a series of flames suddenly bled, they directly slammed their own magic from the goat.

Catch this opportunity, Fanglin Rock's gangma, and Cresbo's war hammer is also shot at the same time.

In an instant, it should be that it has been put into a state of death, triggered team skills, and "brush" and directly made white light.

Unfortunately, he is a passive skill: the bloody battle flag is also triggered in the same time, and the Rubs, which is ready to go, is successful, the result is very fast in the forty meter. This guy found on the plant.

Ruberts climbed on the tree, bite it, let it die completely! The bloody key that is immediately dropped is also returned by Rubber.

At this time, the goat fell to the ground, and the big mouth of the big mouth gasped, and there was obvious balance in his eyes! !

Good to sign a call contract with the half-horse violent person, this contract can be understood as a two-way channel, and the half-man Malays on the other side can induce the spirit of goats, such as before the goat is controlled, this state It belongs to a significant abnormality.

Therefore, as long as the exchanges of both parties are enough, then the half-man Zhu Ling is a helping hand, just like Fang Linyan encounters the rest of the evil spirits, Athena can also be a truth.

Of course, the root cause, or the seeds of goats spread enough to force, the world is the achievement, otherwise, Zu Ling is full of support to protect you?

After a few seconds, the goat muttered:

"It said that it is Mr. Tom, is it the legendary +3, is it a guy who grabs Huang Jun?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Western people soup ..... Tom, it should be him!"

At this time, Fanglinyan has a hidden title, and it is still upgraded, called racism.

This title is very simple and kills a space warrior of the rest of the race.

After this title is equipped, in the PVP battle, damage will only be weakened 40% (original 50%), while in the face of the space warrior in the remaining ethnic groups, it can also increase 10% damage.

This title will be upgraded after killing 5 mutual contractors.

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