The First Evolution

Chapter 81 Dark Jinfang Start

To be honest, Ganbusi's request is really not harsh, and it can even be said that it is quite a reasonable.

So Patty is still very bachelor, bites the bite:

"it is good!"

Then he quickly raised his hands and gave a pass in the corridor, and then loudly:

"Several one, today, I am coming out, I don't say what is wrong, one person doing something, if you want to rush, let us die, then kill me. ! "

"If you don't plan to do this, then I think we can talk about it."


"We and your company have no hatred, there is no meaning to kill people, even if you don't mind, give hundreds of tips, you have to have more than one million ..... this is We can't give the price at all, so we will do it directly. "

"We only want to do something from the head to the end, you will hand over the No. 279 we want, we will turn it right away!"

Patty listened to a breath after heard, for him, this is really the best result, so he immediately turned back and gant.

Both people think that this 279 slave should have an amazing secret, and will provoke such a powerful guy to just move the dryo, such secrets, it is really ah ...

However, Patty has seen the bitter meaning from the eyes of Gan Bosi, I want to have this secret price, I can't die it here.

If you want to change it, you have to think about the cost-effective price .......

So very quickly, a guy who brought heavy shackles, and the guys who looked very hard to walk.

His clothes ragged, with a unpleasant odor.

Not only this, this guy's hair doesn't know how long did it have been washed, it is full of turbulent knife, sticky together, even the eyes cover, is still playing with yourself Finger, I have a smirk from time to time.

Patty handed the iron chain in the hand, took this guy directly, and there was no expression:

"He is 279, at that time, your friends bought it with 78 star currency, you don't have to worry about we lie to you, because the slave circle above his neck can only be opened by the card in your hands."

"We have been doing this line for more than 20 years, and it will not be smelling your reputation for you."

Looking at the No. 279 in front of him, Fanglin Rock did not have an emergency to reach out, but very simply:

"Wait, I want to know one thing, should you be very good at managing slaves? There should be rich experience in this."

"However, I am hard to imagine that I have caused a huge loss in this case at this time? In fact, I think he is now equivalent to the independent size."

The patric face revealed the embarrassing expression:

"I don't know, after being bought by your friends, we improve the living conditions of this guy, after all, he is now true for customers."

"Although I will sign relevant disclaimers beforehand, slaves who have spend money to spend money is not a pleasant thing."

"At this time, he seized a chance, just a little successfully escaped, and brought us a lot of losses in the process of escaping, because this guy has released the rest of the slave intended escape."

"However, this time, the radioped scene was there, and he was successfully escaped in the slaves, but he didn't dress directly below the wall."

If you hear Patty, Fanglin Rock suddenly became interested:

"Please wait, here I want to know a detail, that is, this guy 279 is fainting in the wall or the wall."

Pat sighed his mouth:

"Out of the wall, yes, he has already got freedom, but he fainted it directly there, until it was seized three hours after we got three hours later."

"After this experience, I think he is a guy who is good at camouflage. At the same time, in order to punish him, it is specially gave him a bit, so I went to the stool, but he eaten. Dejinjin is taste ... "

"Hey, so I don't understand that he is still stupid. Anyway, I think someone is not possible to disguise to this extent."

After listening to him, Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Okay, understand."

Then Fanglin rock nodded against the goat, the goat shrugged, walking forward:

"We came here, that is, the slaves of our friends, there is no intention to afford everyone, so this 10,000 pieces are our compensation, I hope this is so far."

"It is to do a passerby or a hatred, but also listening to the respect."

He said, one side directly put 10,000 pieces on the ground.

When Ganbusi, I also knew that I had a convincing, he did a business, paying attention to and gorgeous, so I really simply screamed Patty.

After the money received, the atmosphere of both sides was also eased, and Fanglin Yan then took advantage of iron:

"I have 10,000, I want to buy a message."

Ganbusi is also the old fritters on the rivers and lakes, and when you listen to Fanglin Rock:

"Is it about how to become a slave 279? Yes, no problem!"

"At 279, Patty was brought back. You asked him, I have to go in advance."

Patvin nodded, brought three people in Fanglin Rock to the middle of the office:

"I was in three months, I heard that there were a batch of new female slaves in the Star Port. It is said that it is a variant in the laboratory. It is like the legendary dark elf. This stuff is not worthless. New goods, don't say, there must be a handle in the slave trading market. "

"So I am not waiting for auction, I will go to the seller directly, the result is a long time, and finally talks into this single sale ...."

"Then when I left the seller spaceship, I saw this guy lying inside the slave cage, turning against the white eyes, as if the fool is like a finger."

"As a professional buyer, I found that the end of this guy has a circle of white marks, which means that he is not good for all his hands, and the habit of wearing a ring, such habits can be a good thing! "

"I will take this, I think I can get one hundred pieces to gamble or can be ... The fact proves that you are so moving to the door to find that he is not simple, then my eyes are still no problem! Just We have not excavated the value of him. "

Fanglin Yan microphone said:

"Very exciting story, come, let's dry a cup for your eyes, and finally thank you for your information."


After the three people leaving this 279 slave, the first thing the first thing is not the case, but let this guy quickly take a bath to take care of personal hygiene.

This guy is very tamed. It is also moving when taking a shower, soap will not go to.

At this time, Fanglin Yan also saw his true face, in fact, a man who looks very ordinary European descent, high nose, eagle hook nose, and the tup shows linen.

Its age is about three dozents, but the eyes are very sluggish, wing, if they say that they are talking, it is the eye of the cerebral palsy.

Goat tries to talk to him, but his only reaction is huh, laugh.

Things like taking a shower say that it is good to find a place directly to take the water faucet, but that one is unable to take care of the hairdresser.

When the vulture is sure to give him a shaving a bald, the goat said that it is not so troublesome.

Because he is very strong at this time, it is very powerful. It takes advantage of it directly. The greasy chaos of this guy will be burned directly, and then wait for him to wash it back, change the new clothes, and suddenly people It is like a rebellion.

But at this time, the goat told Fanglin Rock in the team channel:

"I think I know why this guy will become such a reason."

After that, after the 279th head refers to.

Fang Linqi looks carefully, and the face suddenly changed, the original picture of this No. 279 is actually a terrible scar! This scar has a length of dozens of centimeters! It has been cut around your head.

Obviously, he has experienced a terrible craniotomy before, which is estimated to be the same as the original and fools of 279.

At this time, although I found 279, the hidden main line task has not been displayed, it is clear that the key points that have completed the task have not been triggered.

And this key point is actually obvious, that is, the slave neck wearing his neck.

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