A drop of tear streamed through Erica’s cheeks as she bid farewell to her husband in this experience of life. She then descended to the ground and appeared at the spot where the man’s ashes lay peacefully.

Erica grabbed some of the ashes and closed her hand into a fist. The fist wasn’t tightly locked, so it flew in the air through the small gaps.

She then turned her head around and looked in the direction of the southern end of the Mysterious Peak. She noticed a portal and people belonging to different races continuously entering it.

Her eyes turned colder as the portal was responsible for this situation to arrive. She blamed it for the death of her husband, not herself, who killed him.

The next moment, all her anger vanished as she found eight familiar figures. Her breathing almost froze as the eight figures matched eyes with her at the same time.

A smile spread across Erica’s face as she nodded.

The eight figures were none other than the Void beasts that were waiting for their fellow members to come out of the portal. They felt someone snooping on them, so they matched their eyes with the being. When they recognized the figure, they moved their eyes away as if nothing had happened.

Even though a Deva had created the Void beasts, the blood used in their creation belonged to Vritrasura, the strongest of the Asura race.

The Asura race was the same race responsible for massacring the Titans and forcing them to spend eternity without any hope of ascending into the Primal dimension. Erica didn’t know about the origin of the Void beasts, so she mistook the gesture of the Void beast’s moving their eyes away as their indifference.

But in reality, the Void beast moved their eyes away without reciprocating because the blood flowing in their veins hated Erica with all its being. If not for Deva’s instruction of not interfering unless the emergence of a situation, the Void beasts would have hunted the Titans and ended their race.

Vritrasura, despite becoming way more powerful than the leader of the Asura race, never forgot the leader’s hatred of the Titan race for the killing of his daughter.


After the sudden encounter with the Void beasts, Erica returned to the tribe and hunted every person that held even a slight connection with her children created by the illusion and her dead husband.

After her successful hunt and tying all her loose ends in this part of the experience, Erica disappeared from the spot. The next moment, she appeared in the sky above the portal.

She didn’t greet the Void beasts again as she had her own self-respect, and she didn’t like someone treating her with indifference.

Erica then descended to the ground and recognized many figures. But since she was in disguise, none of them were able to see through her guise, and they failed to recognize her.

Erica then took a step forward and entered the portal, which despite tens of people entering it, still had sufficient space for even more people to walk through.


“Where is this place?” Erica muttered as she appeared in an unfamiliar environment the next moment.

The next moment, Erica felt the restrictions put on her. She attempted to fight it back, but no matter what she did, she could neither unleash her full power nor could she fly.

Only a few seconds had passed since Erica appeared here when suddenly the land below her feet started shaking out of nowhere.

“Look at this. A new guest,” The next moment, an unfamiliar male hoarse voice rang in the area, sending chills down Erica’s spine.

Erica turned her head around, only to find a figure standing behind her.

Erica stumbled two steps backward in fear, bringing a look of a smile to the face of the figure.

“Ahh, I like those who struggle the most,” The figure licked its lips as it moaned in pleasure, seeing the look of fear on Erica’s face.

Erica felt her legs frozen in fear as she sensed an overwhelming aura from the figure.

‘Is this the end?’ Erica thought as she couldn’t move her legs away, no matter how hard she tried. In the next moment, her life with her parents passed through her eyes.

Her eyes became wet, and not long after, tears started continuously dripping out as the hidden memory passed through her head. She clutched her head in pain and screamed as the screams of her race members when the Asura race members hunted them rang in her head.

“Eh! Why are you crying? I won’t kill you,” The figure commented, seeing the sudden breakdown of Erica.

Erica got immersed in those tragic memories, so she didn’t hear what the figure said, and tears continuously dripped, making the ground wet.

“So disappointing,” The figure commented, seeing no response from Erica.

The figure then decided to end her life as it was only interested in her when she struggled for her life, and then he would show her a way to survive, but in the end, just when she would think that she had survived the ordeal, he would kill her.

Seeing no reaction from Erica made the figure angry as it finally had something interesting.

The figure didn’t want to give a peaceful end to Erica since she ruined its way of fun; it decided to sever her into pieces.

The figure was going to make a move when it suddenly stopped.

The figure then waived its hands, and an invisible wind pushed Erica and took her in the western direction.

Erica finally came around as she felt an unbearable amount of wind pushing her somewhere unknown. Erica subconsciously attempted to fight back, but her attempts proved to be a failure as the wind stayed the same.

Erica finally came to a stop, and the wind disappeared.

Before Erica could even stabilize herself, suddenly, out of nowhere, a space crack appeared and sucked her in. Erica didn’t even know what had happened.

The next moment, the figure appeared floating in the air right above the location where the space crack had occurred a moment earlier.

The figure was one of the central rulers, while the space crack that had devoured Erica was connected to the world created by the ruler.


A/N: The next chapter would come late on the day. Since it would be the 500th chapter, I have decided to reveal a tiny hint related to Aakesh’s life.

The next chapter would have nothing to do with this continent or this event.

If you don’t want a different chapter in the middle of the story, please do comment. I would release a regular chapter.

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