“Where am I?” A blue-skinned boy thought to himself in confusion as he had just opened his eyes.

“WHAT IS THIS?” Right at that moment, an angry scream rang in the area.

The boy attempted to look in the direction of the scream, but his face didn’t follow his movements. “Who is screaming?” The boy asked, but instead of words, only cries escaped his mouth.

“Master… master, we…we don’t know,” The boy then heard a trembling voice in response to the scream.

“WAKE HER UP. I WILL KILL THIS BOY AND THIS WOMAN FOR BETRAYING ME,” Instead of calming down, the voice turned even louder as the figure yelled and released a killing hint, aiming at both the newborn and the unconscious mother, resulting in the maidservants shuddering in fear.

The maidservants hurried and attempted to wake the pale-skinned woman, who had lost all colors up, but their results came to a naught as the woman was already dead.

The faces of the maidservants turned pale in fear. They cursed their luck for getting involved in such a situation.

Their master would surely kill them to silence them since the boy looked entirely different from the master.

“WAKE HER!” The man hurried the maidservants while ignoring the cries of the blue-skinned boy.

“Mas…mas…,” One of the maidservants gathered the courage to inform their masters of the woman’s death, but when she turned around and saw the turbulent aura around the man, no words came out of her mouth.

The man lost all his patience at that moment. He took a step forward and pushed the maidservants away. He then reached the woman and forcefully nudged her to wake her up, resulting in the newborn boy rolling at the edge of the bed.

One of the maidservants forgot everything about her master at that moment and rushed toward the boy, saving him from falling to the ground.

The man had no sense to check the actions of his servants as he felt his mind turning blank at that moment, finding his wife, the love of his life, dead.

All his anger for the woman’s infidelity vanished at that moment as he crashed to the ground with a pale face.

The maidservants carried the boy as she attempted to make him stop crying so as not to further anger the master, but her actions resulted in nothing as the boy’s cries got louder.

“What is this place?”

“Can no one understand me?”

“Is that the man who was screaming?”

The boy asked successive questions, but since he was just a newborn, all he could do was cry.

“Take him away from me,” The man finally spoke. His voice had turned hoarse and aged as he got not only a betrayal he never expected from his most trusted person, but he also lost the love of his life.

The man wanted nothing more than to kill the boy, but he couldn’t do it as the boy was the last proof of his wife’s existence. He knew he was being naive and an idiot, which didn’t bode well for someone of his caliber, who had a Kingdom to rule, but he didn’t care. His wife’s love for him may be false, but his love for her couldn’t be any more real.

“Take him as far as possible from me. If I ever found anyone of you or the boy anywhere near the territory, I would treat you the same way I treat heretics,” The man further added and warned the eight maidservants present in the room.

He then took out a pouch from his space ring and threw it toward the maidservants that had the boy in her hands.

The man, then using the bed as support, stood up and took a step forward toward the door without turning back.

The man’s steps came to a sudden halt as he reached the door. A drop of tear streamed through the man’s cheek as he turned around and took a last look at the woman on the bed. His heart felt a pang as the woman had a peaceful expression on her face, but she had ruined his life.

The next day, the royal palace released a tragic piece of news for the Kingdom: “The queen had died during her childbirth. She had given birth to a boy, but he also lost his breath only after a few seconds of his birth. In anger and heartbreak, his majesty killed all the maidservants who were present, and his majesty had also burnt the queen’s palace.”

Time flew by.

“Mummy 1, I am not at fault here. They mocked me for having this weird skin, eight mothers, and no father,” A boy complained to the woman standing in front of him with a stern face.

“You did good, my son. You should’ve beaten them even harder,” A woman entered the room and commented, bringing a frown on the woman already present there.

“Carla, how can you say something like that to him,” The woman glared and rebuked the woman who had just entered the room.

The boy looked to be in his pubescent age. He was 160 cm tall and had blue skin, clear black eyes, and black hair that went to his shoulders.

“I know, Aakesh, but you have to learn to control yourself. You are special,” The woman’s stern face turned into a gentle smile, and she commented.

“Mummy 1, I can control everything, but I can’t control myself if someone mocks my mother,” Aakesh stubbornly responded and left the room.

“Usha, you don’t need to be so stubborn with the boy. He’s in a growing up phase,” The woman commented after Aakesh left the room.

Usha was the woman who had saved the boy from falling off the bed twelve years ago. After the King ordered them to take the boy away and gave them an obscene amount of gold coins, Usha became the leader of the group, and they left for the city very far from that place.

This world was filled with supernatural, yet the boy surprised the eight women, who started treating the boy as if he was their son, and they were his mother.

Only three days after his birth, the boy had started speaking, and after a week, his speech became fluent and continuos without any error.

After a month, the boy started walking. When he was three months old, one day, Aakesh had suddenly started floating, which they had only heard of rumors and was impossible for even their King. As more and more time passed, the mystery around the boy only deepened for the group of women.

They knew the boy was special, so from the start, they trained him to control his powers. The ideal age for people to start cultivation was sixteen, but when the boy was only 3, the son of the city head attempted to assault one of the women, resulting in the boy going on a rampage and killing every person related to the city head.

In just an hour, the boy had killed thousands of people, including any member related to the city head and anyone who tried to stop him, and all the fights were one-sided. His only reason for taking so long was that he had to travel around the city.

Even the group of women had felt horrified, seeing a three-year-old boy killing people without even an inch of hesitation.

The women and Aakesh had left the city that day since it was no safer to live here. The King would surely hear this news and may even send men to check it out, as the death of thousands of people wasn’t a minor occurrence.

The group of women didn’t worry for Aakesh but the King. Seeing the way Aakesh killed the city head and his men, there were no doubts that Aakesh already had more than enough strength to contend with the King, as even the King was only a level higher than the city head.

That day, the group of women also forced Aakesh to take a vow that he wouldn’t kill or severely hurt anyone after this day. If he did, all the women would attempt suicide.

Time flew by.

The group of women started turning older as they were no cultivators, and they neither had the talent to cultivate.

Aakesh, who had now turned into a young man, began fearing for the day anyone of his mother would die.

“You don’t need to worry about us. Life is a cycle. If someone takes birth, they had to die someday,” Usha told Aakesh, who had been searching for ways for the group to start cultivating.

“Pa, what is grandma saying?” A childlike voice rang at that moment, as a girl around two years old came running.

A gentle smile spread across Aakesh’s face as he stood up from his chair and picked up his daughter.

“Don’t listen to grandma, Lily,” Aakesh responded as he gently poked the girl’s nose.

Lily may look only two-year-old, but in reality, she was only seven months old. She was extraordinary, just like her father. She also had blue skin but with a lighter tone, as her mother had milky white skin.

Lily also had a foxtail since her mother belonged to the fox race. Aakesh might have strange skin color, but his charm always put him into the good books of the ladies.

Halie, Aakesh’s wife, studied in the same class with Aakesh. Since Aakesh’s mothers wanted him to marry and have grandchildren before they died of old age, Aakesh decided to marry Halie, who had an interest in him since they were young.

Aakesh may have married Halie to fulfill her mother’s wishes, but after the arrival of Lily, his feelings for Halie became strong.


“Don’t do that,” Lily complained in irritation, trying to move her father’s fingers away, resulting in everyone present in the room laughing.

“Knock, Knock!”

Suddenly a door knock sounded, breaking the atmosphere in the house.

“I’ll check it,” Aakesh commented as he went in the direction of the door, with Lily still in his arms.


Aakesh opened the door and found a familiar yet unfamiliar figure standing at the door.

“So, you’re her son,” The man’s voice trembled as he spoke.

Aakesh finally remembered the man as the screaming man when he was born.

Usha and the other women also heard the voice. They shuddered in fear, thinking of the King’s warning and Aakesh’s strength.

“Mother, are you alright?” Halie tended to Usha, seeing the extreme reaction.


“Mother, look, my real father is here,” Aakesh entered the room with the man and informed the group of women.

The man looked so weak as if even a breath would be enough to take his life away.

“Your majesty,” Usha and the other women kneeled straight away and tremblingly greeted the man.

“I know what you’re thinking? You don’t need to worry. Even if I wanted to kill him and you, I’ve grown too old. I am just here to see her blood for the last time, and then I can die peacefully,” The man responded as he could see through the thoughts of the group of women. He then found a chair and sat down.

“Is she your wife?” The man looked at Halie and asked Aakesh.

“Yes, she is Halie, and she is my daughter, Lily,” Aakesh nodded and introduced his family to the man.

“Take it,” The man then took out a pair of earrings from his space ring and handed it to Halie. Halie wanted to refuse, but Aakesh told her to take it.

“Take special care of it. It was his mother’s,” The man then added. His voice trembled as he mentioned Aakesh’s mother.

After hearing about the source of the earring, Halie thanked the man and carefully put the pair of earrings inside her space ring.

“Can I carry her?” The man then looked at Lily and asked Aakesh.

Aakesh nodded and gestured for Lily to go ahead. Lily nodded and went to the man.

“Take it. It’s only a small gift, but this is all I can afford now,” The man then took out his space ring from his finger, broke his connection with it, and gave it to Lily. “When you start cultivating, drop a drop of your blood on it, and you would become the new owner,” The man further added.


The man peacefully died inside the house while playing with Lily. He also apologized to Aakesh for giving him up as he never found anyone who could be his father, and in the end, he came to the conclusion that Aakesh was a mutation. But it came late, as too much time had passed at that moment.

Time flew by.

Old age finally caught up to Usha, and she became the first in the group to die. It was as if she had started a chain reaction; in just one year, all the women in the group died, leaving Aakesh, Halie, and Lily on their own.

More time flew by.

Aakesh finally got over the loss of his mothers, and Halie played a large role in it. During that time, Halie also got pregnant with Aakesh’s second child, but it seemed that the world had something else planned for Aakesh.

“The child you’re carrying could be the next thing in this world. Give it to me,” A man suddenly appeared at the door of Aakesh’s house and ordered Halie, who was enjoying the sunlight, with a hint of a killing tone in his voice.

“Who are you?” Halie asked, and not long after, Aakesh and Lily also came running out of the house.

“How dare you?” Aakesh released his full pressure and asked the man.

A few seconds later, a battle ensued between Aakesh and the man.

For the first time in his life, Aakesh had found someone who could fight him equally, while the man was shocked as Aakesh was levels below his cultivation, but he was fighting him on equal ground.

Time flew by. Aakesh seemed to have unlimited stamina as he didn’t get tired no matter how hard he fought or how much effort he put in, but the man was feeling mentally and physically tired.

Aakesh only had one weakness in this battle, and that was he had no attack strong enough to cause serious injuries or even kill the man.

The man had no such weakness, and he decided to use his ultimate attack. The next moment, the air around the area turned chilly as a building in the form of a palace appeared above the man’s head.

As soon as the palace appeared, Aakesh felt something eating away his soul. He persisted and continued to fight since giving up was never an option. He had his family to save.

Time flew by.

Aakesh persisted long enough for the man to exhaust his energy completely. The man then took a look at the faces of Aakesh, Halie, and Lily and escaped after threatening them.

Aakesh fell unconscious after the man escaped, and he never opened his eyes after that. His soul had faced life-threatening injuries in the battle, and he never recovered from them. In the end, he succumbed to them and died as the result.

Halie couldn’t persist through the heartbreak of Aakesh’s death, so she turned insane and killed herself and the child in her womb not long after that. Lily, on the other hand, was only around ten years old, and since her family left her enough wealth to sustain generations, she lived to her old age without having any family. She also didn’t cultivate as she hated cultivation.


Somewhere unknown,

“It was a failure!” A voice rang in the dark.

“He should’ve never been born into a family. He didn’t even know his purpose till the end,” Another voice rang in the area in response to that.

“Let’s see. If this time, he will succeed or not, or it would be another failure,” Another figure commented.


“Whe…re is thi…s?” Aakesh spoke in a slurred speech as he opened his eyes into a closed space.


A/N: What do you guys think of this chapter? Please do comment, It’s the longest chapter up to this point, and it also revealed something about Aakesh.

Thanks for reading the book! Have a great day!

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