Oregon was one of the Void beasts formed by the blood of Vritrasura. Despite getting created from blood, none of the Void beasts were able to get the body structure Vritrasura had.

Oregon had a humanoid structure. He had four hands and four legs, with the hands being like dragon claws, while the legs looked to be like horse feet.

He had the head of a human but with one straight drill-like horn on the center of his head. He had a pair of eyes with a white sclera and dark red pupils.

Oregon’s skin was dark red, similar to his eyes, but there were also random white spots spread across his body, varying in size.

Oregon’s drill-like horn was almost half the size of his already giant body, giving him a weird appearance.

Like Oxen had the most powerful physique of all the eleven Void beasts in the Primal dimension, Oregon had the ability to manipulate fire, and he had control over its creation as well as destruction properties.

“How more do I have to travel?” Oregon complained as he took a step forward.

It has been more than a century since he entered this world, and during the century, he had only traveled and traveled, forcing him to have battles that tested his limit.

Around sixty years ago, Oregon fought a battle that forced him to use his awakened mode, and even then, he had fallen into a life-threatening situation.

After the battle, Oregon had found out that the creature that forced him to awaken and even then forced him on the verge of death was the central ruler, a title for higher-level beings.

Except for the title of the being, it had refused to share anything else, so Oregon’s knowledge about the world he was in stayed nill.


“You killed Farooq?” The creature standing in front of Oregon asked.

The creature floated in the air as his wings fluttered at a slow rate.

The creature in front of Oregon was on its four feet. It had the appearance of a lion, and its fur was white with streaks of black, giving it a mystifying appearance.

The lion had three eyes, each being different. Its left eye was half-black and half-white. Its right eye was horizontal stripes of three colors, red, blue, and grey, and the eye in the center was a single color, gold.

Two sharp and long canine teeth gave it a majestic appearance with already the presence of its three unique eyes.

A pair of a wing, with the right entirely being made of black feathers, and the left one made of white feathers, slowly fluttered as the creature floated into the air.

“Who’s Farooq?” Oregon asked as he wasn’t aware of what the majestic creature in front of him was talking about.

“Oh, you don’t know him,” The creature snickered as he found the scene funny of the killer not knowing the name of his victim.

“No,” Oregon answered. “Is he the central ruler that I killed?” Oregon suddenly remembered something and asked.

Oregon was in the territory of the second central ruler in his journey, so he remembered the first one he had killed and made the connection of the name Farooq with the dead ruler.

“Tch, you remembered,” The lion irritatingly responded, seeing that Oregon had recognized the identity of Farooq.

“Will you answer my questions, or should I beat you down first,” Oregon suddenly asked. The subconscious pressure released by the lion wasn’t even close to the supposed Farooq he killed, so Oregon gained some confidence.

“Tch, such crude demeanor,” The lion replied as if disappointed by the aggressive tone of the figure in front of him.

“So, what’s your answer?” Oregon asked as he got ready in his battle posture.

“You can’t fly, and I would never come down, so how would you then get answers,” The lion further mocked Oregon and floated even higher with just a wave of his wings.

“You can try it,” Oregon confidently answered. He then reduced his size to around thirty meters, the same size as the lion. He then sat down on the ground as if he would wait here as long as it took him before the lion would be forced to descend.

“Fine, you win,” The lion responded after staying silent for some time. Oregon could see the bead of sweat wetting the lion’s fur.

The lion then descended to the ground and stopped around a hundred meters away from Oregon, with a slight tremble in his wings.

“Introduce yourself,” Oregon asked the lion, and he stood up.

“I am Kores, one of the central rulers,” The lion introduced himself.

“Kores, what’s this world?” Oregon asked his first question. “No need to lie. If you answer me truthfully, I won’t fight you and peacefully leave this area,” Oregon further added and promised Kores.

“How do I believe you? If you can kill Farooq, then you can kill me too,” Kores asked, not believing in what Oregon said.

“You don’t have to believe me. You only have to remember one thing: If you answer sincerely, you will survive, and if you lie or do not answer, then you can go ahead and join your friend Farooq wherever he has gone after his death,” Oregon replied and warned Kores.

If it were before entering the portal, Oregon would’ve never talked to Kores in such a tone, but spending more than a century with no end and continuous killings made his character slightly warped. Now his first option for any solution to a situation was violence.

“You’re misusing your power,” Kores complained in a voice that almost failed to reach Oregon’s ears.

Oregon ignored Kores and snapped his fingers. The next moment, a ring of fire spread across the area, with only a single intact area in the range of a few hundred meters. The untouched area was the spot where the lion was standing.

The lion wasn’t completely safe, as his right-wing, entire made of black feathers, caught fire. The lion attempted to douse it straight away, but its attempts failed as if the fire was inexhaustible.

“Don’t act over smart, or I would burn your wings to ashes,” Oxen coldly warned Kores as he snapped his fingers again. The next moment, the fire on Kores’s wings automatically disappeared.

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