“If you don’t want your wings to turn into ashes, don’t act over smart,” Oregon warned Kores. Oregon didn’t feel amused by his mumblings.

Kores, who had a look of fear on his face, nodded as he tried to move away from the fire as far as possible.

“Now tell me, what’s this world?” Oregon asked the question again.

“This isn’t a world, but a continent named Conspiracy,” Kores answered straight away. He didn’t try to test Oregon’s patience this time.

“Conspiracy? What kind of name is this?” Oregon mumbled as he didn’t understand the naming sense behind the continent.

“How big is this continent?” Oregon then asked another question since he had been traveling for more than a century at an unimaginable rate, yet he still hasn’t even come close to the edge of the continent.

“I don’t know. No one has seen the edge of the continent,” Kores answered. Suddenly the fire around him turned rogue as it attacked Kores.

Kores made his mind to fight back when the fire stopped at a distance of a few mm away from him.

“Don’t lie, or next time I won’t stop it,” Oregon coldly warned as the fire receded back.

The fire around Oregon was Truth Flame. It was one of the types of fires in the Multiverse. It only had one ability. In the presence of the flame, if someone spoke a lie, it would burn them to ashes. If not for Oregon’s superior control over the fire, it would’ve burnt Kores to ashes for lying.

“I would repeat the question for the last time. If even after this, I’ve to repeat a question, then you would have to pay a heavy price,” Oregon coldly threatened Kores and warned him for the last time.

Kores didn’t say anything and only nodded his lion head.

“How big is the continent?” Oregon then repeated the question.

“I don’t know,” Kores repeated the same answer, but this time, the fire stayed calm and didn’t attack him.

Oregon didn’t have to think much about the reason for the fire not attacking Kores since there was something extra on Kores’s first answer.

“Who has seen the edge of the continent?” Oregon asked since this answer had made the Truth Flame attack Kores.

“Ruler,” Kores answered.

“There is someone above your level?” Oregon asked in surprise since Farooq had forced him to the verge of death when they battled. If there was someone higher than Kores, who was more or less equal to Farooq in strength, that meant the situation had troublesome for him.

“Yes, ruler. She is the most powerful central ruler and had control over the entire territory of the Conspiracy continent,” Kores answered. His tone contained respect when he talked about the ruler.

“How many central rulers are there?” Oregon asked his next question right away, without giving even a moment of relief to Kores.

“18,873,925 central rulers, the last I heard, a billion years ago,” Kores answered after staying silent for some time.

Oregon’s jaw almost dropped to the ground in shock, hearing the number of the central ruler.

“Are Farooq and you the lowest rung, average, or the top in these central rulers?” Oregon asked the following question after taking a deep breath and coming out of the shock of hearing the number of the central rulers.

“Farooq is the lowest rung,” Kores answered.

Oregon’s face turned grave, hearing Kores’s answer.

Farooq was only the lowest rung of the more than 18 million strong central rulers, and he still forced him to use his awakened mode, and even then, Oregon fell on the verge of death. Oregon shuddered in fear, imagining the strength of the average or the top-ranked central rulers.

At that moment, Oregon felt as if he was an average being standing naked in absolute zero.

“Is ruler the highest-ranked character of this continent?” Oregon asked. His voice had turned hoarse, taking all this information.

“No,” Kores answered right away.

At that moment, Oregon felt as if the land beneath him was taken away, and he almost stumbled to the ground.

“Who’s the highest character of this continent?” Oregon then asked. His voice almost looked to be from an old person on the verge of death.

“The creator of this land and its lives. Only ‘He’ deserves the top post of the Conspiracy continent and the worlds beyond it,” Kores answered with a reverential expression on his face as he talked about the creator.

Hearing Kores’s answer, Oregon didn’t know what to say, so silence fell on the area. Kores didn’t attempt anything funny at that moment and silently stood there.

“Is ‘He’ a God?” Oregon asked, breaking the silence. He used the same respectful tone of the creator since he had no idea of the consequences of casually mentioning the being.

“Hmph, A God you say,” Kores couldn’t help but scoff, hearing Oregon’s question. “Even a God needs to keep their heads down when in the presence of the creator. How dare you even compare ‘Him’ with a measly God?” Kores turned hysterical. He turned angry and asked Oregon.

Oregon felt stumped by the sudden hysterical reaction of the Kores. “I didn’t mean to disrespect ‘Him’,” Oregon compromised and apologized for the question.

Since the start of the conversation, it was the first time Oregon compromised since a crazy Kores wasn’t good for him in this situation.

What he learned, he needed to tell others so that they would be prepared for what’s to come.

“Can I meet ‘Him’? I wanted to see the grace of ‘Him’,” Oregon requested Kores as Kores calmed down.

“Haha, I was enjoying it. Why did you have to refer to ‘Him’ from your dirty mouth? Why did you even think of meeting ‘Him’ and making ‘His’ sight dirty?” Suddenly the aura around Kores changed as he started laughing out loud. In the end, his voice had turned cold and was filled with uncontrollable anger. He looked at Oregon with disgust in his eyes.

“Didn’t you want to know what’s my strength tier in the group of central rulers?” Kores asked Oregon in a voice filled with mockery and disgust.

Oregon felt a chill running down his spine as he remembered he had overlooked Kores’s answer when he asked for the strength tier. Kores had only answered about Farooq, but not him.

“Oh, look how the tables have turned,” Kores further mocked Oregon, seeing the quick change of expressions on his face.

“Did you enjoy burning my wings?” Kores asked and softly stroked the portion of his feather that had gotten burnt.

“How did you like asking me questions and feel superiority over me?”

“Did you enjoy the look of fear on my face?” Kores mocked further. The disgust in his voice only got greater.

“Who are you?” Oregon asked as his voice trembled.

For a moment, Oregon thought of using the card to force Kores to back away, but he decided against it. The card had a bigger purpose which was higher than his or even all the Void beast lives.

If he had to use the card, it could only be used for the supposed creator to end it once and for all. If the central rulers and ‘He’ got free and invaded the Primal dimension, nothing could save it. Now, only the card could rescue the dimension by killing the creator.

“I already told you. I am a central ruler,” Kores answered. He then took a step forward and passed through the flame.

The fire tried to devour him, but Kores passed through it as if it was nothing.

“Since you enjoyed asking questions, now answer a few of mine?” A cruel grin spread across Kores’s mouth, giving it a terrifying appearance.

Suddenly, Kores’s left eye consisting of two horizontal stripes of black and white blinked.

The next moment, a cage made up of black rods and white ground and roof appeared around Oregon.

Oregon looked in shock as he didn’t even feel it when the cage appeared around him.

“Argh!” Oregon screamed as he grabbed the black rod, resulting in his hands fading.


“You’ve got a pretty strong will,” Kores complimented Oregon as he had failed to get even a single answer from Oregon, no matter how much Kores tortured him.

“You’ve impressed me. Let me send you to the afterlife,” Kores commented as his center eye blinked.

The next moment, the space around Oregon fragmented into pieces. When the space got restored, nothing but a square card was there.

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