The first taboo in the world

Chapter 122 The Undefeated East

In Hebei Province in the north, Pingding Prefecture is a few hundred miles away from Hengshan Mountain to the east.

More than forty miles northwest of Pingding Prefecture, the rocks are as red as blood, and there is a long beach with fast water. This is the famous Orangutan Beach. And near the Orangutan Beach, there are huge mountains, majestic and majestic, with black wood cliffs on them, which are the sun and the moon. The place where the main church of the Divine Church is located.

Chu is the headquarters of the demon sect. There are countless demonic people like crucian carp crossing the river. The righteous martial arts people avoid it, and few dare to approach Chu. It is not an exaggeration to say that this place can be a forbidden area for martial arts.

On this day, Xu Zifan came to Zu, and after some inquiring, he found no news about anything abnormal within the demon sect, so he found an inaccessible place and began to retreat, study martial arts, and perfect the divine sound of humming.

Twenty years passed in the blink of an eye, and just when Xu Zifan lost his patience and was no longer prepared to wait any longer, and was about to take action directly, something strange happened on the Blackwood Cliff.

Xu Zifan went out to inquire about a few people and found out that Ren Woxing had come to Heimuya and was preparing to take back the position of leader of the Demon Cult.

"The wait was not in vain, you are here anyway!"

Xu Zifan said to himself that there was a plot in the original work that he could not understand, and he felt that there must be something fishy in it. Dongfang Bubai, as a martial arts hero, a weirdo in the world, and the leader of the demon sect, was the best master in the world. In the end, in the decisive battle, because of his For a man to die while distracted is simply unbelievable, incomprehensible, and even a joke.

Although his temperament changed drastically after practicing the Sunflower Book, Xu Zifan couldn't believe that he would become like that.

He also knew something about another fragment of the Sunflower Book to ward off evil spirits. After studying it for a long time, he didn't think that the Sunflower Book would make Dongfang Bubai's character unbelievable.

He already had some suspicions about this matter, so when he was in Meizhuang, he let me go, and here he waited for me for so long. He just wanted to follow the plot and see Dongfang Undefeated. What was so strange about it, and whether it coincided with his suspicion.

It's not that he doubts that he is not the undefeated opponent of Dongfang, so he needs Ren Woxing and others to take the lead, and he can reap the benefits, but that he wants to verify some conjectures. Today, Xu Zifan firmly believes that he is here. Invincible in the world, no one can be his opponent.

The reason why he wants to verify the mystery of Dongfang Bubai's death is to unravel a feeling, which is the confusion in his heart when he first watched the plot of Swordsman.

The second is the main reason, that is, Dongfang Bubai has been studying this magic book for decades, and will definitely gain a lot. Xu Zifan hopes that he can get some inspiration from Dongfang Bubai and confirm some of his own understanding of this book. Deduction of this magical power.

At this time, after Xu Zifan found out the news about Let Me Take Action, he used his peerless lightness skills and set off for Heimu Cliff at a lightning speed.

At the same time, a war broke out on Heimu Cliff. Ren Woxing eradicated all those who disobeyed him. Even the fake Dongfang Bubai was killed by him. Yang Lianting was injured in the leg bone. Shangguan Yunhe The Sun Moon God Cult members represented by Tong Baixiong completely turned to Ren Woxing and obeyed his orders.

Afterwards, Ren Woxing and others organized themselves for a while, and after questioning Yang Lianting about the location of Dongfang Bubai, they headed towards the back mountain of Heimu Cliff.

At this time, Xiang Wen and Shangguan Yun placed Yang Lianting on a stretcher and forced him to take a group of people to the mountain behind Heimu Cliff to see Dongfang Bubai.

Following the two men were Ren Woxiao, Linghu Chong, Ren Yingying and Tong Baixiong.

After Linghu Chong had a dispute with Ren Woxing in Meizhuang, he originally didn't want to come to help, but he couldn't bear Ren Yingying's repeated begging and finally came anyway out of desperation.

At this time, Linghu Chong had spent more than 20 years studying the kendo insights and Wanli Shenxing Qinggong given to him by Xu Zifan, and his skills were one step closer. He himself was a kendo talent. Although it took less than a month, he But he has already taken a step further in the way of swordsmanship.

At this time, in terms of internal strength alone, Linghu Chong was not as good as Ren Woxing, but his swordsmanship surpassed Ren Woxing by a lot, and in terms of overall strength, he definitely surpassed Ren Woxing. At this moment, he believed that if he and Ren Woxing were to compete again, There was a fight in our bank, and he was definitely the winner in the end.

At this time, the group of people passed through a long corridor, arrived in a garden, and walked into a stone house. Under Yang Lianting's guidance, Tong Baixiong stretched out his hand and pushed, revealing a door on the wall, and there was an iron door inside.

Yang Lianting took out a bunch of keys from his side, handed them to Tong Baixiong, and then opened the iron door, revealing a tunnel inside.

Everyone walked down the tunnel. Several oil lamps were lit on both sides of the tunnel. The lights were dim like beans, and the place was gloomy and depressing.

But then everyone turned a few corners in the tunnel, and the front suddenly opened up, revealing light. Then a breeze blew in their faces, and everyone smelled the fragrance of flowers, which was refreshing and refreshing.

At this moment, everyone was amazed and walked out of the tunnel. What they saw was an extremely exquisite garden, with red plums, green bamboos, green pines and cypresses, a bright spring scenery, and the layout was very ingenious. There were several pairs of ponds. Mandarin ducks were swimming leisurely among them, and four white cranes were enjoying themselves beside the pond, pecking at their white feathers.

Everyone had never expected to see such a beautiful scenery at this moment, and they all secretly marveled. Then they walked forward along the way, bypassing a bunch of rockeries and a large flower bed. The large flower bed was filled with crimson and pink roses competing for beauty. Gorgeous, extremely beautiful.

With such a beautiful scenery in sight, everyone slowed down unconsciously. After a while, an exquisite house appeared in front of them. Everyone knew that Dongfang Bubai was probably here, and then walked into this elegant house one by one.

Just as everyone left, a figure appeared silently on a rockery beside the road. This figure was dressed in black brocade clothes and carried a single sword on his back. He was a young man with an aura around him. Miaomiao, with black hair like a waterfall, eyes that are bright and terrifying, and extremely deep, gives the whole person a demonic temperament.

At this time, this figure stood here, looking in the direction of the house in front, with purple flowers flashing in his eyes. Who else could this person be if he wasn't Xu Zifan?

At this time, Linghu Chong and others walked towards the inside of the house. As soon as Fang entered the door, he smelled a strong fragrance of flowers. He looked up and saw a picture of ladies hanging in the room. There were three beauties painted in the picture, and the chairs were covered with embroidery. brocade mat.

At this time, everyone thought: "This is a woman's boudoir, why does Dongfang Bubai live here? Then they thought, Dongfang Bubai, as the dignified leader of the demon sect, established a gentle village, raised several concubines, and could not hide the beauty in the golden house. No, this must be the residence of his beloved concubine."

At this moment, everyone only heard one person in the inner room say: "Brother Lian, who did you bring with you?" The voice was sharp, but the voice was thick. It seemed like a man, but also like a woman. At first glance, people heard, I couldn't help but feel chills stand on end.

Yang Lianting looked overjoyed at this moment and said, "They are your old friends. They must see you."

The person in the inner room said: "Why did you bring them here? Only you can come in here. I don't like to see anyone except you." The last two sentences were slurred, obviously in a female tone, but But the voice was clearly that of a man, full of weirdness and hair-raising.

Ren Woxiao Xiangwen, Ren Yingying, Tong Baixiong, and Shangguan Yun were all familiar with Dongfang Bubai, and knew that the voice indeed belonged to Dongfang Bubai, but at this moment Dongfang Bubai was just like squeezing his throat to learn to sing Huadan, charming and artificial, but It's not like a joke, it's a little weird and strange.

At this time, Yang Lianting heard what Dongfang Bubai said, sighed, and said sadly: "No, if I don't bring them here, they will kill me. How can I die without seeing you?"

The man in the room heard this and responded sharply: "Who is so bold as to bully you? Do you want me to do it? Tell him to come in!"

Ren Woxing heard that he guessed that it was him just from one sentence, and couldn't help but admire Dongfang Bubai's intelligence, so he made a gesture to signal everyone to come in.

At this time, everyone entered the house, and saw that the room was full of flowers, and the fragrance of makeup and powder was fragrant. There was a person sitting by a dressing table in the east, wearing a bright red dress, holding an embroidery frame in his left hand, and an embroidery needle in his right hand. , raised his head, with a look of surprise on his face.

But the look of surprise on Dongfang Bubai's face was far inferior to that of Ren Woxing and the others. Except for Linghu Chong, everyone here recognized the embroiderer. He was clearly the one who had seized the position of the leader of the Sun Moon God Sect. Dongfang Bubai, who has been known as the best in martial arts for the past few years.

But at this moment, everyone saw Dongfang Bubai. He didn't have a beard on his chin, and he even had makeup on his face. The red dress on his body was neither male nor female, and the color was so charming that even if it was worn on a woman, it would look too sexy. Delicate and too dazzling.

At this time, everyone was surprised that such a shocking and powerful demon sect leader was actually embroidering flowers in this boudoir!

At this moment, Ren Woxing was full of anger, but seeing Dongfang Bubai in such a situation, he couldn't help but want to laugh, and said with a high chest: "Dongfang Bubai, how did you become like this?"

Dongfang Bubai heard this and said in a sharp voice: "It is indeed Master Ren! You are finally here! Brother Lian, you... what happened to you? Were you injured by him?"

Then he stood next to Yang Lianting, picked him up, and gently placed him on the bed. At this time, Dongfang Bubai showed a look of infinite love and compassion on his face and asked, "Does it hurt a lot?"

Then he touched Yang Lianting's body bones and said: "It's just a broken leg bone. It doesn't matter. Don't worry, I will fix it for you."

After finishing his sentence, Dongfang Bubai slowly removed Yang Lianting's shoes and socks, pulled the embroidered quilt from a corner of the room, and covered Yang Lianting. At this moment, Dongfang Bubai looked to everyone like a virtuous wife serving her husband.

At this time, when everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but look at each other in shock. Everyone wanted to laugh, but this situation was too weird, making people unable to laugh, and even caused some hair loss.

At this moment, the gorgeous and splendid embroidery room with beaded curtains and brocade curtains was filled with a gloomy and evil atmosphere because of Dongfang Bubai's strange behavior.

Then Dongfang Bubai took out a green silk handkerchief from his side and slowly wiped away the sweat and mud from Yang Lianting's forehead. During this period, his face was soft and his eyes were gentle, like a virtuous wife.

At this time Dongfang Bubai said again: "The pain in your leg is terrible, isn't it? It's really heartbreaking."

At this time, Dongfang Bubai was smiling and talking, but his voice was strange and eerie, making people feel chills all over their bodies.

And when he looked at Yang Lianting and smiled and lowered his head, no one noticed that there was a red light flashing in his eyes, as terrifying as a ghost.

And what Dongfang Bubai has done from the time he came on the scene to now is something I, Xiao Ling, Hu Chong and others have never heard of or seen.

There are indeed many good things about Long Yang between men in the world, but why is Dongfang Bubai, the majestic leader of the demon sect, willing to pretend to be a woman and claim to be his concubine? Everyone was puzzled and a little disgusted.

At this time, Tong Baixiong couldn't help but stepped forward and said, "Brother Dongfang, what are you doing?"

Dongfang Bubai heard this and responded: "Of course I know that Brother Lian is doing it for my own good. He knows that I have no intention of handling academic affairs and takes care of it for me. What's wrong with that?"

At this time, Tong Baixiong was startled, raised his head, and laughed loudly. The laughter was full of sorrow and anger. He laughed for a while and then said: "He wants to kill me, so you will let him kill me?"

At this moment, Dongfang Bubai's eyes narrowed slightly, a faint red light flashed around his body, his expression straightened, and he said: "Whatever Brother Lian wants to do, I have to do it for him. Brother Tong, we have always been friends. , but you shouldn’t offend my brother Lian.”

At this time, Tong Baixiong's face turned red and he said loudly: "I thought you were losing your mind and going crazy. It turns out that you understand very well in your heart. You know that we are good friends and have always been close friends."

At this time, Dongfang Bubai reached out and gently stroked Yang Lianting's hair, and said softly: "Brother Lian, do you want to kill him?" His voice was soft, strange, and soft, like a ghost whispering in his ear, eerie and seductive. It was as if he could draw away Rao's soul, making people act according to his words unconsciously.

At this time, when Yang Lianting heard this, his expression was dull for a moment, then he pointed at Tong Baixiong, his face became fierce, and shouted: "Kill him, kill him!"

Dongfang Bubai chuckled and said: "Okay, since Brother Lian is like this, I will do it!" Then he suddenly turned his head to look at Tong Baixiong, his eyebrows gradually rose, and he said seriously: "Brother Tong, don't blame me."

Hearing this, Tong Baixiong immediately took two steps back, holding the knife in his hand and making a defensive posture. He was always familiar with Dongfang Bubai's martial arts skills. Although he saw that he was very charming at this moment, he did not dare to despise him in the slightest, so he held Yuan Shouyi in his arms. Stare at the East undefeated.

Seeing this, Dongfang Bubai narrowed his eyes slightly. He paid no attention to Tong Baixiong. He smiled strangely and looked at the embroidery needle in his hand tenderly. Suddenly, his figure suddenly appeared.

At this time, everyone felt a flash of pink things in front of their eyes, and it seemed that Dongfang Bubai's body moved. Then there was only a decent sound, but Tong Baixiong's single sword fell to the ground, and his body swayed a few times.

When everyone looked around, they saw Tong Baixiong's mouth wide open and speechless. Then he fell forward and lay on Lin, motionless.

Although Tong Baixiong fell to the ground only for a moment, everyone was a master and could see clearly that there were thin red spots on the center of his eyebrows, on the left and right temples, and on the four large holes in the philtrum under the nose, and blood was oozing out at this time. , apparently injured by the embroidery needle in Dongfang Bubai's hand.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked and couldn't help but take a few steps back. For a moment, there was silence in the room, everyone stared at the mysterious Dongfang Bubai, and no one said a word.

After a long time, Ren Woxing let out a loud shout and swung his sword forward to kill. Upon seeing this, Xiang Wen and Shangguan Yun immediately stepped forward to attack with weapons in hand.

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