The first taboo in the world

Chapter 126 What is the difference between heaven, humanity, Taoism and Buddha? The end of the month

"His name is seeking defeat, but I am undefeated, but in comparison, I am lagging behind!" Dongfang Bubai couldn't help but sigh as he thought about his predecessors.

"Your way of 'human transformation and growth' is the ultimate Yin way that transcends the Sunflower Book. It is rare in ancient times. It created history and shaped myths. It's not the only one!" Xu Zifan responded, Then he added: "The seniors who wrote this Sunflower Manual probably never imagined that you would transcend the path of the Yin!"

"Sunflowers face the sun, the way to the yin! My name is Bubai, how can I cling to the ways of my ancestors without seeking to surpass them." Dongfang Bubai looked proud at this moment and said.

Xu Zifan nodded. Dongfang Bubai's success today has indeed surpassed the path of sunflower to yin, reaching the point where yin and yang are born, and primordial yang is first formed.

"In the First Dao Realm, what's the next step?" Dongfang Bubai asked with confusion in his eyes.

"I don't know either, but as long as I can continue to get stronger, my path to martial arts will definitely expand in the future." Xu Zifan said.

"I can't get any further now. I can't see the way forward and don't know how to go!" Dongfang Bubai said.

"Yes, people who stand at the top not only feel invincible loneliness, but also further confusion!" Xu Zifan said with a calm expression.

"It doesn't mean you are invincible, I don't know about Feng Qingyang, but judging from the energy induction, you are not inferior to me!" Dongfang Bubai looked at Xu Zifan, his eyes narrowed slightly, feeling like he was ready to give it a try.

Seeing Dongfang Bubai like this, Xu Zifan soon knew that he wanted to compete with him, prove his martial arts, and learn the otherworldly Tao through battle to hone and improve himself.

And Xu Zifan himself didn't have the same idea. At this time, he said: "I have a different opportunity, which is an exception. However, I have a few things that I don't understand but I want to ask my Eastern Taoist friends for help."

"Oh? You!" Dongfang Bubai responded.

"Yang Lianting!" Xu Zifan said this name in a calm tone. He wanted to verify whether Dongfang Bubai's method of transcending Sunflower to Yin was what he had guessed.

"Oh! He is the person I use to kill my lover!" When Dongfang Bubai heard Xu Zifan's name, he knew what his doubts were, so he responded without hesitation.

"Sure enough, I understand!" When Xu Zifan heard what Dongfang Bubai said, he immediately understood it, just as he had guessed.

As the saying goes, yin and yang attract each other, the earth is in harmony, and sunflowers face the sun, so sunflowers belong to yin.

Sunflower Collection, the name of this magical skill already makes everything clear. The Sunflower Qi cultivated by it belongs to the Yin and can arouse the evil fire of the human body. The evil fire of the human body is one of the seven emotions and six desires of human beings, and involves the three treasures of human beings. The "spirit" among "jing", "qi" and "spirit" is the characteristic of this martial arts and the reason for its invincibility.

If you want to practice this martial arts, if you don't want to go crazy, you have to castrate. Otherwise, the evil fire in the human body will be stirred up, and the person who practices the martial arts will become insane and deaf.

Dongfang Bubai has been castrated, but he has solved this problem. However, after he achieved great success in the Sunflower Magic, he transcended and reached the state where the yin and yang are born and the yang is reborn, that is, people are reborn and all things grow. way.

Dongfang Bubai understood this way, and the fundamental purpose was to regenerate his body so that he could return to his true dignity and become a man again.

And there is a problem here, that is, if Jie Shi really becomes a man again, then the evil nature of Sunflower Qi will show up again. The result is that even if Dongfang Bubai becomes a man again, he will not be able to avoid being seduced. Evil fire is also the "god" that seduces people, causing them to become insane and become possessed.

Taking this into consideration, Dongfang Bubai used another miraculous technique similar to Peach Valley Xiao He's love-burial technique, and finally used Yang Lianting as the love-killing medium, thereby cutting off part of his love, thus solving the root cause. The problem of evil fire burning the body.

At this time, Xu Zifan couldn't help but admire Dongfang Bubai's martial arts qualifications. He actually thought of this method and actually developed the method of killing love.

"It's a coincidence that the Taogu Xiao He you mentioned before, her method of burying love is similar to my method of killing love, but the difference is that she used it to achieve the first way, while I used it as an assistant after attaining enlightenment. "Dongfang Bubai said.

Xu Zifan nodded, it was indeed true. Although the two of them had different purposes, they both used this method to make some of their feelings disappear.

"Can I borrow your love-killing technique for a while?" Xu Zifan asked Dongfang Bubai.

"What's so difficult about this? I'll write a copy for you later." Dongfang Bubai said, then he looked at the book in Xu Zifan's hand that contained the Sunflower Book, with a strange look on his face, and said, "Don't you You’re going to use this method to kill off your emotions first, and then practice the Sunflower Book, right?”

"No, I'm just participating in the research. Whether it's to cut off love or bury love, that's not my way. Will I still be the complete me after cutting off love?" Xu Zifan responded.

When Dongfang Bubai heard Xu Zifan's words, his facial expression was stunned, and he couldn't help but ask himself: "Am I still the complete me after my love is cut off?"

At this time, the messy garden behind the black wooden cliff became quiet. The moonlight was shining and covering the entire land. The night became even quieter.

Xu Zifan stood there without saying anything. He understood that Dongfang Bubai was doubting his own way at this moment. He didn't want to disturb him. Everyone has his own way, and each road has its own different scenery. No one knows who is who. I can get to the end without knowing who is right or wrong.

At this moment, Dongfang Bubai is asking himself and examining his own path. Although his method of killing emotions is only an auxiliary to restore his true body in the future, this is the path he has thought of long ago, how can he give up so easily.

Dongfang Bubai stood there, with the evening wind blowing, and his blood-stained red clothes fluttering in the wind. Under the moonlight, his figure looked somewhat magical.

After a while, the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter, and finally his eyes were clear and he said: "I am who I am, and it has nothing to do with the love-cutting. I am still me after the love-cutting!" At this moment, Dongfang Bubai looked firm, understanding and firm. own way.

Seeing Dongfang Bubai's determination in martial arts, Xu Zifan couldn't help but sigh, saying: "Humans are born by transformation, and the word "human" is not just added casually. If you are sentimental, you will grow old. Only when the Tao is ruthless can you remain immortal. If you live forever, humans are also ruthless. Can be reborn.”

"Yes, I think so too!" Dongfang Bubai responded.

"Congratulations to fellow Taoist Dongfang for your determination and determination, the future is limitless!" Xu Zifan said to Dongfang Bubai.

The two then chatted about martial arts. As the number one master in the martial arts, Dongfang Bubai had an extraordinary understanding and knowledge of martial arts, which greatly benefited Xu Zifan.

Xu Zifan has also stood at the same height at this time, and he has been collecting various martial arts, and he comes from the real world. His martial arts knowledge is equally rich, and some of his ideas and opinions are unique and different from the world, which makes Dongfang different. Defeat is also full of surprises, and I just say that a conversation with you is better than ten years of reading!

The two of them talked about Tao for five or six hours. When the discussion ended, it was already the second noon. As masters of the Xian Dao realm, it was nothing to stay up all day and night.

At the end of their discussion, the two of them were still in high spirits and understood each other better. Then Dongfang Bubai wrote out his love-killing method and gave it to Xu Zifan. Xu Zifan also shared the love-killing techniques and love-growing techniques harvested in Peach Valley. Shu each wrote a copy and sent it to Dongfang Bubai.

Then the two agreed to compete and discuss the Tao at the top of Mount Hua on a certain date three years later.

It's not that Xu Zifan doesn't want to spar with Dongfang Bubai now, but Dongfang Bubai's physical condition doesn't allow it. After all, he has just broken through a new realm and has just come back from the dead. It will take time to recover physically and stabilize the realm, so in the end the two are scheduled to One day three years later, a peak battle took place on the top of Mount Huashan.

The red-clothed phantom, like smoke and mist, floats and flickers, but Dongfang Bubai has already left. He is going to prepare for the peak Taoist battle with Xu Zifan in the future.

Xu Zifan, on the other hand, looked at a few pieces of white paper in his hand. They were densely filled with words, but they were Dongfang Bubai's gift of expressing love and killing love.

Based on Dongfang Bubai's understanding of the Sunflower Book, this love-cutting method should be able to overcome the shortcomings of the Sunflower Book. However, Xu Zifan still cannot accept the shortcomings of the Sunflower Book. However, this love-cutting method is also mysterious, and it involves Some of his martial arts knowledge is unique and eye-catching.

The difference between the method of expressing feelings and burying emotions is that the method of burying feelings directly buries and eradicates one's own feelings, while the method of expressing feelings and severing feelings is to first place one's feelings on others, and then wait for that person to be protected by one's full strength. When you are about to die, and your heart feels like death, you can use this method to cut off your emotions.

Which of the two is higher or lower, which one is better and which one is worse, is difficult to judge. Each can only have its own merits. Xu Zifan is also happy at this moment. Not only did he get the Sunflower Book, but he also got this secret method. The most important thing is to see the undefeated martial arts of the East. All these have greatly increased his martial arts experience and enriched his knowledge and theoretical foundation.

"It's time to leave!" Xu Zifan said to himself, and then he used the light body technique. First he went to Ren Woxing's place, and after forcefully taking the Wudang Sect's Tai Chi Sutra, he left Heilongjiang under Ren Woxing's hateful eyes. Mu Ya, then Xu Zifan drove the purple rainbow all the way, like a fairy and a demon traveling, galloping towards the belly of the Central Plains.

In the Jianghu, during this period of time, there have been undercurrents, the situation is strange, and too many things have happened.

The biggest incident was that the director of the Sun Moon God Sect, Wo Xing, took back control of the Demon Sect, eliminated dissidents, and carried out a ruthless killing. Many people died within the entire Demon Sect, and almost everywhere on the Blackwood Cliff was stained with blood.

As a result, the strength of the entire demon sect has dropped by one level. It is not as powerful as before, and the demons are dancing wildly in the rivers and lakes.

In addition, there was movement in the Wudang Sect. Three peerless masters and ten first-class masters came down from the mountain in succession, walking around the world to uphold morality and kill the evildoers who caused harm.

Yes, the demonic people in the world are not as rampant as before recently, and the Wudang Clan deserves most of the credit.

At a time when the world is undergoing great changes and the situation in the martial arts world is strange, everyone can't help but sigh that the Wu-Tang Clan can do such a thing.

First of all, I sighed. As the Taishan Beidou in the martial arts world, Wudang Sect has a profound foundation. It can send three peerless masters and ten first-class masters in a row. I was shocked. It is indeed a big sect.

Secondly, they lamented that the Wudang Sect's move was in sharp contrast to Shaolin's closing the mountain and retreating into seclusion. Everyone couldn't help but sigh, Taoism is really: going down the mountain to save people in troubled times, and going into seclusion to practice Qi in prosperous times.

In addition, there is another big event in the world, that is, the Huashan Sect has opened its doors to recruit disciples. As long as they have good conduct, regardless of men, women, old or young, they can enter Huashan either as outer disciples or as inner disciples.

As long as they enter Huashan, they will be registered one by one and protected by Huashan.

And this also created a grand scene, that is, Huashan Mountain was crowded with people all day long, and there was an endless stream of people coming and going.

Of course, there are also some people with ulterior motives. They heard that there were many peerless magical arts on display in the Huashan Chuan Gong Pavilion. They also saw that there were very few masters in the Huashan sect and the Huashan Sword Demon was not in the mountain. So one night, a peerless master led several first-class masters up the mountain to steal it. Magic book.

However, these giant figures in the world did not even enter the Chuan Gong Pavilion. They were lying on the stone steps in front of the Corpse Pavilion, but the old man guarding the pavilion in Huashan was killing them step by step. His sword energy was like frost, and he was killing all the intruders. The enemy was killed cleanly.

At this time, everyone knew that there was such a hidden master in Huashan. Of course, some people were not convinced, but the five or six groups of people who wanted to steal the magic were all easily killed. From then on, no one dared to attack. There are many peerless martial arts ideas in Huashan Chuangong Pavilion.

Xu Zifan, as for Xu Zifan, had been away from Heimu Cliff for more than three days. At this time, he had arrived at the foot of a mountain. After hearing the news, he looked in the direction of Huashan Mountain and smiled. He knew that it was Feng Qingyang who took action.

Songshan Mountain is majestic and majestic. It is the middle mountain among the Five Mountains. It is located in the hinterland of the Central Plains. Since ancient times, it has been home to outstanding people and has produced many legendary and popular deeds.

At this moment, Xu Zifan came to Songshan again. This time, his destination was Shaolin.

Shaolin Temple revealed all its secrets during the battle of the Songshan Sword Sect and besieged itself. When the world was in chaos and demons were dancing, Shaolin Temple chose to close the mountain and close the temple. Xu Zifan was disgusted with his behavior.

Xu Zifan felt disgusted when he thought of the sentence "Go down the mountain to beg for alms in prosperous times, but close the mountain and go into seclusion in troubled times!" Xu Zifan felt disgusted. He had heard of this Buddhist tradition, both in the real world and in the world of martial arts, and Xu Zifan scorned it.

"Mountains are not so easy to seal!" Xu Zifan was standing at the foot of the mountain, looking in the direction of Shaoshi Mountain.


Xu Zifan used his body skills to control the purple rainbow, as graceful as a fairy, straight up Songshan Mountain, and his figure flickered and turned in the direction of Shaoshi Mountain.

Shaolin Temple, as a thousand-year-old sect, has been inherited for thousands of years. It has experienced ups and downs during this period, but it has always existed and will never be destroyed. This has made many things clear.

Not to mention other aspects, as far as its inheritance of martial arts is concerned, it has the reputation of "Shaolin comes from martial arts". This is the pride of Shaolin for thousands of years and its heritage.

Rumor has it that the temple not only has peerless exercises such as the Yi Jin Jing, but is also famous for its seventy-two unique skills.

Today, a guest came to the Millennium Shaolin...

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