The first taboo in the world

Chapter 131 The plan to raise people Gu begins

Time flies by, like water flowing eastward, and a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

During this time, Xu Zifan has been studying various martial arts and understanding the principles of various martial arts.

In the world of Swordsman, at this moment, Xu Zifan's martial arts accumulation is definitely the best, unmatched.

Moreover, perhaps due to birth or other reasons, Xu Zifan's understanding and aptitude became better and better after his martial arts progressed, which surprised even him.

During this period of time, he has been studying many kinds of martial arts, especially the four peerless internal skills of Tai Chi, Yi Jin Jing, Star Absorbing Technique and Sunflower Book, which have given him great inspiration.

He wanted to re-create an internal skill based on his own Tao that was comparable to the above four peerless skills, or even surpassed them.

For the Huashan sect, although there is a unique Zixia magic skill that can be used as a martial arts for the Zhen sect, it is not easy to achieve it. Practicing this kind of inner strength and mental method takes ten years as a unit. It takes too much time. How many people How much energy does it cost?

Although Zixia's magical power is no less powerful than other peerless internal powers, it is too slow to achieve success.

Just like Yue Buqun, after more than 20 years of practice, he is only at the fourth level of Zixia Magic Kung Fu. However, he himself has the assistance of blue exotic stones and has a solid knowledge of martial arts, but he still has not achieved great success in Zixia Magic Kung Fu. It can be seen that Xi Difficulties in practicing this technique.

So thinking of this, Xu Zifan wanted to create a unique magic skill of his own, which would fundamentally bring glory to Mount Huashan and at the same time improve his overall strength.

"Brother, the master just sent a message that those two places have been completed."

At this time, Lu Dayou walked over and said with a smile. There was a monkey on his shoulder that was squeaking. His eyes were vivid and he was looking around. He was very clever, cute and spiritual.

When Xu Zifan saw this, his face was stunned. The inertia of the plot must be too great. He had already rewritten the plot of this world to a terrible extent. Lu Dayou still got a monkey.

However, Xu Zifan didn't ask much about how he got the monkey. Maybe Lu Dayou was the one who always carried the monkey with him.

"So fast?" At this time, Xu Zifan was surprised. What he asked Yue Buqun to do before required a lot of manpower, material and financial resources. How could it be so fast?

"That's right, senior brother, you don't know yet, right? We in Huashan currently have tens of thousands of disciples, including many elites from all walks of life. This time, the master has released this matter as a task. In order to gain points, everyone has donated money. Money, hired labor from those who hired labor, those who provided tools provided tools... In short, it was a collective effort, so this big project was completed so quickly!"

Lu Dayou explained at this moment, smiling and looking very happy and proud.

A quarter of an hour later, Lu Dayou finally finished speaking. He spoke very carefully. Xu Zifan could hear something called pride from his tone. It was pride that emerged from deep in his heart. It was a true expression of emotion, without any falsehood. .

After hearing what Lu Da said, Xu Zifan admired Yue Buqun very much. He was born to be a manager of the sect, and he could make the points system come alive so quickly.

"You go and stay in front and practice hard. I'll go over there and take a look!"

Xu Zifan was right to Lu Da. After finishing, he used his peerless movement skills, and his figure was as graceful as an immortal. He shot out and went straight to the place where the Immortal Valley was.

Xianyu is another scenic spot in Huashan Mountain, also known as Carriage Valley. It is in the west of Huashan Valley and is only separated from Huashan Valley by a ridge.

It is said that in ancient times, two brothers shepherded sheep here and became immortals, hence the name.

Xianyu is more than fifty miles deep. It is actually a narrow and quiet canyon. There are thousands of cliffs on both sides of the canyon. No one can climb over it. However, the inside of the canyon is rugged and winding, with rapid rivers and steep rocks. Five miles into the valley, There are sloping ridges and horizontal obstacles, which make people feel that the valley is dead and the road is dead. However, the horizontal width of the ridges adds to the interest of the dark willows and bright flowers.

The project Xu Zifan asked Yue Buqun to build is in Chu.

Like Beifeng, this place has been slightly renovated, and it is a deserted place that can only be entered but not exited. The project that Xu Zifan asked Yue Buqun to renovate was also to establish checkpoints.

He wanted to use this place as a place to raise human Gu.


Xu Zifan's figure was extremely fast, and in less than a quarter of an hour, he had already reached the location of Xianyu.

At this time, in front of him was also a checkpoint made of stone, which cut across the Xianyu Valley and divided the entire canyon into upper and lower halves.

"Six feet high and three feet wide, that's good, that's enough!"

Looking at the magnificent stone wall standing in front of him, Xu Zifan was very satisfied.

Next, he went to inspect the upper and lower reaches of Xianyu respectively. Five miles deep into each place, there was a taller and thicker stone wall blocking there. Ordinary martial arts masters would never be able to get out.

In addition to the stone checkpoint in the middle, the three stone checkpoints cut the canyon into two natural cages. Only entry is allowed and no exit is allowed.

"Well! Yes, the human poison plan can be implemented!"

After inspecting the two places of imprisonment in Xianyu, Xu Zifan looked cold. Regarding those evil people, after joining his human poison plan, he felt no guilt in his heart.


Xu Zifan's figure was disillusioned and he was gone in a blink of an eye. He had many things to arrange.

The next day, in the early morning, the eastern sun slowly rose, and the golden sunshine shone on the earth. At the North Peak of Huashan Mountain, a group of people imprisoned here by Xu Zifan were basking in the warm sun. Some of them had not gotten up yet and were still sleeping.

They lived here for a few months very comfortably, with no life or death crisis, they had food and drink, and were accompanied by all kinds of magical powers. Except for beautiful women and freedom, they had everything else. It was simply wonderful.

"All those whose skills are below the peerless level, please come quickly."

Suddenly, a loud shout resounded and echoed throughout the ground. This loud shout was exactly what Xu Zifan used his inner strength to shout at the North Peak.

At this time, Xu Zifan's voice was like the roar of a dragon or the roar of a tiger. The sound waves rolled out, stirred in the sky, and spread far away. At least the people at the top of Yuntai Peak could clearly hear it.

At this time, on the North Peak, everyone's ears were buzzing, which was shaken by Xu Zifan's loud shouting. Some people were even awakened from their sleep.

At this time, everyone on the North Peak heard that this was the voice of the Huashan Sword Demon Xu Zifan. Through this thunderous voice, they realized more deeply that the Huashan Sword Demon's internal power was unfathomable. This roar was in front of them. It's like a god or a devil.

At the same time, they all understood that something big must have happened and involved them.

At this moment, everyone rushed towards the place where Xu Zifan's voice came from without hesitation. Their hearts were full of anxiety and fear, not knowing what Xu Zifan would do to them.

Some people even guessed that maybe their good days were over.

Everyone was in the martial arts world and moved very quickly. Two quarters of an hour later, they were under the North Peak and in front of the checkpoint.

Looking around at this time, not only the masters under the peerless realm have arrived, but also several people from the peerless realm. They want to come and see what is going on!

At this time, Xu Zifan was sitting cross-legged on a five- to six-foot-high checkpoint, facing the east with his eyes slightly closed. He was breathing in his luck and practicing the Zixia Magic Art.

He won't waste a single minute on cultivation, because he has his own pressure, which is very, very big.

At this moment, everyone came to the checkpoint, and Xu Zifan slowly opened his eyes. Purple divine light burst out from his eyes, but soon returned to calmness and turned into ordinary. This is the practice of Zixia magical skill. A unique performance to the depths.


Xu Zifan's figure sitting cross-legged disappeared like a phantom, carrying purple rainbow light and shooting under the level. When he reappeared, he was already in front of everyone.

At this time, Xu Zifan stood with his hands behind his back, his black brocade clothes fluttering in the wind, his expression indifferent, and he looked at the people in front of him.

"Second Senior Brother, count the number of people to see if anyone is missing!" Xu Zifan opened his mouth and said to Lauderno who was also in the crowd.

"Yes, Junior Brother Xu!" Lauderno promised.

After a while, Lauderno reported to Xu Zifan, "Junior Brother Xu, all the people in the Peerless Realm, a total of 312 people, have arrived."

"Yes!" Xu Zifan looked indifferently and nodded. He was also silently counting the people in front of him, and the results he obtained were no different from what Laudno reported to him.

Xu Zifan looked up and saw several peerless masters coming, and said: "Since they are all here, I will do it all at once. The peerless masters will continue to stay in the cluster, and the others will follow me." , go to another place.”

"In addition, from today on, although the food allocated to you can ensure your food and clothing, the quality is uneven, and you need to fight for it yourself."

Xu Zifan's tone was calm and he said quietly, and then he said again: "From today on, no matter whether you live or die, you can kill each other!"

At this moment, everyone in Beifeng heard what Xu Zifan said, and their faces became extremely solemn. As old Jianghu, they certainly understand what the Huashan Sword Demon just said, that is, everyone can fight for life and death, and the quality of life is up to them.

Huashan Sword Demon encourages everyone to kill each other!

Thinking of this, everyone present felt chills running down their spines. They could imagine that in the future, everyone here might become their opponents, and everyone might be stabbed in the back.

As for everyone uniting to share joys and sorrows? How is it possible? We all belong to the rivers and lakes. Wherever there is wealth, there are rivers and lakes. The rivers and lakes are full of disputes. How can we be united as one?

Moreover, many of the people present are gangsters, and they may not be good people. Some are sinister and vicious, some are as cunning as foxes, and some are unjust. How do you expect such a group of people to unite as one and share the joys and sorrows together? It is better to hope that the sow will climb the tree.

At this moment, a scene of bloodshed appeared in everyone's minds. Zheng

There will be bloodshed, swords and swords, killing each other. Perhaps from now on, you will have to worry about others plotting against you when you sleep. Not many people will survive here in the future. This is the truth that everyone here understands.

The world is cruel, and it is even more cruel here. Everyone understands that the good days are over.

Looking at everyone's faces, Xu Zifan understood that everyone had thought about the final result, and then said: "As I said again, if you want to be free and go home, then come up with ideas or ideas about martial arts that satisfy me."

After saying this, Xu Zifan smiled coldly and said, "Come with me!"

Many people in the peerless realm have no choice but to follow Xu Zifan at this moment.

Just as everyone was preparing to set off, Laudno suddenly asked: "Junior Brother Xu, where should I go next?"

When Xu Zifan heard this, his expression was slightly stunned. As a traitor in Huashan and actually a disciple of Zuo Lengchan, what should he do with himself?

killed? Or being a human being? Xu Zifan killed these two thoughts as soon as they came up.

It's not that he is soft-hearted or does not distinguish between good and bad, but Xu Zifan still remembers that when he first came to Huashan, his basic martial arts was taught by Yue Buqun on behalf of Luo Denuo.

Although his behavior at that time was ordered by Yue Buqun, kindness is kindness. The old man taught him very carefully at the time. No matter what the reason was, he was also very kind to me at the time and guided him in basic martial arts. few.

Thinking of this, Xu Zifan already had an idea in his mind and said: "Master is going to build Huashan Pavilion all over the world, so go and help!"

"Uh... Junior Brother Xu, can I continue to stay in Beifeng and take care of these people on behalf of Junior Brother Lu?"

Laudnor responded.

After hearing this, Xu Zifan knew that he still wanted to save Zuo Lengchan, so of course he would not agree with him.

"No, Dayou is taking care of it very well. Just go and help the master build Huashan Pavilion!"

Xu Zifan said without a doubt, and just as he was about to leave, he remembered another thing and faced everyone and said: "Let the bronze man of the Eighteen Arhats stay in the group for now!

After finishing, Xu Zifan turned around and flew away, and his figure was already above the level.

Lauderno saw that Xu Zifan had made up his mind, and at the same time Zuo Lengchan nodded to him secretly, and then stopped entangled with Xu Zifan.

When the Eighteen Arhat Bronze Men heard this, they looked at each other in confusion. Are they special again?

The sun has already risen high at this moment, and the golden sunshine is extremely bright. It shines on Xu Zifan, who stands high above the checkpoint, as if he has been given a golden coat, making him look extremely sacred.

At this moment, Xu Zifan ordered Lu Dayou beside him: "Dayou, put down the hanging cage."

"Okay, senior brother!" Lu Da responded.

Then, with the sound of ropes creaking, more than 300 people were hoisted through the three checkpoints on the North Peak to the outside world in one morning.

Later, Lauderno returned to Jade Girl Peak to find Yue Buqun, while Xu Zifan led the group to Xianyu.

Half an hour later, everyone arrived at Xianyu. Looking at the tall stone wall in front of them, they felt sad that they were going to be locked up again.

But here, it has been waiting for two days, it is Lin Pingzhi and Tao Jun, the people Xu Zifan asked Yue Buqun for last night.

At this time, there were piles of thread-bound books beside the two of them. Judging from the covers, they were all books that had been recently bound.

At this time, the two saw Xu Zifan coming here with everyone, and greeted Xu Zifan one by one with fists in his hands.

"Senior Brother Xu, these books have been recorded recently. Please know them!" Lin Pingzhi said.

Xu Zifan nodded when he heard this, and then said to everyone: "This is the collection of martial arts on the stone wall of Beifeng, one copy for each person."

After everyone heard the words, they went up one by one and each received a copy. Then Xu Zifan separated the top experts among the crowd and imprisoned them in the canyon on the left, while the others were imprisoned in the canyon on the right.

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