The first taboo in the world

Chapter 140 Dongling Iron Sword

"What about Daizong?" This martial arts contains mysteries, and the subtleties in it are astonishing.

Xu Zifan has been sitting cross-legged in front of the stone tablet for three days. For these three days, he has been deducing the martial arts mechanism of this style of martial arts.

With Xu Zifan's current level of martial arts understanding, it is incredible that one style of martial arts has allowed him to comprehend it for such a long time.

This is enough to show that this style of martial arts is indeed profound and mysterious, far superior to other peerless martial arts.

After three days of research, Xu Zifan had a very clear analysis of this most profound skill in the Taishan style of swordsmanship.

Xu Zifan has analyzed the martial arts principles very clearly.

Through calculations with his left hand and careful analysis of various factors, he struck out with the sword with his right hand, killing the target with one strike.

"No, what's going on? It can't be realized!"

After Xu Zifan's deduction, he came to a conclusion, but it made him even more confused.

This move is correct based on precise analysis, and it is very mysterious. It involves sensing the enemy's energy, and it also involves martial arts principles that can break through the enemy's essence and weaknesses.

It can be said that this is a kind of thaumaturgy, extremely complex, specially used to defeat the enemy's weaknesses.

However, through Xu Zifan's deduction, it is indeed a weakness that can break through the ranks, but there are some things that cannot be realized.

In that battle, the fighter opportunity was fleeting. How could one kill the enemy with one sword?

You must know that the process from drawing a sword to assassinating the enemy takes a while. It is okay to be at a close distance. If the distance is far away and you kill with a sword, your opportunity will definitely be delayed.

If the attack speed and movement speed of both parties are similar, the process of killing with a sword is definitely enough for the other party to react, and it is impossible to kill with one sword.

And if your attack speed and body speed are stronger than the opponent's, you don't need to use this move at all, and you have a great chance of winning. From this point of view, this move "How about Daizong" is useless and useless.

Or even if the distance between the two sides is relatively close, after calculating all aspects of the opponent's data accurately, thrusting out the sword and killing the enemy with one sword, this is also very risky.

This requires instantaneous calculations that are absolutely correct. Not only must the enemy's weaknesses or flaws be calculated at the time, but the enemy's next move must also be calculated. The trajectory and power of the enemy's next move must be calculated absolutely correctly. .

As long as there is the slightest accident, it will not kill the enemy, but the enemy will easily take his life.

That is to say, this move has zero error tolerance. If there is any mistake or accident, the person who uses this move will die.

To put it all together, the method of determining the enemy's weakness or flaw is very complicated and complicated. Even martial arts talents rarely practice it. And even if they can practice it, there is zero room for error when facing the enemy at close range. Either you die or I die. From a long distance. Against an enemy, even those of the same realm cannot beat each other.

Therefore, taken together, this move is too cost-effective for actual combat.

And this is where the symptoms of Xu Zifan's doubts and confusion lie.

Because he has participated in the study of this martial arts, the calculation technique that can defeat the enemy's weaknesses or flaws involves the connection and induction of the Qi of both sides.

The martial arts principles contained in this are definitely created by a martial arts master.

And how could the great master of martial arts not think of the obvious flaws in the actual battle of the style that Xu Zifan just thought of?

This matter is very contradictory and puzzling to Xu Zifan.

It's obviously impossible. As a martial arts master, how could he not see this last and simplest flaw?

For example, a college student can use calculus to perform advanced mathematical operations, solve multidimensional equations, calculate sequence, etc., but cannot perform simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division calculations.

Is this possible? What is obviously impossible does not make sense logically.

Xu Zifan frowned slightly at this moment. He was thinking about this very strange thing. There must be something wrong.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the part where he has calculated that the enemy's weaknesses or flaws can be overcome, because Xu Zifan has analyzed the martial arts principles in these three days.

With his current martial arts realm and accumulation of martial arts knowledge, he knows the martial arts principles involved and why. He can even deduce similar martial arts based on the previous path.

At this moment, he was sure that this part was correct.

"How about Daizong?" He flexed his left hand to calculate, and his right hand was ready to kill with a sword.

Since the calculation part is correct, what is wrong is killing the enemy with one sword?

But what's the use of this technique if it can't kill the enemy with one sword? Playing against each other and calculating at the same time, just for fun?

There are so many contradictions here that it’s hard to figure it out.

"Perhaps the way to kill the enemy with one sword is wrong?" At this moment, Xu Zifan was thinking secretly.

After thinking for more than an hour, Xu Zifan couldn't figure it out.

Slowly, Xu Zifan's mood calmed down, and he got rid of the impetuous feeling in his heart that he had not thought about for a long time, and he began to think.

From the description in the original book, coupled with the original drawings and engravings he saw at this time, and various clues, he speculated step by step.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly it was like a flash of lightning flashed through Xu Zifan's mind. At this moment, he seemed to have grasped something, but it was very hazy. Xu Zifan understood that he was only one layer away from seeing the truth.

He felt this way because just now, he thought of a description in the original work, which probably meant that the founder of the Taishan sect, Taoist Master Dongling, passed down the master iron sword.

And this master's iron sword has been passed down from generation to generation in the past three hundred years, and has become the token of the Taishan sect's master. The one who gets the iron sword is the master, and seeing this iron sword is like seeing the Eastern Spirit."

"The leader's iron sword?"


At this time, Xu Zifan suddenly thought of a phenomenon, that is, the Five Mountains Sword Sect. Although they both belong to the sword sect, their sword styles are also different because of their different martial arts.

For example, the Songshan School's swordsmanship is strict and strict, preferring to open and close, so they use extremely bold broad swords.

As for the Hengshan sect, their martial arts tend to be feminine, but they use light and soft long swords.

In the Wuyue Sword School, due to the martial arts characteristics of each school, the sword formats are also different from each other. This is because the long swords in the hands of practitioners need to match their different styles of swordsmanship, so this phenomenon occurs.

And what is the style of the Taishan Sect’s sword? What are the characteristics.

The characteristic is that the Taishan sect uses short swords.

Xu Zifan is reasoning backwards at this moment, inferring martial arts from weapons. Why dagger?

Xu Zifan also knew the Taishan Sect's swordsmanship and had practiced it, but he couldn't understand why a dagger was used.

For the other four sects, he could figure out why their standard long swords looked like that through the swordsmanship of each sect. Only the Taishan sect, Xu Zifan couldn't figure it out.

On weekdays, no one thinks about this at all. Who is too full to think about why the sect's long sword in his hand has this style? All he knows is that it has been passed down from generation to generation, and he can use it easily.

However, Xu Zifan was thinking about it now and couldn't figure it out.

He understood, but he couldn't figure it out, and knew there must be something fishy in it.

The swordsmanship of the Taishan School has always been famous for its heavy and steady style, and its ancient and subtle meaning. However, no matter from the swordsmanship practice or the artistic conception of the swordsmanship, it does not match the dagger.

May I ask what the founder of the Taishan sect thought at that time?

There is a key point in martial arts that goes: "An inch long is strong; an inch short is dangerous."

But it happened that the disciples of the Taishan sect made their own swords very short.

Obviously this behavior is like an idiot, but is the founder of the Taishan Sect really an idiot? That's definitely not the case.

So the problem lies here. If you think about it carefully, there are all kinds of puzzling things in the inheritance of Taishan Sect.

At this moment, Xu Zifan understood that there must be a breakthrough point in the weapon, and he should be very close to the truth.

Then he got up and went to the Taishan Sect hall again and found a disciple. He wanted to see what the Dongling Iron Sword looked like and how it was different from the short sword used by the Taishan Sect now.

The result was beyond his expectation. Although the sword currently used by the Taishan Sect was still shorter than other sects, it was much longer than the Dongling Iron Sword.

Because the Dongling Iron Sword is a one-foot-long dark iron sword.

Just like a child's toy, it is very, even a little cute. The difference is that although the Dongling Iron Sword is very short, it is strong.

More than three hundred years have passed, and the blade is still sharp and the tip is still menacing. The entire sword body shines with a cold, dark light, showing the world that it is not a toy, it was once a murderous weapon.

At this moment, Xu Zifan saw that the Dongling Iron Sword was so short and couldn't help but ask: "Uncle Master, there are rumors in the world that the Dongling Iron Sword is the sword of the noble sect's founder, Taoist Master Dongling, but why is it so short?"

Hearing this, the Taoist smiled and said: "I have thought about this problem before, and I was very puzzled at that time. But then I thought about how a sword could be so short, so obviously the sword of the ancestor is just a rumor, because Over time, it has gradually become misrepresented."

At this time, the Taoist gently stroked the dark dagger with his hand, his eyes were faint, as if he was lost in memories, and then he spoke again: "This iron sword has been handed down from generation to generation in our Taishan sect for more than three hundred years. Sect, I think this is something created by the Patriarch to symbolize the position of the Sect Master, and it only has symbolic meaning."

When Xu Zifan heard what the Taoist said, he nodded slightly, saying nothing, turned around and left, and returned to the valley again.

At this time, he sat cross-legged under the stone tablet again and began to observe the martial arts style "How is Daizong" engraved on it.

The doorman guessed that Xu Zifan's instinctive feeling was wrong, but he couldn't figure out where he was wrong. Xu Zifan intuitively felt that the Dongling Iron Sword should be the sword of Taoist Master Dongling, and the legend should be correct.

At this time, Xu Zifan stared at the dilapidated stone tablet in front of him, with purple flowers faintly shining in his eyes.


"Kill with one blow..."

He was thinking about these two anomalies in the inheritance of Taishan Sect.


"One hit kill……"

At this time, Xu Zifan caught these two anomalies, and he felt that there was only a layer of window paper between him and the truth.


"You don't have to be second-rate to kill people..."

"As long as you make accurate calculations and strike out with your sword, there will be nothing wrong..."

"Kill the enemy with one sword, no need for a second sword..."

"Kill with one blow, no missed shots?"

"Eh? Why are they so familiar?" At this moment, another martial arts legend suddenly flashed through Xu Zifan's mind. At this time, the depths of his brain flashed like lightning, and everything became clear.

That is another legendary martial arts book in the real world.

The same one-shot kill, the same killing without a second move, the only difference is that the legendary martial arts, the corresponding weapon is a knife.

Like the Dongling Iron Sword, the sword was also not big, only three inches and seven minutes long, but it intimidated an era and made the entire martial arts world fearful. That stunning sword was praised by people in that martial arts world. , leaving his name in history.

And this legendary martial arts is Li Feidao, who is said to be unstoppable.

At this time, Xu Zifan suddenly realized that he had fallen into a misunderstanding. His subconscious had always believed that in this martial arts world, a sword must be held in his hand before it can be used. This is the mainstream of the martial arts world, and there are no flying swords here.

At this time, all the things that had puzzled and puzzled Xu Zifan had a perfect explanation, and everything made sense.

At this moment, Xu Zifan finally figured out that "What about Daizong", the most profound sword move in Taishan School's swordsmanship, was not an ordinary sword move at all, but a flying sword move, similar to Li Feidao.

At this time, everything made sense, such as the duel between martial arts masters, how fast their movements were, and how the situation of the duel changed rapidly.

"How is Daizong?" He can figure out the flaws in the enemy's martial arts and understand the essence of the enemy's moves. Then he can attack with his sword. By this time, the enemy's flaws have long since disappeared.

Only the flying sword can catch the enemy's flaw in time and give it a fatal blow. It can truly kill with one blow and kill without blinking twice.

At this time, Xu Zifan also understood that Taoist Master Dongling, the founder of the Taishan sect, had a profound meaning in making the sect's sword short.

The "How is Daizong" style was created by him. He naturally understands how difficult it is to practice this style, and he also understands how amazing this martial art is.

Everyone in the world who had seen him use "Daizong How" was dead, so this invincible secret technique was not spread. No one in the world knew that the Taishan Sect had such an invincible skill.

People in the world don't know, but Taoist Master Dong Ling is interested in it, because he understands that if people in the world know the existence of this secret skill, when the Taishan sect declines, someone in the world will definitely go up to the mountain to seize the secret skill, and then the Taishan sect will definitely Experienced a bloody storm.

Moreover, he himself is most aware of how complex the unique skill he has created is. Not every generation of the Taishan Sect can produce outstanding talents who can learn this martial arts, so the Taishan Sect will inevitably decline.

It was also his good intention to make the sword of Taishan Sect shorter. He hoped that some of his descendants, Men Rongzi, could understand this unique skill and revive Taishan.

But calculations are not as good as calculations. The Taoist priests of the Taishan Sect respect their teachers and are pedantic. They simply do not understand why the founder cast the standard weapons of the Taishan Sect in this way. This has led to the decline of the Taishan Sect again and again, and now it does not even have a decent master. situation.

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