The first taboo in the world

Chapter 143 Different thoughts about the world

In the quiet night, even the chirping of insects was gone, it was pitch black, and thick fog rolled in the ground.

The Yin soldiers took advantage of the passage, one after another, seemingly endless, walking silently on the black mist-like "ghost passage" about an inch above the ground.

From time to time, powerful Yin soldiers pass by, and there are black "ghost snow" floating around. This is because the Yin evil spirit is too strong, and a little bit of the Yin ghost spirit overflows the ghost path, causing changes in the earth's environment.

At this moment, Xu Zifan stood in front of the door, shielding his breath, motionless, looking at the situation on the dirt road outside the courtyard door for a moment.

More than an hour has passed, but the "ghost path" still has not disappeared. There are strips of black mist floating on it, and it is filled with a ghostly atmosphere.

Groups of Yin soldiers marched into the distance in uniform and with a strong aura, carrying an extremely strong aura of tragedy.

Xu Zifan raised his eyes and looked around. Zixia's magical power was operating to the extreme, and his eyesight was also used to its fullest. However, not only could he not see where the Yin soldiers had gone, he could not see how many were behind him.

"It's at least a hundred thousand, right?" Xu Zifan's face turned stiff at this moment. So many ghosts and gods were frightening and made Quan feel cold.

"If these ghosts and gods are attacking the world now, who can stop them?" Xu Zifan asked himself in his heart.

The result is self-evident, the whole world cannot stop this force.

Because only the tree demons in the Xian Dao realm can fight with human thermal weapons, but what about these Yin soldiers who are countless times more powerful than the tree demons?

I am afraid that no one in the world can stop it. Even if it is the ultimate weapon of war for mankind, Xu Zifan feels that it is not good enough. It is too far behind.

When it comes to ghosts and gods, everything has become very complicated, and humans today are still too weak.

At this time, Xu Zifan was a little confused. What happened to this world? He felt a little strange.

Black mist filled the ghost path, and Yin soldiers from different ancient dynasties were still walking past in groups.

Each team wears different costumes, bearing a strong imprint of the times.

Judging from the dressing style, some Xu Zifan can identify which dynasty they belong to, but most of them do not belong to any dynasty or country in this world. The styles are too different.

"Is this a ghost from another world? Or does it not belong to this history? Is it a ghost from an earlier civilization era?"

Xu Zifan felt heavy in his heart. At this moment, he felt that the world was not simple. Perhaps the development of human civilization is still just a matter of observation from a well. The world is very complicated and cannot be guessed by ordinary people.

Teams of Yin soldiers were neatly arranged, magnificent, and full of ghostly aura, which was very frightening. They came from different eras. They seemed to have come from ancient times and modern times, spanning the long river of time to the present world. Now we are together, going to conquer unknown distances.

Each Yin soldier held a weapon in his hand. Although there was rust or patina on it, like discarded metal objects rotting in the years, Xu Zifan intuitively felt that it was a killing weapon. Once used, it would be unstoppable. If you block it, it is possible to kill the immortal and kill the god.

As for the appearance of Yin Bing, although there was a thick black mist hovering above the ghost path, Xu Zifan could clearly see it while the black mist was floating.

The faces of these Yin soldiers were gray, dull and dull, without any blood, their eyes were closed tightly, and their gray hair was disheveled, like a dead corpse, with a strong aura of death.

At this time, an hour and a quarter of time had passed, and the Yin soldiers were still endless and mighty.

"What...that is?"

Xu Zifan's eyes suddenly glazed over because he saw a different situation.

The Yin soldiers were still marching past one after another, carrying a surging Yin evil aura, and their tragic aura shocked the ground, but they were silent.

But what made Xu Zifan look dull was that the Yin soldiers above the ghost path had changed.

The previous Yin soldiers were all in human form anyway, and they should have been human in life, but what appeared in Xu Zifan's eyes now was not in human form. To be precise, the body was in human form, but the head was in another shape.

For example, the Yin soldiers that appeared in Xu Zifan's eyes at this time turned out to be a group of bull-headed Yin soldiers, with the body and the head of the bull.

This group of Yin soldiers had the same ghostly aura, the same menacing momentum, and the tragic aura shocked the ground, similar to the humanoid Yin soldiers in front.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Zifan saw horse-faced soldiers, lion-headed soldiers, dog-headed soldiers, rat-headed soldiers, there were many types.

Xu Zifan even saw a group of tiger-headed Yin soldiers and eagle-headed Yin soldiers. These two groups of Yin soldiers were extremely powerful. They were fierce and murderous, as if they could slay immortals and gods. Ghosts and snow drifted wherever they passed. This is powerful. Performance to the extreme.

However, what surprised Xu Zifan even more was what came next, because he could not recognize the race of some of the Yin soldiers. He had never seen or heard of them, and they definitely did not belong to any biological species on the current earth.

These Yin soldiers are also equally powerful, equally unfathomable and ghostly, and the same military formations are uniform and marching with sonorous steps, as if they have traveled through history and come to the present day, fighting towards the unknown territory.

Yin Bing took the opportunity to tell him that it was almost two o'clock at this time, and it was already close to five o'clock in the morning. Although it was autumn and it was still dark at this time in the north, some diligent people had already gotten up.

There are many places here. People who get up early only feel that it is extremely cold outside, much colder than normal winters, and they also have inexplicable heart palpitations. This is a normal reaction of biological instinct.

After the value cluster changes, any situation will make people alert, not to mention the extremely risky situation of sudden coldness of breath.

At this time, everyone was basically hiding at home, and even those who had no choice but to go out found themselves as if they had encountered a ghost beating a wall, and returned to the door in confusion.

At this time, the Yin soldiers took advantage of the situation and it was finally almost over.

Xu Zifan discovered that the ghost path on the dirt road outside the courtyard gate was becoming illusory, shrouded in black mist, and seemed to be disappearing at any time, faint and ethereal.

And above the ghost path, there are no Yin soldiers, only a band of black ghost mist floating around, lingering on the ground.

"It will light up in more than an hour, and it's time to end!" Xu Zifan estimated the time at this moment and guessed in his mind.

The Yin soldiers who took advantage of the situation for nearly two hours tonight made Xu Zifan feel cold and frightened in his heart. He did not expect that he had witnessed such strange things about ghosts and gods with his own eyes.

Thinking about the Yin soldiers one by one, they were so powerful and cold, and the whole queue of Yin soldiers exuded a tragic aura.

This is the realm of ghosts and gods, a reappearance of ancient myths. Xu Zifan witnessed it with his own eyes today, which frightened and disturbed him.

Seeing that the ghostly path outside the courtyard was slowly fading and about to disappear, Xu Zifan felt like he was in a trance. Is this still the world he knew?

Is this still the land he is familiar with? The earth is changing, the fog is shrouding, spiritual energy is coming, demons have appeared, and now legendary ghosts and gods have appeared. What on earth is going on in this world?

What will this land become in the end? Or what is the truth of this land and this universe.

Who is leading all this? What's the purpose?

Or is there someone using the earth and universe as a chessboard and all living beings as chess pieces? Are there some inexplicable beings playing the game?

At this time, Xu Zifan was very confused. Although he was now very powerful because of the gem ring, before the earth's sudden change, he was definitely a superhuman existence now.

But who gave me these powers? Or what is the purpose of the abilities that billions of creatures in the entire world have evolved inexplicably?

Who is leading all this, or who has opened the door to the evolution of all things, or who has pressed the button to start evolution.

Xu Zifan had thought about these questions for a long time, but today he suddenly saw Yin soldiers taking advantage of the passage and met the legendary ghosts and gods. His heart was agitated, and the thoughts that had been buried in his heart in the past suddenly came to his mind.

After the earth changes and the aura comes, we can still accept the strange fruits that grow due to the evolution of plants. This is the evolutionary variation of living things.

But what happened to Bao? After the elephant changed, a large black crack appeared in the sky, and then various types of treasures appeared in the world.

Whether it is a green-skinned gourd, a colorful divine bead, or a brilliant divine sword, etc., these are not naturally occurring, they are all symbols of civilization.

What world do these treasures belong to? Who do they all belong to, who is their real owner, and what is their purpose?

Xu Zifan has long thought about these questions, and even many people have thought about them.

For example, there is a post on the Internet, which was posted on the third day after giving a treasure.

There were several questions in that post, which were similar to what Xu Zifan was confused about.

It mainly writes about two types of strange people who appeared after the earth's sudden change.

One is the alien that evolves after eating the alien fruit, and the other is the alien that becomes after getting the treasure.

Everyone is analyzing and speculating on the fact that spiritual energy has arrived after the earth's sudden change.

Many people agree that eating alien fruits and becoming aliens is the right way to evolve and the right choice in the long run.

Because this evolutionary path is taken from nature and given by the earth, the physical changes caused by this evolutionary method still have some rules to follow, and humans can still understand a little bit.

As for the aliens who become strangers after obtaining the treasure, although such people are fine now, they will inevitably be liquidated at some point in the future. This is a method that a large number of people agree with.

Because these treasures have traces of other civilizations and do not belong to this world. They are things owned by higher civilizations.

There is no unreasonable hatred or unreasonable love in this world. Now there is a way to get a treasure, through which you can become stronger and become a different person. In fact, it is a gift from others in another situation.

And why do these people give these powers? It was given for no reason, not because of relatives or reasons? There must be a purpose. This is the answer analyzed by many people.

Of course, there are people who refute this. Eating strange fruits may not necessarily be all done by oneself. Or maybe after the changes in this world and the advent of spiritual energy, some inexplicable existence secretly planted these strange fruits?

The purpose of their planting is also a gift and has a purpose.

Moreover, these people have also analyzed that many plants that bear strange fruits now did not exist on the earth before, just like they appeared out of thin air after the earth changed.

It is of course impossible for it to appear out of thin air. It can only be planted deliberately by some inexplicable being and gain power after luring others to eat it.

Moreover, these people continue to analyze that people who get the treasure are very safe now, because the treasure cannot be taken away by others. The treasure has a spirit. If the first person who comes into contact with the treasure dies, then the treasure will also die. Disappear into thin air.

So even if someone is taking the lead behind the scenes and giving power, the original owner of the treasure has good intentions, because he gave the treasure this function, and it is obvious that he is protecting the person who gets the treasure.

Correspondingly, people who eat exotic fruits have a very low success rate. Nine out of ten will die. This is like being used for experiments, and the experimental subjects will sooner or later be exploited by the experimenters. deal with.

Therefore, those who eat alien fruits are the real ones who will be liquidated in the future.

Many people held different opinions on this, and everyone argued over it, but nothing came out, because they all seemed reasonable, but they were all a bit uncertain, because these speculations were based on what people had seen and heard about the current situation. smell.

As for the entire human world, what we see and hear may only be the land in a well. Compared with the world outside the well, it is much different.

So these guesses are just guesses!

Based on the endless debate among the people, some conspiracy theorists came up with an even more alarming guess.

That is, the changes in this world are dominated by inexplicable beings. Even this world, from ancient times to the present, has been observed by some kind of being, and the entire world has been treated as an experimental subject.

But now that the earth is changing and spiritual energy is coming, it's just that the people doing the experiment deliberately speeded up the process of the experiment for some reason.

There are many similar speculations. For example, some people think that our world does not actually exist, but is just a virtual world.

Just like the games we play today, a game world is their world for the animals, plants and people in it, but the characters in the game cannot feel us outside the game screen because everyone is at different latitudes .

And this game world, including all living and non-living things in it, are controlled by programs.

Everything is doomed long ago, or each different ending is just a different branch of the game.

But the current geological changes, all the strange changes, are just the existence of the control program adding a plug-in to this program.

Others believe that we are all in a dream, and everything in the world now is actually just a dream.

Think carefully and boldly, maybe we feel that our life is very long, but maybe when we die too, we in another dimension will just take a nap and wake up. Only then will we know, co-authored by Numbness The past few decades have been nothing but dreams that I had when I was napping.

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