The first taboo in the world

Chapter 177 The world is getting weirder and weirder

The internal strength obtained by practicing the Yi Jin Jing accounts for a pure word, and the Yi Jin Jing itself is of a very high level. It is a peerless internal power. It is a Zhenshu technique inherited by Shaolin for thousands of years and is proud of the world.

Therefore, Xu Zifan chose to teach his parents this peerless internal strength technique as a way to build the foundation of martial arts.

At this time, the real world's spiritual energy concentration is more than one level higher than that of the Swordsman world, so practicing in this world is much faster than in the Swordsman world.

Moreover, Xu's father and Xu's mother had Xu Zifan, a great master of martial arts, personally transmit their internal energy to guide their practice, and their practice speed increased by leaps and bounds.

Therefore, to sum up all the reasons mentioned above, it is impossible for Xu's father and Xu's mother not to practice fast. In just two days, their internal strength has almost reached the third-rate level.

At this time, Xu Zifan continued to explain basic knowledge such as martial arts knowledge and martial arts principles to his parents, and he made videos. In the future, he will find some suitable people to pass on his martial arts.

Xu Zifan and Fang Gang agreed that in three days, he will go to the National Special Management Organization to test and evaluate his strength. After he passes the test, he can officially join the National Special Management Organization, and his parents' residence will also be moved to a villa in the Yiren Family Area. , there are military guards there, and strangers take turns on duty. Compared with the current residence, it is much safer.

In these three days, Xu Zifan's plan is to let his parents practice martial arts and have a preliminary ability to protect themselves. It is impossible for him to completely rely on the protection of others for his parents' safety.

Moreover, practicing martial arts has great benefits for body functions and can strengthen the body. Therefore, if he is capable, Xu Zifan will certainly make his parents live a better life.

And he plans to give his remaining blue stone to his parents tomorrow, which will greatly improve their overall strength and give his parents a chance to escape even when they are in danger.

Time is like water, flowing eastward, and an afternoon passes by in the blink of an eye.

After listening to Xu Zifan's explanation of martial arts knowledge, Xu's father and Xu's mother returned to their room to digest. However, Xu Zifan returned to the room and turned on his mobile phone to read the online news reports of the past few days.

Since he spent most of the past three days smiling proudly in the world of Jianghu, he paid relatively little attention to the real world.

If he had the opportunity tonight, he would learn more about it and prepare in advance for some strange things he would face in the future.

Fang Yi opened the online news channel, and every headline and every picture was about strange raids and demons causing trouble to the world.

"Almighty God, come and save your children!"

The title of this news report is just such a prayer. It tells that vampires are becoming more and more rampant in a certain area of ​​Baizhou. They come and go without a trace, and are very alert. Human technology has no effect on them. There are already some in the area. Many people were killed, and after death, their blood dried up and they looked like corpses.

This strange thing has been invading humans for several days, and the situation has become more and more serious in recent days, because vampires have sucked up one person every day at the beginning, and now they are sucking out more than a dozen people every day, and their danger index has increased sharply.

This strange attack on humans has made local humans despair. The seriousness of the problem can be seen from the fact that the title of this report is a prayer.

However, there were also local aliens who came forward to slay the demons, but they had little effect. A dozen powerful aliens were even killed by vampires.

"Oh my God, the lion with three heads devoured a tribe alive and then walked away calmly."

This is Heizhou. Through surveillance video, someone discovered that the reason for the demise of a tribe was actually caused by a lion with three heads.

"An evil god with devil's horns descended, destroyed a city and then disappeared into thin air."

This is news from the chaotic land of Persia. The news is accompanied by a picture. In the thick fog, an evil god has an illusory figure. His gender cannot be seen. A pair of red devil horns on his head shoot out bloody death arrows. Light destroys a city in the blink of an eye.

This strange invasion has attracted the attention of all countries around the world, because other strange and hurtful incidents, and the strangeness itself can be traced back to their origins, which are all mutations of things that originally existed on the earth.

For example, the genetic sequence of the vampire from Baizhou was detected to belong to a bat from the hair left behind, indicating that the vampire that appeared recently was mutated from a bat.

However, in this evil god incident, its figure is illusory, as if it is made of mist. At first glance, it seems that it is not the mutation of any kind of creature on the earth.

This is a bit serious. It means that after the changes in the world, not only demons and monsters are causing trouble to the world, but also unknown life forms have also appeared on the earth.

This event is a sign. The arrival of spiritual energy and changes in the world. Not only the evolution of all things, but also other things that humans cannot explain at present are also involved.

At this time, all people with foresight around the world looked solemn when they saw this news, because in the future, mankind will not only face monsters, but also all kinds of indescribable things.

"The ghost ship is completely black, wrapped in black mist, floating somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean."

This was news from Baizhou. Someone on the beach photographed a dark and huge ship floating on the sea in the thick fog in the distance, appearing and then disappearing.

The legend about the ghost ship has been told in Baizhou for hundreds of years and is treated as a legendary story. However, after the sudden change in the world, the ghost ship really entered the human field of vision. The change in the world only took about a month. , the ghost ship has been photographed several times.

No one can explain this kind of thing clearly. No one on earth can understand the world today. Even some experts who are usually very active have shut up recently.

"In the East China Sea, the legendary Kui Niu was born."

This time it was the Kingdom of China. On a sea area less than thirty nautical miles away from the continental shelf, there was a cow-shaped one-legged beast whose whole body was shining with blazing white light. It was riding on the waves, accompanied by wind, rain, thunder, lightning, and huge waves. However, After it appeared, it quickly sank into the vast sea in the thick fog.

Regarding this online news report, the Chinese people reacted most intensely. From the shape of this strange beast and the way it appeared, everyone couldn't help but think of the strange beast Kui Niu in ancient Chinese legends.

"It looks like an ox, with a pale body and no horns. It has one foot. When it goes in and out of water, there will be wind and rain. Its light is like the sun and moon, and its sound is like thunder. Its name is Kui."

This is a strange beast recorded in the ancient Chinese book "The Classic of Mountains and Seas: The Great Wilderness East Classic".

However, people from many countries in the world did not pay attention to the shock of the Chinese people. In their view, this strange beast was just a mutated beast that mutated from a cow.

The above are a few major events that have happened recently. As for some small incidents, such as rat demons hurting people and snake demons killing people, the incidents are very dense and occur almost everywhere. They are countless.

All over the world, the situation has become increasingly unstable in recent days, and the frequency of demonic killings has increased.

Every day, many humans are killed in strange ways, and many demons are becoming more and more rampant, feeding on humans. The situation is very serious.

Everyone can feel that the atmosphere between heaven and earth is getting more and more solemn at this time, and there is a kind of terrifying atmosphere permeating the air. There may be an even bigger demon attack on humans.

Some people even predict that if this development continues, humankind's dominance on this planet will be overturned and cease to exist.

But there is also good news, which is exciting. There are human beings all over the world who have become very powerful in just a month or so after the sudden change in the world. Some of them can even kill demons, just like the legendary myths. While people are shocked, they are also filled with yearning.

This shows that human beings have not been abandoned by nature. Facing powerful demons, humans also have a glimmer of hope, which is to become stronger and surpass the demons.

Xu Zifan looked at the reports one after another and the news one after another. The reports of strange and harmful incidents every day were endless and endless.

At this time, his expression was solemn. He could clearly feel that the strange demons had become more and more rampant in recent days, the situation was getting worse, and a major terrorist incident might be about to happen.


Xu Zifan was suddenly surprised and looked into the distance outside the window, frowning slightly.

At the far end of the sky, in the thick fog, a huge white light shone and then disappeared.

At this time, Xu Zifan's eyes were flashing with purple flowers, and purple glow was flowing. He was improving his eyesight, wanting to see more things.

In the clouds above the end of the horizon, white clouds stretched out a long white line in the sky.

"A plane flew by? Or a missile flew by?" Xu Zifan was confused at this time.

From the white lines drawn in the clouds in the sky, he could guess that planes or missiles might be flying over.

Xu Zifan could estimate that the place shining with white light was the county town next to them, and something must be happening there at this time.

Soon, Xu Zifan turned on his mobile phone and checked the local channels in that county.

In the homepage channel of this county, a line of bold and enlarged fonts is flashing.

"The long sword is powerful, precise and automatic, capable of killing bee demon swarms."

Xu Zifan clicked on this font to check the news inside.

It turned out that the provincial capital army had just launched a Long Sword automatic guided missile, which accurately hit a forest several hundred miles away. There were tens of thousands of bees in it. Under this missile, the entire forest was covered with fire. It was destroyed, and a large crater about ten feet deep was blasted into the ground.

This time the provincial capital army took action and did a great thing for the county next door to Xu Zifan's home.

According to online news reports, the bee demons in that forest have been invading nearby humans for many days. As of today, twelve people have died because of the bee demons.

"Some of the achievements of modern human civilization are still very useful."

Xu Zifan's gaze was deep at this time, and he fired a long sword missile from a distance of hundreds of miles, successfully annihilating a group of demons, which showed that humans still have the power to fight back against demons at this time.

This is a very happy thing. At the same time, Xu Zifan also had to sigh. The long sword missile, the sharp weapon of the country, is really unparalleled in power and makes people's blood boil.

After Xu Zifan checked some online news, he put down his mobile phone and came to his parents' room. He wanted to see how his parents were doing with their Yi Jin Jing practice.

After observing for a while, Xu Zifan nodded. He was very satisfied with the progress of his parents' inner breathing.

"I should be able to break through to the third-rate realm tomorrow and absorb the blue strange stone." Xu Zifan thought to himself at this time.

Then after he came out of his parents' room, he played with Xiao Huang for a while and then entered his own room.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day was the third day of the appointment between Xu Zifan and Fang Gang. Tomorrow Xu Zifan was going to the National Special Management Organization to test and evaluate the strength of his powers.

Today's goal is to let my parents' skills enter the third-rate realm, and then use blue exotic stones to assist them in their cultivation.

By noon, after hard work, Xu's father and Xu's mother finally reached the third-rate level.

In the real world, in just three days, Xu's father and Xu's mother reached the third-rate realm. If this kind of achievement were placed in the world of Swordsman, this would definitely be a record that could only be set by a monster-level figure.

But now this is the earth where spiritual energy has descended. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is extremely strong. The performance of Xu's father and Xu's mother can be considered average.

After seeing that his parents' skills had reached the third-rate level, Xu Zifan took out the blue exotic stone and taught his godparents how to absorb the divine substance inside.

It was the first time that Xu's father and Xu's mother saw such a magnificent, magical and beautiful blue stone. They immediately understood that this kind of thing was absolutely very precious, so they did not want to accept the gift from their son. They wanted to leave the best things to their son.

Of course Xu Zifan would not agree to this. In the end, after much persuasion, Xu's father and Xu's mother finally agreed to Xu Zifan's request.

So the two began to absorb the energy of the blue strange stone and began to practice.

Suddenly, a blue light mist appeared, wrapping Xu's father and Xu's mother.

The Yi Jin Jing itself is a peerless internal skill, extremely powerful, and now it is even more powerful after the addition of the mysterious energy of the blue strange stone.

As soon as he began to absorb the blue exotic stone, Xu's father and Xu's mother's inner breath suddenly came out in great force.

Xu Zifan also experienced this kind of experience back then, once in a place near Huashan Mountain. With the help of blue exotic stones, he cultivated the Huashan Mental Method to great perfection.

Another time, when he was practicing the Zixia Manual, he used the blue strange stone to help him and passed the level without any side effects.

Today, Xu's father and Xu's mother rely on blue exotic stones to assist in their practice, and the results are also amazing.

In less than two hours, Xu's father and Xu's mother had mastered the contents of the first volume of the Yi Jin Jing. At this time, the energy aura around the two of them was majestic and powerful.

The tendons and acupoints of Xu's father and Xu's mother were also changed by the mysterious energy unique to the blue stone at this time, reaching ten times that of ordinary people.

This change is very astonishing. Just like Xu Zifan's past, various changes occurred, such as his own internal energy becoming strong, and his body's membrane, muscles, blood, and bones all strengthened.

However, because there is less blue exotic stone in stock, Xu's father and Xu's mother's body tissues were not strengthened as much as Xu Zifan's.

When the blue exotic stones were exhausted, the two's internal strength reached the late second-rate level.

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