The first taboo in the world

Chapter 178 The Number of Strangers

After completing the training of the first volume of the Yi Jin Jing, normally the realm of internal energy can only enter the third-rate realm. However, because Xu's father and Xu's mother had mysterious blue stones to assist in their practice, supernatural powers appeared. Although they only used the Yi Jin Jing at the moment. The volume training is completed, but the realm of internal strength has reached the second-rate late stage, and is not far from the first-rate realm.

At this moment, there is a faint golden energy flowing around their bodies. This is the unique internal force of practicing the Yi Jin Jing.

Moreover, the bones, membranes, blood, muscles, etc. all over the body of Xu's father and Xu's mother have been strengthened at this moment, and their physical fitness is much stronger than before, far beyond that of ordinary people.

This time they used the mysterious blue stone to practice. For the two of them, it was a time to cut off the hair and cleanse the marrow, get rid of the hidden diseases of the body, wash away the filth in the body, and improve the physical fitness in all aspects.

At this time, in terms of physical fitness alone, Xu's father and Xu's mother were no weaker than ordinary strangers.


Suddenly, at this moment, Xu's father's blood surged in his chest, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of black-red blood. There was actually a little bit of black meat residue in it.

"Old Xu, are you okay?"

Seeing Xu's father in such a situation, Xu's mother couldn't help but asked anxiously.

"Dad, how's it going?"

Although Xu Zifan couldn't feel anything wrong with his father's aura at this moment, he was confused by concern, so he couldn't help but ask.

At this time, after Xu's father spit out the mouthful of black blood, the blood in his chest calmed down, and he slowly took a breath and said: "Don't worry, I feel better than ever at this time, and my breathing is much lighter."

"Dad, let me check your body!"

Although Xu Zifan believed in the strange abilities of the blue stone, he was still worried about his father's health.

Before the change in heaven and earth, my father's lungs were diagnosed with lung cancer, which had metastasized. The disease had reached an advanced stage and was incurable.

After the change in heaven and earth, spiritual energy came to the earth, and all things showed great vitality. Under the nourishment of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, everyone's body improved a lot, and some common diseases were cured without medicine.

And his father's lung disease was under control under the nourishment of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and it no longer developed malignantly. However, because this is a special and stubborn disease, Xu's father's body has always been in a state of balance and no longer develops. It's bad enough to be moving in the right direction, but it's not getting better either.

Today, my father used the mysterious blue stone to practice the Yi Jin Jing. His whole body was shaved and his marrow was cleansed, and his physical condition was greatly improved.

Xu Zifan had a guess about the black blood his father had spit out just now. That was because his father cut off his hair and washed his marrow today, and the virus-infected tissues in his father's body were also excreted under the baptism of the divine energy of the blue stone.

This should be a good thing!

At this time, Xu Zifan put a hand on his father's wrist, and the innate Zixia Qi in his body circulated and entered his father's body along his hand.

This innate Zixia Qi circulated in Father Xu's body for three weeks before Xu Zifan withdrew his hand and left.

At this moment, Xu Zifan finally felt relieved. After examination, it was found that all the diseases in his father's body were gone, and his physical condition was far better than that of ordinary people.

"How's it going? Xiaofan, is your dad okay?"

Xu's mother was still anxious at this moment. Seeing Xu Zifan withdraw his hand, she immediately asked.

"Mom, don't worry, my dad's health could not be better now."

Xu Zifan replied happily.

"Look at how worried you two are. My body, if I say it's fine, then of course it's fine. Haha..."

Father Xu's body felt a lot more relaxed at this time, as if he had been reborn, and he couldn't help but be happy and said with a smile.

Later, Xu Zifan and his parents had a happy dinner. After the meal, Xu Zifan once again lectured on martial arts knowledge and passed the middle and lower volumes of the Yi Jin Jing to his parents.

Xu's father and Xu's mother understood the importance of the martial arts knowledge that Xu Zifan explained, so Xu Zifan explained carefully and they both studied hard.

They didn't ask much about how Xu Zifan learned these things, because they understood that it was normal for their son to have secrets when he grew up.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, Xu Zifan finished his explanation and returned to his room.

Xu Zifan was very satisfied with the progress of some things today, especially the fact that his father's illness was gone. He breathed a sigh of relief, which was equivalent to a big mountain that had been weighing on his heart for a long time being lifted.

Next, he will teach his parents peerless light skills and peerless martial arts, so that they can protect themselves in this strange and chaotic world.

Later, he will go out and go to the mine to find blue exotic stones. These are Xu Zifan's next plans.

On the other side, in a luxurious villa in the provincial capital, a hazy figure sat cross-legged in a secret room, surrounded by seven-colored divine light, so brilliant that its face could not be seen clearly.

At this time, a white and slender hand stretched out and picked up the communication device beside him.

I saw a few lines of words written on the wide screen of the communication device, which probably meant that Liu Wang and others were killed by the mysterious alien king.

Seeing this news, this mysterious figure surrounded by colorful divine light suddenly felt aura rolling around her body. It can be seen that this news caused a great psychological shock to her. She is Liu Wang's daughter, who is from the county where Xu Zifan's family is located. Pride is a strange king, respected as the Rainbow Fairy.

After a long time, the aura around Rainbow Fairy stabilized, and a cold voice sighed quietly: "Dad, I have told you a long time ago that you should be a good person, but you have never listened to my words."

After saying this, the secret room became silent. Only the colorful divine light was brilliant and beautiful, shooting out from the hazy body of the Rainbow Fairy, filling every inch of the secret room.

After a moment, Rainbow Fairy's cold voice sounded again.

"Mom, I left early because of you. You've ignored me since I was little, but you raised me anyway, the monster-killing hero and the mysterious alien king? I want to see how strong you are! "

After these words, there was no more sound coming out of the secret room, only the rich colorful divine light with divine power, mighty and powerful, surrounding the hazy figure of the Rainbow Fairy, appearing mysterious and extraordinary, setting off the Rainbow Fairy It's like a fairy from heaven descending to earth.

The next day, the sky was slightly bright, and Xu Zifan got up. Looking out the window at the heavy fog that filled the sky and the earth, Xu Zifan was in a trance, and he couldn't help but think of the clear sky in the world of Swordsman.

"Hey! I hope to see you again in the future!" At this time, Xu Zifan sighed in his heart, and thought of the unique relatives and friends he knew in the world of Xiaoao Jianghu.

Soon, Xu Zifan shook his head, collected his thoughts, went out to the yard, sat cross-legged on a stone under the jujube tree, and started practicing luck.

Not long after, Xu's father and Xu's mother also came out and began to practice internal skills.

An hour later, it was already dawn. Xu Zifan went back to his room to write down some martial arts secrets while Xu's father and mother began to prepare breakfast.

After breakfast was ready, Xu Zifan handed three secret books to his parents. One was the Peerless Light Kung Fu Jinghong Shen Technique, one was the Shaolin Golden Bell, and the other was a book summarizing martial arts catalogs. He wanted to Parents choose the martial arts they will major in in the future based on their own preferences.

Jinghong Shenfa is Xu Zifan's fastest and peerless light skill. It can chase the enemy when advancing, and escape in danger when retreating.

The Golden Bell Shield is a defensive martial art in Shaolin Temple. It is very effective. Combined with the Shaolin Yi Jin Jing magical skill, its defensive effect can be maximized.

Xu Zifan asked his parents to give priority to practicing this kind of light kung fu and a kind of defensive martial arts. The purpose was very clear, that is, to try to ensure the safety of their parents.

Later, after breakfast, Xu Zifan asked his parents to briefly read these three books at home and then practice after he came back.

Today he will go to the National Special Management Organization for evaluation and testing.

The small county where Xu Zifan's family is located is very small. In less than five minutes, Xu Zifan has arrived at the residence of the national special management organization in this county.

This station is either big or small, with about thirty acres of land. It was a shantytown reconstruction area before the world changed. The buildings inside were all just built not long ago. They are divided into family areas and work areas. area, and training area.

After the sudden change in the world, this place was requisitioned as the residence of the county's national special management organization.

At this time, there were three military policemen standing guard at the gate of this station with loaded weapons. From this, we can see that the country attaches great importance to foreigners.

Fang Gang, on the other hand, had been waiting here early. He was very happy to see Xu Zifan here. He laughed and said: "Brother Xu, you are finally here. From now on, we will be a family, haha..."

Xu Zifan then followed Fang Gang's guidance and walked into the station.

"Brother Xu, look, this is our training area here."

While leading the way, Fang Gang pointed to an open space on the left and introduced.

Xu Zifan followed Fang Gang's guidance and looked towards the open space on the left. He saw that it was like a big playground with green grass, some exercise equipment scattered here and there, and some big trees planted or piled up. Big rocks, etc., look really weird.

Fang Gang soon noticed that Xu Zifan had a strange look on his face and was a little puzzled. Then he smiled and explained: "This is a training ground for the aliens in our county who have joined the national special management organization. Because everyone has different abilities. So they need different skills." things as auxiliary training.”

"Team Leader Fang, how many strangers are there in our county who have joined the national special management organization?" Xu Zifan couldn't help but ask, he was a little curious about these.

"There are fifty-six." Fang Gang had no reservations. At this time, he regarded Xu Zifan as one of his own and told Xu Zifan this information.

Xu Zifan nodded when he heard this. This figure is about the same. If we include the foreigners who have not joined the national special management organization, their small county with a population of 100,000 has almost more than a hundred foreigners.

At this time, Xu Zifan was estimating and guessing, and based on this ratio, this was incredible, equivalent to a probability of about one thousandth of a stranger.

The figure of one thousandth seems small, but if the base is large enough, then the number of people it occupies will also be very large.

For example, one thousandth of a billion is one million, and the Huaxia Kingdom has a total population of 1.6 billion. So based on this one-thousandth ratio, the number of aliens in the entire Huaxia Kingdom at this time is probably close to Amount of 1.6 million.

This is a very large number, exceeding the combined population of many countries in the world today. There are more than 1.6 million aliens, each of whom has superpowers. It is very spectacular and terrifying to think about it.

This is the background of China after this sudden change in the world.

Therefore, people are the foundation of everything. If there are people, everything will be possible. Only with people can we create miracles.

Moreover, it has only been less than a month since the sudden change in the world, and so many aliens have already appeared. In the future, as time goes by, the number of aliens will increase exponentially.

"Team Leader Fang, isn't this a training ground? Why can't you see anyone?"

Xu Zifan was a little surprised at this time. There was no one on the huge training ground.

"Haha, Brother Xu, let me be honest with you, although this is a training ground, few people will come here to train because of the confidentiality of their abilities." Fang Gang responded with a smile.

"Isn't this training ground useless?" Xu Zifan was a little confused and continued to ask.

"It can't be said to be useless. More or less, some people will come here to test their abilities." Fang Gang patiently explained at this time.

When Xu Zifan heard this, he nodded slightly. Some of his superpowers were indeed not afraid of being exposed, such as extremely powerful skills.

The two walked and chatted all the way, and soon arrived at the work area of ​​the station.

Here, Xu Zifan will take the test, and when the results come out, he will have joined the national special management organization.

The process is like this. Every alien who joins the country's special management organization must be tested, and no one can violate it.

The test for ordinary aliens is very simple. As long as the superpower is displayed, regardless of strength or effect, it will be considered passed.

As for the test of the alien king, it is more difficult, because there are less than a thousand alien kings in China's more than one billion people.

Alien King is a general concept. As long as it surpasses ordinary aliens by a large margin, it can be called an alien king.

One of the judgment rules is that the difference between the alien king and the alien is greater than the difference between ordinary aliens and ordinary people.

After arriving at this work area, Fang Gang quickly took Xu Zifan to find three people. These three people were staff responsible for recording the testing abilities of aliens.

According to the requirements of the state, the data they record will be archived one by one. These data are of great use to the state.

Every alien is the wealth of the country, and the different abilities they possess will be the basis for promoting the progress of new human civilization in the future.

The state collects and records the different abilities of aliens for the convenience of management, and also to integrate all types of abilities for research purposes.

"You are an alien. We have confirmed this through your battle with two aliens, Yin Feng and Dashan, in the past few days, so it is time for you to show off your ability as the alien king."

As a test staff member, Fang Gang looked a little serious and said.

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