The first taboo in the world

Chapter 183 Weird Stone Chamber

The white mist is constantly surging between the sky and the earth with the mountain wind, making the entire mountain range look hazy, misty and mysterious in the heavy fog.

The mine is dark, pitch-black, and silent, leading straight into the heart of the mountain.

At this time, Xu Zifan discovered the green leaves that the weasel spirit once wore on his head deep in the mine. The air seemed to solidify at this moment, and the atmosphere was a bit solemn.

At this time, Xu Zifan knew that no matter whether the weasel spirit was in the cave at this time, its lair was not far away.

At this moment, Xu Zifan kept moving forward with firm eyes. After walking for another ten meters, there was suddenly no road ahead. There was only a hole about a square foot in size, and it was so dark that he didn't know where it led.

When he got here, Xu Zifan couldn't stop. He had a hunch that behind this hole must be the weasel spirit's lair.

He has been in the cave for such a long time today, but the weasel spirit has not yet appeared. This monster is probably not in the cave at the moment.

Xu Zifan just took a look to see what treasures there were in this demon's lair.

At this time, he still remembered the day when he deceived the weasel spirit into getting the blue stone. The weasel spirit had said that the blue stone was its best treasure.

Xu Zifan can understand this sentence at this time to mean that in addition to the blue strange stone, this weasel spirit has other treasures.

boom! boom! boom……

Xu Zifan waved his palm and hit the rocks around the cave about a foot in front. He wanted to widen the place and go in to take a look.

After a while, the ground was covered with stone powder, and the cave was widened enough that Xu Zifan could walk in like a cat.

In this way, Xu Zifan moved forward while expanding the cave. After a while, he had moved forward more than ten meters, but the cave was winding and dark, diagonally downwards, and the end could not be seen.

boom! boom! boom……

Xu Zifan continued to expand the cave. This time, he walked directly along the cave for a hundred meters. This was a feat, which meant that his internal power was endless and unfathomable. If it were others, the internal power recovery speed would not be able to match. If you consume too much, your internal energy will be exhausted long ago.

At this time, when Xu Zifan was about to strike again, a sound suddenly came from the depths of the cave ahead.

"Dick dong...did dong..."

It is the sound of water droplets falling into the pool. The sound of water droplets is very rhythmic, with the same time interval.

"There is living water in the heart of this mountain?"

At this time, Xu Zifan was a little surprised, but he was soon relieved. He had walked several hundred meters since entering the mine, and the cave extended diagonally downwards, so he should have reached dozens of meters deep underground at this moment. place.

It is normal for groundwater to exist at this depth underground.

Xu Zifan then continued to expand the cave. He wanted to see what was in the deepest part of the cave.

However, this time, after walking for another ten meters and turning a corner, Xu Zifan stopped again.

Because there is a faint light scattered in the cave ahead.

The light was green, very soft, and very weak, but it was very conspicuous in this dark cave.

At this time, the sound of water droplets became clearer, and Xu Zifan could tell that it was not far ahead.


At this time, Xu Zifan secretly thought, his whole body condition was adjusted to the best, and he was alert to everything around him.

boom! boom! boom……

Xu Zifan continued to expand the hole and moved forward for about ten meters. As a rumbling sound came, a stone chamber appeared in front of him. The stone Xu Zifan dug out by expanding the hole rolled into the stone chamber.

Suddenly, a soft green light filled the space in front of him and reflected in Xu Zifan's eyes.

At this time, Xu Zifan's senses were at their maximum, with purple mist surrounding him, and he was always ready to take action. He was guarding against a possible sudden attack.

However, Xu Zifan looked around the stone chamber filled with green light for a week, but as expected, he found no weasel spirit or other dangers.

This stone chamber is not big, only about two feet square. The walls of the stone chamber are mottled with ax marks, which are artificial traces. They were excavated manually. They are not natural caves, and I don’t know what era they belong to.

In the innermost part of the stone chamber, there is a green jade wall that is two meters high, one meter wide, and about one foot thick.

The soft green light that filled the stone chamber was emitted by this green jade wall.

The surface of this green jade wall is smooth and round, with inexplicable patterns engraved on both sides.

On the lower left side of the green jade wall, there is a small pool. The pool is very small. The sides and bottom are very irregular. It is made of stone and has undulating shapes, like floating clouds. The entire pool is about one meter in diameter and about one meter deep. ruler.

The pool is filled with crystal clear water. Under the soft green light, it looks green, very transparent and beautiful.

Above the small stone pool, a stone dragon-shaped carving extends from the stone wall of the stone chamber.

The stone dragon is carved lifelike. Its body is about one foot thick. Only its upper body is outside the wall. The scales on its body are very layered.

The two exposed dragon claws, both with five claws, look energetic and powerful, full of a sense of power. Above the dragon head, the stone eyes are slightly closed, but their majesty is not reduced, and the two dragon whiskers are floating. On the outside, although it is also made of stone, it looks more domineering and majestic.

The entire stone dragon carving has a majestic and majestic momentum that makes people tremble with fear.

From Xu Zifan's perspective, the entire stone dragon was lifelike, as if it were alive, as if it was about to fly out of the stone wall in the clouds and mist.

"The divine dragon sees its head but not its tail. It is unparalleled in power and earth-shattering. The person who carved it is definitely a master of his generation. It is truly a miraculous and lifelike work."

At this time, Xu Zifan stood outside the stone chamber, staring at the stone dragon, amazed. He had a vague feeling that this carved stone dragon was a real dragon, and sooner or later, it would break out of the wall and soar into the sky.

After a while, Xu Zifan came back to his senses, shook his head, and stopped thinking about it.

The small pool is crystal clear, and the water that fills the pool comes from the mouth of this stone dragon statue.

Drop after drop of water slipped from the stone dragon's mouth and fell into the stone pool directly below.

But there is a strange thing. Even if the water drops drip from the stone dragon's mouth, the small pool below can still hold it. It seems to be full of clear water, but it will not overflow.

This is very contradictory, but it looks very natural and harmonious, giving people a very weird feeling.

Apart from this, there are no other conspicuous things or places in the stone chamber.

The entire stone chamber floor was covered with thick dust, about an inch or so.

There were messy paw prints on the dust. Xu Zifan knew that these must be the footprints of the weasel spirit.

Then Xu Zifan observed the inside of the stone chamber for a while, then resolutely stepped into the stone chamber.

There was silence in the stone chamber, with soft green light filling the space.

Xu Zifan's senses were stretched to their limits under the influence of innate Qi, and he was guarding against possible dangers around him.

However, until Xu Zifan walked around the stone chamber three times, he did not find any danger. Then Xu Zifan breathed a sigh of relief. Of course, it was best if there was no danger.

"Huh? This is..."

Suddenly Xu Zifan was surprised. He saw a few light yellow hairs in the dust under his feet.

"It must be the weasel spirit."

Xu Zifan guessed the truth without thinking too much.

"How come this square stone chamber exists under the mountain?"

At this time, Xu Zifan was a little surprised and couldn't figure out who could come here, dig out such a stone chamber, and also put such a large green jade in the stone chamber.

Xu Zifan looked around the stone chamber. He suspected that there should be a secret passage to the outside world inside the stone chamber. Otherwise, it would not be possible to explain how the ancients came here to dig out the stone chamber.

Then, Xu Zifan knocked on the wall, the floor, and the roof inch by inch with his hands, hoping to find other passages.

However, the final result of the search was very unsatisfactory, and no passage was found at all.

Even in the end, Xu Zifan put his arm into the small pool and knocked on the bottom and wall of the pool, but he did not sense the existence of a secret passage.

In the end, Xu Zifan stopped delving into this issue. There were too many things that couldn't be explained, and this one was no exception.

Then, Xu Zifan looked at the small stone pool again. There must be something magical about this stone pool, otherwise why wouldn't the water overflow?

This small stone pool is not a pool recessed into the ground, but raised above the ground, just like a laundry tub, but its material appears to be stone.

Xu Zifan did not dare to look down upon things that looked like stone, because his own sky gemstone ring also looked like stone, but it had astonishing power and had the ability to travel through the world.

So Xu Zifan was very solemn at this time, staring at the small stone pool for a moment, trying to see what was different about it from its appearance.

However, no matter how carefully Ren Xu Zifan observed, this small stone pool was just an ordinary stone pool.

Then Xu Zifan stretched out his hand and pressed hard. Stone powder fell, and Xu Zifan pressed a palm print outside the small stone pool.

"Is it just an ordinary stone object?"

Xu Zifan looked at the palm prints he had made on the small stone pool in front of him, feeling very confused.

"Maybe there's something wrong with the water?" Xu Zifan wondered again.

"This water comes from the mouth of the stone dragon above. If there is something wrong with the water, then there must be something wrong with this lifelike stone dragon." Xu Zifan kept speculating, hoping to understand this problem.

Xu Zifan then checked the water in the small stone pond and also checked Shilong, but the final results were all correct.

This lack of problems is the biggest problem.

Because the small stone pond was obviously full, the water kept dripping down, but it never overflowed.

And this scene looks very harmonious, as if it should be like this.

This is an extremely abnormal thing. It is inherently contradictory, but it looks and feels like it should be.

This feeling aroused Xu Zifan's vigilance. It was extremely abnormal, as if something was affecting his own judgment.

However, no matter how Xu Zifan observed, he could not find anything affecting his feelings here.

Regarding the strangeness here, Xu Zifan couldn't find any problem. Next, he put down the problem again, not wanting to delve into it further.

After the changes in the world, there are too many things in the world that cannot be explained by current human thinking. If you must delve into it, you are asking for trouble.

Or improve yourself. When your comprehensive ability improves, I believe everything will have answers.

Just like if Xu Zifan had not stayed in the world of Swordsman for more than 20 years, Xu Zifan would never be able to explain what internal strength is and why humans can fly over walls and walls.

But now that his strength has reached this point and he has a certain understanding of martial arts, the above problems are no longer a problem.

At this time, Xu Zifan temporarily put his doubts in his heart and waited for explanation in the future.

Next, he focused on the most conspicuous thing in the stone room.

This is a huge green jade wall with a smooth and smooth surface, rounded edges and inexplicable patterns carved on both sides.

The base of the jade wall is more than three inches high, in the shape of a ladder, also green, and integrated with the entire huge jade wall.

The entire jade wall looks like a huge green jade stone, emitting soft green light, reflecting the entire stone chamber in a green color. This green color does not feel sinister, but gives people a warm feeling.

The surface of the jade wall is smooth and flat, with a glistening green color, like a green mirror that can reflect people's reflections.

If you look closely at its flat surface, you can see that there is green mist surging inside, like clouds and mist, which is extremely mysterious.

Judging from the appearance alone, this huge jade wall is absolutely extraordinary. Even if it is sold at the price of jade, it will definitely be worth a sky-high price.

"What kind of treasure is this?" At this time, Xu Zifan stared at this huge jade wall and looked left and right. He had a feeling that this thing was absolutely extraordinary.

"Does it look like a monument?" At this time, Xu Zifan took a closer look at the green jade wall, and suddenly discovered that the green jade wall looked like a monument.

"The more I look at it, the more it looks like, a green jade tablet?"

At this time, Xu Zifan was a little confused. He had only seen stone tablets, never seen green jade tablets, and had never heard of them.

This square stone room is full of weirdness, everything is very strange and puzzling.

But although this place is in the middle of the mountain, with no sunlight and all kinds of weirdness, it does not give people a weird and spooky feeling. On the contrary, it gives people a warm and warm feeling, as if they have returned home.

"It should be the green jade monument!"

At this time, the more Xu Zifan looked at this jade wall, the more it looked like a magical monument.

"But there are no words on the tablet. What does that mean?"

"Wordless jade tablet? Why does it feel familiar?"

Xu Zifan looked at the green jade monument next to him with some doubts and confusion.

After a moment, Xu Zifan suddenly thought of another inexplicable monument he had seen.

It was the night when the sky changed. With a loud noise, the whole sky seemed to open a hole. He was still in Sioux City at the time. On that night, black oily liquid first fell from the sky and merged into the earth, and then there was Buildings collapsed and fires broke out in many places.

Among them, in the center of the collapsed building where he put out the fire, there was a huge black stone standing quietly among the ruins. It had the same wordless shape and the same smooth surface.

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