The first taboo in the world

Chapter 197 Dark Shadow

Xu Zifan looked at the fist-sized, black and red twin-tailed scorpion in his palm, and named it Xiaoshuang. He was not good at naming, so he could only use this name hastily.

The twin-tailed scorpion, which was swinging a pair of scorpion tails comfortably in Xu Zifan's palm, heard Xu Zifan's words at this time, as if he could understand it. Its two scorpion tails were swinging even more happily, and its two scorpion pincers were holding it. Together, they rolled around in Xu Zifan's palm from time to time and began to play happily.

Seeing this, Xu Zifan immediately understood that this two-tailed scorpion was more spiritual than other mutant scorpions. This made Xu Zifan very happy, because species with high spirituality would have an easier time improving their achievements in the future.

At this time, Xu Zifan was even more certain that if the physical and energy problems of this two-tailed scorpion could be solved in the future, then the future achievements of this two-tailed scorpion would be limitless.

"Xiao Shuang, let's go, go to the front and see what monsters there are!"

Xu Zifan felt so happy at this time that he put the two-tailed scorpion Xiaoshuang back into his backpack, and then walked deeper into the Xiliang Mountains.

There are thousands of ravines, dangerous mountains and dense forests, and heavy fog. In the distant mountains and forests, there are evil spirits rising, magic smoke covering them, and ghost mist drifting. At first glance, it looks like a dangerous place, a bad land. For ordinary people to come here, it is basically... It is difficult to move even an inch.

The mountain road was dark, Xu Zifan continued to move forward, riding the purple rainbow light, like a fairy and a demon traveling, and a god descending. Nothing could stop him along the way.

On the twenty-first ridge, there were more than a dozen demon rats, mutated into the size of wild dogs, with sharp teeth, and red blood light flashing in their eyes. From a distance, they saw Xu Zifan charging straight towards them. They hesitated for a moment, and then dispersed like birds and beasts. They all fled into the surrounding dense forest.


Xu Zifan's figure stood on the 21st ridge, looking at the demon rats that fled in all directions because of his arrival, and said to himself: "You are so clever!"


Immediately, Xu Zifan tapped his toes and continued to move forward. As for the demon rats just now, he had no time to catch up and kill them all. The most important thing was that they did not show any intention to attack him.

Ridge 22!

There was a black poisonous snake, as thick as a bowl, one foot long, with a triangular head. Seeing Xu Zifan passing by, it suddenly shot out from the tree. The snake's mouth was wide open, and its two fangs were shining with green light, and it bit Xu Zifan. Come.

However, Xu Zifan was well prepared. As the holy light surged all over his body and the five spirit petals fell, the poisonous snake was finally melted by the Huayu Five Spirit Qi gushing out from Xu Zifan's body into a ball the size of a fist, shining with green light. droplets, only a mess of flesh and blood that had lost its essence was left in the grass.

This green droplet is the essence of the poisonous snake just now. It was extracted and condensed by Xu Zifan with the True Qi of the Five Spirits of Huayu. It can be used to cultivate your own Gu insects, and can also be used to enhance the True Qi of the Five Spirits of Huayu. strength.

Then Xu Zifan took Xiao Shuang out of his backpack, and when Xiao Shuang saw the green drop floating in Xu Zifan's palm, he instantly became energetic and quickly climbed to the side of the green drop, opened his mouth and kept sucking.

It wasn't until a quarter of the green liquid was sucked in that Xiao Shuang stopped. At this time, its abdomen was bulging, and it was obvious that it could no longer suck. However, it still stared at the green liquid in front of it. Drop watching.

Seeing this, Xu Zifan chuckled slightly. He could remember that Xiao Shuang was abandoned by his parents and rejected by his brothers and sisters. He could not eat and drink enough for a day. It was very possible that this was the first time that Xiao Shuang had eaten so full today.

At the same time, Xu Zifan was a little surprised by Xiao Shuang's appetite. The green liquid drop just now didn't look big, but it was made of the essence of the entire giant snake. Xiao Shuang, who was only the size of a fist, actually drank four points of it in one go. One, this is something very incredible.

"Don't be greedy, these are all yours." Xu Zifan smiled slightly, and then said: "The days of being hungry and bullied are gone forever. From now on, I will take care of your food!"

When Xiaoshuang heard what Xu Zifan said, she immediately became happy and rolled in Xu Zifan's palm.

Later, Xu Zifan put the remaining green liquid droplets into a porcelain bottle he carried with him. From now on, this will be Xiao Shuang's food.

And after seeing Xiao Shuang's appetite, Xu Zifan considered preparing more food for him in the future.

Thinking of this, Xu Zifan felt that it was a pity for the two scorpions he killed before. If his essence was condensed, there should be a lot of them.

But then Xu Zifan felt relieved. Those two scorpions were probably Xiaoshuang's parents. Feeding them to Xiaoshuang would be a bit too cruel.

After Xu Zifan had just packed the shining green droplet, and when Xu Zifan was about to put Xiaoshuang into the backpack, something happened to Xiaoshuang.

I saw Xiao Shuang playing there, and suddenly the aura around him became chaotic and rioting again.

Moreover, the energy fluctuations emitted from its body are sometimes strong and sometimes weak, sometimes not, which is very weird.

At the same time, the breath of life in Xiaoshuang began to weaken. At this time, it was rejected by the world and was not tolerated by the North Avenue, and was about to dissipate in the world.

Xu Zifan immediately put this in the palm of his hand again. The innate Zixia Qi circulated and enveloped Xiao Shuang's body, helping him stabilize the energy around his body and regulate his body.

Xu Zifan's action was very timely and effective. After a while, as Xu Zifan used a large amount of innate Zixia Qingqi to sort out Xiao Shuang's energy, Xiao Shuang's condition gradually stabilized, and his energy stabilized. Xiaoshuang's life breath is no longer weakening, and is slowly picking up.

At this time, Xiaoshuang had just experienced extreme pain and her life had almost disappeared. She was exhausted and fell into a deep sleep.

After a while, Xu Zifan gradually stopped transmitting the innate Zixia Qi. Looking at Xiao Shuang sleeping in his palm, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

At this time, the little twins contained a large amount of energy, and green energy was rippling out of their abdomens. These were the green droplets they had just sucked.

Through this time Xu Zifan sorted out the energy in Xiao Shuang's body, he learned something.

This time, the reason why Xiao Shuang's breath was suddenly disordered and the energy around his body was rioting was precisely because he had sucked in a large amount of green liquid droplets.

The green droplets are extracted from the essence of giant snakes and contain a large amount of energy. If other mutant scorpions suck it, it will definitely promote their evolution.

However, because of Xiaoshuang's special physique, he should not exist in heaven and earth and was rejected by the Great Dao. Therefore, after Xiaoshuang sucked the green droplets, the same evolution occurred. However, during the evolution process, because of his special physique, Disaster strikes, and danger comes.

This time, with his own help, Xiaoshuang did not die and survived tenaciously, but what about next time? Xu Zifan can't guarantee it, because his abilities are also limited. The only thing he can do at the moment is to help Xiao Shuang sort out his physical energy by running the innate Zixia Qingqi.

Xu Zifan doesn't know how long this method can last. Moreover, this method only treats the symptoms and does not remove the cause of the disease at all. With Xu Zifan's current realm and knowledge, he has no idea how to fundamentally cure Xiaoshuang.

Also, he understands that as Xiaoshuang's strength increases, riots and disorders in its energy will become more frequent, and at the same time, his own role in sorting out its body's energy will also be drastically reduced.

In fact, because of Xiao Shuang's special physique, it is a miracle that he is alive, and he is going against the will of heaven to live, not to mention that he has improved his realm.

Every time Xiao Shuang's strength improves, it's a defiance of nature and a difficulty within a difficulty.

However, the number of Dayan is fifty, and nine out of forty are used. One of them escapes, which is a glimmer of hope.

Therefore, if Xiaoshuang perseveres, his strength will increase greatly every time he evolves, far exceeding what other mutated creatures gain every time they evolve.

At this time, Xiao Shuang fell into a deep sleep with exhaustion, but there was energy gathering in its abdomen, changing its body and promoting its evolution.

Xu Zifan understands that it is very likely that when Xiao Shuang wakes up this time, he will definitely take another step forward on the road of evolution and become stronger than now.

Xu Zifan gently placed the sleeping Xiaoshuang in his backpack, then stood up and continued walking towards the depths of the Xiliang Mountains.

This is the 22nd ridge of the Xiliang Mountains, far away from the human settlements in small counties. Before the change in the world, few people came here, let alone today, after the change in the world, strange monsters often appear.

Here, along the way, Xu Zifan killed three giant snakes and an unknown magic bird one after another.

These aliens all took the initiative to attack Xu Zifan who was passing by, so they were easily killed by Xu Zifan with just a few clicks.

Three of the giant snakes belonged to the Five Poisons, so Xu Zifan used the Five Spirits True Qi of Huayu to melt their essences and put them in bottles for Xiao Shuang to eat later.

The twenty-third ridge!

There was a faint ghostly mist lingering in the mountains and forests. Xu Zifan walked forward and suddenly saw a black shadow standing in front of him in the dark mountains and forests.

This black shadow appeared silently, like a thin ball of black smoke. It was human-shaped and stood motionless in the dense forest in front of Xu Zifan.

When Xu Zifan saw this, purple runes appeared in the pupils of his eyes, divine light flowed, purple rays of light shot out of his eyes, and an aura that could break the essence of all things in the world spread out.

At this time, Xu Zifan's eyes were directed towards the black shadow standing in the dense forest ahead. He wanted to see clearly what this black shadow was. At the same time, at this moment, Xu Zifan was on guard. As long as the situation was not right, he would be the first to do so. Leave for a while.

The mountain forest is dark and foggy, and a black shadow, in the shape of a human, seems to be formed from black smoke. It stands motionless in the forest, mysterious and weird. This is not a demon, this is weird.

Regarding weirdness, there is a general understanding in today's world that weirdness is definitely more harmful to human beings than monsters, and the origin of weirdness is mysterious, as if it does not belong to this world, but when it appears, it is a very powerful existence.

As for monsters, most of them have evolved from species in this world. Strictly speaking, they are on the same starting line as humans. Although they are large in number and far exceed humans, today's humans are far more fearful of such weird existences. Because of the fear of demons.

Because demons can still be barely understood, but weirdness is inconceivable. Incomprehensible things are difficult to imagine without causing people to think deeply.

At this time, the black figure Xu Zifan encountered was like black smoke and was in the shape of a human. Xu Zifan initially estimated that this should be weird.

And Xu Zifan used his eyesight and tried his best to see through the heavy fog to see clearly what this black shadow was.

However, the result was a huge disappointment for Xu Zifan. He used his eyesight to the maximum, but the black shadow he saw was still just a black shadow like smoke.

Xu Zifan was still quite wary of this inexplicable existence, not knowing its origins or whether it was powerful.

At this time, Xu Zifan couldn't see through the depth of the black figure, so he turned around and left without thinking.

However, just when Xu Zifan turned around and was about to leave, a black shadow appeared silently in the dense forest on this side, exactly like the one just now.

Seeing this situation, the corners of Xu Zifan's eyes shrank, and a faint innate purple mist appeared around his body, covering his body.

Immediately, Xu Zifan looked in all directions and saw a black shadow standing there quietly in the dense forest around him, either near or far.

At this time, Xu Zifan understood that something was preventing him from leaving, blocking his way back.

At this moment, Xu Zifan's face turned cold, purple divine light shot out from his eyes, and a sharp aura emanated from his whole body.

Xu Zifan was ready to fight. Although he was a little wary of this inexplicable and strange existence, he was not afraid. Since the other party would not let him leave, he had no choice but to fight.


Xu Zifan's figure flashed a hundred meters away and appeared next to a black figure. Then Xu Zifan's palm turned into a knife and slashed down horizontally. A giant knife surrounded by flames appeared out of thin air and slashed down with Xu Zifan's palm. , slashed directly at the black shadow beside him.

This is Shaolin's unique skill, the flame sword technique, which is surrounded by fire and is the best way to restrain evil spirits.

At this time, energy rioted, the air roared, and the fiery breath dispersed the gloomy atmosphere in this dense forest.

The flame sword technique Xu Zifan used this time was far more powerful than what he had used before in the training ground of the National Special Management Organization.

At this moment, because of the flaming sword technique used by Xu Zifan, the world was filled with fiery aura, and a heat wave swept through the air, spreading overwhelmingly farther into the distance.

The leaves of the flowers, plants and trees in the surrounding dense forest began to turn from green to a little yellow at this moment, which showed how high the temperature in the air was at this time.

The power of Xu Zifan's move definitely reached the level of the supernatural power of the powerful alien king.


The giant flaming sword, swirling with crimson flames, whizzed down and chopped down the inexplicable black shadow ten meters away.

Facing this powerful move, the black shadow seemed to be unaware and still stood quietly, motionless.

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