The first taboo in the world

Chapter 2 Dark Shadow Beside the Tomb

After hanging up the phone, Xu Zifan turned on the mobile phone network to check the situation.

Through online reports, Xu Zifan learned that this celestial phenomenon actually covered the entire world.

This is the first time that humans have encountered this kind of celestial phenomenon since they entered civilized society. Even after reading ancient books from various countries, there are no records of similar celestial phenomena.

At this time, the major media and online forums are already quarreling. Some are saying that the end of the world is coming; some are saying that this is a normal celestial phenomenon. In short, there are different opinions, and everyone is waiting for the official statement.

Some TV stations began to have experts give on-site explanations, saying that this was a strange change in the sky caused by global environmental pollution and cloud effects, and called on everyone to protect the environment and care for nature.

After spending a day dealing with various things, the next day, he looked up at the clear sky and saw a dark crack across the sky. Among the crowds, Xu Zifan waved goodbye to the city where he had struggled for two years and embarked on his way home. .

After getting on the train, he found his seat and sat down. He opened the mobile communication software and saw greetings from his parents, friends and colleagues. He replied to them one by one, and then opened the news interface to read today's news.

As expected, almost all major media forums went crazy, with all kinds of conjectures and theories.

However, no one dares to absolutely deny any conjecture, nor will they definitely agree with any statement. After all, the current celestial changes are too unusual.

The country has not officially made a statement, but many media and various experts have come out with various opinions to calm the people's hearts. Public security management across the country has become much stricter. Armed police are fully armed in every city and have begun patrols.

Someone on the Internet said that things have changed today. It feels like the world is much fresher and fresher, and people's vitality has also improved. This is what an old man posted on the forum.

Another netizen said that the grass outside his house started to grow wildly today. Yesterday it was only two centimeters high. Today it is half a foot tall. It is green and full of life.

Many people under this post said that this was indeed the case. Some even said that there was a peach tree in his yard that bloomed today, considering it is autumn.

Another netizen said something more mysterious. He said that he was a Taoist priest and had been learning onmyoji from his master for ten years.

His master is an old blind man, over ninety years old. He has a tortoise shell in his hand that has been passed down for who knows how long. Anyway, it is the kind that has been passed down for a long, long time.

After the celestial phenomenon changed last night, his master woke up and divined. After a quarter of an hour, the tortoise shell shattered. His master's eyes bled and shed tears, and then he passed away. When he died, he only said: "Great misfortune, great good fortune..."

The train started to leave, and everyone in the carriage was discussing the sudden change in the sky.

"No big deal is going to happen!" someone said.

"I hope everything is safe. This time is just a normal change in the sky." Someone said next to him.

"Look, there's news. In the Brazilian Amazon rainforest, someone photographed an anaconda with horns on its head, more than 20 meters long. After devouring a cow, it entered the jungle." Someone shouted on his mobile phone. .

"Hiss!" came the sound of people sucking in air-conditioning, and then everyone gathered around to watch the video on the news.

There is only a short section of the video, and the camera is shaking, which shows that the person filming was filled with fear.

What I saw in the video was a giant snake more than 20 meters long and as thick as a bucket. The giant snake's whole body was covered with blue-black scales the size of an adult's fist. Under the sunlight, it shone with a metallic cold luster. The giant snake was as long as It had a huge triangular head, a pitch-black horn on top of its head that was dark and eye-catching, its belly was bulging, its body was winding, and it quickly disappeared into the depths of the jungle.

"Isn't this going to turn into a dragon?"

"It's possible!" Everyone is lamenting that the world is changing more and more, and at the same time they are also aware that the world is becoming more and more dangerous, and something may really happen. 【iQi Literature \u0026 Fastest Update】

Xu Zifan lives in a small county on the edge of the Yellow River in the central mountainous area. It takes more than ten hours to get to his hometown from Sioux City.

After the train traveled all afternoon, in the evening, the passengers on the car were discussing the sudden change in the sky, and he himself had been paying attention to it.

Through the car window, looking at the sky outside the car, the big crack across the sky is still there. It suddenly feels like a dream. Everything was normal the day before yesterday, but today the world has become like this. Xu Zifan has an unreal feeling!

"It's getting foggy!"

I don't know who shouted. Everyone looked out the window, and a faint white mist emerged, covering the surrounding area.

At this time, the train was traveling in a mountainous area, and the fog outside the window was white, but it did not affect its progress.

Gradually the sun went down and it became dark. The train roared all the way and traveled rapidly through the mountains.

Xu Zifan was quite familiar with this mountainous area, because every time he passed by in a car, there was a place that stood out. There was a hillside in front of him, which was full of tombstones and was a cemetery.

In the distance, dark clouds were billowing, and the sky was filled with darkness. A crack of lightning struck, illuminating the world outside the car.

"The weather has changed too quickly!" a passenger sighed.

It was raining heavily outside the carriage, getting stronger and stronger, and the wind was getting stronger and stronger. The trees on the hillside outside were swaying in the wind and rain, and they looked a little weird amidst the lightning and thunder!

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, the wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the heavy rain fell in torrents, pattering down, blurring the windows.

Xu Zifan had been looking out the window. At this moment, the corners of his eyes shrank, his back felt cold, and the hairs all over his body stood up. What did he see?

He saw a human-shaped black figure standing among the tombstones when the train passed by the cemetery. There was lightning and thunder in the sky, and the lightning illuminated the tombstones, but it made the shadow even more mysterious and completely black.

Xu Zifan was still in a daze. The train roared past and he couldn't see anything.

The night was getting darker, the window was blurred by the rain, and only streaks of lightning flashed across, as if God was punishing the world.

After a night of driving, Xu Zifan was almost at the station the next morning, but the fog outside the window was getting thicker and thicker. It was completely white outside, and the visibility was very low. He could only see within ten meters, and the white fog rolled in, making it look strange. And terrible.

"It's foggy all over the world!" said a passenger in the carriage.

Xu Zifan also looked at various news on his mobile phone. After he learned about the phenomenon of the sky splitting, another phenomenon appeared. All parts of the world were shrouded in fog. This was very unscientific. Everyone could feel the seriousness of the situation.

After a while, the train arrived. After Xu Zifan got off the train, he took his suitcase and went to catch the bus. Since his home was in a small county and there was no train connection, he had to take a bus for the last few hundred miles.

After buying the ticket, he had a meal. When it was time for the bus to depart, he got on the bus and then the bus set off. There were more than thirty people in the bus, and everyone was talking about the sudden change in the sky.

The fog outside the car was getting heavier and heavier. After driving for more than two hours, we arrived at a rest area and the car stopped. The driver said: "The fog is too heavy and dangerous. We can't drive. Wait until the fog clears up before leaving."

Xu Zifan looked out the window at this time. The white fog was thick and visibility was very low. No one could be seen a few meters away.

"Master, when can we leave?" a passenger asked.

"Let's wait until noon, when the sun is at its strongest, and the fog dissipates before leaving. What a terrible weather!" the driver said with a frown while smoking a cigarette.

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