The first taboo in the world

Chapter 3 Mysterious Stone

The bus stopped at the rest area. This rest area is one of the places where buses often stop to rest, for passengers to relieve themselves, buy snacks, throw away garbage, etc.

I heard that there is a mine more than a thousand meters away. Earlier, there was mining here. Later, the national policy came down and the mine stopped here.

However, some living facilities, such as toilets, small shops, small restaurants, etc., have remained, providing convenience for passing passengers. Over time, this place has become one of the bus rest areas.

The passengers in the car got out of the car in twos and threes to get some air. Xu Zifan also got out of the car. Looking at the thick fog around him, Xu Zifan frowned. He was supposed to arrive home in an hour or two, but now he didn't know how long he would have to wait.

Passengers around were talking about the strange changes in the sky, saying that there must be something fishy about the thick fog, and that maybe the world was really going to change.

"Have you ever felt that from yesterday to today, your body feels lighter and lighter, as if you have broken free from the shackles and regained your freedom?" a passenger said to the people around him.

"Don't tell me, I rushed back from Tibet. I have been riding for more than ten hours. I used to ride in the car for such a long time, and my back and back pain were unavoidable. But now I feel better and I can still ride for more than ten hours." It’s okay even if it’s an hour-long train.” The person next to the passenger said with a smile.

"Indeed, my old cold leg no longer hurts. It has tortured me for more than ten years. It has gradually improved in the past two days, and now I almost don't feel any pain at all." Another person next to him heard and interjected.

"Some people say that this change in the celestial phenomena may be the end of the world. From my point of view, this is not the end of the world, this is a bright era. You see, our bodies have improved more or less." Someone said happily. .

Xu Zifan has been listening to the conversations of the people around him. They are talking about everything, and some are silent like him. Everyone has their own ideas.

However, Xu Zifan couldn't help but flash back to the dark shadow standing quietly among the tombstones he saw last night, and he couldn't help but shudder. Maybe he was dazzled and saw it wrong. He could only comfort himself in this way.

Maybe the world is not going to be peaceful anymore, and it's not as optimistic as some people think.

"Come and look, the grass is so tall outside. The world is changing so fast." Someone shouted from the fence at the edge of the rest area.

"Yes, when I came to the provincial capital the day before yesterday, I also rested here. The grass on the grass outside was only two centimeters high. I didn't expect it to be one foot high now." Someone walked to the fence and said.

Xu Zifan also followed the crowd to the fence and looked at the grass two or three meters away. He saw that the grass was green and every blade of grass was green and full of life.

Someone has walked out of the fence and walked into the grass. He pulled up some grass and looked at it. "It's just the usual grass, but it's much taller." [¥*iQi Literature...¥Fastest update]

"Look, everyone, what did I pick?" I saw a woman in her twenties holding a flower in her hand.

The flowers are blue, the size of an adult man's fist, crystal clear, with a misty blue mist, like a dream, the fragrance of the flowers is astonishing, waves of fragrance are coming, everyone gathers around the woman to watch.

"Wow, what kind of flower is this? It's so beautiful. I have never seen such beautiful flowers." Someone praised.

"Yes, it's so beautiful!" People around her commented incessantly.

"There are still some over there. You can dig some and take them home to raise," the woman said with a smile, pointing twenty meters ahead.

Everyone walked to the place pointed by the woman, and sure enough they saw a cluster of blue flowers growing, about twenty or so, beautiful, surrounded by a blue mist, like a dream.

People who like to grow flowers dug up the roots and prepared to take them home and raise them. Everyone was amazed that there were such beautiful flowers. The world was really different.

Xu Zifan watched thoughtfully as several people came back holding blue flowers with roots and mud, and walked to the place where the blue flowers bloomed. It was originally a small mound, but now it was a mess, and the flowers on it were all Got poached.

Xu Zifan picked up a long stone on the ground next to him and squatted down to dig the small mound with the stone. He wanted to see if there was anything strange inside.

After turning over the soil with force, he found that it was ordinary soil with nothing special about it. At this moment, Xu Zifan saw a flash of blue light in the soil and dug hard at the soil here with stones.


There was a soft sound. The stone in Xu Zifan's hand hit a hard object. The sound was the sound of the stone sliding across the hard object.

Xu Zifan pushed aside the soil and found a sky-blue stone, about the size of a thumb, not very regular, and glowing with blue light.

Xu Zifan held it in his hand and felt in his heart the extraordinaryness of this sky-blue stone, which was as light as nothing.

He looked around. The fog was too thick and he couldn't see clearly from a distance. He heard the sound of everyone looking for other things around, and some said they found wild fruits.

Then he continued digging by himself. Since this place is a big mountain, there are usually few people here, and it had just rained, so the soil was soft, which made it easier to dig. After digging almost a foot deep, the roots of the blue flowers could not be seen. Xu Zifan stopped digging.

He dug up three sky-blue stones in total. The last two were smaller than the first. He put the sky-blue stones into his pocket and returned to the resting place of the fence.

While resting, I opened the news on my mobile phone to check the latest news.

Nowadays, there are more news on the Internet, including high-definition photos and even videos. Some people photographed a sparrow as big as an eagle flying over the roof of his house, and others photographed ants as big as a fist.

There is even a post that is even more horrifying. It says that the poster lives in a small mountain village and still retains the burial method.

A person died in his village a few days ago. Today, relatives went to burn Tou Qi and found that the tomb had been dug up, the lid of the coffin inside had been opened, but the body was missing. This incident has caused panic in their village.

However, looking at the comments below, most people still don’t believe it, but some people say that the world is different now and anything can happen.

"Get in the car, you can go now." The driver shouted. It was already past one in the afternoon, and the sun had dispersed part of the fog.

"I don't know how long this heavy fog will last. It's not easy for drivers to do their jobs now!" a passenger said.

"Yes, after driving back today, I quit my job and am taking care of myself at home. The world has really changed. I don't know what will happen next. Safety comes first. I have already called my daughter who works out of town to come back. Home." The driver said while driving.

"My boy has been back in the past two days. Nowadays, young people have finally been able to hang out outside for a few years and have a stable job, but this is the reason for this trouble." An uncle sighed.

After driving for more than two hours, we finally arrived at the county town. Xu Zifan's home is in the county town. Since it is a small county town, it only takes ten minutes to walk from the station to his home.

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