The first taboo in the world

Chapter 208: Willing to Accept Loss

Yue Luo Wu Cry, the trump card used by the Disaster Star Demon King, is a curse technique that involves the soul of living things. Baidu search, more free reading.

This kind of curse technique is a secret technique developed by the Disaster Star Demon King after he got a super heaven-defying opportunity and opened his spiritual wisdom after the sudden change in the world.

This is like a kind of innate magical power that does not require practice. It is a magical secret method that can be mastered by one's own awakening.

Crows have a strange color in folklore and are unlucky. The crow of a crow indicates bad luck.

The superpowers mastered by the Calamity Star Demon King involve weird curses and souls. Such superpowers are very rare and can be described as terrifying and weird in every aspect.

The reason why it named itself Disaster Star has explained a lot of things. Its name means that it brings disaster to others, or it itself is the source of disaster.

A blood moon exudes a strange and dark aura, stretching across the sky, affecting the surrounding heaven and earth in darkness, as if the day has passed and the night has fallen.

And in the blood moon, a vague black crow, only the outline of which could be seen, was crowing, and it crowed three times at Xu Zifan.

And as the crow crows, a strange curse power gathers, and soon forms an evil ghost mark, directly attacking Xu Zifan's soul.

At this moment, Xu Zifan was in a very dangerous situation. If his soul was invaded by this evil ghost mark, nothing good would happen.

However, in the face of such a situation, Xu Zifan looked calm. The situation in front of him might be a crisis or a disaster to others, but to him it was like a breeze blowing by.

Because regarding curses, Xu Zifan mastered the forbidden technique of an ancient witch clan in an ancient era - the Blood Curse of Heaven and Earth Returning Together.

Although this forbidden spell cannot be used to defend against attacks from other spells, it can control the power of the curse in the surrounding space.

This is one of the characteristics of the taboo technique. In the same space and time, it is the emperor, and it is the only one who is supreme. Others of the same kind must obey obediently, otherwise why would it be called a taboo.

The word "taboo" is not added casually. It represents all-round transcendence. It is the absolute king among its kind. There is no one of its kind that can compare with it, and there is not even an existence that is close to it. There is a gap between the two sides. A natural chasm.

"The witch moon in the sky, the mysterious world in the earth, flesh and blood as sacrifice, soul as guide..."

At this moment, a faint sound of chanting came from Xu Zifan's mouth. The voice was very low, like whispering, as if it was about to drift away in the wind.

At the moment when the curse sounded, there was an inexplicable and strange fluctuation sweeping through the space, and all the power of the curse was assimilated by it and became a part of itself.

The forbidden spell is so overbearing!

The evil ghost mark formed by the three crows also shattered at the same moment, turning into a black mist and blending into the inexplicable forbidden spell storm surging in the surrounding space.

After the black crow crows three times, its own power seems to have been exhausted, and the blurred black shadow outline in the blood moon becomes even more blurred.

Moreover, this blood moon is sinking after the crow crows three times, gradually changing from real to virtual.

This is because the Catastrophe Demon King's level is too low. The Three Crow Cries is the most powerful move it can use, and it is a burden to it.

Therefore, the moon falls and the black cry describes the current state of the Disaster Star Demon King. Baidu search, more free reading.

This move has never been used by the Calamity Star Demon King in a battle. It is its trump card. Now Xu Zifan is forced to the doorstep, and the conditions for the bet between the two parties are too disgusting. Therefore, the Calamity Star Demon King only used this move today. Used this trick.

At this moment, after the Disaster Star Demon King tried his best to use this move, he could actually predict the result. This human being was dead.

The blood moon faded and gradually turned into nothingness. At this moment, the sky that was still cold and dark just now became bright again. The surrounding world seemed to have experienced a reincarnation, turning from night to day again.

And the blurry figure of the black crow in the blood moon gradually became clearer.

However, at this moment, its state was a little sluggish. It looked as if its body was overdrawn. It was very weak. It was floating in the air and landed on the ground after a while. It no longer had the strength needed to maintain flight.

But at this moment, a look of horror appeared in its tired eyes, because it found that the curse attack it issued had dissipated out of thin air.

Moreover, within a few dozen meters around that human being, the power of the curse was as vast as a vast ocean, sweeping in all directions. The curse attack it just issued was assimilated by this ocean-like curse power, causing it to disappear.

Although the infinite curse power was not directed towards him at this moment, the Calamity Star Demon King was still frightened by the majestic and powerful curse power around Xu Zifan.

If a curse of this level is used, it will be absolutely heartbreaking. No living thing can stop it. This is simply a spell that should not exist in this world.

At this moment, the Calamity Star Demon King ignored his tired body and opened his eyes very wide. It was frightened and wanted to see how Xu Zifan would use this strange and infinite curse power like the sea.

If the target was him, the Disaster Star Demon King was not prepared to resist. He could not resist such strange fluctuations and the infinite power of the curse.

At this moment, the Calamity Star Demon King looked horrified and his heart was trembling as he stared at Xu Zifan for a moment.

As for Xu Zifan, of course he would not use the Blood Curse of Heaven and Earth Returning Together at this time, so he only activated the power of the curse next to him, and after defeating Yue Luowu Tiao's attack, he stopped speaking the spell and A method used secretly to coordinate with a spell.

Therefore, during this process, the strange energy fluctuations and strange curse power around Xu Zifan reached a peak, and then began to fall back. It was not until a moment later that the strange curse power around him gradually dissipated.

At this moment, the Calamity Star Demon King was lying weakly on the ground, looking at Xu Zifan for a moment, with horror in his eyes.

Who is this person? Can you actually play with the strange and weird power of the curse at will?

At this time, Xu Zifan was like a fog in the eyes of the Calamity Star Demon King, unable to see through it at all.

At this moment, Xu Zifan was standing there with his hands behind his back, looking at the Calamity Star Demon King lying on the ground with a faint smile in his eyes.

Then there was a "swipe" sound, Xu Zifan's figure moved, and in the blink of an eye he appeared not far in front of the Disaster Star Demon King. It was only about ten meters away. This distance was already very far for a person of Xu Zifan's level. close distance.

"You lost!"

Three words came out of Xu Zifan's mouth.


The Calamity Star Demon King was speechless as he looked at Xu Zifan not far away.

Although it hates Xu Zifan's smile, it admires Xu Zifan's ability to the extreme after the battle just now.

"Are you willing to admit defeat?"

After a moment, Xu Zifan spoke again, but this time, he suppressed his smile, his face was cold, and his whole body was covered with cold murderous aura, looking at the silent Disaster Star Demon King.

The Calamity Star Demon King, who was lying silently on the ground, was aroused by Xu Zifan's cold murderous aura. He was no longer silent in an instant, and said in a hoarse voice: "I am willing to admit defeat!"

When Xu Zifan heard this, he nodded slightly, his face still extremely cold, and he said to the Calamity Star Demon King: "Since you are willing to admit defeat, do you understand what this means?"

After hearing Xu Zifan's question, the Calamity Star Demon King immediately said: "I understand, I understand. I will not disobey your orders from now on!"

"Okay! Just understand! But in the future, you may rebel or act against someone else, so don't blame me for being cold-blooded."

Xu Zifan's deep voice, with a frozen and rich murderous aura, was so intimidating at this moment that the Calamity Star Demon King couldn't help but feel chills all over his body, shuddered a few times, and kept saying "Don't dare!"

After Xu Zifan waited for the Calamity Star Demon King to recover, he talked a lot with the demon king.

The specifics are actually similar to what he talked about after meeting Big Big Wolf.

In fact, it was nothing more than Xu Zifan learning more about the specific conditions of several mountains commanded by the Demon King of the Disaster Star.

In addition, I also inquired about some situations about the Turtle Immortal on the 52nd Peak.

Apart from this, it is nothing more than the stick and carrot policy that Xu Zifan, as the leader of one party, must be able to use.

Regarding this point, the carrot is that Xu Zifan has promised to teach him a set of fighting skills. Needless to say, this fighting skill is the Ten Thousand Beast Fist that Xu Zifan has prepared long ago.

Xu Zifan praised the Disaster Star Demon King and said that it only has long-range attacks, so now he is passing on this set of boxing techniques so that it can kill the enemy when it gets close.

Considering this aspect, the Calamity Star Demon King is indeed lacking in close attack and defense methods.

As for the six mountains commanded by the Calamity Star Demon King, there is nothing special about them compared to the six mountains commanded by Big Big Wolf. If there is any difference, then it is the mountains commanded by the Calamity Star Demon King. Above, there is a giant tree.

And this giant tree is the giant tree that is currently used as the lair of the Disaster Star Demon King.

In addition, through the Disaster Star Demon King, Xu Zifan also learned about the Turtle Immortal on the 52nd Ridge, who came from the Yellow River on the west side of the mountain.

The Disaster Star Demon King is not very clear about the specific situation of the Turtle Immortal, but even the powerful and somewhat evil Disaster Star Demon King highly respects the strength of the Turtle Immortal.

In the eyes of the Calamity Star Demon King, it is extremely disdainful of its other neighbor, the Gray Wolf, because even the Gray Wolf cannot stop its wheel of death.

After learning these things, Xu Zifan asked again about the situation of the strange blue stone in the hands of Turtle Immortal.

Regarding this issue, the Calamity Star Demon King did not know very clearly. He just roughly said that the cyan stone was definitely not produced in the Yellow River, but was a foreign object that originally existed on the 52nd Ridge.

Regarding that cyan strange stone, the Calamity Star Demon King also knew that it was definitely a treasure, but the Turtle Immortal was too powerful, so the Calamity Star Demon King failed to snatch it away.

At this moment, the Calamity Star Demon King looked horrified and his heart was trembling as he stared at Xu Zifan for a moment.

As for Xu Zifan, of course he would not use the Blood Curse of Heaven and Earth Returning Together at this time, so he only activated the power of the curse next to him, and after defeating Yue Luowu Tiao's attack, he stopped speaking the spell and A method used secretly to coordinate with a spell.

Therefore, during this process, the strange energy fluctuations and strange curse power around Xu Zifan reached a peak, and then began to fall back. It was not until a moment later that the strange curse power around him gradually dissipated.

At this moment, the Calamity Star Demon King was lying weakly on the ground, looking at Xu Zifan for a moment, with horror in his eyes.

Who is this person? Can you actually play with the strange and weird power of the curse at will?

At this time, Xu Zifan was like a fog in the eyes of the Calamity Star Demon King, unable to see through it at all.

At this moment, Xu Zifan was standing there with his hands behind his back, looking at the Calamity Star Demon King lying on the ground with a faint smile in his eyes.

Then there was a "swipe" sound, Xu Zifan's figure moved, and in the blink of an eye he appeared not far in front of the Disaster Star Demon King. It was only about ten meters away. This distance was already very far for a person of Xu Zifan's level. close distance.

"You lost!"

Three words came out of Xu Zifan's mouth.


The Calamity Star Demon King was speechless as he looked at Xu Zifan not far away.

Although it hates Xu Zifan's smile, it admires Xu Zifan's ability to the extreme after the battle just now.

"Are you willing to admit defeat?"

After a moment, Xu Zifan spoke again, but this time, he suppressed his smile, his face was cold, and his whole body was covered with cold murderous aura, looking at the silent Disaster Star Demon King.

The Calamity Star Demon King, who was lying silently on the ground, was aroused by Xu Zifan's cold murderous aura. He was no longer silent in an instant, and said in a hoarse voice: "I am willing to admit defeat!"

Hearing this, Xu Zifan nodded slightly, his face still extremely cold, and said to the Calamity Star Demon King: "Since you are willing to admit defeat, you also understand what this means, right?"

After hearing Xu Zifan's question, the Calamity Star Demon King immediately said: "I understand, I understand. I will not disobey your orders from now on!"

"Okay! Just understand! But if you rebel in the future, or go against the will, don't blame me for being cold-blooded."

Xu Zifan's deep voice, with a frozen and rich murderous aura, was so intimidating at this moment that the Calamity Star Demon King couldn't help but feel chills all over his body, shuddered a few times, and kept saying "Don't dare!"

"Okay! Just understand! But if you rebel in the future, or go against the will, don't blame me for being cold-blooded."

Xu Zifan's deep voice, with a frozen and rich murderous aura, was so intimidating at this moment that the Calamity Star Demon King couldn't help but feel chills all over his body, shuddered a few times, and kept saying "Don't dare!"

Hearing this, Xu Zifan nodded slightly, his face still extremely cold, and said to the Calamity Star Demon King: "Since you are willing to admit defeat, you also understand what this means, right?"

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