The first taboo in the world

Chapter 229 Dao Heart Tribulation

All living beings are mourning, the ancestors are praying, and the earth is shattering, as if it is right next to his ears, becoming more and more clear. Xu Zifan's body can't help but tremble slightly at this time, which is difficult to suppress.

At this moment, his mood that had just relaxed suddenly became very heavy again. It was the mourning intertwined with blood and tears, and it was the call of all living beings.

At this moment, mournful cries, tragic shouts, and even a spiritual song full of blood and tears filled the entire world, causing Xu Zifan to wake up in an instant.

This is the real sorrow that happened in the ancient times, the mourning of this world. It makes Xu Zifan's chest feel heavy, as if there is a ten thousand kilograms of lead stone pressing on his chest, and it is very difficult to even breathe.


Xu Zifan roared angrily, trying to let out the suffocating air in his chest.


Xu Zifan stood up instantly. He wanted to fight for his ancestors, and he wanted to fight to relieve the anger in his chest.

In a trance, there were gold and iron horses, war drums were beating, and a large army was participating in the battle. There were beacon fires everywhere, and the killing spirit soared into the sky.

At this time, this scene actually appeared in front of Xu Zifan's eyes. It was a bit blurry, as if it was separated by infinite time and space. However, Xu Zifan clearly captured the killing intent that shot straight into the sky on the battlefield, as well as the sound of iron-blooded killing.

At this moment, Xu Zifan even had the feeling that he was in this vast battlefield, and the surrounding space was filled with blood and fire, crime and chaos.

There were fierce battles in the sky and below, the killings were crazy, the earth was bleeding and the oars were floating, and tens of billions of corpses were lying on the ground. Even the setting sun on the horizon was dyed red with blood, and blood was dripping, covering half of the sky.

“The wind is blowing and the clouds are flying.

The long knife moves, breaking the sky.

The god of heavenly soldiers hides in his chest,

Dare to ask the sun and moon to change the sky

The east wind blows,

War drums beat,

Billions of blades cut off the enemy's heads,

I will never return until I am stained with the enemy's blood.


Intermittent war songs suddenly sounded at this time, majestic between heaven and earth.

The lyrics were not very good, but the artistic conception contained in them made Xu Zifan's whole body vibrate, and he felt instantly excited.

At this moment, Xu Zifan seemed to see the country being overthrown, and the ancestors were so mad with hatred that they drank the enemy's blood wherever they pointed with their long swords.

This situation made Xu Zifan's blood surge, and his cooled blood was ignited again and began to burn. His blood was surging, and he wanted to fight with his ancestors to save this world and all living beings.

Life is like a war song, how can we be hesitant and confused?

Born in this world, come to this world once, let the flower of life bloom to its fullest, especially if a man is born between heaven and earth, how can he have no fighting spirit? He needs to make this life full of magnificent and glorious colors.

The result is not important, regardless of the future, what is important is the present, the efforts that have been made, the blood and sweat, just like the blood in the war song, we must move forward bravely.

At this moment, Xu Zifan's determination to practice has become firmer. With his mind clearly seeing his nature and understanding his own mind, he will continue to move forward, uncompromisingly and consistently.

At this moment, Xu Zifan's Taoist heart was firmer than ever before. At this moment, he completely woke up and regained his sanity.

The mountains and rivers were shattered before his eyes, and the world filled with blood and chaos began to blur and gradually became invisible.

The singing in my ears disappeared, the sonorous war songs, the tragic roars, the mourning of all living beings, and the soul-stirring songs filled with blood and tears gradually moved away, and everything returned to the ancient dusty years.

It is late at night in Shenliu Mountain. The mountain is cool and cool, the evening wind is blowing, and thousands of willow branches are floating in the wind in the green mist, looming like a green dream, ethereal and beautiful.

The fresh air, mixed with the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth, was breathed into Xu Zifan's lungs. His whole body felt cool, and then he exhaled a breath of turbid air, making his whole body feel much better.

At this moment, Xu Zifan's thoughts returned, and the voices of the Calamity Star Demon King and the Divine Willow King chatting not far away gradually became clear in Xu Zifan's ears.

At this moment, Xu Zifan was still sitting cross-legged under a big willow tree. Not far away, the Calamity Star Demon King and the Divine Willow King were chatting and laughing from time to time.

There was no sound of fighting and iron horses, no sad and soul-calling music, and there was not even the sound of him standing up just now, looking up to the sky and roaring in anger.

He has been sitting quietly under the big willow tree, and he just encountered the evil thoughts during his cultivation.

At this moment, Xu Zifan regained his consciousness and woke up completely. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the real world in front of him, feeling a little scared.

"The king-level bottleneck is indeed so terrifying. There are actually demonic thoughts sprouting up, pointing directly at the Taoist heart."

At this moment, after experiencing the calamity just now, Xu Zifan's eyes are firm, his mind is as iron, and his Taoist heart is as perfect as ever. His cultivation has taken another step forward based on the perfection of the innate Taoist realm. Although he has not yet broken into the next great realm, it is not much different. , in the future, it may only take an opportunity to achieve a real breakthrough.

"If he had fallen like this just now, not only would his Taoist heart collapse, but his achievements and people's deaths would also be very possible."

At this moment, Xu Zifan felt deeply, and he also understood the dangers of this king-level bottleneck.

"No wonder there is no strong person above the king level walking around in the entire world."

From the king level to the next level, there are many dangers involved. He had just meditated and practiced regularly, and his Taoist heart almost collapsed.

In fact, there are also discussions on the Internet about this realm. Although most of the opinions are very unprofessional and full of loopholes, there are also some opinions that are very superb.

For example, some national researchers concluded based on the theory of biological evolution why there is a big bottleneck for the king level to break through again.

In their view, biological evolution, if it follows the laws of nature, would take millions of years. But now the changes in the world and the advent of spiritual energy have greatly accelerated biological evolution. However, neither the physical body nor the soul of living things can bear this acceleration. The speed of evolution, so at a certain evolutionary period, an evolutionary bottleneck will appear. Only by adjusting the body and soul to a state that adapts to this level of evolution can it be possible to go further and continue to evolve.

National researchers call this evolutionary bottleneck an evolutionary filter.

This means that it is like a filter. Successful evolution means passing through the filter and reaching the next new stage.

In short, the king level is a hurdle. If you cross it, you will reach the next new stage. Otherwise, you will always stagnate at the king level.

This is the first bottleneck that all living things on earth encounter in their evolution. It may be at this stage in the future that more than 90% of people will be stuck.

Even regarding the king-level bottleneck, there is a saying on the Internet that king-level creatures break away from the mundane world, but still fall into the mortal world. If they break through the bottleneck and continue to evolve successfully, they will truly transcend and enter the realm that transcends the mortal world.

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