The first taboo in the world

Chapter 250 Killing the Great Evil King 3

Judging from the energy intensity used by the Great Evil King just now, although it is extremely powerful and far superior to other demon kings, its energy intensity just now has still not reached the king level, and is on par with Xu Zifan.

Its ability to break through Xu Zifan's defense is partly due to the mysterious and weird swordsmanship, and partly because the magic knife in his hand has a magical quality and is very sharp, and its casting material far exceeds ordinary metals on the earth.

Therefore, the magic sword in the hand of the Great Evil King is a magic weapon, which surpasses ordinary weapons and is a real magical weapon.

At this moment, the situation in the field changed too fast. The kings who were watching from a distance originally thought that Xu Zifan would be killed by the magic knife in the situation just now, but they did not expect that the ending would reverse so quickly. In just an instant, the king who had the upper hand originally thought that Xu Zifan would be killed by the magic knife. The arm of the Great Evil King was shattered by a palm, and he was also knocked into the wall.

This reversal surprised the kings, and their jaws dropped. They couldn't understand how the human in front of them could turn around in this situation.

The most important thing is that they all saw the Great Evil King's magic knife slashing at this human body. But now this human being is not only alive and kicking, seemingly fine, but he also instantly reversed the situation and knocked away the Great Evil King with one palm. .

At this moment, the demon kings looked at Xu Zifan's figure in the field with solemn eyes. This human being was so powerful that he was almost invincible in the world.

Several of the demon kings who were just about to hunt Xu Zifan were secretly glad that they were not impulsive at this moment, otherwise they would never be standing here intact now.

Although these demon kings were glad that they were not impulsive at the moment, they were also in a heavy mood, because the human being who defeated the evil king had a bad reputation. He killed many demon kings in a row and was the public enemy of Qinling.

"After the Great Evil King is killed, will this human being turn the butcher knife on himself?" This question arises in the minds of all the demon kings at this time. Thinking of the possible seriousness of the matter, some demon kings are trembling with fear at this moment. Xu Zifan's figure in the scene was filled with horror and horror deep in his eyes.

Even at this moment, the figure of the Demon King was gradually leaning back, trying to escape from the Demon Cloud Cave while Xu Zifan was not paying attention.


Suddenly, a shocking roar shook the entire Moyun Cave. This huge roar came so suddenly that the entire Moyun Cave began to shake at this moment.

The mountain was shaking constantly, and huge rocks rolled down from the top of the Demon Cloud Cave, making a rumbling sound.

At the same time, a monstrous black mist, with a vast and terrifying aura, came out from the stone wall of the cave. This aura was majestic and vast, filling the air, as if gods and demons were coming, frightening the world.

At this moment, the eyes of many demon kings in Moyun Cave were full of horror. They looked at the human-shaped hole on the stone wall in front of them with incredulous expressions.


Xu Zifan smashed a huge boulder that fell from the top of the cave above his head with a wave of his hand, but his attention was not here at the moment, but on the stone wall in front of him.

At this moment, Xu Zifan's eyes were solemn, looking at the human-shaped hole on the stone wall in front of him. This was the hole created by the evil king who was knocked away by his palm just now.

At this time, black magic mist rolled in accompanied by an extremely terrifying aura. This aura was far superior to that of a king-level master, and was not as strong as the aura that living beings in the mortal world should possess.

"Is this above the king level?"

A demon king felt this aura and was trembling with fear, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"The commander is actually above the king level?" The bloodthirsty eyes of the Blue Wolf King were filled with shock at this moment.

"The Grand Commander is indeed the best in the world. He is the only master in the whole world who has broken the bottleneck of being a king and has broken through to a realm above the king." Another demon king was equally shocked at this moment.

In fact, at this moment, all the demon kings were shocked. They were stunned by the vast and terrifying aura that filled the world, and they couldn't believe their eyes.

No demon king could have imagined that the Great Evil King would be a strong man who broke free from the shackles of the king realm and reached the mysterious realm.

"Let me tell you, our commander-in-chief has great supernatural powers, boundless magic power, is invincible, and is invincible. Do you believe it this time?" The toad spirit stood up at this moment, flipping his big mouth up and down, spitting saliva, and shouted loudly road.

This rare time the other demon kings did not laugh at the Toad Spirit, but looked solemn, because at this time the Great Evil King was truly worthy of the sixteen demon kings with vast supernatural powers, boundless magic power, invincible attacks, and invincible battles. word.

There is a bottleneck in the realm of kings. This is something that every king-level master knows. At this time, there are at least tens of thousands of king-level masters among all living creatures on earth, but on the surface, they have not broken through to the king-level at all. The existence of the upper realm shows how difficult it is to break through the king level and reach the next realm.

Even the Snake Demon King and the Crocodile Demon King, who caused the death of tens of millions of people in order to bring trouble to the Xiba Kingdom in Nanmuzhou, have no direct evidence that they broke free from the shackles of the king and broke through to a realm above the king.

Some people speculate that in the process of biological evolution, the king level is a bottleneck and a great biological filter. As long as this bottleneck is broken through, the essence of life will be improved. If the life in the previous mortal world was a first-level life form, then After breaking through this bottleneck, it will transform into a second-level life form.

And if we use legendary myths to explain it, breaking through this bottleneck means shedding the mortal body. Although we have not yet become an immortal, we have truly entered the threshold of myths and legends.

Therefore, from the king level to the realm above, this is an improvement in the level of life, which is of great significance.

At this moment, many demon kings no longer have any doubts about the battle between Xu Zifan and the Great Evil King. The Great Evil King will win today, and Xu Zifan will be killed by the Great Evil King and eaten by all the demons.

"The Great Commander is invincible in the world, and he is the only one in heaven and on earth..." Toad Spirit's voice was loud at this moment, his saliva was splashing everywhere, and he shouted the slogan again.

"Kill the public enemies of the Qinling Mountains and support the commander-in-chief to the death!" The Green Wolf King bared his teeth and said loudly in a rough voice.

At this moment, seeing that the Great Evil King turned out to be a strong man who had broken free from the shackles of the king and entered a higher realm, most of the demon kings finally suppressed other thoughts in their hearts and began to support the Great Evil King wholeheartedly. There was no way around this. After all, the situation is stronger than the person, not to mention that it is not shameful at all to respect a strong man who has broken through to an unpredictable realm.

I would like to ask all the kings present, even if they are given time, who can guarantee that they can break through to the king level and pass through this great biological filter?

And the evil king in front of him has at least done it. Even if he is said to be the number one master in the world now, it is not an exaggeration.

"Human, your death has come!" The Snake Demon King, who had just discussed eating human flesh and drinking human blood with the Green Wolf King, looked at Xu Zifan with a sinister smile.

Xu Zifan, who was not far away looking intently at the black mist pouring out of the stone wall of the cave, suddenly turned his head at this moment, his face was cold, his eyes were extremely sharp, two purple divine lights shot out, like two purple fairy swords dancing in the sky, looking towards Snake King.


Xu Zifan shouted low, and his figure was like lightning, and he shot out at an extremely fast speed. In the blink of an eye, his figure had already appeared in front of the Snake Demon King with a human head and a snake body and a face covered with red snake stripes.

When Xu Zifan looked at it, the Snake Demon King saw Xu Zifan's sharp gaze, and his heart jumped. He secretly said something bad, but it was too late. Xu Zifan's figure had already reached him like thunder and lightning. beside.

And without waiting for any reaction, a big hand shrouded in Yingying's innate purple energy grabbed her neck like a pair of iron pliers and lifted it up.

At this moment, Xu Zifan looked at the horrified Snake Demon King with no mercy. He grabbed the Snake Demon King's neck with one hand, and then waved his arm to lift the Snake Demon King up and towards the black mist. The stone wall was shrouded, and the aura was like a vast ocean.

During the whole process, the Snake Demon King, as the king of the party, had no chance to fight back. He didn't even react. He just struggled for a moment and was thrown out by Xu Zifan.

During this process, the other demon kings next to the snake demon king had just reacted. Before they could help, they saw that the snake demon king had been thrown out by Xu Zifan.

At this moment, Xu Zifan's expression was sharp, his eyes were like lightning, sharp and intimidating. He glanced coldly at the kings who were about to make a move, then raised his eyes and continued to look at the stone wall where the black mist surged.

When many demon kings saw Xu Zifan's cold and ruthless eyes and the extremely sharp aura around him, and saw that the snake demon king was easily picked up and thrown away as if he were picking up an object from a bag, they were suddenly shocked and sweat broke out all over their bodies.

At this time, they realized that their minds were a little unstable because of the Great Evil King. This human being was not their enemy at all, and such a strong man was not something they could insult.

For a moment, the demon kings were silent. Even the toad spirit, which was spitting and waving its big mouth and loudly praising the evil king, closed its mouth at this moment and looked at Xu Zifan, with deep fear in his eyes.

However, many demon kings looked at Xu Zifan at this moment, with deep venom and ridicule in their eyes. In their view, Xu Zifan was not going to die soon, and he would be killed by the evil king later.

Of course, there are others, like the fox king, who looked at Xu Zifan with fear in his eyes, but at the same time there was also a series of splendor; in addition, the demon king with big red flowers and green branches and green leaves on his head looked at Xu Zifan at the moment. Xu Zifan's eyes were deep and he didn't know what he was thinking.

In fact, all this happened in a very short period of time.

The black mist billows out from the stone wall, and the aura is vast, like a god or a devil. At this moment, inside the stone wall, in the human-shaped hole smashed by the body of the Great Evil King, it seems that there is a demon god dormant, about to break through the wall. Go out and slaughter the world.

"Ah, no……"

At this moment, a horrified scream came from the stone wall, but it soon stopped abruptly.

This was the voice of the Snake Demon King, and his voice even became sharp and distorted due to fear.

Immediately afterwards, a sound of chewing came, and the crisp sound of bones being broken could even be heard in the quiet cave.

At this moment, when all the demon kings heard this sound, their hair stood on end, and they had a layer of white hair sweat all over their bodies!

"The Snake Demon King was eaten to the bone by the Great Evil King? And he only had time to make a horrified sound?"

This is what all the demon kings judged based on the situation in front of them at this moment.


The sound of chewing bones came out clearly, and every sound was like gnawing into the hearts of the demon kings. The atmosphere in the Demon Cloud Cave was eerie and terrifying, so silent that you could hear a needle drop.

A demon king was eaten alive, and even his bones were bitten and broken. This caused a great psychological shadow on the kings who were also demon kings.

At this moment, Xu Zifan's face was solemn, his eyes were filled with purple divine light, and there were mysterious runes flowing in the pupils of his eyes. His eyes could break through the black fog and looked directly into the depths of the human-shaped hole in the stone wall.

"As expected, it's you, you are worthy of being the best master in Qinling!" Xu Zifan thought to himself.

His eyes penetrated the black mist and saw the dark figure of the Great Evil King inside, as well as the Snake Demon King.

Strictly speaking, it was the tip of the Snake Demon King's tail, which was trembling and entering the mouth of the Great Evil King.

This is the Great Evil King devouring the Snake Demon King, and only the tip of his tail is left.

In the blink of an eye, the tip of the Snake Demon King's tail also entered the Great Evil King's mouth, which was as dark as a black hole.

The demonic mist rolled and the black smoke billowed. Just after the Great Evil King completely swallowed the Snake Demon King, the arms and arms that the Great Evil King had just been beaten to pieces by Xu Zifan actually grew back again.


The ferocious roar, earth-shaking, sounded again, along with the rolling black mist and the howling wind. For a moment, the Demon Cloud Cave began to shake again, and the cave and the mountains shook, as if the Demon God was about to be born.


The stone wall exploded, rocks flew, and the dark figure of the Great Evil King reappeared in the cave, exuding an earth-shattering aura and extremely terrifying.

At this moment, all the kings looked at the figure of the Great Evil King who had reappeared, feeling frightened in their hearts. They all bent down and cupped their hands, saying: "I have seen the Great Commander!"

At this moment, the Great Evil King ignored the kings, but held his sword in front, looked at Xu Zifan, and said with a smile: "Originally, I didn't want to reveal my true strength so quickly, but since you want to die, I have no choice but to help you. .”

"Sure enough, he is the number one master in the Qinling Mountains, and he has actually reached this level!" Xu Zifan said, with a solemn look in his eyes, but no fear.

"Human, seeing that you are quite strong, why don't you surrender to me and take me as the master? The second spot in the Qinling Mountains will be yours." The Great Evil King spoke again at this moment, actually wanting to conquer Xu Zifan.

"Oh, do you want me to take you as my master? Aren't you afraid of my betrayal?" Xu Zifan smiled half-heartedly. He didn't mind chatting more with this being who had broken through to the realm of a king.

"Haha, I have my own way to prevent you from betraying me! Gaga..." The Great Evil King spoke, Jie Jie smiled strangely, as if he had everything under control.

Hearing this, Xu Zifan knew that the Great Evil King must have a way to control his subordinates, and then responded: "Haha, although you have broken through to the king level, are you so sure that you can defeat me?"

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