The first taboo in the world

Chapter 272 The Arrogant Little Japanese Powerful Man

The sky is bright, the fields are covered with white mist, the air is a little humid, and the mountain breeze is blowing, bringing a slight chill to the body, but in the face of this opportunity, everyone's heart is hot.

In the hinterland of the Central Plains, outside Lin'an City and in front of the Golden Palace, there were people surrounding it.

Each of these people are powerful strangers, many of whom come from far away and across regions, and there are even people from foreign lands who have traveled long distances in order to get a piece of the pie.

At this moment, a strong foreigner from the Little East Kingdom across the sea is acting arrogantly here, injuring many strong foreigners from China, and boldly claiming that China has no masters, and no one can be his opponent in a one-on-one fight.

In view of this situation, although there are all the powerful aliens from China around, it is not easy to swarm up and attack the three powerful aliens from the Little East Country in this battle. Otherwise, it will be really confirmed that China has no masters, just relying on the large number of people. Advantage has a reputation of bullying the minority.

However, the fact that these three powerful strangers from Xiaodongyang were able to come across the sea after the sudden change in the world and the numerous monsters and monsters has already explained some problems. The strength of these people must be extraordinary. In Xiaodongyang He must be the master among masters in the country, and he is definitely extremely powerful.

Therefore, many powerful Chinese foreigners couldn't stand his arrogance and arrogance, so they went up to compete with him, but they all came back defeated and seriously injured by Japanese swords.

The Golden Palace was born and inherited countless opportunities. The world's storms gathered here and became the center of the storm. Every move here was naturally broadcast live on the Internet.

At this time, three people from Xiaodongyang were talking arrogantly and defeated many powerful Chinese aliens, causing the Internet to boil with roars and accusations.

At the same time, in the East China Sea, in Xiaodongyang, there was a lot of applause on the Internet, and they were extremely mocking of the powerful foreigners in China. Many Japanese even threatened to cross the sea to the mainland and dominate the world.

Outside Lin'an City, many powerful foreigners in China will certainly not be intimidated by these three arrogant foreigners from the Little East Country.

At this moment, Magneto, a strong alien from Nanhe Province, went to battle.

This is an extremely powerful alien. Although he has not yet reached the king level, he is almost there. It can even be said to be infinitely close.

Its ability to control the magnetic field between the surrounding heaven and earth is very powerful, so it is called Magneto.

At this time, Magneto went out to fight, and Tojo Sharpi, one of the three little Japanese people, looked at Magneto with a sinister smile, a fierce and sinister look in his eyes, and a Japanese sword.

At this time, everyone outside the field were all powerful Chinese aliens. At this moment, they all clenched their fists. They expected Magneto to defeat these small aliens from Japan.

On the Internet, it was already boiling at this time. Many netizens were shouting loudly, hoping that Magneto could show his power for the country and combat the arrogance of these people from foreign countries.

At this time, Magneto roared, and a circle of gray energy with an obscure aura emerged around him. At this moment, the surrounding world was invisibly different. The magnetic field was chaotic, and was subsequently controlled by Magneto.

The Japanese sword in the hand of Tojo Sharpei, who was closest to him, seemed to come to life, and actually chopped straight towards his own neck.

This change caught everyone's expectations and caused excitement outside the venue and on the Internet.

"This is magnetic field controlled metal. Magneto is really powerful. Is he going to kill the little devil with one move?" someone exclaimed, their words full of surprise and excitement.

On the field, Tojo Sharpei obviously did not expect to encounter such a situation, and his weapon actually slashed at him.

However, as a foreign super master in Little Toyo Kingdom, his reaction was also super fast. He used the powerful force in his hand and quickly tightened his grip on his weapon so that it could no longer move.

But Magneto, as a powerful alien, can't take it easy. Of course, he will not fail to seize this opportunity.

While Tojo Sharpei was in a hurry, dense steel nails flew out of Magneto's sleeves. Driven by his superpower, they all attacked and killed Tojo Sharpei.

The dense steel nails were moving very fast, with a whistling sound that pierced the air, overwhelming the sky and attacking Tojo Sharpi.

Magneto's operation can be said to be very classic, without loopholes, and the attack power is very powerful. It directly pushed the atmosphere of the scene to the highest level and aroused the excitement of everyone watching the game.

Faced with Magneto's series of attacks, after Tojo Sharpei stabilized the Japanese sword in his hand, his cold triangular eyes were full of viciousness, and then billowing black mist overflowed from his body, accompanied by At this point, a cold and sinister Qi appeared in the space around it. This Qi changed drastically and soon became extremely rich. The temperature between the heaven and the earth actually dropped under its influence. Quite a few, there were gusts of sinister wind blowing up, mixed with the sound of howling ghosts, which was extremely terrifying and terrifying to hear.

At the same time, the sky and the earth within a few dozen meters around it darkened, and as the sinister wind swept across, there were bursts of ghostly howls, as if they had turned into a spooky ghost.

At this moment, Tojo Sharpei, a powerful foreigner from Little Toyang Kingdom, faced Magneto's series of attacks and directly used his own powers.

At this moment, the black mist had covered his whole body, submerging his entire figure, making it impossible for outsiders to see him.

The moment lasted forever. In fact, all this happened in an instant. At this time, the dense steel nails were overwhelming and roaring, directly submerging the Tojo sand covered in black mist.


The place where Tojo Sharpi stood was suddenly blown to pieces under the attack of dense steel nails. This shows how powerful Magneto's attack is.

Outside the field, everyone was excited, and everyone saw with their own eyes thousands of steel nails covering the Tojo sand shrouded in black mist.

Everyone is thinking that Tojo Sharpei was at least severely injured by Magneto's attack.


The earth exploded again, and thousands of steel nails flew out from under the broken ground, with a sharp whistling sound, from bottom to top, once again piercing and attacking Tojo Sharpi in the billowing black mist.

The time interval between these two attacks was very short. Tojo Sharpi was absolutely unable to hide and avoid. Magneto's series of operations were so classic that any ordinary alien king who fought against him would probably be attacked by him. defeat.

At this moment, seeing this scene, there were many strange people outside the venue, and the strong people showed joy in their eyes, and the audience on the Internet was even more excited and cheered.

But on the network within Little Toyo Kingdom, there was something strange. Many viewers were actually laughing, with mocking looks in their eyes.

In the field, there are thousands of steel nails, densely packed, with a whistling sound, very scary, like a long rolling river flowing in the sky, at an extremely fast speed, interspersing back and forth where Tojo Sandei stands, and the one covering the east Strips of billowing black mist gradually began to dissipate under the attack of thousands of steel nails.

At this moment, everyone on the Internet was excited, cheered, and shouted Magneto's name loudly.

As for Magneto in the field, the gray energy around him was getting thinner and thinner at this time. Obviously, in the process of controlling thousands of steel nails to attack Tojo Sharpi shrouded in billowing black mist, his consumption was also very large.

But at this time, although Magneto consumed a lot of money, he was very happy in his heart, because he tried his best to attack the enemy this time and achieved the expected results. The black mist in front of him dissipated, which should be the time when the little devil was defeated. .

However, at this moment, a dark wind swept in, and the temperature between the sky and the earth, which was already affected by the billowing black mist, dropped a lot again.

At the same time, Magneto instantly felt a chill in his body, a chill running down his spine, his heart was throbbing involuntarily, his eyelids were twitching wildly, and a layer of goosebumps appeared on his body, making his hair stand on end.


Magneto reacted instantly. There was a big danger approaching.

At this moment, with the thin gray energy surrounding him, his figure floated up in an instant. From the gaps in his clothes, a layer of black iron could be vaguely seen wrapping his body.

By controlling the surrounding magnetic field, he controlled Wu Tieyi and took himself to fly.

Magneto's superpower is quite powerful. By controlling the magnetic field, he can do many things that are unimaginable to ordinary people.

Some people on the Internet have even speculated that in the future, Magneto will have the power to change the magnetic field of heaven and earth if he masters this superpower. He can even convert magnetic energy into electrical energy and attract thunder and lightning to attack his opponents. As for what to do next Finally, there are all kinds of incredible effects. In short, Magneto's superpower has a bright future. As long as he doesn't fall halfway, he will definitely have a place among the strong in the future.

However, at this time, there was a look of horror in Magneto's eyes. He was in trouble, because as his body flew up, the throbbing in his heart did not weaken, but became more intense.

And at this moment, a black blade appeared out of thin air with an eerie aura, the angle was cunning and sinister, and it was extremely fast, slashing directly towards it.

Faced with this sudden attack, Magneto only had time to activate his superpower to increase his speed to dodge. However, although it was very fast, the sudden appearance of the black blade was even faster, and the angle was very cunning and sinister.

With just a "tsk" sound, the clothes on Magneto's abdomen were shattered, and even the black iron clothes wrapped around him were directly chopped into pieces by the sudden appearance of the black blade.

Then a splash of blood spattered out, and Magneto screamed, but he was seriously injured and fell down from the sky.

Fortunately, it didn't fly high, and there was no danger of life if it fell.

But until this moment, the black mist that was attacked by thousands of steel nails not far away dispersed at this moment, but it was empty inside. Where was the figure of Tojo Sharpi, he actually disappeared in front of everyone. It's really weird.

The next moment, a dark wind swept over Magneto, and a gray-black shadow appeared, gradually solidifying. Looking carefully, it was Tojo Sharpi holding a black Japanese sword. At this moment, he was looking at Looking at Magneto who was lying on the ground, there was contempt and malice in his eyes.

The situation in the field changed drastically. From Magneto realizing the danger, to Magneto flying into the sky, to the black blade appearing out of thin air, and finally Tojo Sharpi's figure appearing, all of this happened very quickly, in an instant. It's not an exaggeration, so it wasn't until this moment that the people watching the battle reacted.

On the Internet, people who were originally cheering were stunned for a moment. Before many people could react to what happened, Magneto was defeated. The defeat was too sudden. One moment, he had the upper hand, but the next moment he was defeated. It was unbelievable that he was defeated all of a sudden.

"Kaname, this is how powerful you Chinese people are." Tojo Sharpi smiled wildly and arrogantly at this moment, and stretched out his little finger to draw. It was obvious that he despised the Chinese people.

At this moment, the Internet was boiling again, with many netizens shouting and cursing.

"The little devil is arrogant"

"The alien king near Lin'an City hasn't come out to fight yet, when will we wait?" some netizens shouted.

However, other netizens soon responded that the new alien kings in Lin'an City have either left, or have entered the Golden Palace to look for opportunities, and have not come out yet. Two of the three alien kings near Lin'an City were originally After returning from the Golden Palace yesterday, he went into seclusion to digest the opportunity. However, another alien king failed to arrive in time because of the sudden incident here. He was on his way to the scene at this time.

On the Internet, everyone knew about this situation, and they were all mad with hatred. Of the three aliens in Little Japan, only Tojo Sharpi took action. From his revealed powers and skills, it can be seen that he must be the alien king. As for the other two strong men, they are definitely not weak either. It can even be seen from Tojo Sharpei's very respectful attitude when facing the other two that the other two are definitely stronger.

These are the three powerful alien kings. Even if the alien king near Lin'an City rushes in time, he may not be able to get away easily.

So at this moment, when they thought of this possibility, everyone was filled with hatred. Looking at the three arrogant little Japanese people in the field, they all clenched their fists, gritted their teeth, and held their breath in their hearts, which was very uncomfortable.

In front of the Golden Palace, Magneto was defeated and fell to the ground, with blood flowing everywhere, and the scene was tragic.

Including him, more than a dozen powerful Chinese aliens have been defeated and fallen here.

At this moment, Tojo Sharpi became more and more arrogant, without concealing his contempt. He sneered and said softly: "Give me three months, and I can defeat all the strangers in China."

As for the other two Xiaodong people, although they did not say anything, it can be seen from the undisguised disdain on their faces that they also looked down on the powerful Chinese aliens.

Moreover, among the crowd outside the venue, some people wanted to enter the venue to treat the injured Chinese foreigners, but one of the Xiaodongyang foreigners who had not taken action blocked the front and said: "We didn't kill them. What do you want?" To come in for rescue, you must first defeat us.”

"Shameless little devil, let's all come together and kill these sons of bitches." Someone outside the venue couldn't bear it any longer and shouted.

"Why, you really want to bully the few with more, this is the tradition of your Chinese country." Tojo Sharpi looked at the excitement of the crowd outside the court and sneered as he looked around at everyone outside the court.

But another Xiaodongyang man who had been silent until now spoke with a sneer and said: "Forget it, business is important. There are no strong people in China, so we can't force it."

Although the Chinese is very poor, it clearly expresses its meaning, which is to look down on Chinese people and think that China has no masters.

When everyone outside the court heard this, their blood boiled in their bodies and they were mad with hatred. Although they knew that they were no match for the other party, many people still stood up at this moment and shouted loudly: "Little devil, I will fight you."

On the top of a mountain about a thousand meters away from here, Xu Zifan had just arrived here after a long night of running. Through the thick fog, his eyes were filled with purple light, and he saw this scene. At the same time, he was operating innately. Zixia's true energy blessed his hearing, and the shouts and curses of the people in front of the Golden Palace and the arrogant and arrogant words of the three Xiaodong people also entered Xu Zifan's ears word by word.

At this moment, Xu Zifan frowned slightly, his face turned cold on the spot, murderous intent was rising all over his body, he snorted coldly, shaking the surrounding vegetation, and his figure instantly disappeared on the spot, turning into a purple rainbow heading towards Shoot before the golden palace.

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