The first taboo in the world

Chapter 275 Entering the Golden Palace

"Those who jump off the beam will be punished!"

Although there are only five words, the voice is sonorous, very firm and powerful, and spreads far away. Combined with the scene in front of you, it makes people's blood rush, their hearts surge, and their blood boils.

Xu Zifan killed three foreign kings of the Little East Kingdom who came to China to stir up trouble. The whole process can be said to be quite clean and neat. It was an absolute crushing. There was no suspense at all. He also killed one of them conveniently. This kind of achievement shows Now Xu Zifan's strength is really extremely powerful. He doesn't seem to be in the realm of a king, but more like an extraordinary master above the king.

In fact, it only took about ten seconds from Xu Zifan's appearance to the moment he killed three people. Even the many powerful aliens outside the field had no time to help the enemy, and the battle was over.

For a moment, many powerful aliens outside the venue and everyone on the Internet watching the live video were stunned and didn't know what to say.

I can only sigh that Xu Zifan is really too strong. He is just a monster and cannot be measured by common sense.

At this moment, three powerful alien kings from Little Toyo Kingdom were lying on the corpse field, two against one, or strictly speaking, three against one, but they were still defeated and were all killed.

The person who made the move, Xu Zifan, stood in the center, his body upright, his black brocade clothes clean and dust-free, and his temperament unparalleled.

Looking at the messy battlefield and the corpses of the three enemies at his feet, Xu Zifan's eyes were calm and indifferent, without any abnormality, as if killing three powerful alien king masters was just an ordinary thing for him.

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"Boss Xu, you are so strong, let me follow you!"

Outside the field, there was a powerful stranger who was shocked by Xu Zifan's strength. At this moment, he spoke and wanted to follow Xu Zifan.

"Boss Xu, add me, and I'm willing to hang out with you!" Someone else said, saying that he would follow Xu Zifan.

Now the heaven and earth are changing, spiritual energy is coming, the era of gods and demons is coming, and the order of the world is also being rewritten. The most powerful people will definitely be the real controllers of this era in the future. Everyone can see this clearly, so in today's world, any strength If you are strong, there must be people who are willing to follow you, because everyone knows that it is easy to enjoy the shade under the big tree, and the current investment is for the future.

Therefore, for a while, many strangers around him really wanted to follow Xu Zifan because they witnessed Xu Zifan's powerful strength.

Even the grumpy female stranger just now shouted: "Boss Xu, these three little devils have been destroyed by you, I am willing to marry you, and I am waiting for you to marry me."

The shouts of this female alien caused everyone to burst into laughter. In fact, after Xu Zifan killed three alien kings of Little Toyang Kingdom, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became relaxed. The three alien kings of Little Toyang Kingdom had been killed earlier. The humiliation and anger that Wang suppressed were no longer seen, and everyone was in a very happy mood. So when they heard this female stranger shouting like this, everyone laughed out loud.

However, there were some people who always remained calm during this scene. At this moment, they saw many people shouting to follow Xu Zifan. They glanced at the golden palace in front of them and joined in the shouting. Suddenly, more and more people wanted to follow Xu Zifan. More and more, the scene became noisy.

On the Internet, everyone is the same at this moment, because Xu Zifan easily won and killed the strong man from Xiaodongyang. Many people were very happy and happy.

Many people are very interested in Xu Zifan, the new super master. After checking Xu Zifan's information on the Internet, many people set out to follow Xu Zifan and strive for a future.

Of course, some people had other ideas at this time. For example, in Kyoto, the current super master, the peerless strongman known as the Martial Saint, was watching Xu Zifan capture the Black Moon Saint alive and kill three aliens from the Little East Kingdom. After Wang Qiangzhe's video, his majestic body showed earth-shattering fighting spirit, his eyes were shining brightly, and he whispered to himself: "Such a strong martial arts aura, what kind of superpower or inheritance is it?"

At this point, his gaze became extremely deep, but soon his gaze changed, as if he had figured out something, and became extremely intense, and the fighting spirit around him became even stronger. He looked at Xu Zifan in the video in front of him. , he whispered to himself again, "I really want to fight you."

There are several places like this across the country, all of them are super masters. Looking at Xu Zifan's ability revealed in the video, his eyes are deep and his brows are slightly furrowed, not knowing what he is thinking.

In Qingshi County, in a secret room, the colorful mist was misty and the sacred aura was strong. At this time, a very beautiful woman with a temperament that was almost like an immortal was watching the video of Xu Zifan cleanly killing three foreign kings from the Eastern Kingdom. Said: "Purple energy, it is indeed the case, I have not wronged you!"

At the headquarters of the Yuezhi Group, Yue Qingchen, the Holy Son of the Black Moon who was let go by Xu Zifan, was looking at the three powerful alien kings in the video lying dead at the feet of Xu Zifan, with a solemn look on his face, a look of hatred in his eyes, and gnashing his teeth. Di said: "I will definitely defeat you in front of everyone in the world."

At the same time, a black divine sword appeared all over his body. On the sword's body, a black moon was carved on it. It was mysterious and extraordinary. This was the Black Moon Divine Sword.

If Xu Zifan had seen this scene, he would definitely not have let the Holy Son of the Black Moon go yesterday. He would not have thought that the Heavenly Treasure Black Moon Sword of the Holy Son of the Black Moon would fly back to the Holy Son of the Black Moon after it flew away.

The above is a domestic reaction. In fact, from this day on, Xu Zifan's name has been known to many people in the world, especially some countries around China. They are very concerned about the situation in China, so they also I know that another super peerless master has appeared in China.

Of course, the one that had the biggest impact was Little Toyo Kingdom. At this time, before the live video of this country, thousands of viewers watched Tojo Sharpi and the other three people in the video, who basically had no power to fight back, and lay directly at the feet of Xu Zifan. There was silence for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Tojo Sharpei and other three powerful alien kings are three of the strongest alien kings in their country. They originally thought that the three of them went to China to win glory for the country, but they never expected that today the three of them would join forces and be defeated. A strong man from China easily crushed them and killed them all.

For a moment, all the audience felt depressed, but their eyes showed a fierce and vicious light.

But soon, someone began to mediate the atmosphere, saying that the number one person in the evolution of the East was currently in seclusion practicing magical powers. When he came out of seclusion, he would definitely go to China to get back the glory he had lost today.

In the online world, there are a lot of hustle and bustle and different opinions. Xu Zifan is famous today, but it only occupies a relatively large topic.

At the beginning of this era of gods and demons, people's most common topics are actually very simple, just survival and how to survive until tomorrow.

The world is very unstable in many places, with bloody and horrific incidents happening everywhere, and there are countless extremely powerful monsters and monsters.

Many small countries may still exist today, but overnight they have turned into a dead land.

The entire human world is actually a bloody place now. Only a few human civilization centers can withstand it for a period of time because of their profound heritage and powerful modern civilized armies. Most other places are already like hell on earth, with rivers of blood flowing. , turned into a forbidden land for humans.

And just recently, some of the centers of human civilization have shown signs of fatigue. For example, at this time, in the center of human civilization in Baizhou, some cities were directly massacred by monsters and weirdos that suddenly came in. The army or There was no time to react, or there was no way to stop it.

This was the first instance of the massacre of a center of human civilization, but it was by no means the last.

The atmosphere between heaven and earth is becoming more and more solemn. No one is optimistic about the future. Some people even predict very pessimistically that this era of gods and demons is actually the end of mankind. The so-called immortality and sainthood are just things that people have imagined. Human beings have no Opportunity to grow to that extent.

The black cracks across the sky are like scars in the sky. They have existed since the day the sky cracked, hanging above the heads of all living beings, and are endlessly mysterious.

The white fog that enveloped the world covered the surface of the earth and blocked the sight of all living things. It was sometimes sparse and sometimes thick, but it never dissipated.

After the sudden change in the world, more than two months have passed. Everything in the world has changed drastically, full of unknowns, terror, and confusion.

Several major human civilization centers are also taking action at this time. Some high-level leaders have been secretly discussing something through intercontinental networks more frequently recently, which is related to the process and direction of the entire human civilization, and is also related to the situation of the entire world.

The development of human civilization to this day can be said to be the most glorious period in the entire history of mankind, and it is also the most powerful period for mankind. The Lord of the Earth and the Spirit of All Creatures cannot be easily defeated.

Human beings still have methods to come up with, and it is absolutely impossible for several major centers of human civilization to be easily breached by demons and monsters.

Regarding the global situation, real things are also being broadcast on the Internet. Everyone is very clear about the current situation. Naturally, they also understand that in order to survive better, the most important thing is to improve their own strength.

Regarding this, Xu Zifan has been insisting on doing it and working hard to improve his strength.

His main goal when he came here today was to enter the mysterious Golden Palace and get some opportunities to improve himself.

And the killing of the three foreign kings of Little Toyang Kingdom was just a casual act.

At this time, facing the cheers of many strong strangers around him and their intentions to defect, Xu Zifan just nodded lightly and then paid no more attention to them.

Only God knows how many of these people sincerely want to follow him, and he doesn't want to guess, because it's pointless. He'll be done with it for now. With the implementation of his own plan, when the time comes, he will Unified arrangement.

Then Xu Zifan ignored the strange looks from the people around him and the audience before the online live video, and searched the bodies of the three dead foreign kings of Xiaodong Kingdom one by one. He hoped to get some precious information from these three foreign kings. thing.

However, it is a pity that things backfired as Xu Zifan did not find anything of value from these three foreign kings of the Little East Kingdom.

But when he was searching for the body of the alien king who had black and white mist rolling in his palm and could summon a demon king-level powerhouse, he unexpectedly found a heavenly treasure.

Tianbao is black and white, about the size of a walnut, and is wrapped in black and white mist. There are faint sounds of roaring beasts and crowing of ferocious birds coming from inside. It is very extraordinary at first sight, and it is an extraordinary Tianbao.

When Xu Zifan was about to collect it, this black and white heavenly treasure turned into a black and white divine light and flew away into the sky.

"Tianbao, as long as you serve one person, you will never change again in the future."

Xu Zifan looked at the black and white divine light flying into the sky and whispered to himself.

Even if he didn't get this heavenly treasure, he could see it through. He now owns a world, and this opportunity is already very great. As for other treasures, Xu Zifan's attitude is "I am lucky to get it, but I am destined to lose it."

After searching for the bodies of the three foreign kings of Little Dongyang Kingdom, Xu Zifan stood up and walked towards the Golden Palace next to him, which was the destination of his trip.

To this day, dozens of people have received opportunities from it, and each opportunity is extraordinary. Except for a few things that have no known use, all other things have provided their owners with great benefits. s help.

Legend has it that the first person to enter the Golden Palace was an ordinary person. After he came out of the Golden Palace, he directly awakened a very powerful supernatural power and was promoted to the level of the Alien King. It can be said that he reached the sky in one step and made many others envious.

The Golden Palace is not big. From the outside, it looks like a palace complex, covering an area of ​​only a few hundred meters, and the highest point is only about three feet.

The walls of the Golden Palace are all golden, shining with golden light, and are brilliant and dazzling.

On the side of this golden palace, there are golden clouds floating in the sky, fluttering around the entire golden palace, which is very strange and mysterious.

Someone once wanted to capture a golden cloud, but it passed directly through it, as if the golden cloud was just a shadow and had no entity, which was very weird.

The entire Golden Palace gives people a feeling of grandeur and mystery, like a residence for nobles from the sky, or a palace for gods and goddesses in the sky.

At this moment, Xu Zifan had walked to the main entrance of the Golden Palace. He looked up and saw two golden doors more than two feet high in front of him. There was a dazzling golden light flowing on them, and the golden light was bright.

Looking at the two closed golden doors, Xu Zifan stretched out a hand and pressed it on the huge golden door.

Just a moment later, the two golden doors rippled like water waves, and there were even circles of ripples spreading around.

At the same time, Xu Zifan stepped forward, and then he felt as if his body had passed through a layer of water waves, and then the scene in front of him changed, and he had arrived in the Golden Palace.

Although the entire Golden Palace is isolated from the outside world and no light shines down, the interior of the Golden Palace is not dark, but bright. Even ordinary mortals who come here can use this bright light to clearly see what is inside the Golden Palace.

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