The first taboo in the world

Chapter 283 The Taoist Sutra Sees the Small Pagoda Again

At this moment, Xu Zifan had a deeper understanding of Xiaoyao Xianzun.

At the beginning, Xiaoyao Xianzun gave him the impression that he was a free-spirited immortal, far away from the world of mortals, as gentle as jade, indifferent to fame and wealth, and a Taoist true immortal with an air of immortality. It could be said that he perfectly interpreted the image of an immortal in his heart.

However, after the other party tested him just now and he was almost wiped out by the other party, he saw clearly that the other party was not the fairy image in his mind, but also had a demonic side.

Regarding these, Xu Zifan can also figure it out. In fact, no matter immortals, demons, humans, Buddhas, etc., they are all living creatures. They all have feelings and emotions, and they have both good and evil sides.

Therefore, even the legendary immortal is not the kind of immortal in imagination. He also has feelings, just like human beings, and has emotions, good and evil, good and bad.

The same is true for Xiaoyao Xianzun, who has all kinds of emotions. The difference from ordinary people is that his level of strength is very advanced, while ordinary people are just ordinary people.

Moreover, the path to the rise of Xiaoyao Immortal Lord is to advance in the midst of bloody battles with enemies all over the world. Naturally, he will not look like a fairy, but a cultivator who is very terrifying in terms of strength and city.

"Today I will teach you a weapon refining technique to help you and see how far you can go." Xiaoyao Immortal Brand said. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, Xu Zifan heard calmness and peace in his tone. Indifference.

After Xiaoyao Immortal Brand finished speaking, he raised his finger and tapped lightly in the air in front of him.

Suddenly, ripples appeared in the void and began to ripple like water waves. At the same time, the clear light condensed and turned into ancient characters, neatly appearing in the mid-air, like bright stars dotting the night sky. General, mysterious and beautiful.

"After one day, the writing disappears. How much you can understand depends on your qualifications and understanding." The figure with the brand of Xiaoyao Immortal Master gradually disappeared again. This was the last sentence he left.

Seeing this, Xu Zifan bowed and saluted seriously towards the place where Xiaoyao Immortal Lord disappeared, and said, "Thank you for your guidance, senior."

The void is rippling, ancient characters are dotted on it, and the flow is misty and clear, mysterious and beautiful.

Xu Zifan's eyes were shining brightly. Although he did not recognize these ancient characters and had never seen them before, there was a Taoist rhyme flowing through them, and the roads were connected. When his mind sank in, he naturally understood their meanings. The meanings contained in the ancient characters were revealed in his heart. .

This is a "Weapon Refining Technique", with three large characters written at the beginning: "Tao Weapon Sutra", which is the name of this weapon refining strategy.

Xu Zifan began to study character by character. He attached great importance to this kind of scripture. This was a weapon refining technique taught by the Immortal Lord. If he could achieve something in this area, he would be able to refine Taoist weapons in the future.

This kind of ability can definitely be regarded as one of the most powerful abilities on the earth today, because Tianbao is sought after by everyone on the earth today. If he can practice this weapon refining formula and master the profound meaning of it, then he You can refine the so-called Tianbao.

Although the Taoist tools he refined in the early stage are not as good as Tianbao, this is a skill. As long as he lives, he will improve. Sooner or later in the future, he can refine Taoist tools that are comparable to the Tianbao that the planners are spreading to the earth today.

Xu Zifan carefully researched and found that although there were not many ancient Chinese characters describing this "Taoist Sutra", the meaning contained in it was extremely broad and the content was vast. It was just a single ancient Chinese character that Xu Zifan had to comprehend. time.

This ancient character is comparable to the manifestation of the Dao, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a trace of the Dao.

This is simply unbelievable. With Xu Zifan's talent and understanding, he has never encountered such a situation. Even if it surpasses the mortal level and belongs to the god-demon level killing technique "Tian Mo Seal", Xu Zifan can use it in a short time. He understood one of the formulas internally, and at this time, he had the "Taoist Sutra" in front of him. It was very difficult for him to just grasp the contents.

As for writing down the content first without trying to master it, Xu Zifan also tried it, but he couldn't do it at all. These characters are traces of Tao. Only by mastering them can they be memorized, otherwise they will not be stored in the mind at all.

Looking at the rippling void in front of him and the ancient characters condensed by the clear light, Xu Zifan frowned slightly. When Xiaoyao Immortal Master left the brand, he had already said that this kind of ancient characters could only last for one day. After one day, There is no way for me to understand this "Taoist Sutra" any more. At this time, all I have learned is only fragments.

Xu Zifan was very unwilling to accept this situation. Although he had only read the "Tao Qi Jing" for the first time, the things described in this scripture were profound and profound, and he had never been exposed to them before.

This "Book of Taoist Instruments" covers a wide range of topics. It is said to be a sutra, but in fact it is more like an encyclopedia surrounding utensils.

The content is not only how to refine Taoist tools, but also how to use Taoist tools, and even the use of various methods derived from different Taoist tools.

And these are just things that Xu Zifan knows and understands after understanding part of the true meaning contained in one of the characters.

At this moment, Xu Zifan looked at the ancient characters in front of him, mesmerized, with a bright purple light in his eyes. He concentrated 99% of his attention on studying the first ancient character on this Taoist Scripture. .

As for the remaining 1% of his attention, Xu Zifan, of course, put this part of his attention on guarding for safety reasons. At this moment, he was still guarding against the mark of Xiaoyao Immortal.

Now that he has a treasure in his possession, if something goes wrong, he will directly escape into the world of Swordsman Jianghu to escape.

At this moment, Xu Zifan was studying the ancient characters on the Taoist Sutra while using his fingers to carve these characters in the air.

This kind of ancient characters resembled traces of Tao. Xu Zifan understood that as long as he could grasp all the true meaning contained in this character, he could carve these ancient characters out of the air.

Two hours have passed, and Xu Zifan has only carved half of the ancient characters. From this, we can also know that in two hours, he has only grasped the true meaning and content of half of the characters.

At this moment, looking at the ancient characters filled with clear light in the void in front of him, Xu Zifan counted them. There were a total of one hundred and eight characters.

According to my current speed of understanding, I can only master three of the characters in one day.

This means that until these characters disappear, he will only be able to grasp the fragments of the "Taoist Sutra".

"No, it can't be like this, I won't accept it."

At this moment, Xu Zifan looked at the "Taoist Sutra" in the void in front of him, his eyes were a little red. The supreme inheritance was right in front of him, was he going to miss it like this?

"I want to find a way to master all the 'Taoist Instruments', and I can't continue to do research in this way."

At this time, Xu Zifan's eyes were as deep as the sea. He was thinking about how to completely imprint the entire content of the "Taoist Sutra" into his mind in one day.


Xu Zifan was suddenly overjoyed. He thought of a way to improve his mental power by raising his mental power. After his mental power was improved, his understanding would definitely improve like the rising tide.

Just now, he saw a chapter on cultivating spiritual power in half of the ancient characters, called "The Art of Opening the Gods", which was most suitable for people like him who had never practiced spiritual power.

The so-called "opening spirit technique" can also be said to be the most basic technique involving spiritual power. Its function is to allow people to condense the human spirit and open up the way to cultivate spiritual power.

The reason why there is such a technique in the "Tao Weapon Sutra" is because it contains too many things, and whenever a living being wants to use a weapon, most of the ways are to use its own mental power to control it, so the "Tao Weapon Sutra" It introduces several mental power cultivation methods specifically for controllers.

Just do it when you think of it. Time is precious and there is no room for procrastination and hesitation.

At this moment, Xu Zifan followed the "Shen-Opening Technique" he had just learned from half an ancient character, his consciousness sank between his eyebrows, his eyes were slightly closed, and he began to condense the human spirit.

Just two quarters of an hour later, Xu Zifan's eyebrows were filled with a faint glow, which was very mysterious. This was a sign of success in practicing the "God-Opening Technique".

"How come it's so fast?"

At this moment, Xu Zifan opened his eyes and turned around. His eyes were full of surprise. He himself did not expect that he could successfully practice the art of opening the gods so quickly.

At this moment, Xu Zifan had a deeper understanding of Xiaoyao Xianzun.

At the beginning, Xiaoyao Xianzun gave him the impression that he was a free-spirited immortal, far away from the world of mortals, as gentle as jade, indifferent to fame and wealth, and a Taoist true immortal with an air of immortality. It could be said that he perfectly interpreted the image of an immortal in his heart.

However, after the other party tested him just now and he was almost wiped out by the other party, he saw clearly that the other party was not the fairy image in his mind, but also had a demonic side.

Regarding these, Xu Zifan can also figure it out. In fact, no matter immortals, demons, humans, Buddhas, etc., they are all living creatures. They all have feelings and emotions, and they have both good and evil sides.

Therefore, even the legendary immortal is not the kind of immortal in imagination. He also has feelings, just like human beings, and has emotions, good and evil, good and bad.

The same is true for Xiaoyao Xianzun, who has all kinds of emotions. The difference from ordinary people is that his level of strength is very advanced, while ordinary people are just ordinary people.

Moreover, the path to the rise of Xiaoyao Immortal Lord is to advance in the midst of bloody battles with enemies all over the world. Naturally, he will not look like a fairy, but a cultivator who is very terrifying in terms of strength and city.

"Today I will teach you a weapon refining technique to help you and see how far you can go." Xiaoyao Immortal Brand said. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, Xu Zifan heard calmness and peace in his tone. Indifference.

After Xiaoyao Immortal Brand finished speaking, he raised his finger and tapped lightly in the air in front of him.

Suddenly, ripples appeared in the void and began to ripple like water waves. At the same time, the clear light condensed and turned into ancient characters, neatly appearing in the mid-air, like bright stars dotting the night sky. General, mysterious and beautiful. At this moment, Xu Zifan had a deeper understanding of Xiaoyao Xianzun.

At the beginning, Xiaoyao Xianzun gave him the impression that he was a free-spirited immortal, far away from the world of mortals, as gentle as jade, indifferent to fame and wealth, and a Taoist true immortal with an air of immortality. It could be said that he perfectly interpreted the image of an immortal in his heart.

However, after the other party tested him just now and he was almost wiped out by the other party, he saw clearly that the other party was not the fairy image in his mind, but also had a demonic side.

Regarding these, Xu Zifan can also figure it out. In fact, no matter immortals, demons, humans, Buddhas, etc., they are all living creatures. They all have feelings and emotions, and they have both good and evil sides.

Therefore, even the legendary immortal is not the kind of immortal in imagination. He also has feelings, just like human beings, and has emotions, good and evil, good and bad.

The same is true for Xiaoyao Xianzun, who has all kinds of emotions. The difference from ordinary people is that his level of strength is very advanced, while ordinary people are just ordinary people.

Moreover, the path to the rise of Xiaoyao Immortal Lord is to advance in the midst of bloody battles with enemies all over the world. Naturally, he will not look like a fairy, but a cultivator who is very terrifying in terms of strength and city.

"Today I will teach you a weapon refining technique to help you and see how far you can go." Xiaoyao Immortal Brand said. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, Xu Zifan heard calmness and peace in his tone. Indifference.

After Xiaoyao Immortal Brand finished speaking, he raised his finger and tapped lightly in the air in front of him.

Suddenly, ripples appeared in the void and began to ripple like water waves. At the same time, the clear light condensed and turned into ancient characters, neatly appearing in the mid-air, like bright stars dotting the night sky. General, mysterious and beautiful.

At this moment, Xu Zifan had a deeper understanding of Xiaoyao Xianzun.

At the beginning, Xiaoyao Xianzun gave him the impression that he was a free-spirited immortal, far away from the world of mortals, as gentle as jade, indifferent to fame and wealth, and a Taoist true immortal with an air of immortality. It could be said that he perfectly interpreted the image of an immortal in his heart.

However, after the other party tested him just now and he was almost wiped out by the other party, he saw clearly that the other party was not the fairy image in his mind, but also had a demonic side.

Regarding these, Xu Zifan can also figure it out. In fact, no matter immortals, demons, humans, Buddhas, etc., they are all living creatures. They all have feelings and emotions, and they have both good and evil sides.

"Today I will teach you a weapon refining technique to help you and see how far you can go." Xiaoyao Immortal Brand said. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, Xu Zifan heard calmness and peace in his tone. Indifference.

After Xiaoyao Immortal Brand finished speaking, he raised his finger and tapped lightly in the air in front of him.

Suddenly, ripples appeared in the void and began to ripple like water waves. At the same time, the clear light condensed and turned into ancient characters, neatly appearing in the mid-air, like bright stars dotting the night sky. generally.

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