The first taboo in the world

Chapter 292 Humanity’s Ultimate Weapon

The negotiations between the sea tribe and humans reached a deadlock at this time, and no one was willing to give in anymore.

For humans, simply giving up two continents and then returning to the place occupied by demons is a very sincere act.

However, the Sea Tribe believes that there are many powerful people, far superior to humans, so the contemptuous attitude during negotiations is very obvious and makes people very uncomfortable.

Moreover, at this time, everyone could see from the attitude of the Sea Tribe during the negotiations with the humans that they believed they had the upper hand on the Human Tribe.

In this case, negotiation is meaningless, because humans have dominated this planet for thousands of years, and have developed to a very high level of civilization. They are not vulnerable, and there are still means that have not been used. The details have not yet been revealed.

Today is the primary stage of the age of gods and demons. Human society is now depressed and desperate because it does not have an advantage in this era and cannot see the future. In the future, the entire human race may be eliminated.

However, this does not mean that humans at this time have no power to resist. It is true that the age of gods and demons has arrived, but today's era is seriously a period where the primary era of gods and demons and the era of science and technology are parallel.

With the development of mankind to this day, the entire human civilization is very brilliant, especially the development of scientific and technological civilization, which has enabled ordinary people to go up to the nine heavens to grasp the moon and go down to the nine oceans to catch turtles. This level of civilization can be said to be very good, and the accompanying war of the entire human race. The strength value also soared directly to the sky.

The human race in this era can easily destroy mountains and rivers if they think about it, and it is also easy to attack Huanglong from thousands of miles away. Even the four major centers of human civilization control the ultimate weapon of mankind. With an all-out explosion, this planet can be destroyed. All life on the planet is extinct.

In other words, even if the pace of the age of gods and demons is unstoppable at this time, humans are still one of the few players on this planet, because humans have the ability to flip the table.

As for the alien creatures, they have heard about the ultimate weapon of mankind but have never seen it. Moreover, as long as the creatures evolve to the late king level, they have super perception and can predict danger in advance, thus avoiding being targeted and attacked by human thermal weapons.

Therefore, based on the above reasons, many aliens are not afraid of the achievements of modern human civilization at all, and even laugh at human beings for going astray, not developing and improving themselves, but studying foreign objects.

As for humans themselves, because they hold a super-killing weapon and are the spirit of all things and the lord of the world before the changes in the world, they naturally cannot surrender or give up their position as overlords easily.

Therefore, at this time, the negotiations between the Sea Tribe and the Human Tribe did not result in any negotiation due to the different concepts and persistence of the two parties.

There is a saying that goes like this: What you can’t get on the battlefield? You can’t get it at the negotiation table.

At this time, both sides believed that if a war started at this time, their side would not lose.

Especially the sea people? They even think that with their countless masters, not to mention the humans on the land, even the demons and humans on the land can be easily crushed.

Therefore, the negotiations between the Sea Clan and the Human Clan were quickly suspended, and the two sides had no basis for negotiation at this time.

"Since the negotiation fails? Then use your sword to fight for it!"

The middle-aged man transformed by the black old turtle turned gloomy at the end of the video negotiation and threatened him.

"Humanity has no intention of being the enemy of any race, but if other races insist on forcing humans to become enemies, then humans must be a qualified enemy."

One of the people in charge of the Chinese Civilization Center responded sonorously and forcefully.

In response, the strong man from the sea clan snorted coldly, and then ended the video negotiation. At this point, the two most powerful forces on this planet declared that the negotiation failed.

If something is not agreed upon at the negotiation table, the next step will naturally be fighting on the battlefield. This is something both sides understand.

And this means that on this planet, after the heaven and earth change, the biggest terrorist event is about to happen.

This is a battle of races and a battle of destiny. This world is about to be dyed red with blood.

No one can afford to fail. Failure means that the living space is plundered, and the reduction of the living space means that it is more difficult to survive.

After the negotiation failed, countries around the world began to act quickly. Every country was preparing. Everyone knew that a world-class war was about to break out.

The atmosphere between heaven and earth became very dull and depressing on this day, making people feel breathless.

In fact, many of the demons and strange things on the land have gradually become more restrained and quieter today.

There is a dead silence between heaven and earth. All the creatures who have opened their spiritual wisdom understand that this is the calm before the storm. A shocking war is about to break out, and countless creatures will stain the world with blood in this war.

However, there are exceptions to many things. In this special moment when the world is silent and the atmosphere is extremely oppressive, the demon is still arrogant, killing humans wantonly, and has not restrained at all. It even threatens that humans are about to perish. Now its actions are to store the future and be out of print. of ingredients.

Those who said these words and took action were the Snake Demon King and Crocodile Demon King of Nanmuzhou, while those who remained silent but still acted were the Vampire of White Continent and the Corpse King of Black Continent.

These four powerful men have all advanced to the transcendent level. Now they are more independent than before, tyrannical, bloody and cruel.

On the human side, the four major civilization centers are the main ones. On this day, high-level commanders interact frequently, discussing and arranging things in secret.

In the vast sea where the Sea Clan lives, because of the thick fog, most people can't see what's going on inside. Especially in the vast depths of the ocean, most people don't even know that after the change in the world What's going on inside?

However, in the offshore sea, from today onwards, there will occasionally be huge and terrifying black shadows swimming under the water, emitting an aura that is breathtaking and frightening.

Everyone understands that this is a powerful creature arranged by the Sea Clan, and the Sea Clan is also preparing for the upcoming war.

Xu Zifan looked at the news with a heavy heart. Everything was developing too fast and was beyond his expectation.

Regarding the outcome of the upcoming war, Xu Zifan thought about it and decided that he preferred humans. As a master of the Alien King, he had some authority and knew many things that were secretly researched by the country.

For humans, simply giving up two continents and then returning to the place occupied by demons is a very sincere act.

However, the Sea Tribe believes that there are many powerful people, far superior to humans, so the contemptuous attitude during negotiations is very obvious and makes people very uncomfortable.

Moreover, at this time, everyone could see from the attitude of the Sea Tribe during the negotiations with the humans that they believed they had the upper hand on the Human Tribe.

In this case, negotiation is meaningless, because humans have dominated this planet for thousands of years, and have developed to a very high level of civilization. They are not vulnerable, and there are still means that have not been used. The details have not yet been revealed.

Today is the primary stage of the age of gods and demons. Human society is now depressed and desperate because it does not have an advantage in this era and cannot see the future. In the future, the entire human race may be eliminated.

However, this does not mean that humans at this time have no power to resist. It is true that the age of gods and demons has arrived, but today's era is seriously a period where the primary era of gods and demons and the era of science and technology are parallel.

With the development of mankind to this day, the entire human civilization is very brilliant, especially the development of scientific and technological civilization, which has enabled ordinary people to go up to the nine heavens to grasp the moon and go down to the nine oceans to catch turtles. This level of civilization can be said to be very good, and the accompanying war of the entire human race. The strength value also soared directly to the sky.

The human race in this era can easily destroy mountains and rivers if they think about it, and it is also easy to attack Huanglong from thousands of miles away. Even the four major centers of human civilization control the ultimate weapon of mankind. With an all-out explosion, this planet can be destroyed. All life on the planet is extinct.

In other words, even if the pace of the age of gods and demons is unstoppable at this time, humans are still one of the few players on this planet, because humans have the ability to flip the table.

As for the alien creatures, they have heard about the ultimate weapon of mankind but have never seen it. Moreover, as long as the creatures evolve to the late king level, they have super perception and can predict danger in advance, thus avoiding being targeted and attacked by human thermal weapons.

Therefore, based on the above reasons, many aliens are not afraid of the achievements of modern human civilization at all, and even laugh at human beings for going astray and not developing and improving themselves, but studying foreign objects.

As for humans themselves, because they hold super-powerful weapons and are the spirits of all things and the lord of the world before the changes in the world, they naturally cannot surrender or give up their position as overlords easily.

Therefore, at this time, the negotiations between the Sea Tribe and the Human Tribe did not produce any results due to the different concepts and persistence of the two parties.

There is a saying that goes like this: What you can’t get on the battlefield, you can’t get at the negotiation table.

At this time, both sides believed that if a war started at this time, it would be impossible for their side to lose.

Especially the Sea Clan, they even think that with their countless masters, they can easily crush the demons and humans on the land, not to mention the humans on the land.

Therefore, the negotiations between the Sea Clan and the Human Clan were quickly suspended, and the two sides had no basis for negotiation at this time.

"Since the negotiation fails, let's fight with the sword!"

The middle-aged man transformed by the black old turtle turned gloomy at the end of the video negotiation and threatened him.

"Humanity has no intention of being the enemy of any race, but if other races insist on forcing humans to become enemies, then humans must be a qualified enemy."

One of the people in charge of the Chinese Civilization Center responded sonorously and forcefully.

In response, the strong man from the sea clan snorted coldly, and then ended the video negotiation. At this point, the two most powerful forces on this planet declared that the negotiation failed.

If something is not agreed upon at the negotiation table, the next step will naturally be fighting on the battlefield. This is something both sides understand.

And this means that on this planet, after the heaven and earth change, the biggest terrorist event is about to happen.

This is a battle of races and a battle of destiny. This world is about to be dyed red with blood.

No one can afford to fail. Failure means that the living space is plundered, and the reduction of the living space means that it is more difficult to survive.

After the negotiation failed, countries around the world began to act quickly. Every country was preparing. Everyone knew that a world-class war was about to break out.

The atmosphere between heaven and earth became very dull and depressing on this day, making people feel breathless.

In fact, many of the demons and strange things on the land have gradually become more restrained and quieter today.

There is a dead silence between heaven and earth. All the creatures who have opened their spiritual wisdom understand that this is the calm before the storm. A shocking war is about to break out, and countless creatures will stain the world with blood in this war.

However, there are exceptions to many things. In this special moment when the world is silent and the atmosphere is extremely oppressive, the demon is still arrogant, killing humans wantonly, and has not restrained at all. It even threatens that humans are about to perish. Now its actions are to store the future and be out of print. of ingredients.

Those who said these words and took action were the Snake Demon King and Crocodile Demon King of Nanmuzhou, while those who remained silent but still acted were the Vampire of White Continent and the Corpse King of Black Continent.

These four powerful men have all advanced to the transcendent level. Now they are more independent than before, tyrannical, bloody and cruel.

On the human side, the four major civilization centers are the main ones. On this day, high-level commanders interact frequently, discussing and arranging things in secret.

In the vast sea where the Sea Clan lives, because of the thick fog, most people can't see what's going on inside. Especially in the vast depths of the ocean, most people don't even know that after the change in the world What's going on inside?

However, in the offshore sea, from today onwards, there will occasionally be huge and terrifying black shadows swimming under the water, emitting an aura that is breathtaking and frightening.

Everyone understands that this is a powerful creature arranged by the Sea Clan, and the Sea Clan is also preparing for the upcoming war.

Xu Zifan looked at the news with a heavy heart. Everything was developing too fast and was beyond his expectation.

In the vast sea where the Sea Clan lives, because of the thick fog, most people can't see what's going on inside. Especially in the vast depths of the ocean, most people don't even know that after the change in the world What's going on inside?

However, in the offshore sea, from today onwards, there will occasionally be huge and terrifying black shadows swimming under the water, emitting an aura that is breathtaking and frightening.

Everyone understands that this is a powerful creature arranged by the Sea Clan, and the Sea Clan is also preparing for the upcoming war.

Xu Zifan looked at the news with a heavy heart. Everything was developing too fast and was beyond his expectation.

However, in the offshore sea, from today onwards, there will occasionally be huge and terrifying black shadows swimming under the water, emitting an aura that is breathtaking and frightening.

Everyone understands that this is a powerful creature arranged by the Sea Clan, and the Sea Clan is also preparing for the upcoming war.

Xu Zifan looked at the news with a heavy heart. Everything was developing too fast and was beyond his expectation.

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