The first taboo in the world

Chapter 294: The Great Age Begins the Competition of All Spirits

Humanity has taken out strategic-level ultimate weapons, and the effect has been immediate. Although it cannot completely eliminate the scourge of demons, many demons are no longer so arrogant and have restrained themselves a lot.

Even Cain, the vampire who brought trouble to Baizhou, said that he was not afraid of mankind's ultimate weapon, but when he said this, he sounded a bit lustful and jealous.

Now everyone understands that humans cannot be made anxious, otherwise humans will really work hard, and no living beings will have good fruits to eat.

Many people speculate that the world may usher in a relatively peaceful transition period, which is what all humans hope for.

This day is a special day that will go down in history and is destined to be famous for generations to come.

All over the world, various online news and newspaper headlines are discussing this matter. Various news and speculations about the world situation after the explosion of the ultimate weapon are overwhelming.

After the four major civilization centers of mankind used the ultimate weapon to wipe out the disasters of the snake demon, crocodile demon and black continent zombie demon in one fell swoop, they once again spoke, saying that all creatures on earth can coexist peacefully and do not need to Life and death are relative.

Moreover, humans have made a plan, that is, whether they are sea tribes, humans, or other creatures on the earth, they can have me among you, and you among me, respect each other, promote each other, and strive to survive in this era of gods and demons. can go further.

And after such a speech, there are some other details as supplements, such as the place now occupied by various demon kings. Human beings recognize it as their territory, but they are not allowed to continue to plunder and kill humans.

Even the four major civilization centers of mankind have extended an olive branch, that is, they welcome beings of other races who have opened their spiritual intelligence to join the human kingdom, and the treatment will be very generous.

On the earth, many creatures who have opened up their spiritual intelligence certainly know that humans are playing a stick, and then they buy the hearts of monsters with candies in hand.

However, who knows? This time, few powerful creatures jumped out to resist.

In fact, after the changes in the world, along with the evolution of all spirits, many creatures opened their spiritual intelligence and gained strength. Under such circumstances, they naturally want to strive for a more favorable living environment.

Many of the killings between various tribes are caused by territorial disputes. In addition, they are also caused by misunderstandings between each other.

Now it is human beings who take the lead and suggest that all races coexist peacefully and respect each other. You are among me, and I am among you? This is actually good news for all creatures who have opened up their spiritual intelligence, because this also means that they do not need to Through bloodshed and fighting, one can enter the human kingdom and survive in a relatively safe environment.

No one who has developed spiritual intelligence wants to tense up all day long and be wary of others. In fact, most creatures who have evolved spiritual intelligence want to have a peaceful and stable environment so that they can meditate and improve their realm. Is this possible? The age of gods and demons goes even further.

So at this time, after humans took the lead in proposing this idea, many demon kings expressed their approval.

They also want to live a more stable life without having to fight to death with humans every day and have bloody conflicts.

At this time, after the humans showed off their muscles, all the creatures listened to their calm suggestions.

In fact, several extraordinary powerful men of the Sea Clan surfaced again. They no longer mentioned the landing operations of the Endless Sea Clan, but announced that they recognized the identity of the masters of the human land and wanted to share the management of this planet with humans.

At this time, after seeing the power of human technological weapons, the extraordinary powerhouses of the Sea Clan were no longer so arrogant. Instead, they corrected their mentality and began to truly negotiate with humans.

Human beings naturally accept this. Everyone will treat a behemoth like the Sea Clan with a solemn attitude. Now the Sea Clan sincerely wants to negotiate. This is the best result.

Next, human beings officially invited the strong men of the Sea Clan to come to land as guests, to which the Sea Clan readily agreed.

Everyone understands that this is a face-to-face negotiation between the two sides. The two largest forces, sea and land, are going to start discussing some rules about this planet.

In fact, in this new era, there is a rule among all spirits, which is very important and beneficial to all beings who have opened up their spiritual wisdom.

As the saying goes, there is no circle without rules. Only when there is order in the world can chaos end. Normally, it takes a long time and many bloody battles to go from disorder to order.

However, human beings relied on their powerful foundation and means to catalyze this process, bringing the entire world into a relatively peaceful period in a short period of time.

However, no one knows how long this peaceful period can last. As long as there are creatures that evolve to be unafraid of human beings' ultimate weapons, the world may be in chaos again.

But before that, there must be a truly brilliant era. All intelligent creatures can think that there is me among you and you among me, which means that all creatures can compete on the same stage.

In the future, in a tavern, the guests at this table may be humans, the guests at that table may be monsters, and the guests at another table may be sea people. This is just a scene in ordinary life.

As for the most important supernatural power of this era, in the future when all races of beings gather together, the competition will definitely become more intense. It is said that there is no first in civility and no second in military. If all races compete, they will surely collide with each other and create more brilliant things on the road of evolution. of sparks.

These are all conceivable things that will happen in the future.

In the future, fighting due to racial antagonism will decrease endlessly, but competition between individuals will become more intense.

Therefore, this era of gods and demons is a time of great struggle. Whoever can remain undefeated will stand on the top of the planet in the future, overlooking all living beings, and become the true king.

The truly brilliant era is coming, and all kinds of supernatural powers and magical powers will bloom in their brilliant colors one by one in this era.

What sparks will come out of the collision between humans, monsters, sea people, and the three peerless masters is something that all living beings are very concerned about.

In this era, one can transcend the mundane world and evolve oneself. It is also very possible to become an immortal or a saint in the future.

A mysterious and splendid world has arrived. Looking into the future, gods and demons are flying across the sky, and immortals and Buddhas are walking side by side. It is no longer a fantasy or a myth, but a reality that can be expected.

However, in such a big world, the most miserable people are ordinary people. They can only watch others being brilliant and brilliant, but they can only live a simple life.

So today, when everyone celebrates the victory of humans over demons, although some ordinary people are also very happy, they are also endlessly disappointed.

If human beings may be eliminated by this era, then as ordinary people, they are the first group to be eliminated.

And unfortunately, to this day, although many strange people and even extraordinary beings have appeared among humans, the proportion of ordinary people still exceeds 95%.

Therefore, more people are disappointed with the coming brilliant world.

"We are people abandoned by heaven and earth, forgotten by the times. No matter how bright the future is, we have no chance of it!" Someone was thinking to himself, with a lonely look on his face.

"The age of gods and demons. It's a pity that we can no longer see the grand scene of gods and demons flying across the sky, and immortals and Buddhas coexisting side by side!" Some people looked up to the sky and sighed, with sadness in their eyes.

Ordinary people, in this era, are destined to be just embellishments.

But as a human being, who happens to be caught up in an era of great changes that have not been seen in millions of years? Who would be willing to do so? Who will

Humanity has taken out strategic-level ultimate weapons, and the effect has been immediate. Although it cannot completely eliminate the scourge of demons, many demons are no longer so arrogant and have restrained themselves a lot.

Even Cain, the vampire who brought trouble to Baizhou, said that he was not afraid of mankind's ultimate weapon, but when he said this, he sounded a bit lustful and jealous.

Now everyone understands that humans cannot be made anxious, otherwise humans will really work hard, and no living beings will have good fruits to eat.

Many people speculate that the world may usher in a relatively peaceful transition period, which is what all humans hope for.

All over the world, various online news and newspaper headlines are discussing this matter. Various news and speculations about the world situation after the explosion of the ultimate weapon are overwhelming.

After the four major civilization centers of mankind used the ultimate weapon to wipe out the disasters of the snake demon, crocodile demon and black continent zombie demon in one fell swoop, they once again spoke, saying that all creatures on earth can coexist peacefully and do not need to Life and death are relative.

Moreover, humans have made a plan, that is, whether they are sea tribes, humans, or other creatures on the earth, they can have me among you, and you among me, respect each other, promote each other, and strive to survive in this era of gods and demons. can go further.

And after such a speech, there are some other details as supplements, such as the place now occupied by various demon kings. Human beings recognize it as their territory, but they are not allowed to continue to plunder and kill humans.

Even the four major civilization centers of mankind have extended an olive branch, that is, they welcome beings of other races who have opened their spiritual intelligence to join the human kingdom, and the treatment will be very generous.

On the earth, many creatures who have opened up their spiritual intelligence certainly know that humans are playing a stick, and then they buy the hearts of monsters with candies in hand.

However, I know that this time there are few powerful creatures jumping out to resist.

In fact, after the change in the world, as all spirits evolved, many creatures opened their spiritual wisdom and gained strength. Under such circumstances, they naturally wanted to strive for a more favorable living environment.

Many of the killings between various tribes are caused by territorial disputes. In addition, they are also caused by misunderstandings between each other.

Now it is human beings who take the lead and suggest that all races coexist peacefully and respect each other. You are among me and I am among you. This is actually good news for all creatures who have opened up their spiritual intelligence, because it also means that they do not need to Through bloodshed and fighting, one can enter the human kingdom and survive in a relatively safe environment.

No one who has developed spiritual intelligence wants to tense up all day long and be wary of others. In fact, most of the creatures that have evolved spiritual intelligence hope to have a peaceful and stable environment so that they can meditate and improve their realm. Only then can they be here The age of gods and demons goes even further.

So at this time, after humans took the lead in proposing this idea, many demon kings expressed their approval.

They also want to live a more stable life without having to fight to death with humans every day and have bloody conflicts.

At this time, after the humans showed off their muscles, all the creatures listened to their calm suggestions.

In fact, several extraordinary powerhouses from the Sea Clan surfaced again. They no longer mentioned the Endless Sea Clan's landing operations, but announced that they recognized the identity of the masters of the human land and wanted to share the management of the planet with humans.

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At this time, after seeing the power of human technological weapons, the extraordinary powerhouses of the Sea Clan were no longer so arrogant. Instead, they corrected their mentality and began to truly negotiate with humans.

Human beings naturally accept this. Everyone will treat a behemoth like the Sea Clan with a solemn attitude. Now the Sea Clan sincerely wants to negotiate. This is the best result.

Next, human beings officially invited the strong men of the Sea Clan to come to land as guests, to which the Sea Clan readily agreed.

Everyone understands that this is a face-to-face negotiation between the two sides. The two largest forces, sea and land, are going to start discussing some rules about this planet.

In fact, in this new era, there is a rule among all spirits, which is very important and beneficial to all beings who have opened up their spiritual wisdom.

As the saying goes, there is no circle without rules. Only when there is order in the world can chaos end. Normally, it takes a long time and many bloody battles to go from disorder to order.

However, human beings relied on their powerful foundation and means to catalyze this process, bringing the entire world into a relatively peaceful period in a short period of time.

However, no one knows how long this peaceful period can last. As long as there are creatures that evolve to be unafraid of human beings' ultimate weapons, the world may be in chaos again.

But before that, there must be a truly brilliant era. All intelligent creatures can think that there is me among you and you among me, which means that all creatures can compete on the same stage.

In the future, in a tavern, the guests at this table may be humans, the guests at that table may be monsters, and the guests at another table may be sea people. This is just a scene in ordinary life.

As for the most important supernatural power of this era, in the future when all races of beings gather together, the competition will definitely become more intense. It is said that there is no first in civility and no second in military. If all races compete, they will surely collide with each other and create more brilliant things on the road of evolution. of sparks.

In the future, fighting due to racial antagonism will decrease endlessly, but competition between individuals will become more intense.

Therefore, this era of gods and demons is a time of great struggle. Whoever can remain undefeated will stand on the top of the planet in the future, overlooking all living beings, and become the true king.

The truly brilliant era is coming, and all kinds of supernatural powers and magical powers will bloom in their brilliant colors one by one in this era.

What sparks will come out of the collision between humans, monsters, sea people, and the three peerless masters is something that all living beings are very concerned about.

In this era, one can transcend the mundane world and evolve oneself. It is also very possible to become an immortal or a saint in the future.

A mysterious and splendid world has arrived. Looking into the future, gods and demons are flying across the sky, and immortals and Buddhas are walking side by side. It is no longer a fantasy or a myth, but a reality that can be expected.

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