The first taboo in the world

Chapter 296 Return to Qinling

Xu Zifan took four mutant scorpions with him. After walking out of Qingshi County and arriving at a large mountainous area with lush vegetation, he took the four mutant scorpions directly to the world of Swordsman.

He first settled the four mutant scorpions in a valley among the Hundred Thousand Mountains in the Southern Wilderness. There was no one there all year round, so there was no need to worry about them hurting anyone.

Later, Xu Zifan used his spiritual consciousness to check the Xiaoao Jianghu world in his Zifu Consciousness Sea. He wanted to verify that he had traveled to the Xiaoao Jianghu world and whether the Xiaoao Jianghu world was still within his Zifu Consciousness Sea.

At this moment, Xu Zifan used his spiritual consciousness to look at the Sea of ​​Purple Mansion's Consciousness between his eyebrows. He saw only the sparkling sea of ​​divine consciousness, shining with the brilliance of divinity. These were the spiritual energy or the spiritual energy within his Sea of ​​Purple Mansion Consciousness. It is soul matter.

At this time, there were two artifacts floating above the sea of ​​his consciousness. One artifact was three inches high, crystal clear, and had a blue tower-shaped strange fruit that exuded immeasurable majestic power. The other was A world where the sky is round and the earth is round.

"what's the situation?"

He is now in the world of Swordsman Jianghu, but there is another world of Swordsman Jianghu within the sea of ​​consciousness in his Purple Mansion?

This matter is simply unbelievable and should not be the case at all.

"Huh? No?"

At this moment, Xu Zifan discovered some abnormalities again. He saw that the world of Swordsman Jianghu in his Purple Mansion Sea of ​​​​Consciousness was a little different from before. It looked a bit illusory, like a hazy light and shadow.

At this time, Xu Zifan used his spiritual consciousness to examine carefully, and then used his spiritual consciousness to try to drive and "touch" the world of Xiaoao Jianghu in his purple mansion's sea of ​​consciousness.

A strange thing happened. This time, his consciousness penetrated directly through the world of Swordsman Jianghu in his Purple Mansion Sea of ​​​​Consciousness, as if it did not exist at all.

"It is indeed illusory!"

Xu Zifan said to himself that at this time, the world of Swordsman in his Purple Mansion's sea of ​​consciousness was just a photo. The real world of Swordsman did not know where he had gone. However, he was currently in the real world of Swordsman. .

Next, Xu Zifan continued to experiment, trying to figure out the secret behind this strange thing.

At this time, Xu Zifan used his spiritual consciousness to observe the world of Xiaoao Jianghu in his Purple Mansion Sea of ​​​​Consciousness, and then his body directly shuttled back to the real world.

During this process, Xu Zifan concentrated on observing.

The shuttle process was very fast, and I thought in my mind that Xu Zifan's body had disappeared from the world of Xiaoao Jianghu, and appeared in the real world where he left.

At this time, Xu Zifan just felt that in an instant, the Xiaoao Jianghu world in his Purple Mansion Sea of ​​​​Consciousness had solidified, and the real world breath filled the air.

Because this process was too fast, Xu Zifan didn't even see it clearly. He just felt that in an instant, the world of Xiaoao Jianghu in his purple mansion's sea of ​​consciousness had solidified and was no longer an illusory light and shadow.

At this moment, Xu Zifan once again spread his spiritual consciousness to "touch" the world of Swordsman.

The feeling like an earthworm shaking a tree came again? He couldn't drive it away at all. At this time, Xu Zifan understood that at this moment, the world of Xiaoao Jianghu in his purple mansion's sea of ​​consciousness was real.

Next, Xu Zifan continuously shuttled back and forth between the earth world and the world of Swordsman in order to observe the process of the world of Swordsman changing from reality to reality, and then from reality to reality.

A quarter of an hour later, Xu Zifan stopped, with a look of helplessness on his face? He simply couldn't understand how the world of Swordsman Jianghu in his Purple Mansion sea of ​​consciousness transformed between reality and reality.

When he traveled from the earth world to the world of Xiaoao Jianghu, the world of Xiaoao Jianghu within the Purple Palace Consciousness Sea between his eyebrows instantly disappeared, leaving only a ball of light and shadow remaining in his Purple Palace Consciousness Sea.

When he shuttled back to the earth from the world of Swordsman, the world of Swordsman within his Purple Mansion Sea of ​​Consciousness solidified in an instant, turning into a small but real world.

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This transformation process was too fast. Xu Zifan couldn't see clearly. He had already transformed.

So it’s time to stop testing here? It’s useless to continue?

Xu Zifan understood that his spiritual consciousness could not clearly see the transformation process of the virtual and real world of Xiaoao Jianghu within his Purple Mansion Consciousness Sea. This only meant that his spiritual consciousness was too weak and could not capture the trajectory of the disappearance and emergence of the world of Xiaoao Jianghu.

However, although the experiment could only go so far, Xu Zifan did not gain anything. At least he understood that he really owned a world, and this world was in his Zifu Consciousness Sea.

The world of Swordsman Jianghu is very important to him. If this world supports his cultivation, he will definitely have an easier time than others on the road to seeking the truth.

After the test was stopped, Xu Zifan continued towards the Qinling Mountains. In just half a day, Xu Zifan had already returned to the Qinling Mountains.

When he comes back this time, he will seriously manage Qinling. In the future, Qinling will be his home in this world, and he must pay more attention to it.

At this moment, Xu Zifan returned to the Qinling Mountains. He first came to the Snake Mountains, which was the territory of the Red Demon King.

The many mutated snakes under the Red Devil Demon King naturally knew Xu Zifan, the great king.

"Great King!"

This is a snake king as thick as a bucket. It has half-transformed and is almost on the verge of being promoted to the realm of a king. At this moment, it raises its head and salutes Xu Zifan.

Regarding this snake king, Xu Zifan knew that it was the strongest snake king among the Red Devil Demon King's subordinates and helped the Red Devil Demon King deal with some daily matters.

"Where's the Red Devil?"

Xu Zifan nodded slightly and asked.

"Lord Red Devil is patrolling the back mountain at this time!" Snake King responded with human words.

When Xu Zifan heard this, he immediately understood that the so-called back mountain was where the snake mushrooms were located. At this moment, the Red Devil Demon King must be inspecting the snake mushrooms in the dense forest of the back mountain.

"Have any major events happened on the Qinling Mountains recently?" Xu Zifan asked.

"Back to the king, there has been a big event in the Qinling Mountains in recent days. In the rat hole a hundred miles away in the south, a rat spirit has been promoted to the king level." The Snake King was very respectful to Xu Zifan and responded.

"Oh? Have you come here to report?"

Xu Zifan was surprised. He had only left Qinling Mountains for a few days, and there were demons here who were promoted to the king level. As expected, there were more mutated individuals among the aliens, so there were more creatures that became demon bodies. This also contributed to the success of the project. The number of creatures who become demon kings is relatively large.

"The Gopher King came here to register on the day he was promoted to king level. He is just waiting for you, the great king, to come back and give him the title." The Snake King raised his head high and responded again.

When Xu Zifan heard this, he nodded slightly, indicating that he already knew.

Some time ago, before he left Qinling, he probably made some arrangements for the management of the entire Qinling. Snake Ridge was temporarily used as his administrative area in Qinling, taking charge of the entire Qinling.

Moreover, he also asked the major demon kings to issue an order that all alien demons above the Qinling Mountains must be registered. Especially those who achieve the position of demon king must come in person to accept the canon. That's why the snake king just said The Gopher King came here to report.

"Give me the command to summon the Toad Demon King, the Golden Fox King, the Bear Demon King, the Red Flower Ghost Mother, the Golden Monkey King Xu Changsheng, the Disaster Star Demon King, the Big Gray Wolf, the Red Demon King, and the Gopher King to come here in three days to hold the Qinling Conference. !" Xu Zifan opened his mouth and told the Snake King in front of him to make arrangements.

"Respect the King's decree!" The Snake King respectfully accepted the order.

After Xu Zifan passed the password, he left Sheling. He was going to walk in the vast Qinling Mountains to find a place suitable for him to open his own mansion.

After the change in the world, the entire Qinling Mountains changed its landscape during the earthquake, which was very different from before. Therefore, Xu Zifan could not find it through the map of the place before the change in the world, but needed to go there himself.

Moreover, only he knows what he needs to do in the future, or he can open up a mansion according to local conditions and establish a center of power for the place he needs to find, so it is not appropriate to ask the demons to help. After all, he can still find it himself.

The entire Qinling Mountains is vast and vast, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands square kilometers, less than half the size of Xishan Province.

At this time, Xu Zifan's black clothes were fluttering and he was walking at extremely fast speeds throughout the mountains and valleys within the Qinling Mountains. He was constantly observing the surrounding mountains and rivers.

In this way, Xu Zifan walked and walked for two consecutive days, and finally traveled through the entire Qinling Mountains. At this time, the terrain of the entire Qinling Mountains was imprinted in Xu Zifan's mind.

Regarding the location of the mansion, there are three areas as Xu Zifan's alternatives.

One of them is the area near Feilai Peak where he killed the Feipeng Demon King. Feilai Peak stands alone with its head raised to the sky. The surrounding area is flat and vast, making it a good choice for building a mansion.

The other place is a mountain valley surrounded by mountains. The area in the valley is not small, covering tens of thousands of acres. The vegetation in it is clear and green, making it a holy place for cultivation. In addition, there is a clear stream winding from the mouth of the valley. Gurgling by.

The last place is an island in a lake. The lake is not big, but not small either. It is about the size of Qingshi County. There are islands in it, which are tens of thousands of acres in size. Xu Zifan personally went to the island to check and found out that there was a slight increase in the size of the island. After sorting it out, it can be used as a sect’s residence.

Xu Zifan thought for a moment about where to build a mansion in these three areas and stopped thinking about it.

Only children make choices, and of course he takes them all.

The first place, Feilai Peak, can be used as a place for his daily practice and retreat.

Xu Zifan plans to open up the second mountain valley as the future administrative center of Qinling Mountains.

As for the last island in the lake, Xu Zifan plans to use it as the first home in the earth world for people transferred from the world of Xiaoao Jianghu.

After initially formulating these plans, Xu Zifan returned to Sheling again. Because the people from Xiaoao Jianghu World were about to come here, Xu Zifan needed to make some arrangements in advance to prevent his own people from beating his own people.

Above the Qinling Mountains, the territory is vast, with numerous mountains and countless rivers. Although countless demons live here, the strong ones who have reached the realm of demon kings have withered too many. In addition, the Shenliu King is still in seclusion. At this time, Xu Zifan's subordinates There are only ten demon kings.

There are only ten demon kings in such a vast area. Judging from the density of demon kings in other places on the earth, demon kings can be said to be very rare in the Qinling Mountains at this time.

Under normal circumstances, such a vast area cannot be defended by just ten demon kings.

However, Xu Zifan had previously ordered that the death of the Great Evil King and other demon kings should be kept secret, so the outside world did not know the situation of Qinling at this time, and did not know that Qinling was already very empty, otherwise there would definitely be monsters coming to attack. Mountain.

In the past few days, Xu Zifan summoned the nine demon kings and discussed the defense of Qinling with them.

He has regarded the Qinling Mountains as his own territory, so he naturally wants to protect all parts of the Qinling Mountains so that his subordinates living in the Qinling Mountains will have no worries.

Otherwise, any expert from the outside world can come here and penetrate deep into the Qinling Mountains, causing great losses. It will be too late to regret it!

Today is the time for Xu Zifan to hold the Qinling Conference. The nine demon kings arrived at the temporary service center Sheling very early.

Among them, Xu Changsheng, the golden monkey king, was very happy and a little resentful when he saw Xu Zifan.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Xu Zifan took four mutant scorpions with him. After walking out of Qingshi County and arriving at a large mountainous area with lush vegetation, he took the four mutant scorpions directly to the world of Swordsman.

He first settled the four mutant scorpions in a valley among the Hundred Thousand Mountains in the Southern Wilderness. There was no one there all year round, so there was no need to worry about them hurting anyone.

Later, Xu Zifan used his spiritual consciousness to check the Xiaoao Jianghu world in his Zifu Consciousness Sea. He wanted to verify that he had traveled to the Xiaoao Jianghu world and whether the Xiaoao Jianghu world was still within his Zifu Consciousness Sea.

At this moment, Xu Zifan used his spiritual consciousness to look at the Sea of ​​Purple Mansion's Consciousness between his eyebrows. He saw only the sparkling sea of ​​divine consciousness, shining with the brilliance of divinity. These were the spiritual energy or the spiritual energy within his Sea of ​​Purple Mansion Consciousness. It is soul matter.

At this time, there were two artifacts floating above the sea of ​​his consciousness. One artifact was three inches high, crystal clear, and had a blue tower-shaped strange fruit that exuded immeasurable majestic power. The other was A world where the sky is round and the earth is round.

"what's the situation?"

He is now in the world of Swordsman Jianghu, but there is another world of Swordsman Jianghu within the sea of ​​consciousness in his Purple Mansion?

This matter is simply unbelievable and should not be the case at all. He is now in the world of Swordsman Jianghu, but there is another world of Swordsman Jianghu within the sea of ​​consciousness in his Purple Mansion?

"Huh? No?"

At this moment, Xu Zifan discovered some abnormalities again. He saw that the world of Swordsman Jianghu in his Purple Mansion Sea of ​​​​Consciousness was a little different from before. It looked a bit illusory, like a hazy light and shadow.

At this time, Xu Zifan used his spiritual consciousness to examine carefully, and then used his spiritual consciousness to try to drive and "touch" the world of Xiaoaojianghu in his Zifu sea of ​​consciousness.

He is now in the world of Swordsman Jianghu, but there is another world of Swordsman Jianghu within the sea of ​​consciousness in his Purple Mansion?

At this moment, Xu Zifan used his spiritual consciousness to look at the Sea of ​​Purple Mansion's Consciousness between his eyebrows. He saw only the sparkling sea of ​​divine consciousness, shining with the brilliance of divinity. These were the spiritual energy or the spiritual energy within his Sea of ​​Purple Mansion Consciousness. It is soul matter.

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