Chapter 427

Xu Zifan sat cross-legged in the cave, protected by divine light all over his body, like an immortal god, exuding an obscure and profound aura that shocked people's hearts.

At this time, he has entered the extraordinary realm in all three paths of body refining, cultivation, and god refining. This kind of achievement is extremely extraordinary and rare.

If an ordinary person enters the extraordinary realm on any of these three roads, he or she will have entered the threshold of Tao, transcended the ordinary world, and entered another stage of life.

Now that Xu Zifan has advanced in three directions, all of them have entered the transcendent realm, which is even more extraordinary. This kind of achievement is considered rare among the heavens and the world, and among the aboriginal people of the earth world, it is no surprise that he is definitely qualified to compete for one. Fight for the first position in combat power.

The three paths advanced together and all reached the extraordinary state. This kind of achievement is not that one plus one equals two, but that one plus one is far greater than two, so Xu Zifan's combat power at this moment is absolutely terrifying.

At this moment, Xu Zifan realized his condition carefully and felt that his mind was clear, his magic power was abundant, his body was strong, and his condition was at its peak.

"If I fight Master Pu De again now, I will win!"

The clear light surged between Xu Zifan's brows and condensed into a small lake. It seemed that there was a small figure surrounded by clear light floating in the lake, which was extremely mysterious.

The breakthrough of spiritual power to the realm of Yuanshen is a new beginning. Xu Zifan only needs to calm down and comprehend the various magical things about Yuanshen, and he will naturally be able to understand them.

However, Xu Zifan's method of cultivating spiritual power comes from the Dao Weapon Sutra, and now that he has condensed the Yuan Shen, it means that he can start refining Dao Weapons. Therefore, in the Dao Weapon Sutra, there is no one dedicated to the Yuan Shen. There is no spiritual power cultivation method, nor any spiritual power martial arts.

Although you have reached the realm of Yuanshen, you can still practice the previous divine refining techniques. However, at this level, the relative effect of using divine refining techniques to cultivate spiritual power is very small. If you want to make greater progress, you need to persevere for many years. Accumulation, and if you want to make rapid progress in a short period of time, unless you practice a method suitable for the cultivation of the soul, you may be able to achieve good results.

To put it simply, the level of divine refining is too low. Although continuing to practice is still somewhat effective, it cannot meet the needs of the current state.

Thinking of this, Xu Zifan frowned slightly. He had just solved the problem of the lack of true energy cultivation techniques, and now he was faced with the lack of mental power techniques, which made him extremely helpless.

Moreover, looking at the world of Zhu Xian, there are only cultivation techniques, but no spiritual cultivation methods. There is no hope of finding a suitable soul cultivation method in this world.

Therefore, the cultivation of Yuan Shen has almost reached its peak in the Zhuxian world. Perhaps swallowing a few more magical medicines that are beneficial to spiritual power will be the final contribution of this world to his Yuan Shen cultivation.

"Well, there is also a method of tempering that may further strengthen the soul!"

At this moment, Xu Zifan suddenly thought of this spiritual refining technique, and could not help frowning, his eyes full of fear.

Strictly speaking, the Thousands of Hammers and Hundreds of Refinements method is not a mental power technique, but a method that specializes in refining mental power. This method is extremely cruel, and every time it is a test of life and death. Now Xu Zifan feels the pain he has to endure when he thinks of practicing this method. My mind could not help but tremble, and I was extremely frightened.

However, Xu Zifan's heart was as firm as iron, and his complexion quickly returned to normal, even with a look of determination.

The road is long, and it is not a smooth road. To practice Taoism is to go against the will, endure some pain and ups and downs, and seek the inevitable scenery on the road.

Although the method of repeated tempering has a narrow escape from death, it also has a considerable effect on improving a person's spiritual power.

However, now that Xu Zifan has just made a breakthrough in mental power, he needs to stabilize it a little more, and it is not good to use the method of repeated tempering.

After a period of time, the realm of Yuanshen has completely stabilized, and he does not mind starting to practice again. By then, his Yuanshen will definitely undergo transformation.

At this time, what will he do next?

Refining Taoist tools?

This should be put on the agenda, but now this place is not conducive to refining Taoist weapons. Xu Zifan has some ideas in his mind about the place where Taoist tools are refined, but he is not going to refine them now.

Taoist tools are very important and involve a person's Tao, so Xu Zifan doesn't want to act hastily. He wants to make more preparations to ensure nothing goes wrong.

All the herbs are absorbed and the improvement is huge!

But now there are only various magical powers left that can greatly increase his strength again.

This world's Taoism is mysterious and has countless supernatural powers. Compared with martial arts, it is not weaker at all, or even stronger.

Therefore, Xu Zifan will never ignore these methods of defending against enemies, and even study them deeply, turning them into what he has truly learned, and using them to defeat the enemy.

However, before delving into various magical powers, Xu Zifan first began to practice Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao.

As the general outline of Taoism and the source of all Taoist methods, Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao is as famous as the true method of Brahma Prajna. Xu Zifan attaches great importance to it, and through the original plot, he knows that this true method is the same as the true method of Brahma Prajna. One method is to use the great power of heaven and earth for my use, and the other is to focus on seeking the path and detachment of the human body and the universe. They are very complementary. Only by practicing them now will my strength improve at the fastest speed.

At the moment, Xu Zifan calmed down his mind, carefully studied the true method of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Tao in his mind, and then introduced the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into his body.

However, the initial practice of the Brahma Prajna Dharma, which he majored in, focused on closing all connections between the human body and the outside world and realizing oneself, while the Tai Chi Xuan Qing Tao method focused on attracting the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into the body, comprehending the breath of heaven and earth, integrating the body with nature, and realizing enlightenment. Creation is mysterious.

The two methods of practice are fundamentally different. This difference did not make Xu Zifan as confused as Zhang Xiaofan when he first started practicing in the original plot. Instead, Xu Zifan's eyes lit up and he saw the most essential connotation.

In this world, Buddhism and Taoism focus on two directions, which can be regarded as two paths in the civilization of cultivation.

Now Xu Zifan learns from each other, and naturally has a deeper understanding of cultivation.

One day passed in a hurry, and Xu Zifan reached the third level in Tai Chi Xuan Qing Tao practice.

In the past, he practiced martial arts, whether it was Zixia Sutra, Tai Chi magic, or others, all of which introduced spiritual energy into the body, which was very similar to the initial stage of Tai Chi Xuanqing Dao. So now he is familiar with the road, and in one day, It has reached the third level.

If this speed of cultivation spreads, it will definitely shock the world. It is the fastest record in history.

Next, Xu Zifan continued to practice without being arrogant or impetuous. In his opinion, he was able to reach the third level of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao in one day. This was all because of his deep accumulation in the past. There was nothing to be excited about at all.

The fourth level of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao Jade Clear Realm is to drive away objects. At this level, Xu Zifan practiced faster and achieved it in just a moment.

This is because he already knows the art of expelling objects, and the art of expelling objects in Taiji Xuanqing Dao is not even a little bit worse than the art of expelling objects in his Dao Weapon Sutra, so he just moves the true energy in his body at will. One layer is done.

Afterwards, Xu Zifan spent another day practicing Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, and Xu Zifan reached the sixth level of Yu Qing Realm.

After another three days, Xu Zifan reached the eighth level of Yuqing Realm.

At this level, Xu Zifan showed a look of surprise on his face.

He discovered that the seventh and eighth levels of the Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao Yu Qing Realm, if calculated in terms of true energy, were comparable to the Martial Arts Innate Dao Realm, which is now the realm of kings on earth.

Next, Xu Zifan continued to practice, and after another ten days, he reached the ninth level of Yuqing Realm.

At this level, the profound meanings expounded by Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao are so profound that Xu Zifan has seen them for the first time. And it is at this level that although his practice speed is still very fast, it is slower than before. Come down.

And after another month, Xu Zifan finally broke through the Shangqing Realm and reached the first level of the Shangqing Realm.

Nowadays, the speed of his practice has become slower and slower. To practice Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao requires understanding the nature of heaven and earth, which cannot be achieved overnight, and it cannot be as fast as his practice of the true method of Brahma Prajna.

The main reason why he practiced the true Dharma of Brahma Prajna so quickly was that he possessed the Silver Wall True Body. His practice of the True Dharma of Brahma Prajna, which focused on the development of the physical body, naturally made rapid progress.

At this moment, Xu Zifan has practiced Tai Chi Xuanqing Dao to reach the first level of the Shangqing Realm, but Xu Zifan has a feeling that it will take at least three months to reach the second level of the Shangqing Realm.

This kind of speed is naturally extremely fast in this world. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the first in history. If the rumor gets out, everyone will be shocked.

However, Xu Zifan felt that the time was too long and it was impossible for him to spend such a long time on this technique.

Nowadays, he only pursues to reach the strongest state in the shortest time. How can he have time to slowly understand the world and understand the wonders of nature.

However, the true meaning contained in the true method of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao is a promising road, and he must cultivate it to the strongest state when he has time in the future.

Therefore, after practicing Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao to the first level of Shang Qing Realm, Xu Zifan stopped, and then directly began to comprehend various magical powers.

Most of these magical powers came from the Sutra Collection Pavilion of Tianyin Temple, and the rest were left by Cangsong Taoist.

There are hundreds of these magical powers, and it is impossible for Xu Zifan to practice them all one by one. He does not have the time, so he directly selected some magical powers that he thought were useful based on his current situation.

"Foto Palm!"

"Lion roars!"

"Sacred Scripture!"

"Magic foot power!"

"Blood Explosion Technique!"

"The True Sword Controlling Thunder Technique!"

The first five come from the Sutra Collection Pavilion of Tianyin Temple, and the latter Divine Sword and Thunder Control Technique comes from Cangsong Taoist.

The reason why he chose "Buddha's Palm", "Lion's Roar", and "Divine Sword and Thunder Control Technique" was because Xu Zifan lacked offensive magical powers, so he planned to major in these three.

"Divine Foot Power" is a magical power that increases speed. It was obtained by Tianyin Temple in a ruins in the wilderness five hundred years ago. Practicing it can develop the human body's potential and increase walking speed.

In an era when most cultivators were cultivating treasures, this magical power was obviously not keeping up with the times. Therefore, even in the Sutra Pavilion of Tianyin Temple, it had been gathering dust for hundreds of years, and no one was willing to waste time practicing it. This kind of useless magical power.

However, the technique that is useless to others, in Xu Zifan's opinion, is the most suitable for him.

He has cultivated the Silver Wall True Body, and his physical body can communicate with the gods, and he has the ability to fly to the sky. If he practices this divine foot power again, his physical body will definitely fly faster. By then, whether he is chasing or escaping, he will have more hope.

As for the "Blood Explosion Technique!", it is a magic method collected by Tianyin Temple. It is a secret method that burns the blood in the body and increases combat power and speed in a short period of time.

In this world, people fight with each other, mostly by sacrificing magic weapons and attacking each other. The combat power increased by this blood explosion technique is basically in the physical body, so in the fights in this world, almost no one uses this technique. .

However, this method is mostly used for escape. Before a life-or-death crisis, it burns Qi and blood, increases speed in a short period of time, and escapes from dangerous situations.

This technique is rarely used in this world, but Xu Zifan immediately chose it when he first saw its introduction, because this technique matched him very well.

Even when he returns to Earth in the future to fight the demon blocking his way, this technique can be used as his trump card.

As for "Devoting the Demonic Sutra!"

The reason why Xu Zifan chose it was different from the others. It was an auxiliary method, an auxiliary method that he was interested in.

This scripture, recorded on the gray animal skin, looks very old, with the breath of time passing through it.

It is said that this method was a magical method created by the founder of Tianyin Temple for thirty years after he looked at the jade wall without characters.

Its function and effect are just as its name suggests, it is to ward off demons!

Buddhism has the belief to save all sentient beings!

The Demon-Destroying Sutra serves this belief. If you practice it, you can save the demons in the world and take refuge in our Buddha.

This magical power is not an offensive and defensive technique, and has no offensive and defensive effect, but it can fundamentally change a person's consciousness in a mysterious way and convert him to Buddhism.

For thousands of years, no one in Tianyin Temple except its founder has been able to understand this kind of magical power again, so it has always been shelved, and until today, no one cares about it.

The reason why Xu Zifan chose this Demon-Saving Sutra is that he was a little curious and a little wary about Buddhism's ability to save all sentient beings, so he wanted to use this Demon-Saving Sutra to see how extraordinary Buddhism's power of salvation is.

Even if he can practice it, can he use it to transform living beings?

Although this method is a Buddhist method, in Xu Zifan's opinion, in terms of its ability to fundamentally affect a person's mind, it is more like a magic technique, which is too weird!

So based on various circumstances, Xu Zifan chose this method.

Next, Xu Zifan sat cross-legged in the cave and began to study the magical powers he selected one by one.

Three days later, Xu Zifan came out of the cave. The sound of Zen filled the air when he raised his palms, and golden light shone, illuminating the entire mountain forest. At the same time, a golden figure appeared behind him, and it looked like he was himself. .

Then, Xu Zifan blasted out with a palm, and the earth shook!

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