The first taboo in the world

Chapter 449: The Beast God is Executed

Chapter 451 The beast god is killed

On the brazier, amid the blazing flames, the beast god looked extremely ferocious, ready to fight to the death.

Even if all his cards are revealed, he can't help Xu Zifan, but he is still fearless. Death may be a better outcome for him.

The sounds of mantras in the heaven and earth are like vague ancient war songs, full of determination.

At this moment, the beast god exerted all his witchcraft power, and strange power circulated around the world, driving the Eight Evil Mysterious Fire Array with all its strength.

As long as he summons the Eight Wasteland Fire Dragons, he has hope of victory. This is his only chance of survival today.

The black mist surged out, and the beast god's body was filled with so much witchcraft that the whole world was instantly darkened.

After just fighting with Xu Zifan, his witchcraft power was greatly consumed. Now that he was casting spells with all his strength, his face became even paler, without a trace of blood.

A hundred meters away, Xu Zifan saw this and immediately knew that the beast god was ready to fight to the death. It was like a trapped beast in a cage, and it was either alive or dead.

How could Xu Zifan flinch when the battle reaches this point? When it comes to witchcraft and spells, he is no weaker than anyone else.

The next moment, Xu Zifan roared loudly, and dense witch seals appeared all over his body, flashing with strange light, and black mist spread out from his body.

The reversal spell of the Eight Ominous Mysterious Fire Array is like the ancient and ethereal sound of the sacrifices of the ancestors, circulating in the heaven and earth, and the strange power is overwhelming, reversing the array, and imprisoning the evil god.

At this moment, the battle between the two turned into the purest competition of witchcraft. The surrounding world was dark and then bright, and the strange atmosphere was like the turbulent sea. Each wave became stronger than the last wave, and the sound of ghosts crying, gods howling and beasts roaring filled the place. Above the sky, the wind and clouds are changing. Sometimes there are dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and heavy rain. Sometimes the clouds disappear and the rain falls, the color is clear, and the blue sky is like washing.

Both of them were at the pinnacle of Taoism and Dharma in the world. At this time, their witchcraft was fully unleashed. Just the movement of their breath caused the celestial phenomena within a hundred miles around them to change and various visions to appear.

On the ancient brazier, blazing flames burned. As the two men competed in witchcraft, the statues of the Eight Wilderness Fierce Gods sometimes rotated and sometimes stopped. The patterns of the ferocious gods became dark and bright, flickering constantly, and the sound of dragon roars also came from time to time. It is as low as silk, almost inaudible, and sometimes it is so high that it shakes the sky.

However, as time goes by, the statue of the Eight Fierce Fierce Gods becomes darker and darker, its rotation becomes slower and slower, and the roar of the dragon gradually becomes deeper. The Eight Fierce Mysterious Fire Arrays show signs of stopping.

However, the beast god's witchcraft power was consumed too much and he couldn't hold on anymore.

In fact, if we talk about witchcraft cultivation alone, the Beast God is not weaker than Xu Zifan. However, due to the previous battle between the two, the Beast God's witchcraft power was consumed a lot, and Xu Zifan mainly relied on the Silver Wall True Body and Qi refining cultivation in the previous battle. The witchcraft power was almost exhausted, so Xu Zifan gradually gained the upper hand at this time, forcibly reversing the fire formation and preventing the fire dragon from being born.

During this process, the beast god kept screaming, his eyes crazy and determined. Defeat and death might be the best destination for him.

But the witch seals all over Xu Zifan's body were floating and flickering, the light was dim, and the witch power was surging. The extremely pure and strange power was like the water of a river, flowing endlessly. In this pure competition of witch power, he had the upper hand, suppressing it step by step. Even if the beast god is reluctant to fight against his opponent, he will still fight to trap the beast, but it will be of no avail.

There is darkness between heaven and earth, heavy black clouds cover the sky, thunder and lightning, and evil winds are raging, creating a scene of doomsday.

Thousands of meters away, Heimu and Heihu were stunned. Of course they could see that Xu Zifan had the upper hand at this moment, and the beast god was doomed today.

This result can be said to be both unexpected and reasonable.

For a moment, both Heimu and Heihu felt relaxed, but then they also felt empty. Thousands of years of persistence, thousands of years of perseverance, finally had a result today. Neither of them lost, but they didn't win either. Who wins.

"Although the empress has blessed the people and participated in creation, she is not omnipotent. At least if the gods come to this world, this unparalleled catastrophe will end without the birth of the fire dragon."

Black Tiger said to himself, his eyes empty, looking in a certain direction, where the stone statue of the empress stood quietly, just like a thousand years ago, determined and mournful.

As for Heimu, his eyes were burning at this time, looking at Xu Zifan's back, lost in thought, and didn't know what he was thinking.

On the ancient brazier, the blazing flames gradually extinguished, and the images of the Eight Desolate Fierce Gods disappeared.

The outcome of this witchcraft competition was destined from the beginning, without any suspense.

At this point in the battle, the crazy and cruel look on the extremely pale face of the beast god faded away, revealing a hint of sadness and sadness.

Taking one step forward, they reached the side of the Linglong stone statue. Just now, the two of them were fighting with each other and deliberately controlled it. The stone statue made of Linglong was not damaged and was still intact.

The beast god stretched out his hand and caressed the beautiful face of the stone statue. His eyes were gentle, as if he was looking at the beautiful woman from across a thousand years.

"Linglong, living another life is not what I want. I just want to see you and be with you every day!"

The beast god whispered, with tears rolling down from the corners of his eyes. With a hint of sadness and a hint of relief, he stretched out his arms and hugged the woman in front of him tightly, never wanting to let go.

At the same time, his body was shattered inch by inch and turned into wisps of black smoke, dissipating from the sky and the earth.

"Linglong, I'm here..."

The last sound came out, the beast god passed away, a gust of wind came out, leaving nothing behind.

For thousands of years, the shadow that has been weighing on the heads of all ethnic groups in southern Xinjiang, the most terrifying devil in legend, has just passed away and dispersed with the wind.

The beast god has already reached the pinnacle of Taoism and can command all beasts and is invincible in the world. However, such a man has troubles in his heart. Even if he returns after a thousand years, the tenderness in his heart has not diminished at all.

Thousands of years later, Du Du came to this world. Although he had become a human being with flesh and blood, he also had tears.

The hurt in his heart was covered up by his arrogance. He could slaughter the world for Linglong, and he could also die for Linglong.

The dark clouds in the sky dissipated and the red sun was setting in the west. However, the twilight faded and the setting sun cried blood. It seemed that God was also sad for this poignant and unique love story that lasted for thousands of years.

At dusk, the battle came to an end. Xu Zifan won, but he did not feel as happy as he should have. Before his death, the beast god cried sadly and hugged the exquisite stone statue tightly. This touched him and made him sigh.

It's just that the two have different positions. The beast god wants to slaughter the world, and he can't agree.

The original Demon-Suppressing Ancient Cave no longer exists, having been destroyed by the terrifying Taoism of the two men just now. Only the exquisite stone statues still stand quietly, in the dusk, seeming to tell the story of thousands of years of love.

Xu Zifan's figure flashed and appeared next to the exquisite stone statue. Looking at the stone statue transformed by this beautiful woman, he saw a line of clear tears falling from the corners of the stone statue's eyes. Vaguely, it seemed that there was a beautiful woman in the virtual world. The shadow appeared, with a hint of sadness and sadness, and nodded slightly to Xu Zifan, then turned into a rain of light and dissipated into the heaven and earth.

Linglong passed away a thousand years ago, and there was still a trace of obsession left in this stone statue. Now that the beast god is dead, this obsession has also dissipated.

The pitiful mountain wind blew across the earth, and the exquisite stone statue gradually disintegrated in the mountain wind, turning into wisps of white powder and flying away with the wind, spreading all over the southern border, and returning to the land she once protected.

At the same time, in an inaccessible primitive mountain forest in the Central Plains, an extremely secretive ancient cave suddenly burst into light. However, a jade scroll engraved with ancient flame totems was floating in the air, flashing slowly, and shining brightly. bright.

It is the Xuanhuojian, the essence of all fires, the artifact of the ancient witch clan.

At this moment, in the middle of the Xuanhuo Mirror, the ancient flame totem shines, a fiery breath fills the air, a mysterious power is flowing, and a bit of dreamlike white mist spreads out from the Xuanhuo Mirror, gradually condensing into an extremely beautiful woman.

This woman was dressed in simple clothes, holding a staff in her hand, and had a beautiful face. She was exactly the same as the exquisite stone statue in front of the ancient cave of Zhenmo in Shiwanda Mountain.

This is the exquisite remnant soul stored in the Xuanhuo Jian. At this moment, it seems to have sensed something and automatically manifested itself. Facing the south, looking at the endless distance, a trace of confusion and a trace of lament flashed in its gentle eyes.

"Is it finally over?"

The misty voice came out, with a sense of sadness and sadness.

There was endless silence, until a moment later, tears fell from the corners of the woman's eyes, and her figure turned into dots of light and rain, and a vague voice came out.

"I have betrayed you in this life. In the next life, we will be..."

By the end of this sound, it was no longer clear. The white smoke dissipated, and the Xuan Huo Jian gradually dimmed its light, as if everything just now was a dream.

"Brother, there has been a change in the Xuanhuo Jian. Is there hope that your injury will be cured?"

Suddenly a voice full of surprise sounded in the ancient cave, and what she answered was a series of violent coughs.

Southern Xinjiang, deep in the Hundred Thousand Mountains!

The beast god was killed, and an unprecedented catastrophe was eliminated invisible by Xu Zifan. In the distance, the black wood and the black tiger had different expressions.

Seeing the exquisite stone statue disappearing into the sky and earth, Black Tiger's eyes were sad. He had no nostalgia for this world. He bowed deeply to Xu Zifan's back. The white mist-like body dispersed with the wind, but he followed the empress.

Heimu looked at the place where the black tiger disappeared, and couldn't help but froze in place, but then he looked at Xu Zifan in front of him, his eyes became more and more fanatical, and he murmured to himself: "I can't just leave, I want to follow the Witch God and revive my ancient world. The witch clan.”

The dusk is getting thicker, the mountain wind is blowing, and a bright moon rises from the top of the mountain. At this time, the mountain is extremely quiet. The usual sounds of beasts roaring and fighting have completely disappeared, and there is silence within a hundred miles. , only the mountain breeze is blowing the rustling of the mountains and forests in the distance, but it makes this place even more quiet.

Through the moonlight, you can see that the mountains and plains are not without life. On the contrary, on the earth, between the mountains, and in the depths of the jungle, there are countless creatures gathered, either ferocious beasts or strange creatures, all of whom are kneeling at this moment. On the ground, he kowtowed to the person in front of him.

This man is the well-deserved Witch God, the oldest god in southern Xinjiang in legend.

Today, in full view of the public, the beast god is killed, and all living beings who have opened their spiritual wisdom come to worship at the first opportunity. This is a sign of respect and recognition for the gods.

At this moment, Xu Zifan did not need to speak. All the creatures in the Hundred Thousand Mountains surrendered and obeyed the orders.

"Your Majesty the Witch God, please accept my worship!"

Heimu was the first to speak and knelt down on the ground. Following him, strange creatures all over the mountains and fields shouted loudly, and countless ferocious wild beasts roared to the sky and howled to the moon.

Suddenly, the mountains shook, and countless creatures knelt down and worshiped. This scene was so grand and spectacular that it shocked people's hearts.

Xu Zifan, who was at the front, raised his eyes slightly at this moment, looked around, and nodded slightly.

There are endless resources in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. These creatures regard him as the Witch God. This is a good thing. He can command all creatures to collect what he needs.

Suddenly, Xu Zifan's eyes narrowed, and a figure on a high mountain twenty miles away came into his eyes.

The figure was dressed in gray clothes, with a hunched body, hiding under a big tree under the moonlight, and was looking this way at the moment.

This is a person, a cultivator!

Appearing here at this time, deep in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, obviously has ulterior motives.

In this regard, Xu Zifan could see it clearly with a little exercise of his eyesight.

This is an old man with a pale face and a thin figure. He is dressed in a gray robe. He looks a bit sinister. He is sneaking around and looking over here.

Seeing this person's image, Xu Zifan thought for a moment and almost guessed his identity.

Shangguan Ce!

The second-ranking figure in Fenxiang Valley has a deep city, a sinister personality, and profound Taoism. Another thing is that for the sake of life, he does not need to be dignified, and he can endure humiliation and bear heavy burdens. He is a difficult person to deal with.

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